04/25/2011-PZ-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION APRIL 25, 2011 MEMBERS PRESENT: Skip Lindholm, Shelley Ruland, Beverly Howard, Allen Chick, Mike Walker, Scott Stephens MEMBERS ABSENT: Joshua Shumate OTHERS PRESENT: Director of Development Services Joseph Iliff, Applicant Bennett Howell of Denton County 1. Skip Lindholm called meeting to order. 2.Minutes of the meeting of August 9, 2010. Mike Walker made a motion to approve minutes as written. Seconded by Beverly Howard. Motion passed unanimously. 3.Conduct a public hearing concerning a proposed amendment to the Official Zoning Map to rezone from A – Agricultural District to I-1 Industrial District a 20-acre portion of a property legally described as tract 53 of the John Morton Survey, Abstract 792, located on the south side of Union Hill Road approximately 1,164 feet west of the intersection of Union Hill Road and FM455. Joseph Iliff briefed the commission on the proposed rezoning. Denton County purchased the property with the intent of constructing a road and bridge facility. The property needs to be rezoned to I-1 Industrial for this use. Public Hearing opened. Bennett Howell, Public Works Director of Denton County, addressed the Commission. Their current road and bridge facility in Aubrey has outgrown its space. There will be an 8- ft. privacy fence constructed on the east and south side of the property. The plan is to have office staff and vehicle maintenance there. They have contracted with CHA to do the architecture. They are proposing to build a metal building, with landscaping and everything else to meet all of Sanger’s ordinances. There could possibly be some welding on equipment. There will be no vehicle painting. Any vehicle repairs, body shop type work will be sent out. They will be doing vehicle maintenance, engine repair, changing tires, oil changes, etc. All tires and oil will be recycled. Denton County is going to reconstruct Union Hill Road after facility is built. Above ground fuel storage tanks will be placed in secondary containment and covered. Most activity will be in the early morning and in the evening. Truck traffic will be on FM roads as much as possible. No other speakers on this matter. Motion made to close public hearing. Motion seconded. Public hearing closed. 4.Consider, discuss and possibly act on a proposed amendment to the Official Zoning Map to rezone from A-Agricultural District to I-1 Industrial District a 20-acre portion of a property legally describe as Tract 53 of the John Morton Survey, Abstract 792, located on the south side of Union Hill Road approximately 1,164 feet west of the Intersection of Union Hill Road and FM 455. Discussion followed on the rezoning proposal. Denton County will be bringing Bolivar Water to the site. They are also looking at an evaporative trench system for septic instead of an aerobic septic system. It will be designed to be away from truck traffic area. Only stockpiling will be sand, flex base, and recycled asphalt. There will be no batch plant. I-1 Districts have noise and screening ordinances that have to be followed as well as TCEQ and EPA rules. The County will not be a taxpayer to the city as the County pays no property taxes. There was some discussion on the maintenance of the road. Motion made to approve the zoning change as presented. Motion seconded. Motion approved unanimously. 5.Report by Director of Development Services on Future Meetings of the Planning & Zoning Commission. Next scheduled meetings of P & Z are Monday May 9, 2011 and Monday June 13, 2011. The terms for Place 1(Chick), Place 2 (Shumate), Place 5 (Howard) and Place 7 (Lindholm) will be expiring. All the commissioners in these places are eligible for reappointment. There will have one opening, with Place 4 being vacated by Commissioner Stephens in May. Everyone will advise Joseph of their intent to stay or vacate by next meeting. 6.Meeting adjourned.