04/07/1933-CC-Minutes-Special0AT0l' 0 ICE Ue, the undesTysionpd, R. G ® HURD2 L m La lr'CN LFL T® Cm TII3'0 ? and Cl"iVa Ts , do solerrinly swear th t we ,ai11 faithful-tv and. impartially discharge and perfor,=n a., the duties inci-mbent upon us as mayor and aiderrflen of the City of Sanger, Texas, according_ to the best of our skill anal ability, avreeably to the oonstitution and laws of the United 3ta,te and. of this state; and we do further er swear that, since the adoyltion of the constitution of this state, we, being citizens of this state, have not fought a duel :iiiith deadly weapon:, within this state nor out of it, nor have we sent or accepted a challenge to fight a duel. with deac.`l;y weapons, nor have we acted as seconc,. in carrying a challenge or aided., a,c?.vised or assisted any person thus offend_LM7 a.t we furthermore sole only swear that we have not, dircctly nor indirectiy, paid, off'ered or promised to Pay, contributed nor proutlsed to contribute, any motley or valuable tiii n , Or promised any public office or employment, as a reward for for^ the ;ivinpor ithliold.ing a vote at the election at which we were elected, 50 IivLP t:-THFj GODe ubsc °i do i =n.d s d orn to mw l derr an = 1 derTnan before rtie tlii s APRIL 7, 1933 CANVASS ELECTION RETURNS AND INSTALL NEWLY ELECTED OFFICERS RG HURD DECLARED ELECTED MAYOR LL MCNEILL, TC WILSON, AND CLEM GILES DECLARED ELECTED ALDERMEN OATH OF OFFICE