08/29/1932-CC-Minutes-SpecialCity Council -met on above date, a.11 ,resent
'Finuted ®f meeuingz read and ap prcweci Cla? rr s i ar ems®
emp.tion from the 3/ federal tax can electricity of Nave
owe, Sanger 71,I111 Elevator, X
approved, and, e raption granted upon lmotio ri
b;; IcNeill second by Giles.
Yates?/are ,iails eecannd} I rq exemption
Y\rh.t thye aa§ cip1 c<eci(y.
2. "ir Y i a 4R action in S. e 4eL i,: i n S 1E. e mp i L3 9..8. La 'o is ca , 6b a .dI e y m C o .
tinson's,Cleaning plant, S«n er Courier, and Falace I'Dr g
>'toreo i'hic, motion c< -rried.*
'hcre .ras . :_:otic n b Cile, vecc r d.e i b :ilan 'c t ill
the above named applications be granted. This ciot icon
_'_ppliaatian f %,rs irst far ee ater t bl ei
1_=etition of Chamber of Commerce for resuraption of free
duming light service tabled*
TT an raotiari b .-ilsrr secotrcied. b N_Teil1eetinr 7
a.d. ourned.
Cit;;r Ca ry.i ci1 called into special sessic tr for the per®
Ose of d.iscussli the sale of the l aos erg ;ine to
u timm Bras® 4.11 present e dcept 1t. T s Hies,
fte°r due consideration there wa_s G ration b i wcNeill.
seconded Dy ;_`i1 an that the 'a ,ar be authai i2ed to se11
t he engine for the surd of Six Hundred Dollars, f.o.b.
the l:ieht plant of the city of Sanger® This motion