01/16/1933-CC-Minutes-RegularJan® 2, 19OO - Gity Council met on above date, all present except a T. Hickso fi mutes of meetings read and approved® Sills amounting to 1244069 read and approved for pay- ment upon motion by VrcNeill seconded by Gileso Bill of Kemp Cafe cut out for investigation. Upon motion by cNeill sedonced by G ritle the meeting adjourned@ . inutes of r eetin s read and approved® . S. Boylston met with council to discuss work to be done with money from Reconstruction Finance Corpn® R® L. hest ,et to discuss his costs in certain tax suits filed bT the City. A rom t3,000 uced from $8,500 to $7,000. This motion carried. 'the1 e was d. motion by Gentle seconded by mclVeill that pity eoretary assess tars and hire dv ard T allo to stay in office while he is out, not exceeding $30eOO. his motion carried. Tjpon motion by McNeill seconded by Gentle the meeting adjourned® Wv Bo Chambers, Mayor V iniok, secretary