1) t . 59 195
Ci t;y ounoil met on trie 'above date in regular ses .
lion, all present.
Minutes of greetings read and n.Dproved
ills aznountin to 7 &00 read and approved f 17 t
ment upon motion b7r T,TcNeill seconded by Gentle.
Whore . motion Gentle seconded bar c% eill that
the IlAet:ropolitan Casualty
Insurance Co. be re used from
further liability on the secretary's bond This motion
Th.er°e Faas Motion b d c Ieill seconded b P Giles that
the City pay 50 per week to the Saturday drawing. This
emotion carried.
motion b Gentle secon. d b ilsc n to Pad' the meets
hers of the Equalization Board 12.00 each carried®
motion b Gentle seconded b;r 0i les that
t he salary of v o no lyson, ni g!A engineer, be raised ten
dollars iDer month, to `600002 wr
a the provision that he
mom the grass around the plant This motion oarried
Th®re was , m®tion r T-Ticus seconded b % c ei11
that the City purchase materie.I fro screening the light
plant. This motion carried
otion bar Gentle seconded b;T Giles that the 0it,y ec-
r eta,r r be empowered to transfer funds from. the , rater a.nd
liht fund to the general fund as such funds are needed®
This motion carried.
7pon motion bey Gentle seconded bv Giles the meeting
.d ourned
B ®0'hambe rs, Ma.vor
i7® s tr?inick, eci eta.r r