08/12/2013-PZ-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION August 12, 2013 MEMBERS PRESENT: Jerry Jenkins, Justin Allen, Sherri McCandless, Glenn Jensen, Joe Higgs, Ramie Hammonds, Dennis Dillon MEMBERS None ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Director of Development Services Joseph Iliff 1. Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm. 2. Determination that a quorum was present and no seating of an alternate was necessary. 3. Election of a Chair and Vice Chair The election of a Chair and Vice Chair was tabled by Chairman Jerry Jenkins, pending new Commissioners being seated in the future. 4. Approve minutes of the July 29, 2013 meeting Motion to approve minutes as presented was given by Ramie Hammonds with a second by Justin Allen. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Conduct a public hearing regarding a request for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) to permit outside display for items for sale The public hearing was opened. No one spoke. The public hearing was closed. 6. Consider, discuss, and possibly make an action regarding a request for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) to permit outside display of items for sale The applicant, John Patterson, described the proposed business and the items that would be displayed outdoors on the site. Mr. Higgs asked about why the ordinance requires an SUP for outside display. Mr. Jenkins requested that the SUP specify that trucks enter and exit the site from Stemmons Street and not Church Street or Wood Street. On motion by Ms. Hammonds seconded by Justin Allen, the P&Z recommended approval of the SUP with the condition that items for sale be limited to those listed in the letter of intent, that items be in good repair and functioning, that trucks enter and exit the site from Stemmons Street and that the SUP expire upon 1 year of vacancy. Motion was adopted unanimously. 7. Meeting Adjourned.