04/09/2012-PZ-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION APRIL 9, 2012 MEMBERS PRESENT: Shelley Ruland, Billy Ezell, James Adams, Allen Chick, Evelyn Shaw MEMBERS Joshua Shumate, Sherri McCandless ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Director of Development Services Joseph Iliff, Development Services Secretary Pat Ruch, Rusty and Terri Patton 1. Meeting called to order. 2. Consider minutes of the meeting of February 13, 2012. Minutes approved unanimously. 3. Report from the Director of Development Services concerning proposed amendments to the zoning ordinance concerning the MF-1 Multi-Family District and MF-2 Multi-Family District. Joseph Iliff reported on the proposed amendments, including the new maximum density of units per acre for each district and the new method of calculating the number of parking spaces required. 4. Conduct a public hearing to consider proposed amendments to Sections 18 & 19 describing the Multi-Family 1 and Multi-Family 2 Residential Zoning Districts. Chairman Adams opened the public hearing. No one chose to speak to the Commission. Chairman Adams closed the public hearing. 5. Consider, discuss, and potentially act on a request from Taco Bell of America for a Specific Use Permit for a Quick Service Food and Beverage Shop on property legally described as Lot 1, Block a, Ray Roberts Plaza Addition, located at the intersection of Interstate 35 (Stemmons Road) and Maple Street. Shelley Ruland asked if there would be ample parking for the employees. There will be seventeen parking spaces which will be sufficient for parking. Building will be elevated to help with the flow of water, etc. Taco Bell is trying to have store open by mid June. This is a corporate store, not a franchise. Plans are to break ground two weeks after council action. There was some discussion on the upgrade of Maple Street. Evelyn Shaw made a motion to approve the Specific Use Permit. Seconded by Sherri McCandless. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Consider, discuss, and potentially act on the proposed replat of Lot 1, Block A, of the Ray Roberts Plaza Addition, 1.482 acres, located between 10th Street and Interstate 35 south of FM 455 (Chapman Drive). Joe Iliff explained that the site for the proposed Taco Bell is the undeveloped portion of Lot 1, Block A between the two driveways that connect to the Interstate 35 frontage road on the west side. The plat would subdivide the property into two lots, Lot 1A and Lot 1B. Motion was made and seconded to recommend approval of the replat as presented. Vote was six for the approval with Shelley Ruland abstaining from vote. 7. Presentation by the Director of Development Services about the Historic Preservation Commission’s work developing ideas concerning the enhancement of neighborhood character within Sanger’s historic core. Joe Iliff explained that the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) has been working on this project for over a year. The focus is on the opportunity to preserve significant structures as historic landmarks and the architectural requirements for construction of new homes within the historic core of the city. The proposed changes to the City’s architectural standards are the following: Allowing non-masonry materials to be used on the exterior of structures within the historic core. Requiring new structures to have architectural features that provide character. The historic core will feature unique standards that will give it an appearance different from the rest of Sanger. Presently, new residential construction is required to have the exterior façade of the first floor be constructed entirely of masonry. Above the first floor, the requirement is for 50% masonry. The goal is for new construction within the historic core to complement, rather than contrast with, the existing historic structures. New construction within the Historic Core would be required to meet certain standards based on a point system. This could mean porches, dormers, gabled accents, stone or brick accents and other features. Each feature would be worth a number of points. If there are enough points in the design, that house would qualify for a building permit. Any additional costs to the builder for these requirements could be offset by allowing them to use building material other than brick. 8. Conduct a public hearing to receive comments, hear questions, and develop ideas concerning the enhancement of neighborhood character within Sanger’s historic core. There was some discussion about how the proposed requirements would affect non- residential buildings. For right now, the new requirements would not affect non -residential projects. This is an item that could be discussed at future meetings. Mayor Thomas Muir spoke about how the intent was for the new construction to fit in with the neighborhood and not look out of place. There was concern that allowing exterior construction to be other than brick would lead to inferior material that would not last. Public Hearing closed. 9. Consider, discuss, and give staff direction on future actions concerning the enhancement of neighborhood character within Sanger’s historic core. The P & Z Commission directed Joe Iliff to hold a joint meeting with the preservat ion commission so that some of the residents’ concerns could be addressed before advancing the proposed requirements to the City Council. 10. Meeting Adjourned.