01/02/1933-CC-Minutes-RegularCity council met an above date, 11 present except . T® Hicks. T inutes of meetings read and approved. 3iTls amounting to 24 ; read ;nd approved f®r pay- ment open motion by T, c eill seconded. by Giles® dill of errap Gafe cut out far investi a_tion. Upon motion b; t `cN'eill sedonced by Gentle the meeting adjourned.. • .. :: - :r - • - ., -- , ® . nest met to discuss his costs in certain tax suits filed b_>' tYae City. °here eras a motion by _ ilson seconded by .=c ;Tei11 th .t the insurance police on the plant building be reduced from 3, OOG to ' , , QGO and policy on machinery be r - .uced fram ,5G0 to :7,000. phis rrioticn cdrrid.. l :cre m as d. motion by Gentle sccorided b % [ c leill that iity Gecretary assess tars and hire dvvard allc r tc stay in € f fie rhile he is gut, nct exceed ir ; G .00. `phis motion aarrid. by , Icrleill seconded by Gentle the meeting; s. ':! ` T . ue t inick, secretary