09/26/1932-CC-Minutes-Specialjokes aom U01 now 4GOPE Wjq,dao Uoz4ow "T LIB ell SO a 'z t x z c p ,+ } C92e.c S II U1hUAINEU by the City Council of the City of ganger, Texas, that, the Cl uy tax rite for the Ye°-a.r 1 2 shaji. be Tired a ® on each one hundred dollars valuation nT taxable roert within the®Torte 1iiit ®i theid City o fol. lo ( _ a n D° ) (Tractor OTarr°ant E I ' ET1F? "NE _ ,I E b the ee.id City ar?ca l of the City oT order, Te aNs that, i order to cow l®te the t s roll e Tor the begirr7irp° of the fiscal year on tact. 1, 19325 ar erne"glercy exists xz9mixXIrF rrala_npr it 1rrarative that ors® stitutional rules requiring ordirp4nces to a,e rea.d at rrore thr ore rreetir. be Stagrerld®d and it hereby o ord iried® assed =zed aoroved bv the City Courcil in session triie @ day ofSe.-nte ibex° 1932, by the following vote lea Centle TtcNeill Fli cirs Giles Noes; For e . H. 11iT]iC, Secretary