02/13/1933-CC-Minutes-SpecialV City Council ealled in special session to discuss plans for carrying on the work of the unemployment relief com® mittee, J. C. Boydston, Co Ae Crowson and L. I. Samuel meeting, with theme 7 1• ity allow ! towardre graveling Bolivar street sectionhrough the business o e property to this. This motioncarried* iQt ion by Tilson seconded by Cent e that dim ine and i I. D. Nance be employed with their trucks hauling gravel and apply on bills awed by them to the City® This motion carried® il ,eb. 13, 19v3 City Council called in special session to discuss to xirzE out dap at intersection of Bolivar and Fourth streets• Upon motion and second it was voted to discontinue tearing this out for the present ritTr Council , et ev: ing cf the 13th account regular meot- ing inutes read. and approved also bills for month of January read arzd allowed upon motion ay3 - Yeconded by Giles. Them was a motion by Giles seconded by gentle that a Pyror aeter be purchased i or the ' i rba,nks- ores engine at tree plant, the old one having beenbroken. This motion carri €;d. Upon motion and second the meeting; adjcurned. Chambersi. , 'bT. Be +(aytJl L • > ,Cinick, secretary