06/13/2016-BOA-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: Zoning Board of Adjustment June 13, 2016 MEMBERS PRESENT: Sandra Hensley, Kelly Morgan, Eddie Piercy, Dennis Dillon, Justin Allen MEMBERS ABSENT: Sherri McCandless OTHERS PRESENT: City Planner and Chief Building Official Joseph Iliff, Administrative Assistant Jennifer Shumate, James Fox, Jason Collett 1. Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Determine Presence of a Quorum and Seating of Alternates. 3. Conduct a Public Hearing Concerning a Requested Variance to the Required 25 -foot Minimum Rear Yard for the Property Located at 701 La Paloma Road (Lot 1, Block F, Ranger Creek Estates Phase 2), Allowing a 21-foot Rear Yard. Public Hearing Opened at 7:03 p.m. Joseph Iliff briefly described property and staff report. No citizens spoke. Public Hearing Closed at 7:04 p.m. 4. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly act on a Requested Variance to the Required 25-foot Minimum Rear Yard for the Property Located at 701 La Paloma Road (Lot 1, Block F, Ranger Creek Estates Phase 2), Allowing a 21-foot Rear Yard. Mr. Allen asked if a variance was done for the similar lot shape on the corner of Chaparral and Ranger Creek. Mr. Iliff advised that a variance was not done for that property. Mr. Allen also asked if the primary reason for the variance was to accommodate the bay window listed on the house plans and Mr. Iliff responded affirmatively. Mr. Morgan asked for clarification on plot plan and dimensions and was given direction from Mr. Iliff. A motion to approve the requested variance to the required 25-food minimum rear yard for the property located at 701 La Paloma Road (Lot 1, Block F, Ranger Creek Estates Phase 2), allowing a 21 -foot rear yard was made by Sandra Hensley with a second by Kelly Morgan. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Report from the City Planner on Schedule of Future Meetings. Mr. Iliff introduced new Planning and Zoning Commissioners James Fox and Jason Collett and spoke to upcoming meeting dates. 6. Adjourned.