08/14/2017-PZ-Minutes-Regular1 MINUTES: Planning & Zoning Commission August 14, 2017 MEMBERS PRESENT: Sandra Hensley, Kelly Morgan, Dennis Dillon, Sherri McCandless, Phillip Surles, Jason Collett, and Matt Fuller (Alternate) MEMBERS ABSENT: Justin Allen OTHERS PRESENT: Director of Economic and Community Development Alina Ciocan Permit Technician Michelle Burke, Dr. Shellie Wallace, Lisa Dritschler, Michael Todd Sue Allison, Beverly Howard, Meredith Maddox, Nathan Maddox, John Higgins, Schaeffer Harris, Jay Arceneaux, Melody DeNault 1. Meeting called to order at 7:02 P.M. 2. Determine Presence of a Quorum. 3. Pledge of Allegiance. 4. Election of officers. Sherri McCandless nominated Justin Allen as Chairman, carried unanimously. Sherri McCandless nominated Kelly Morgan as Vice Chairman, carried unanimously. 5. Consider and Possibly Adopt Minutes of the Meeting of June 12, 2017. Motion to approve minutes as presented was given by Sandra Hensley, with a second by Jason Collett. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Conduct a Public Hearing Regarding a Request for a Specific Use Permit for a Kennel Facility on the Property Located at 304 Acker Street. Public Hearing Opened at 7:07 pm. Applicant, Shellie Wallace explained her proposal and answered questions. Beverly Howard, Sanger Bank, adjacent to proposed kennel facility stated she was representing the bank and they had no opposition to the SUP. Jason Collett asked if there were any state mandates or regulations for kennels. The applicant advised that she was not aware of any. Public Hearing Closed at 7:16 pm. 2 7. Consider, Discuss, and Act on a Request for a Specific Use Permit for a Kennel Facility on the Property Located at 304 Acker Street. Alina Ciocan presented the staff report. Motion to approve the Specific Use Permit was given by Sherri McCandless, with a second by Kelly Morgan. Motion carried unanimously. 8. Consider, Discuss and Act on the Final Plat of the Selak Addtion, One Lot Being 2.0 Acres in the W. Mason Survey A-801, Generally Located North of Belz Road and East of Metz Road. Alina Ciocan presented the staff report. Motion to approve the Final Plat was given by Jason Collett, with a second by Sherri McCandless. Motion carried unanimously. 9. Review of Proposed Amendment of the Comprehensive Plan and Future Land Use Map to Change an Approximately 17.89 Acre Site from Industrial to Urban Low Density Residential. The Site is Generally Located South of FM 455, North of McReynolds Road and West of Sable Creek Phases I and II. All Planning and Zoning Commission members were agreeable to this. 10. Conduct a Public Hearing Regarding a Request to Rezone Approximately 48.44 Acres of Land from Heavy Industrial District (I-2) and Single-Family Residential District 7 (SF-7) to Planned Development Single Family Residential District. Public Hearing Opened 7:30 pm. Applicant’s engineer, John Higgins with Allison Engineering, gave a synopsis of the proposed project. Lisa Dritschler with McClintock Homes gave a synopsis of the proposed project and answered questions from the Commission. Mike Todd, Sable Creek, spoke on behalf of the project. Public Hearing Closed 8:05 pm. 11. Consider, Discuss, and Act on a Request to Rezone Approximately 48.44 Acres of Land from Heavy Industrial District (I-2) and Single-Family Residential District 7 (SF-7) to Planned Development Single Family Residential District. Alina Ciocan presented the staff report. Discussion regarding garage doors and the breakdown of the percentages for the number of square foot homes required in the PD was considered. Sherri McCandless made a motion to approve the rezoning with a breakdown of 40% of the homes being 1,550 sf, 40% of the homes being 1,750 sf, and 20% of the homes being 2,000 sf., a side yard of 15 feet on corners adjacent to side street and all other recommendations as stipulated by staff, minus the garage door recommendation which was to be included as an option. Phillip Surles seconded the motion. Motion passed 5 in favor, 2 opposed. 12. Consider, Discuss, and Act on the Preliminary Plat of the Sable Creek Addition Phase III, Being 17.849 Acres in R. Beebee Survey, Abstract No 29, Generally Located South of FM 455, North of McReynolds Road and West of Sable Creek Phases I and II. Alina Ciocan presented the staff report. Motion to approve the proposed preliminary plat as presented was given by Sherri McCandless, with a second by Sandra Hensley. Motion carried unanimously. 3 13. Consider, Discuss, and Act on the Final Plat of the Sable Creek Addition Phase III, Being 17.849 Acres in R. Beebee Survey, Abstract No. 29, Generally Located South of FM 455, North of McReynolds Road and West of Sable Creek Phases I and II. A motion to approve the final plat was made by Kelly Morgan, with a second by Dennis Dillon. Motion carried unanimously. 14. Conduct a Public Hearing Regarding Proposed Amendments Concerning the Maximum Lot Area Requirement for Residential Rezoning Districts R-1, R-2, R-3 and R-4. Public Hearing Opened at 8:45 pm. No public discussion. Public Hearing Closed at 8:46 pm. 15. Consider, Discuss and Act on Proposed Amendments Concerning the Maximum Lot Area Requirement for Residential Zoning Districts R-1, R-2 R-3 and R-4. Alina Ciocan presented this item. A motion to approve was given by Sherri McCandless, with a second by Phillip Surles. Motion carried unanimously. 16. Adjourn 8:47 P.M.