03/13/2023-PZ-Agenda Packet-RegularPLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MARCH 13, 2023, 7:00 PM PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING HISTORIC CHURCH BUILDING - 403 N 7TH STREET, SANGER, TEXAS CALL THE REGULAR MEETING TO ORDER AND ESTABLISH A QUORUM INVOCATION AND PLEDGE CITIZENS COMMENTS This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Commission on any matter. Comments related to public hearings will be heard when the specific hearing begins. Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. Each speaker must complete the Speaker’s Form and include the topic(s) to be presented. Citizens who wish to address the Commission with regard to matters on the agenda will be received at the time the item is considered. The Commission is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen input. CONSENT AGENDA All items on the Consent Agenda will be acted upon by one vote without being discussed separately unless requested by a Commissioner to remove the item(s) for additional discussion. Any items removed from the Consent Agenda will be taken up for individual consideration. 1. Consideration and possible action of the minutes from February 13, 2023, meeting. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 2. Conduct a public hearing on a request for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for a Personal Training Studio use, at 304 Acker Street, Ste. 101, located on approximately 1.365 acres of land described as Sanger Industrial Park Lot 4, and generally located on the east side of Acker Street approximately 183 feet north of the intersection of Acker Street. and Pecan Street. 3. Conduct a public hearing on a rezoning from “I-1” Industrial 1 to “B-2” Business 2 of approximately 0.251 acres of land, described as A1241A TIERWESTER, TR 50, OLD DCAD SHT 5, TR 15 within the City of Sanger, and generally located on the east side of N Stemmons Frwy and approximately 218 feet north of the intersection FM 455 and N Stemmons Frwy. 1 ACTION ITEMS 4. Consideration and possible action on a request for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for a Personal Training Studio use, at 304 Acker Street, Ste. 101, located on approximately 1.365 acres of land described as Sanger Industrial Park Lot 4, and generally located on the east side of Acker Street approximately 183 feet north of the intersection of Acker Street. and Pecan Street. 5. Consideration and possible action on a rezoning from “I-1” Industrial 1 to “B-2” Business 2 of approximately 0.251 acres of land, described as A1241A TIERWESTER, TR 50, OLD DCAD SHT 5, TR 15 within the City of Sanger, and generally located on the east side of N Stemmons Frwy and approximately 218 feet north of the intersection FM 455 and N Stemmons Frwy. 6. Consideration and possible action on Final Plat of the Glenn Polk Addition, being 9.936 acres, located in the City of Sanger, and generally located on the west side of I-35 approximately 670 feet south of Belz Road. 7. Consideration and possible action on the Final Plat of Coffee Bistro 1187, being 0.779 acres, located in the City of Sanger, and generally located on the east side of FM 455 and approximately 218 feet n of the intersection of FM 455 and N Stemmons Frwy corner of FM 455 and N Stemmons Frwy. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS The purpose of this item is to allow the Chairman and Commissioners to bring forward items they wish to discuss at a future meeting, A Commissioner may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Items may be placed on a future meeting agenda with a consensus of the Commission or at the call of the Chairman. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 8. Director Report ADJOURN NOTE: The Commission reserves the right to adjourn into Executive Session as authorized by Texas Government Code, Section 551.001, et seq. (The Texas Open Meetings Act) on any item on its open meeting agenda in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, including, without limitation Sections 551.071-551.087 of the Texas Open Meetings Act. 2 CERTIFICATION I certify that a copy of this meeting notice was posted on the bulletin board at City Hall is readily accessible to the general public at all times and posted on the City of Sanger website on March 10, 2023 at 8:45 a.m. Stefani Dodson Stefani Dodson, Secretary The Historical Church is wheelchair accessible. Request for additional accommodations or sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours prior to the meeting by contacting the City Secretary’s Office at 940.458.7930. 3 PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION COMMUNICATION DATE: March 13, 2023 FROM: Stefani Dodson, Secretary AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action of the minutes from February 13, 2023, meeting. SUMMARY: N/A FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: N/A Amount: N/A GL Account: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Minutes from February 13, 2023 4 Item 1. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION COMMUNICATION DATE: March 13, 2023 FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service Director AGENDA ITEM: Conduct a public hearing on a request for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for a Personal Training Studio use, at 304 Acker Street, Ste. 101, located on approximately 1.365 acres of land described as Sanger Industrial Park Lot 4, and generally located on the east side of Acker Street approximately 183 feet north of the intersection of Acker Street. and Pecan Street. SUMMARY:  The applicant is proposing a Personal Training Studio at 304 Acker Street, Ste 101.  The applicant has a business LiveFit Personal Training and Nutrition that she would like to operate at this site.  The property is zoned “I-1” Industrial 1 which allows Studio, Health, Reducing or Similar Service with a SUP.  The suite is approximately 1500 sq ft.  Staff mailed 12 public hearing notices to owners of properties within 200 feet of the subject property and at the time of this report had received no responses. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: N/A Amount: N/A GL Account: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Location Map 5 Item 2. Denton County Landmark Map Esri Community Maps Contributors, Texas Parks & Wildlife, © OpenStreetMap, Microsoft, Esri, HERE, Garmin, SafeGraph, GeoTechnologies, Inc, METI/NASA, USGS, EPA, NPS, US Census Bureau, USDA Legend Notes 0 100 200 ft This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. Denton County does not guarantee the correctness or accuracy of any features on this product and assumes no responsibility in connection therewith. This product may be revised at any time without notification to any user. https://gis.dentoncounty.gov 2/24/2023 2:17:19 PM 6 Item 2. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION COMMUNICATION DATE: March 13, 2023 FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Services Director AGENDA ITEM: Conduct a public hearing on a rezoning from “I-1” Industrial 1 to “B-2” Business 2 of approximately 0.251 acres of land, described as A1241A TIERWESTER, TR 50, OLD DCAD SHT 5, TR 15 within the City of Sanger, and generally located on the east side of N Stemmons Frwy and approximately 218 feet north of the intersection FM 455 and N Stemmons Frwy. SUMMARY:  The applicant is proposing to rezone the subject property of approximately 0.251 acres from “I-1” to “B-2”.  The applicant will be replatting this property with the adjacent property currently zoned “B-2” to create one developable lot.  The site recently demolished the building that was located on the site due to TxDOT taking.  The property has a width of approximately 390 feet along N Stemmons Frwy and a depth of approximately 128 feet at the widest portion.  The plan for the property is to develop a drive-thru coffee shop.  The property is surrounded on the north and south by “B-2”, west across I-35 by “B-2” and “PD”, and the east by “B-2” and “I-1”.  The requested zoning conforms with the Sanger 2040 Comprehensive Plan.  The rezoning of this property provides better consistency of the zoning in that area.  Staff mailed out 5 public hearing notices to owners of properties within 200 feet of the subject property and at the time of this report had not received any responses. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: N/A Amount: N/A GL Account: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Location Map 7 Item 3. Denton County Landmark Map Esri Community Maps Contributors, Texas Parks & Wildlife, © OpenStreetMap, Microsoft, Esri, HERE, Garmin, SafeGraph, GeoTechnologies, Inc, METI/NASA, USGS, EPA, NPS, US Census Bureau, USDA Legend Notes 0 100 200 ft This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. Denton County does not guarantee the correctness or accuracy of any features on this product and assumes no responsibility in connection therewith. This product may be revised at any time without notification to any user. https://gis.dentoncounty.gov 2/24/2023 2:32:54 PM 8 Item 3. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION COMMUNICATION DATE: March 13, 2023 FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service Director AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on a request for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for a Personal Training Studio use, at 304 Acker Street, Ste. 101, located on approximately 1.365 acres of land described as Sanger Industrial Park Lot 4, and generally located on the east side of Acker Street approximately 183 feet north of the intersection of Acker Street. and Pecan Street. SUMMARY:  The applicant is proposing a Personal Training Studio at 304 Acker Street, Ste 101.  The applicant has a business LiveFit Personal Training and Nutrition that she would like to operate at this site.  The property is zoned “I-1” Industrial 1 which allows Studio, Health, Reducing or Similar Service with a SUP.  The suite is approximately 1500 sq ft.  Staff mailed 12 public hearing notices to owners of properties within 200 feet of the subject property and at the time of this report had received no responses. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: N/A Amount: N/A GL Account: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends APPROVAL. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map Site Plan Application Letter of Intent 9 Item 4. Denton County Landmark Map Esri Community Maps Contributors, Texas Parks & Wildlife, © OpenStreetMap, Microsoft, Esri, HERE, Garmin, SafeGraph, GeoTechnologies, Inc, METI/NASA, USGS, EPA, NPS, US Census Bureau, USDA Legend Notes 0 100 200 ft This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. Denton County does not guarantee the correctness or accuracy of any features on this product and assumes no responsibility in connection therewith. This product may be revised at any time without notification to any user. https://gis.dentoncounty.gov 2/24/2023 2:17:19 PM 10 Item 4. 11 Item 4. 12 Item 4. 13 Item 4. 14 Item 4. 15 Item 4. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION COMMUNICATION DATE: March 13, 2023 FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Services Director AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on a rezoning from “I-1” Industrial 1 to “B-2” Business 2 of approximately 0.251 acres of land, described as A1241A TIERWESTER, TR 50, OLD DCAD SHT 5, TR 15 within the City of Sanger, and generally located on the east side of N Stemmons Frwy and approximately 218 feet north of the intersection FM 455 and N Stemmons Frwy. SUMMARY:  The applicant is proposing to rezone the subject property of approximately 0.251 acres from “I-1” to “B-2”.  The applicant will be replatting this property with the adjacent property currently zoned “B-2” to create one developable lot.  The site recently demolished the building that was located on the site due to the TxDOT expansion.  The property has a width of approximately 390 feet along N Stemmons Frwy and a depth of approximately 128 feet at the widest portion.  The plan for the property is to develop a drive-thru coffee shop.  The property is surrounded on the north and south by “B-2”, west across I-35 by “B-2” and “PD”, and the east by “B-2” and “I-1”.  The requested zoning conforms with the Sanger 2040 Comprehensive Plan.  The rezoning of this property provides better consistency of the zoning in that area.  Staff mailed out 5 public hearing notices to owners of properties within 200 feet of the subject property and at the time of this report had not received any responses. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: N/A Amount: N/A GL Account: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends APPROVAL. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map Application Letter of Intent B-2 Zoning Regulations 16 Item 5. Denton County Landmark Map Esri Community Maps Contributors, Texas Parks & Wildlife, © OpenStreetMap, Microsoft, Esri, HERE, Garmin, SafeGraph, GeoTechnologies, Inc, METI/NASA, USGS, EPA, NPS, US Census Bureau, USDA Legend Notes 0 100 200 ft This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. Denton County does not guarantee the correctness or accuracy of any features on this product and assumes no responsibility in connection therewith. This product may be revised at any time without notification to any user. https://gis.dentoncounty.gov 2/24/2023 2:32:54 PM 17 Item 5. 18 Item 5. LETTER OF INTENT February 14, 2023 ATTN: Ramie Hammonds Development Service Department- City of Sanger 201 Boliver Street PO Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 Subject: Letter of Intent to request for Rezoning from Zone I-1 to B-2 Dear Madam, This letter of intent is to inform the City of Sanger about the request for the Rezoning for the Property located at Northwest corner of W. Chapman Drive And 10 th Street, Sanger TX. Subject property is vacant lot with approximately 0.251 acre of area. Current property is zone I-1 (Industrial District). We would like to request the property rezoning from I-1 to B-2 (Business District) to allow the use for Restaurant with Drive-Thru service. Please see attached exhibit for Aerial map, zoning map & Survey plan. For more information or question feel free to reach us at Following. Triangle Engineering TX PE FIRM #11525 Andrew Yeoh, P.E. Vice president 469-213-2804 ayeoh@triangle-engr.com T: 214.609.9271 | F: 469.359.6709 | W: triangle-engr.com | O: 1333 McDermott Drive, Suite 150, Allen, TX 75013 Planning | Civil Engineering | Construction Management 19 Item 5. SECTION 23 "B-2" BUSINESS DISTRICT - 2 General Purpose and Description: The "B-2" Business district is intended to provide a zoning category similar to the "B-1" District, except that additional uses are permitted which are not generally carried on completely within a building or structure, and an expanded range of service and repair uses is permitted. 23.1 Use Regulations: A building or premise shall be used only for the following purposes: 1. Any use permitted in the "B-1" Business District. 2. Building materials sales (no outside storage of lumber, materials or equipment). 3. Lithographic or print shop, retail only. 4. Newspaper or commercial printing. 5. Other uses as listed in Section 30 of this ordinance. The following specific uses shall be permitted in a B-2 District, when granted in accordance with Section 31: 1. Uses as listed in Section 30 of this ordinance. 23.2 Height Regulations: No building shall exceed one hundred (100) feet in height, except cooling towers, vent stacks or mechanical equipment rooms may project not more than twelve (12) feet beyond maximum building height. 23.3 Area Regulations: 1. Size of Yard a. Front Yard: Minimum required setback shall be twenty (20) feet. Accessory uses must be set back a minimum of sixty (60) feet. b. Side Yard: Adjacent to a street, twenty-five (25) feet; minimum required--ten (10) feet. c. Rear Yard: The minimum rear yard setback shall be twenty (20) feet for any building, or structure. When an alley is not required, a solid masonry or wood wall of a minimum height of six (6) feet shall be constructed adjacent to the rear property line to provide a barrier between the adjoining use. d. Special Side or Rear Yard Requirement: When a nonresidentially zoned lot or tract abuts upon a zoning district boundary line dividing the lot or tract from a residentially zoned lot or tract, a minimum side yard of twenty (20) feet shall be provided for on the nonresidential property. A solid masonry or wood wall having a minimum height of six (6) feet above the average grade of the residential property shall be constructed adjacent to the common side (or rear) property line. 2. Size of Lot: a. Minimum Lot Area: None b. Minimum Lot Width: None c. Minimum Lot Depth: None 3. Lot Coverage: In no case shall more than fifty percent (50%) of the lot area be covered by buildings. 23.4 Parking Requirements: Off street parking requirements shall be provided in accordance with Section 32. 20 Item 5. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION COMMUNICATION DATE: March 13, 2023 FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Services Director AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on Final Plat of the Glenn Polk Addition, being 9.936 acres, located in the City of Sanger, and generally located on the west side of I-35 approximately 670 feet south of Belz Road. SUMMARY:  The applicant is proposing to create 1 commercial lot from one unplatted tract.  This is the site of the current Glenn Polk Auto Sales site.  The lot will be 9.936 acres.  The applicant will build a new showroom and sales office behind the existing showroom and sales office and a service bay area.  The existing showroom and sales office will be demolished once the new one is operational.  Engineering comments are still pending based on preliminary plat comments being finalized.  The property is located in the City of Sanger. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: N/A Amount: N/A GL Account: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends APPROVAL with the condition all comments are satisfied prior to City Council approval. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map Final Plat Application Letter of Intent Planning Comments Engineering Comments 21 Item 6. 12 27 97 12 27 94122791111370 56 48 2 74 85 4 113 12 4 113 12 5 77 811 56 48 9 84 58 5 I-35 SERVICE BELZ RD I-35 SERVICE I-35 I-35 /Project Name: G len Polk AddnMinor PlatProject: 22SANZO N-0054 0 500 1,000250 Fe et DISCLA IMER:This map wa s g en e ra te d by GI S da ta p ro vid edby the S a ng er GIS De pa rtme nt . Th e City o f Sanger do es n ot gu a ra n te e the c orrec tne ss oraccuracy o f a n y fe a tu re s o n th is ma p. Th ese ma pproducts are fo r illust ra tio n pu rpo se s o n ly an dare not suit ab le fo r site -s pe cific d e cision ma king .GIS dat a is su bje ct to co nst an t cha n ge s, an dmay not b e co mple te , a ccu rat e o r cu rren t.Date: 9/17 /2 02 2 5 :3 4:0 9 P MDoc Name : 2 2 SA NZON-0 05 4 _G le n P olk A dd n Mino r Pla tCity L imi ts Exhi bi ts Sub je ctArea 22 Item 6. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X O H U O H U OHU OHU OHU O H U O H U O H U OHU OHU OHU OHU OHU OHU OHU OHU OHU OHU M & G SANGER REAL ESTATE, LLC, CALLED 10.42 ACRES DOC. NO. 2019-27076 O.P.R.D.C.T. HENRY TI E R W E S T E R S U R V E Y ABSTRACT N O . 1 2 4 1 PAC GROU P , L T D . CALLED 5 0 A C R E S DOC. NO. 2 0 0 1 - 0 7 1 8 6 9 O.P.R.D. C . T . DANIEL R . W O L F E & B R I A N N A L . W O L F E CALLED 2 . 5 0 1 A C R E S DOC. NO. 2 0 2 1 - 2 1 4 9 4 O.P.R.D. C . T . JAMES F. J O N E S & Y O L A N D A M . J O N E S CALLED 2 . 4 9 7 A C R E S DOC. NO. 2 0 1 4 - 3 7 0 1 6 O.P.R.D. C . T . JORGE CA S T I L L O CALLED 2 . 5 0 A C R E S DOC. NO. 2 0 2 2 - 1 5 0 7 2 O.P.R.D. C . T . JOHN D. C A S S A D A Y A N D W I F E , MELISSA N . C A S S A D A Y CALLED 2 . 4 9 8 A C R E S DOC. NO. 2 0 0 5 - 6 3 6 6 4 O.P.R.D. C . T . THE CHRI S T T H E G R E A T S H E P H E R D CHURCH CALLED 2 . 5 0 A C R E S DOC. NO. 1 9 9 3 - 4 3 2 1 9 O.P.R.D. C . T . DORWIN L E E S A R G E N T JR. CALL E D 5 . 5 0 7 ACRES VOL. 141 2 , P G . 3 8 3 O.P.R.D. C . T . HOLT TEX A S L T D . CALLED 3 0 . 9 6 A C R E S DOC. NO. 2 0 1 3 - 7 1 9 5 8 O.P.R.D. C . T . O H U O H U O H U O H U O H U (4 0 . 0 ' A S P H A L T S U R F A C E ) I- 3 5 S O U T H F R O N T A G E R O A D 25 ' B . L . P E R P L A T 16 ' U . E . P E R P L A T 10' B.L. & U.E. PER PLAT 20 ' B . L . & U . E . P E R P L A T 453813.1 Sq. Feet 9.936 Acres S 88°55'36" E 1182.52' N 88°19'03" W 1166.72' N 0 1 ° 0 3 ' 3 6 " E 36 1 . 4 0 ' P.O.B. 1/2" IRF 1/2" IRF MFCP CIRF TXDOT 10' B.L. & U.E. PER PLAT LOT 1, BLOCK A A C A L L E D 0 . 4 7 3 5 O F A N A C R E ST A T E O F T E X A S ( P A R C E L S 1 4 7 ) DO C . N O . 1 3 8 0 7 1 R. P . R . D . C . T . CIRS L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 PK NAIL FOUND CIRS L7 L8 L9 L10 L1 1 L12 L1 3 JOB NO. 22155-2 DATE: 01/12/2023 DRAWN BY: T.E.P. SCALE: 1" = 60' PAGE: 1 OF 1 111 N. DIXON ST. GAINESVILLE, TX 76240 PH. 940-665-9105 TBPLS FIRM NO. 10048000 T E XA S I, J.E. THOMPSON II, A REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF TEXAS, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS PREPARED FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY ON THE GROUND AND THAT ALL CORNERS ARE SET WITH 1/2" CAPPED IRON RODS OR FOUND AS INDICATED. __________________________________________ J.E. THOMPSON II R.P.L.S. TEXAS REGISTRATION NO. 4857 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON BEFORE ME, THE UNDERSIGNED AUTHORITY, ON THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED J.E. THOMPSON II, KNOWN TO ME TO BE THE PERSON WHOSE NAME IS SUBSCRIBED TO THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT, AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT HE/SHE EXECUTED THE SAME FOR THE PURPOSES AND CONSIDERATIONS THEREIN EXPRESSED AND IN THE CAPACITY THEREIN STATED. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE THIS ___ DAY OF _________, 2023. ___________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC, TEXAS VICINITY MAP (NOT TO SCALE) N BE L Z R O A D BELZ ROAD W. CHAPMAN ROAD (F.M. 455) ME T Z R O A D HW Y 3 5 SITE N 0'60'120' ( 1 INCH = 60 FEET ) LEGEND = PROPERTY CORNER = BENCHMARK = TELEPHONE/UTILITY RISER = BURIED CABLE MARKER = TELEPHONE MANHOLE = POWER/UTILITY POLE (TR/UR) (BCM) (TMH) (PP/UP) CM * FF MFCP WFCP ( ) = CONTROL MONUMENT = FINISHED FLOOR = METAL FENCE CORNER POST = WOOD FENCE CORNER POST = PLAT/DEED CALLS = BEARING BASIS = ASPHALT SURFACE = LIGHT POLE = GUY WIRE = ELECTRIC VAULT = ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER = WATER METER = WATER VALVE = FIRE HYDRANT = WATER MANHOLE = BURIED PIPELINE MARKER = GAS METER = GAS VALVE/TEST STATION = GAS WELL HEAD = PROPANE TANK = SEPTIC CLEANOUT = SEPTIC LID = SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE = STORM DRAIN MANHOLE = SIGN = FLAGPOLE = MAILBOX = ABSTRACT CORNER (LP) (GUY) (VLT) (TRAN) (WM) (WV) (FH) (WMH) (BPM) (GM) (GV/TS) (WH) (PT) (C/O) (SEPT) (SSMH) (SDMH) (SIGN) (FP) (MB) POB R.O.W. D.E. E.E. U.E. W.E. P.U.E. B.L. A.E. F.L.E. S.W.E. IRF CIRF CIRS PKF PKS S.S.E. = POINT OF BEGINNING = RIGHT-OF-WAY = DRAINAGE EASEMENT = ELECTRIC EASEMENT = UTILITY EASEMENT = WATER EASEMENT = PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT = BUILDING/SETBACK LINE = ACCESS EASEMENT = FIRELANE EASEMENT = SIDEWALK EASEMENT = IRON ROD FOUND = CAPPED IRON ROD FOUND = CAPPED IRON ROD SET = PK NAIL FOUND = PK NAIL SET = SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT = CONCRETE SURFACE = GRAVEL SURFACE EASEMENT LINES = DEED/LOT LINES = FENCE LINES = ADJOINER LINES = XX WATER LINE = SEWER LINE = GAS LINE = OVERHEAD UTILITY = ASPHALT ROAD = OHU ELECTRIC LINE = COMMUNICATIONS LINE =UC UC LINETYPE LEGEND PROPERTY LINE = GRAVEL ROAD = GAS GAS SURVEYOR J.E. THOMPSON II ALL AMERICAN SURVEYING 111 N. DIXON ST. GAINESVILLE, TX 76240 PH. 940-665-9105 OWNER M & G SANGER REAL ESTATE 4320 N INTERSTATE 35 GAINESVILLE, TX 76240 (972) 338-0344 GENERAL NOTES 1. FLOOD STATEMENT: I HAVE EXAMINED THE F.E.M.A. FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP FOR DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, COMMUNITY NUMBER 48121, EFFECTIVE DATE 04/18/11 AND THAT MAP INDICATES THAT THIS PROPERTY IS WITHIN "NON-SHADED ZONE X" DEFINED AS "AREAS DETERMINED TO BE OUTSIDE 0.2% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOODPLAIN" AS SHOWN IN PANEL 0210 G OF SAID MAP. THIS FLOOD STATEMENT DOES NOT IMPLY THAT THE PROPERTY AND/OR STRUCTURES THEREON WILL BE FREE FROM FLOODING OR FLOOD DAMAGE, ON RARE OCCASIONS, GREATER FLOODS CAN AND WILL OCCUR AND FLOOD HEIGHTS MAY BE INCREASED BY MAN-MADE OR NATURAL CAUSES. THIS FLOOD STATEMENT SHALL NOT CREATE LIABILITY ON THE PART OF THE SURVEYOR. 2.THIS PROPERTY IS WITHIN THE CITY OF SANGER. 3.COORDINATES BASED ON THE TEXAS STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM NAD 83, NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS, ZONE 4202 AND G.P.S. OBSERVATIONS (GRID). 4.THIS PROPERTY IS NOT LOCATED IN THE LAKE RAY ROBERTS PLANNING AND ZONING JURISDICTION. 5.ALL SURFACE DRAINAGE EASEMENTS SHALL BE KEPT FREE OF FENCES, BUILDINGS, FOUNDATION, PLANTINGS AND OTHER OBSTRUCTIONS TO THE OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE OF THE DRAINAGE FACILITY. 6.BLOCKING THE FLOW OF WATER OR CONSTRUCTING IMPROVEMENTS IN SURFACE DRAINAGE EASEMENTS, AND FILLING OR OBSTRUCTING THE FLOODWAY IS PROHIBITED. 7.THE EXISTING CREEKS OR DRAINAGE CHANNELS TRAVERSING ALONG OR ACROSS THE PROPERTY WILL REMAIN AS OPEN CHANNELS AND WILL BE MAINTAINED BY THE INDIVIDUAL PROPERTY OWNERS OF THE LOT OR LOTS THAT ARE TRAVERSED BY OR ADJACENT TO THE DRAINAGE COURSES ALONG OR ACROSS THE LOTS. 8.ELEVATION OF BENCHMARK IS BASED ON N.A.V.D. 88 VERTICAL DATUM. 9.THIS PROPERTY MAY BE SUBJECT TO CHANGES RELATED TO IMPACT FEES AND THE APPLICANT SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY REGARDING ANY APPLICABLE FEES DUE. 10.NOTICE - SELLING A PORTION OF THIS ADDITION BY METES AND BOUNDS IS A VIOLATION OF CITY ORDINANCE AND STATE LAW AND IS SUBJECT TO FINES AND WITHHOLDING OF UTILITIES AND BUILDING PERMITS. 11.THIS PLAT DOES NOT ALTER OR REMOVE EXISTING DEED RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, ON THIS PROPERTY. 12.A DRIVEWAY CULVERT PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED FROM CITY OF SANGER ROAD AND BRIDGE DEPARTMENT BY THE OWNER OF EACH LOT PRIOR TO THE CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION, OR PLACEMENT OF ANY DRIVEWAY ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN THE DEDICATED RIGHT-OF-WAY. 13.NO CONSTRUCTION, WITHOUT WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM CITY OF SANGER SHALL BE ALLOWED WITHIN AN IDENTIFIED "FIRM" FLOODPLAIN AREA, AND THEN ONLY AFTER A DETAILED FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT PERMIT INCLUDING ENGINEERING PLANS AND STUDIES SHOW THAT NO RISE IN THE BASE FLOOD ELEVATION (BFE) WILL RESULT, THAT NO FLOODING WILL RESULT, THAT NO OBSTRUCTION TO THE NATURAL FLOW OF WATER WILL RESULT; AND SUBJECT TO ALL OWNERS OF THE PROPERTY AFFECTED BY SUCH CONSTRUCTION BECOMING A PARTY TO THE REQUEST. WHERE CONSTRUCTION IS PERMITTED, ALL FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATIONS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF TWO FEET ABOVE THE 100-YEAR FLOOD ELEVATION. 14.ALL PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS AND DEDICATIONS SHALL BE FREE AND CLEAR OF ALL DEBT, LIENS, AND /OR ENCUMBRANCES . 15.ALL LOT CORNER SET WITH 1/2 INCH REBAR WITH PLASTIC CAP LABELED RPLS #4857. 16.CONSTRUCTION NOT COMPLETE WITHIN TWO YEARS OF THE COMMISSIONERS COURT APPROVAL SHALL BE SUBJECT TO TO CURRENT COUNTY SUBDIVISION RULES AND REGULATIONS. 17.THE EASEMENTS AND PUBLIC USE AREAS, AS SHOWN ARE DEDICATED FOR THE PUBLIC USE FOREVER FOR THE PURPOSES INDICATED ON THE PLAT. 18.NO BUILDING, FENCES , TREES, SHRUBS, OR OTHER IMPROVEMENTS OR GROWTH SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OR PLACED UPON, OVER OR ACROSS THE EASEMENTS AS SHOWN, EXCEPT THAT LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS MAY BE PLACED IN LANDSCAPE EASEMENTS EASEMENTS APPROVED BY THE CITY OF SANGER. 19.THE CITY OF SANGER IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR REPLACING ANY IMPROVEMENTS IN, UNDER, OR OVER ANY EASEMENTS CAUSED BY MAINTENANCE OR REPAIR. 20.UTILITY EASEMENTS MAY ALSO BE USED FOR THE MUTUAL USE AND ACCOMMODATION OF ALL PUBLIC UTILITIES DESIRING TO USE OR USING THE SAME UNLESS THE EASEMENTS LIMITS THE USE TO PARTICULAR UTILITIES, SAID USE BY THE PUBLIC UTILITIES BEING SUBORDINATE TO THE PUBLICS AND THE CITY OF SANGER'S USE THEREOF. 21.THE CITY OF SANGER AND THE PUBLIC UTILITIES SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMOVE AND KEEP REMOVED ALL OR PART OF ANY BUILDING, FENCES, TREES, SHRUBS, OR OTHER IMPROVEMENTS OR GROWTHS WHICH MAY IN ANY WAS ENDANGER OR INTERFERE WITH THE CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE, OR EFFICIENCY OF THEIR RESPECTIVE SYSTEMS IN THE EASEMENTS. 22.THE CITY OF SANGER AND PUBLIC UTILITIES SHALL AT ALL TIMES HAVE THE FULL RIGHT OF INGRESS AND EGRESS TO OR FROM THEIR RESPECTIVE EASEMENTS FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING, RECONSTRUCTING, INSPECTING, PATROLLING, MAINTAINING READING METERS AND ADDING TO OR REMOVING ALL OR PARTS OF THEIR RESPECTIVE SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE NECESSITY AT ANY TIME PROCURING PERMISSION FROM ANYONE. 23.ALL MODIFICATIONS TO THIS DOCUMENT SHALL BE BY MEANS OF THE PLAT AND APPROVED BY THE CITY OF SANGER. 24.ALL LOTS COMPLY WITH THE MINIMUM SIZE REQUIREMENTS OF ZONING DISTRICT. 25.THIS PROPERTY MAY BE SUBJECT TO CHARGES RELATED TO IMPACT FEES AND APPLICANT SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY REGARDING ANY APPLICABLE FEES DUE. 26.THE PURPOSE OF THIS PLAT IS TO CREATE ONE COMMERCIAL LOT. APPROVED AND ACCEPTED ______________________________________________ MAYOR, CITY OF SANGER DATE ATTESTED BY: _______________________________________________ CITY SECRETARY, CITY OF SANGER DATE APPROVED BY THE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION ON THIS THE __________ DAY OF ____________, 20______ ___________________________________________________ CHAIRPERSON, PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION ___________________________________________________ CITY SECRETARY OWNERS DEDICATION: WHEREAS M & G SANGER REAL ESTATE LLC IS THE OWNER OF ALL THAT CERTAIN TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND SITUTATED IN THE HENRY TIERWESTER SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 1241, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS AND BEING ALL OF A CALLED 10.42 ACRE TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN THE DEED TO M & G SANGER REAL ESTATE LLC AS RECORDED IN DOCUMENT NUMBER 2019-27076 OF THE REAL PROPERTY RECORDS OF DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE TRACT BEING DESCRIBED HEREIN, AT A CAPPED IRON ROD SET FOR CORNER AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF A CALLED 0.4735 ACRE TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN THE DEED TO THE STATE OF TEXAS AS RECORDED IN DOCUMENT NUMBER 138071 OF SAID REAL PROPERTY RECORDS, IN THE SOUTH LINE OF A CALLED 5.507 ACRE TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN THE DEED TO DORWIN LEE SARGENT JR. AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 1412, PAGE 383 OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF DENTON COUNTY TEXAS AND IN THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF INTERSTATE HIGHWAY 35; THENCE WITH THE WEST LINE OF SAID 0.4735 ACRE TRACT, ALONG SAID WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE FOR THE FOLLOWING THREE (3) CALLS AND DISTANCES: SOUTH 00 DEGREES 39 MINUTES 26 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 184.41 FEET TO A CAPPED IRON ROD SET FOR CORNER; SOUTH 10 DEGREES 32 MINUTES 59 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 101.17 FEET TO A PK NAIL FOUND FOR CORNER; SOUTH 01 DEGREES 22 MINUTES 10 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 89.61 FEET TO A CAPPED IRON ROD FOUND LABELED TXDOT FOR THE SOUTHEAST CORNER HEREIN AND IN THE NORTH LINE OF A CALLED 30.96 ACRE TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN THE DEED TO HOLT TEXAS LTD AS RECORDED IN DOCUMENT NUMBER 2013-71958 OF SAID REAL PROPERTY RECORDS; THENCE NORTH 88 DEGREES 19 MINUTES 03 SECONDS WEST WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID 10.42 ACRE TRACT AND THE NORTH LINE OF SAID 30.96 ACRE TRACT A DISTANCE OF 1166.72 FEET TO A 1/2 INCH IRON ROD FOUND FOR CORNER AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID 30.96 ACRE TRACT AND IN THE EAST LINE OF A CALLED 50 ACRE TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN THE DEED TO PAC GROUP LTD. AS RECORDED IN DOCUMENT NUMBER 2001-071869 OF SAID REAL PROPERTY RECORDS; THENCE NORTH 01 DEGREES 03 MINUTES 36 SECONDS EAST WITH THE EAST LINE OF SAID 50 ACRE TRACT A DISTANCE OF 361.40 FEET TO A 1/2 INCH IRON ROD FOUND FOR CORNER AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID 50 ACRE TRACT AND THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF A 2.501 ACRE TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN THE DEED TO DANIEL R. WOLFE AND BRIANNA L. WOLFE AS RECORDED IN DOCUMENT NUMBER 2021-21494 OF SAID REAL PROPERTY RECORDS; THENCE SOUTH 88 DEGREES 55 MINUTES 36 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 1182.52 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 9.936 ACRES OF LAND, MORE OR LESS. NOW, THEREFORE , KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT M & G SANGER REAL ESTATE LLC., THROUGH ITS DUALLY SWORN REPRESENTATIVE, GLENN POLK, DOES HEREBY ADOPT THIS MINOR PLAT DESIGNATING THE HEREIN ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY AS SANGER GLENN POLK ADDITION, AN ADDITION TO CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, AND DOES HEREBY DEDICATE TO THE PUBLIC USE FOREVER BY FEE SIMPLE TITLE, FREE AND CLEAR OF ALL LIENS AND ENCUMBRANCES, ALL STREETS, THOROUGHFARES, ALLEYS, FIRE LANES, DRIVE AISLES, PARKS, AND WATERCOURSES, AND TO THE PUBLIC USE FOREVER EASEMENTS FOR SIDEWALKS, STORM DRAINAGE FACILITIES, UTILITIES AND ANY OTHER PROPERTY NECESSARY TO SERVE THE PLAT AND TO IMPLEMENT THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS AND OTHER CITY CODES AND DO HEREBY BIND OURSELVES, OUR HEIRS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS TO WARRANT AND TO FOREVER DEFEND THE TITLE ON THE LAND SO DEDICATED. FURTHER, THE UNDERSIGNED COVENANTS AND AGREE THAT HE/SHE SHALL MAINTAIN ALL EASEMENTS AD FACILITIES IN A STATE OF GOOD REPAIR AND FUNCTIONAL AT ALL TIMES IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY CODES AND REGULATIONS. NO BUILDING, FENCES, TREES SHRUBS, OR OTHER IMPROVEMENTS MAY BE INSTALLED, IF APPROVED BY THE CITY OF SANGER. THE CITY OF SANGER AND PUBLIC UTILITIES SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO ACCESS AND MAINTAIN ALL RESPECTIVE EASEMENTS WITHOUT THE NECESSITY AT ANY TIME OF PROCURING PERMISSION FROM ANYONE. WITNESS MY HAND THIS______________DAY OF______________,20_______. _____________________________________________________, M & G SANGER REAL ESTATE LLC. STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § BEFORE ME, THE UNDERSIGNED NOTARY IN AND FOR THE STATE OF TEXAS, ON THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED A REPRESENTATIVE OF M & G REAL ESTATE, KNOWN TO ME TO BE THE PERSON, WHOSE NAME IS SUBSCRIBED TO THE FORGOING INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGE TO ME THAT HE EXECUTED THE SAME FOR THE PURPOSE AND CONSIDERATION THEREIN EXPRESSED AND IN THE CAPACITY THEREIN STATED. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF THE OFFICE THIS ____________ DAY OF __________________ 2023. ____________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC IN THE STATE OF TEXAS. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES _______________________. ____________________________________________________, GLENN POLK (REPRESENTATIVE) STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § BEFORE ME, THE UNDERSIGNED NOTARY IN AND FOR THE STATE OF TEXAS, ON THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED GLENN POLK, KNOWN TO ME TO BE THE PERSON, WHOSE NAME IS SUBSCRIBED TO THE FORGOING INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGE TO ME THAT HE EXECUTED THE SAME FOR THE PURPOSE AND CONSIDERATION THEREIN EXPRESSED AND IN THE CAPACITY THEREIN STATED. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF THE OFFICE THIS ____________ DAY OF __________________ 2023. ____________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC IN THE STATE OF TEXAS. FINAL PLAT LOT 1, BLOCK A GLENN POLK ADDITION 9.936 ACRES IN THE H. TIERWESTER SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1241 CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS 23 Item 6. 24 Item 6. City of Sanger 201 Bolivar / P.O Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 940-458-2059 (office) www.sangertexas.org Effective Date: 02/11/2020 201 Bolivar Street/PO Box 1729 * Sanger, TX 76266 940-458-2059(office) www.sangertexas.org SUBDIVISION PACKET A Plat subdividing land within the city limits of Sanger or within Sanger Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) requires the approval of the City of Sanger. The platting process involves the preparation of one or more plats by the landowner, a review by staff, and consideration by the Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council. PLAT TYPES: There are seven different types of plats, each with their own function. • Preliminary Plat – A preliminary plat is required for most subdivisions, particularly those providing for dedication of public right-of-way and construction of public improvements. It is used to determine the layout of the proposed development. • Final Plat – A final plat will follow a preliminary plat to specify in detail the arrangement of lots, the dedication of public right-of-way, and the provision of public improvements and services. • Replat – A replat revises an existing plat and is controlling over the preceding plat. A public hearing is required for replat. • Minor Plat – A minor plat is one creating three lots or fewer, and not requiring the dedication of right-of-way or construction of improvements. Minor plats can be approved with the preparation of a preliminary plat. • Amended Plat – An amended plat revises a previously platted lot to correct an error or add or modify a feature. Amending plats cannot increase the number of lots. • Conveyance Plat – A conveyance plat may be used to convey the property or interests therein. It may also be used in lieu of a final plat to record a subdivision or property. A conveyance plat is an interim step in the subdivision of land and shall contain a notation that indicates that no development is intended. • Vacating Plat – A vacating plat removes/vacates the plat covering a tract of land before any lot in the plat is sold. The plat is vacated when a signed, acknowledged instrument declaring the plat vacated is approved and recorded in the manner prescribed for the original plat. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: The submittal requirements for each kind of plat are included in this packet. SUBMISSION SCHEDULE: Plats must be submitted during regular business hours before the submittal cut- off date for each Planning and Zoning (P&Z) Commission meeting. Before the application is filed, a mandatory completeness check is required. Application are encouraged to be submitted at least 9 days prior to the submittal cut-off date for completeness check. Plat will be scheduled for P&Z Commission and for City Council according to The Schedule for Planning Applications on the City’s website. Staff will provide review comments within 2 weeks of application filing. All corrections must be made prior to the P&Z Commission meeting. If more time is needed for revisions/corrections, the applicant and owner must submit a request in the form of a signed letter a week before the P&Z meeting date. Staff may extend the application review time for up to 25 days upon receipt of the signed letter. 25 Item 6. City of Sanger 201 Bolivar / P.O Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 940-458-2059 (office) www.sangertexas.org Effective Date: 02/11/2020 201 Bolivar Street/PO Box 1729 * Sanger, TX 76266 940-458-2059(office) www.sangertexas.org APPLICATION FEES: The non-refundable application fee covers part of the cost for the city to review and act on the plat application. • Residential Preliminary or Final Plat / Replat  $400.00 + $6.00 per lot < 10  $500.00 + $10.00 per lot > 10  $500.00 + $15.00/acre for plats with lot sizes of one acre or more • Commercial Preliminary or Final Plat / Replat  Less than five (5) acres - $500.00 + $15.00 per acre  Five (5) acres to less than 25 acres - $600.00 + $15.00 per acre  25 acres to less than 100 acres - $950.00  100 acres or more - $950.00 + $5.00 per acre • Minor Plat - $400.00 + $3.00 per lot, or $15.00 per acre for lots larger than 1 acre • Amended Plat - $200.00 + $3.00 per lot • Conveyance Plat - $200.00 +$3.00 per lot • Vacating Plat - $200.00 SUBDIVISION PROCEDURE The process for subdividing land involved the following steps: 1. Pre-Application Conference: Prior to filing of a plat, the owner must consult with the Director of Development Services, and other City staff concerning compliance with all applicable ordinances and regulations, and the provision of adequate infrastructure and public services. Also, the applicable application review and approval procedure for the plat will be identified. 2. Completeness Check: The applicant will provide all required documents and fees along with the signed application and applicable checklist for a completeness check 9 days prior to the submittal cut-off date. Staff will review the documents for completeness of items listed on the checklists and provide feedback about any additional information or documents required from the applicant. Applications deemed to be incomplete at the time of submittal cut-off date will be returned to the applicant without the application being filed. 3. Submission: Upon determination of application completeness, the application will be considered filed with the Development Services Department. The application submittal cut-off date will be considered as the application filing date and as the first day of review of application. 4. Review: City Staff will review the plat for compliance with the Subdivision Ordinance and other city requirements, and provide comments within 2 weeks of application submittal. The applicant may need to make changes and revisions to the plat or supporting materials. The applicant must provide additional copies of the plat if requested by staff prior to the P&Z Commission and City Council meetings. 26 Item 6. City of Sanger 201 Bolivar / P.O Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 940-458-2059 (office) www.sangertexas.org Effective Date: 02/11/2020 201 Bolivar Street/PO Box 1729 * Sanger, TX 76266 940-458-2059(office) www.sangertexas.org 5. Planning & Zoning Commission: The Planning & Zoning Commission will consider the plat at a regular meeting. The meeting date will be determined at the time of application filing. Staff will recommend approval of the project only if all of staff’s comments have been addressed prior to P&Z meeting. If the plat is approved, it will be forwarded to the City Council. If the plat is denied, applicant may resubmit a response addressing all of staff’s comments prior to City Council meeting date. 6. City Council: The City Council will consider the plat at a regular meeting. The meeting date will be determined at the time of application filing. Staff will recommend approval of the project only if all of staff’s comments have been addressed prior to City Council meeting. City Council’s action will be final. If the plat is denied, staff will provide written statement with specific reasons for disapproval. The applicant may resubmit a response satisfying all reasons for disapproval. Upon resubmittal of the applicant’s response, City will have 15 days to either approve or deny the plat. If plat is denied again, the applicant will be required to start a new application. If approved, applicant may schedule a pre-construction meeting with City staff. 7. Filing for Recordation: Following approval by the City Council, and construction and acceptance of any required public improvements, the plat will be signed by the P&Z Chairman, Mayor, sealed by the City Secretary, and filed for record with Denton County. A Plat Execution Package containing the following must be provided to the Development Services to file the plat for record with Denton County: a. three (3) full-sized (24”x36”) notarized copies of the plat with all signatures (except P&Z Chairman, Mayor and City Secretary), seals, stamps or other validation/certifications of work as applicable in accordance with State law and local requirements, folded to 8.5”x11” with the title block facing outwards; b. recent original certified & sealed tax certificates showing $0.00 amount due; c. $100.00 plat filing fee; Note: Preliminary Plats are not filed for record Consult the Schedule of Planning Application for submittal dates and corresponding meeting dates of the Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council. 27 Item 6. City of Sanger 201 Bolivar / P.O Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 940-458-2059 (office) www.sangertexas.org Effective Date: 02/11/2020 201 Bolivar Street/PO Box 1729 * Sanger, TX 76266 940-458-2059(office) www.sangertexas.org SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS & PROCESS All plat submittals must include the correct copies of the plat, the completed and signed application form, plat checklist, the application fee, and a Letter of Intent. Some plats may also require additional copies of the plat and/or other supplementary materials. The Pre-Application Conference with city staff will determine the specific submittal requirements for each applicant. PLAT: The applicant must provide one (1) copy of the plat, printed on a 24”x36” paper, folded to one quarter that size, along a pdf copy of the plat provided on a CD/DVD or emailed to development@sangertexas.org. Additional copies of the plat may be required for staff, depending on the nature of the plat. Additional copies may be required prior to the Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council meetings. APPLICATION FORM: The application form must be completed and signed by the owner(s). PLAT CHECKLIST: Each item on the applicable plat checklist must be check marked as completed and submitted along with the application form. APPLICATION FEE: The required application fee must be provided by check made payable to the City of Sanger. If the submittal is complete, the payment will be accepted. If the submittal is incomplete, the check will be returned with the other materials. LETTER OF INTENT: Each plat submittal must include a Letter of Intent which provides the following: • The subdivider’s name and address • The contact information of the person(s) preparing the submitted documents • The designated point of contact for future correspondence • The intent of the plat application • A brief description of the location, land area, particulars as to the intended use(s) of the property, and any intended future development on the property • A request that the plat be reviewed and considered by the appropriate approval body SUBMITTAL PROCESS: The applicant shall submit the plat application to the Department of Development Services as indicated by the Schedule of Planning Application. A plat application submittal is accepted by the City when the Director of Development Services has certified to the applicant that a complete submittal providing adequate information for a comprehensive review has been received. No plat application will be considered submitted with the city until and unless the prescribed application fees have been paid. All original plat application documents must be submitted to the Department of Development Services, as well as emailed to development@sangertexas.org. 28 Item 6. City of Sanger 201 Bolivar / P.O Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 940-458-2059 (office) www.sangertexas.org Effective Date: 02/11/2020 201 Bolivar Street/PO Box 1729 * Sanger, TX 76266 940-458-2059(office) www.sangertexas.org PRELIMINARY PLAT CHECKLIST The plat shall be drawn to a scale of not more than two hundred feet to the inch (1” = 200’). The information to be included and the procedure for submittal are as follows:  Legal Description (Metes and Bounds) with total acreage  Describe and locate all permanent survey monument, pins, and control points and tie and reference the survey corners at two points to the Texas State Plane Coordinate System North Central Zone 1983- 1999 datum. The Point of Beginning (POB) shall be clearly marked including State Plane Coordinates, NAD 83.  An accurate location of at least two (2) corners of the subdivision with reference to original corners of the original survey of which the subdivision is a part or an existing permanent monument to an approved and recorded plat or permanent markers established by and approved by the City Engineer.  North Arrow  Scale (both graphic and written) appropriate for the level of detail and not more than two hundred feet to the inch (1”=200)  Legend for any symbols used  Location/Vicinity Map showing the location of the subject property, existing and proposed streets and thoroughfares covering an area at least one thousand feet (1,000’) outside the proposed subdivision.  Title Block with the following information: 1) Plat Type (ex: “Final Plat”, “Preliminary Plat”, etc.) 2) Name of the proposed development/addition 3) Total number of lots and HOA/Open Space lots 4) Survey name and abstract number 5) Gross acreage 6) Right-of-Way acreage, if dedicated 7) Date of preparation and subsequent revisions  Block with name(s), address, phone number, and email of preparer, owner, developer, engineer, and/or surveyor 29 Item 6. City of Sanger 201 Bolivar / P.O Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 940-458-2059 (office) www.sangertexas.org Effective Date: 02/11/2020 201 Bolivar Street/PO Box 1729 * Sanger, TX 76266 940-458-2059(office) www.sangertexas.org  Existing Features: 1) Location and dimension of all boundary lines (accurate in scale) with dimensions and bearings including lot lines, building lines, and City Limits lines (if any). 2) The location, widths, and names of all existing or platted streets or other public areas, parks, existing permanent structures, land dedicated within or contiguous to the subject property, railroads, rights-of-way, easements, and other important features, such as abstract lines, political subdivision or corporation lines, and school district boundaries. 3) Existing sewer mains, water mains, drainage culverts or other underground structures within the tract and immediately adjacent thereto with pipe sizes, grades, locations and dimensions indicated. 4) Contours with intervals of two feet (2’) or less, referred to mean sea level datum. In areas where the terrain is relatively flat, supplementary contours shall be shown so that the average horizontal distance between said lines does not exceed two hundred feet (200’). 5) Subdivision name of adjacent properties (P.R.D.C.T) or ownership information for adjacent un-platted properties (D.R.D.C.T.) with recording information. 6) Location of existing fire hydrants and fire lanes PRELIMINARY PLAT CHECKLIST (cont.)  New Features: 1) The layout, names, and widths (from centerline to edge as well as from edge to edge) of the proposed streets, fire lanes, drives, alleys and easements. 2) Length and radii of all street segments 3) Curve table for all streets, drives, and alleys 4) Acreage or square footage of right-of-way dedicated should be shown, including corner clips and deceleration/turn lanes on the plat 5) Lot and block numbers (lot number are numbers; and block numbers are letters), square footage, and other description according to the real estate records of the city or county auditor and recorder; also, designation of the proposed uses of land within the subdivision. 6) All parcels of land intended to be dedicated for public use or reserved in the deeds for the use of all property owner(s) in the proposed subdivision, together with the purpose or limitations of such reservations. 7) The layout, numbers, set-back lines, and approximate dimensions of proposed lots, blocks, parks, etc. 8) Location of proposed fire hydrants and fire lanes 9) USPS Postmaster approved location of mailboxes (if cluster mailboxes) 10) Proposed building lines with square footage and proposed use 11) Proposed Parking layout  Table showing the following information: 1) Listing of the lots with square footage, and the associated lot widths at the front building line 2) Square footage of total building footprint and of each land use (if known) 3) Number of required and provided parking spaces 4) Required and provided total landscaped area and front yard landscaped area 30 Item 6. City of Sanger 201 Bolivar / P.O Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 940-458-2059 (office) www.sangertexas.org Effective Date: 02/11/2020 201 Bolivar Street/PO Box 1729 * Sanger, TX 76266 940-458-2059(office) www.sangertexas.org  Existing and proposed FEMA 100-year floodplain boundaries and elevation. Include minimum finished floor elevations (minimum 2 feet above the 100-year elevation) of all lots adjacent to floodplain. If the site does not contain a floodplain, note that: “No 100-year floodplain exists on the site.” A Floodplain reclamation study will be required with Final Plat if necessary.  Submittals for preliminary plats shall include plans, documents, and information adequate for the review of the provision of public improvements to the properties involved. This includes but is not limited to streets, water services, wastewater services, franchise utilities, street lighting, and stormwater detention (ex: preliminary drainage plans, preliminary utility plans, floodplain study, traffic impact study etc.).  Two (2) copies of the typical cross-sections of proposed streets showing the width of pavement, type of pavement, and location and widths of sidewalks when not in conformance with standard details.  Approval Block: The following notice shall be placed on the face of each preliminary plat by the subdivider: “Preliminary Plat for Review Purposes Only” The following certificates shall be placed on the preliminary plat by the subdivider: Approved for Preparation of Final Plat City of Sanger, TX Date Planning & Zoning Commission 31 Item 6. City of Sanger 201 Bolivar / P.O Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 940-458-2059 (office) www.sangertexas.org Effective Date: 02/11/2020 201 Bolivar Street/PO Box 1729 * Sanger, TX 76266 940-458-2059(office) www.sangertexas.org FINAL, REPLAT, MINOR, AMENDED, AND CONVEYANCE PLAT CHECKLIST  The Plat shall be drawn to a scale of not more than two hundred feet to the inch (1” = 200’).  The boundary marked with heavy weighted lines with accurate distances and bearings, a metes and bounds description of the boundary (error of closure shall not exceed one (a) in fifty thousand (50,000) for the plat boundary), exact acreage to hundredths, and the exact location and width of all existing or recorded rights-of-way intersecting the boundary of or bordering on the tract. One (1) copy of the traverse closure sheet shall be enclosed.  True bearings and distances to the nearest established street lines, official monuments or subdivision corner, which shall be accurately described on the plat. Municipal, township, county or abstract survey lines shall be accurately tied to the lines of the subdivision by the distances and bearings, where applicable.  Describe and locate all permanent survey monument, pins, and control points and tie and reference the survey corners at two points to the Texas State Plane Coordinate System North Central Zone 1983- 1999 datum. The Point of Beginning (POB) shall be clearly marked including State Plane Coordinates, NAD 83.  An accurate location of at least two (2) corners of the subdivision with reference to original corners of the original survey of which the subdivision is a part or an existing permanent monument to an approved and recorded plat or permanent markers established by and approved by the City Engineer.  Subdivision name of adjacent properties (P.R.D.C.T) or ownership information for adjacent unplatted properties (D.R.D.C.T.) with recording information.  An accurate location of the subdivision in reference to the deed records of the county which shall include the volume and page of the deed of the property to be subdivided.  If the property owner information does not match the Denton Central Appraisal District record, then information related to the purchase must be provided.  The exact layout, including: 1) Street and/or alley names 2) The length of all arcs, radii, internal angles and points of curvature, length and bearing of the tangents 3) All existing and proposed easements for right-of-way, public services, utilities or any other easements and any limitations of the easements 4) Show centerline of existing streets. Dimensions from centerline to edges of existing and proposed right-of-way on both sides of the centerline. 5) All lot number and lines, with accurate dimensions in feet and hundredths and with bearings and angles to street and alley lines to the nearest second  The accurate location, material, and approximate size of all monuments. 32 Item 6. City of Sanger 201 Bolivar / P.O Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 940-458-2059 (office) www.sangertexas.org Effective Date: 02/11/2020 201 Bolivar Street/PO Box 1729 * Sanger, TX 76266 940-458-2059(office) www.sangertexas.org  The accurate outline description of all property which is offered for dedication for public use, such as parks, etc., with the purpose indicated thereon, and all property that may be reserved by deed covenant for the common use of the property owners in the subdivision.  A signed and notarized copy of private restriction (if any), that are filed for record in the office of the County Clerk shall be provided with the Final Plat.  Name and addresses of the owner, subdivider, engineer, and surveyor. FINAL, REPLAT, MINOR, AMENDED, AND CONVEYANCE PLAT CHECKLIST (cont.)  North point, written and graphic scale, and date.  3”x3” recording box at the lower right hand corner.  A Title Block with the following information shall be provided on each page: 1) Plat Type (ex: “Final Plat”, “Preliminary Plat”, etc.) 2) Name of the proposed development/addition/subdivision 3) Total number of lots and HOA/Open Space lots 4) Survey name and abstract number 5) Gross acreage 6) Right-of-Way acreage, if dedicated 7) Date of preparation and subsequent revisions  Standard Notation to be added on the plat: 1) “All lots comply with the minimum size requirements of the zoning district.” 2) “This property may be subject to charges related to impact fees and the applicant should contact the City regarding any applicable fees due.” 3) “All common areas, drainage easements, and detention facilities will be owned and maintained by the HOA/POA. Any common area within the City’s right-of-way will require a facilities agreement, to be reviewed and approved by the City.” 4) “Notice – selling a portion of this addition by metes and bounds is a violation of City ordinance and State Law and is subject to fines and withholding of utilities and building permits.” 5) “This plat does not alter or remove existing deed restrictions, if any, on this property.” 6) “Minimum finished floor elevations are at least 2 feet above the 100 year flood plain.” 7) “The subject property does not lie within a 100 – year floodplain according to Community Panel No. , dated , of the National Flood Insurance Rate Maps for Denton County, Texas.” 8) “The purpose of this plat is [state the purpose] ” 9) “Bearings are based on the State Plane Coordinate System, Texas North Central Zone (4202), North American Datum of 1983 (NAD ‘83)” 33 Item 6. City of Sanger 201 Bolivar / P.O Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 940-458-2059 (office) www.sangertexas.org Effective Date: 02/11/2020 201 Bolivar Street/PO Box 1729 * Sanger, TX 76266 940-458-2059(office) www.sangertexas.org  The name, address and phone number of all utilities providing service to the development is required. A signature from each provider or a will-serve letter, signifying their ability to provide service to the subdivision is required.  Location map showing existing and proposed streets and thoroughfares covering an area at least one thousand feet (1000’) outside the proposed subdivision.  One paper copy (24”x36”) and one soft copy (pdf) of approved civil/construction plans, along with GIS/CAD files for all approved public improvements on a CD/DVD.  For Conveyance Plats Only: All conveyance plats must be titled “Conveyance Plat” and carry the following text: “A conveyance plat is a record of property approved by the City of Sanger for the purpose of sale or conveyance in its entirety or interests thereon defined. No building permit may be issued, nor development begin, nor permanent public utility service provided until a final plat is approved, filed of record and public improvements are accepted in accordance with the City of Sanger Code of Ordinances. Selling a portion of this property by metes and bounds, except as shown on an approved, filed and accepted conveyance plat, final plat or replat is a violation of the state law.” 34 Item 6. City of Sanger 201 Bolivar / P.O Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 940-458-2059 (office) www.sangertexas.org Effective Date: 02/11/2020 201 Bolivar Street/PO Box 1729 * Sanger, TX 76266 940-458-2059(office) www.sangertexas.org FINAL, REPLAT, MINOR, AMENDED, AND CONVEYANCE PLAT CHECKLIST  Certification by a registered public surveyor or licensed state land surveyor, registered in the State of Texas to the effect that the plat represents a survey made by him or under his direct supervision and that all monuments shown thereon have been verified and actually exist, and that their location, size, and material are correctly shown. Such surveyor’s certificate may be prepared as follows: “State of Texas County of Denton I hereby certify that this plat is true and correct and was prepared from an actual survey of the property made on the ground under my supervision. (Engineer or Surveyor’s Seal) Licensed Professional Engineer OR Registered Public Land Surveyor Texas R.P.L.S. No. Date”  A certificate of ownership and dedication of all streets, alleys, parks, and playgrounds to public use forever, signed and acknowledged before a notary public, by the owner or authorized representative and lien holder of the land, and a complete and accurate description of the land subdivided and the streets dedicated. Such owner’s certificate may be prepared as follows: “State of Texas County of Denton I (we), the undersigned, owner(s) of the land shown on this plat within the area described by metes and bounds as follows: (Metes and Bounds Description of Boundary) NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT , acting herein by and through its duly authorized officer, does hereby adopt this plat designating the hereinabove described property as (lot/block/subdivision), an addition to the City of Sanger, Texas, and does hereby dedicate to the public use forever by fee simple title, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, all streets, thoroughfares, alleys, fire lanes, drive aisles, parks, and watercourses, and to the public use forever easements for sidewalks, storm drainage facilities, utilities and any other property necessary to serve the plat and to implement the requirements of the subdivision regulations and other City codes and do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, successors and assigns to warrant and to forever defend the title on the land so dedicated. Further, the undersigned covenants and agrees that he/she shall maintain all easements and facilities in a state of good repair and functional condition at all times in accordance with City codes and regulations. No buildings, fences, trees, shrubs, or other improvements or growths shall be constructed or placed upon, over, or across the easements as shown, except that landscape improvements may be installed, if approved by the City of Sanger. The City of Sanger and public utility entities shall have the right to access and maintain all respective easements without the necessity at any time of procuring permission from anyone. WITNESS MY HAND this day of _, 20 . , Owner , Title and Company (if applicable)” 35 Item 6. City of Sanger 201 Bolivar / P.O Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 940-458-2059 (office) www.sangertexas.org Effective Date: 02/11/2020 201 Bolivar Street/PO Box 1729 * Sanger, TX 76266 940-458-2059(office) www.sangertexas.org FINAL, REPLAT, MINOR, AMENDED, AND CONVEYANCE PLAT CHECKLIST (cont.) “State of Texas County of Denton Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he/she executed the same for the purposes and considerations therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. Given under my hand and seal of office this day of , 20 . Notary Public in and for the State of Texas Type or Print Notary’s Name My Commission Expires .”  The following certificate shall be included on the plat in a manner that will allow the signatures of the designated officials and the affixing of the City Seal. “Approved and Accepted _ Chairman, Planning & Zoning Commission Dat e City of Sanger, TX Mayor Date City of Sanger, TX Attested by City Secretary Date City of Sanger, TX” 36 Item 6. City of Sanger 201 Bolivar / P.O Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 940-458-2059 (office) www.sangertexas.org Effective Date: 02/11/2020 201 Bolivar Street/PO Box 1729 * Sanger, TX 76266 940-458-2059(office) www.sangertexas.org VACATING PLAT CHECKLIST  A letter signed by the property owner(s) indicating their consent. If the property owner information does not match the Denton Central Appraisal District record, then information related to the purchase must be provided.  Current tax certificate(s) indicating all taxes for the subject property have been paid to the current year (available from Denton Central Appraisal District). Tax statements printed from the DCAD website (pdf) are acceptable in lieu of the original certificate(s). Original tax certificates shall be required for recording the plat at the County.  Letter of Intent that should include 1) Existing legal description (subdivision name, lot(s), block(s)); 2) Original legal description that will be resumed upon plat vacation; 3) Explain the location of all structures on the property. 4) The contact information of the person(s) preparing the submitted documents 5) The designated point of contact for future correspondence 6) The intent of the plat application 7) A request that the plat be reviewed and considered by the appropriate approval body  A signed and notarized affidavit filled out completely and accurately by the land owner for the type pf plat that is proposed to be vacated must be included.  A map(s) showing the location, size, use and arrangement of all buildings/structures showing height in stories and feet, total floor area, total square feet of ground area coverage of existing buildings which will remain, if any, and the location, designation and total area of all usable open space.  Vicinity Map 37 Item 6. 940.458.2059 | 201 Bolivar St. |PO Box 1729 | Sanger, TX 76226 | www.sangertexas.org facebook.com/SangerTexas @CityofSanger DATE: 02/27/2023 1st REVIEW COMMENTS – Final Plat (Glenn Polk Addition) The request is for a Final Plat of the Glenn Polk Addition containing 1 lot, being approximately 9.936 acres in the H TIERWESTER SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1241, prepared by All American Surveying, submitted on 02/15/2023. Below are the comments that should be addressed before City Council approval. Resubmit the revised plat along with a response letter addressing all comments. Planning Provide the following 1. Provide a letter of intent. 2. Provide will serve letter from CoServ. 3. Show the centerline of existing streets and dimensions from the centerline to the edges of existing and proposed right-of-way on both sides of the centerline. 4. Provide a signed notarized copy of private restrictions (if any), that are filed for record in the office of the County Clerk. 5. Add plat note “All common areas, drainage easements, and detention facilities will be owned and maintained by HOA/POA. Any common area within the City’s right-of-way will require a facilities agreement, to be reviewed and approved by the City.” 6. Remove plat note #16 relating to Commissioners Court. 7. Preliminary Plat shows acreage to be 10.418 and Final Plat shows 9.936 which acreage is correct? 8. Add the name address and phone number of all utilities providing service to the development. Informational Comments 1. The property is within the City of Sanger. 2. The Final Plat will be scheduled for Planning and Zoning (P&Z) Commission meeting on Monday, March 13, 2023, and the City Council meeting on Monday, April 3, 2023. 38 Item 6. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION COMMUNICATION DATE: March 13, 2023 FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Services Director AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on the Final Plat of Coffee Bistro 1187, being 0.779 acres, located in the City of Sanger, and generally located on the east side of FM 455 and approximately 218 feet n of the intersection of FM 455 and N Stemmons Frwy corner of FM 455 and N Stemmons Frwy. SUMMARY:  The applicant is proposing to create 1 commercial lot from two unplatted tracts.  This site is located on the east side of N Stemmons Frwy on the northeast corner of FM 455 and Ns Stemmons Frwy.  The property is zoned “B-2” Business 2.  Drive-thru Coffee is an allowed use in the “B-2” zoning district.  TxDOT has taken right-of-way from the south and west sides of the lot and the buildings have been demolished.  The property is serviced by Sanger Water, Sewer, and Electric.  The property is located in the City of Sanger. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: N/A Amount: N/A GL Account: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends APPROVAL with the condition all comments are satisfied prior to City Council approval. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map Final Plat Application Letter of Intent Planning Comments Engineering Comments 39 Item 7. Denton County Landmark Map Esri Community Maps Contributors, Texas Parks & Wildlife, © OpenStreetMap, Microsoft, Esri, HERE, Garmin, SafeGraph, GeoTechnologies, Inc, METI/NASA, USGS, EPA, NPS, US Census Bureau, USDA Legend Notes 0 100 200 ft This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. Denton County does not guarantee the correctness or accuracy of any features on this product and assumes no responsibility in connection therewith. This product may be revised at any time without notification to any user. https://gis.dentoncounty.gov 2/24/2023 2:32:54 PM 40 Item 7. SURVEYOR'S NOTES: 1.Bearings and distances are based on Texas State Plane Coordinate System, Texas North Central Zone 4202 North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83) (U.S. Foot) with a combined scale factor of 1.000150630. 2.This property lies within Zone "X" Unshaded of the Flood Insurance Rate Map for Denton County, Texas and Incorporated Areas, map no. 48121C0210G, dated April 18, 2011, via scaled map location and graphic plotting. 3.Notice: Selling a portion of this addition by metes and bounds is a violation of City subdivision ordinance and state platting statutes and is subject to fines and withholding of utilities and building certificates. 4.The purpose of this plat is to create one recorded lot from a tract of land. 5.All lots comply with the minimum size requirements of the zoning district. 6.This property may be subject to charges related to impact fees and the applicant should contact the City regarding any applicable fees due. 7.All common areas, drainage easements, and detention facilities will be owned and maintained by the HOA/POA. Any common area within the City's right-of-way will require a facilities agreement; to be reviewed and approved by the City of Sanger. 8.This plat does not alter or remove any existing deed restrictions, if any, on this property. 9.Minimum finished floor elevations are at least 2 feet above the 100 year floodplain. STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § WHEREAS Thomas E. Muir and Tresa Ann Muir McNeal are the owners of a 0.779 acre tract of land situated in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract Number 1241, in the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, being a portion of that same tract of land described to Thomas E. Muir & Tresa Ann Muir Mcneal by Distribution Deed to trust beneficiaries recorded in Document Number 2014-49947 Official Public Records of Denton County, Texas, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: (Bearings and Distances are based on the State Plane Coordinate System, Texas North Central Zone (4202) North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83)(US Foot) with a combined scale factor of 1.00015063): BEGINNING at a 5/8-inch rebar found for the northernmost corner of that same tract of land described to the State of Texas by Deed recorded in Document Number 2021-1870 Official Public Records, Denton County, Texas, said point lying on the west line of said Muir tract and on the east right-of-way line of Interstate Highway Number 35 Frontage Road (Variable width right-of-way) and being the beginning of a curve to the left, having a radius of 5,904.65 feet, a central angle of 04 degrees 28 minutes 12 seconds, and a chord bearing and distance of North 18 degrees 00 minutes 40 seconds East, a distance of 460.54 feet; THENCE in a northerly direction, with the curving east right-of-way of said Interstate Highway Number 35 Frontage Road, and the curving west line of said Muir tract, along said curve to the left, an arc length of 460.66 feet, to a 1/2-inch rebar capped "WINDROSE" set for the north corner of said Muir tract; THENCE South 01 degrees 29 minutes 41 seconds West, departing the east right-of-way line of said Interstate Highway Number 35 Frontage Road, with the east line of said Muir tract and along the approximate centerline of 10th Street (Variable width right-of-way), a distance of 499.67 feet to a "X"-cut found for the northeast corner of said State of Texas tract, and lying on the north right-of-way line of F.M. 455 (Variable width right-of-way); THENCE North 88 degrees 32 minutes 56 seconds West, departing the approximate center line of said 10th Street, with the north line of said State of Texas tract, and the north right-of-way line of said F.M. 455, a distance of 88.97 feet to a 1/2-inch rebar capped "WINDROSE" set for corner; THENCE North 34 degrees 17 minutes 40 seconds West, with the northeast line of said State of Texas tract, and continuing with the north right-of-way line of F.M. 455, a distance of 71.75 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 33,921 square feet or 0.779 acres of land, more or less. NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT Thomas E. Muir and Tresa Ann Muir McNeal, acting herein by and through its duly authorized officer does hereby adopt this plat designating the hereinabove described property as Coffee Bistro 1187, an addition to the City of Sanger, Texas, and does hereby dedicate to the public use forever by fee simple title, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, all streets, thoroughfares, alleys, fire lanes, drive aisles, parks, and watercourses, and to the public use forever easements for sidewalks, storm drainage facilities, utilities, and any other property necessary to serve the plat and to implement the requirements of the subdivision regulations and other City codes and do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, successors and assigns to warrant and to forever defend the title on the land so dedicated. Further, the undersigned covenants and agrees that he/she shall maintain all easements and facilities in a state of good repair and functional condition at all times in accordance with City codes and regulations. No buildings, fences, trees, shrubs, or other improvements or growths shall be constructed or placed upon, over, or across the easements as shown, except that landscape improvements may be installed, if approved by the City of Sanger. The City of Sanger and public entities shall have the right to access and maintain all respective easements without the necessity at any time of procuring permission from anyone. WITNESS MY HAND THIS __________ day of __________________, 20___. _________________________________ Thomas E. Muir - Signature __________________________________ Tresa Ann Muir McNeal STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF ______________§ BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared Thomas E. Muir, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this ________day of ______________________ 20____. ___________________________________ Notary Public in and for the State of Texas STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF ______________§ BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared Tresa Ann Muir McNeal, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this ________day of ______________________ 20____. ___________________________________ Notary Public in and for the State of Texas VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE PRELIMINARY SCALE: 1" = 30' 30'0 15'30'60' DRAWN BY: G.L.C. DATE: 02/09/2023 CHECKED BY: M.P. JOB NO.: D58479 MINOR PLAT COFFEE BISTRO 1187 LOT 1, BLOCK 1 Being a 0.779 Acre tract of land Situated in the Henry Tierwester Survey Abstract Number 1241 City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas -- 2023 -- OWNER/DEVELOPER Thomas E. Muir and Tresa Ann Muir McNeal 203 9th Street, Sanger, Texas 76266 ENGINEER Point of Contact: Grayson CeBallos 972-370-5871 grayson.ceballos@windroseservices.com Last Revision Date: 02/09/2023 Triangle Engineering 1782 W McDermott Drive Allen, Teas 75013 1955 LAKEWAY DRIVE, SUITE 220 I LEWISVILLE, TX 75057 I 214.217.2544 FIRM REGISTRATION NO. 10194331 I WINDROSESERVICES.COM ILAND SURVEYING PLATTING W I N D R O S E STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § This is to certify that I, Mark N. Peeples, a Registered Professional Land Surveyor of the State of Texas, have platted the subdivision from an actual survey on the ground, and that this plat correctly represents that survey made by me or under my direction and supervision. ______________________________ Mark N. Peeples, R.P.L.S. No. 6443 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared Mark N. Peeples, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this ________day of ______________________ 20____. ___________________________________ Notary Public in and for the State of Texas APPROVED AND ACCEPTED _______________________________________________ Mayor, City of Sanger, Texas Date Attested by: _______________________________________________ City Secretary, City of Sanger, Texas SITE 41 Item 7. 02 07 2023 42 Item 7. LETTER OF INTENT February 14, 2023 ATTN: Ramie Hammonds Development Service Department- City of Sanger 201 Boliver Street PO Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 Subject: Letter of Intent to request for Minor Plat submittal Dear Madam, This letter of intent is to inform the City of Sanger to submit a Minor Plat Application This development is for proposed Scooter Coffee Drive-thru restaurant to be located at Northwest corner of W. Chapman Drive And 10th Street, Sanger TX. The Total site area of 33,921 sf ( 0.779 ACRES) with a B-2 – Business zoning District & I-1 ( Industrial District –Rezone to B-2 submittal request concurrent with Minor Plat ). This property is to be platted Lot 1, Block 1, Coffee Bistro 1187. The Property owner is Thomas E. Muir & Tresa Ann Muir. Proposed Minor Plat due to current property is unplatted lot. For more information or question feel free to reach us at Following. Triangle Engineering TX PE FIRM #11525 Andrew Yeoh, P.E. Vice president 469-213-2804 ayeoh@triangle-engr.com T: 469.331.8566 | Firm: 11525 | W: triangle-engr.com | O: 1782 W McDermott Drive Allen, TX 75013 Planning | Civil Engineering | Construction Management 43 Item 7. 940.458.2059 | 201 Bolivar St. |PO Box 1729 | Sanger, TX 76226 | www.sangertexas.org facebook.com/SangerTexas @CityofSanger DATE: 02/27/2023 1st REVIEW COMMENTS – Final Plat (Coffee Bistro 1187) The request is for a Minor Plat of Coffee Bistro 1187 containing 1 lot, being approximately 0.779 acres in the HENRY TIERWESTER SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO 1241, prepared by Windrose Land Surveying, submitted on 02/15/2023. Below are the comments that should be addressed before City Council approval. Resubmit the revised plat along with a response letter addressing all comments. Planning Provide the following 1. Plat needs to be listed as Final Plat instead of Minor Plat. 2. Show the centerline of existing streets and dimensions from the centerline to the edges of existing and proposed right-of-way on both sides of the centerline. 3. Provide a signed notarized copy of private restrictions (if any), that are filed for record in the office of the County Clerk. 4. Add the name address and phone number of all utilities providing service to the development. Informational Comments 1. The property is within the City of Sanger. 2. The Final Plat will be scheduled for Planning and Zoning (P&Z) Commission meeting on Monday, March 13, 2023, and the City Council meeting on Monday, April 3, 2023. 44 Item 7. March 8, 2023 AVO 37449.004 Ms. Ramie Hammonds Development Services Director/Building Official City of Sanger 201 Bolivar Street P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 Re: 23SANZON-0009 - Coffee Bistro 1187 Minor Plat First Review Dear Ms. Hammonds, Halff Associates, Inc. was requested by the City of Sanger to review the Minor Plat the Coffee Bistro located along 10th Street just north of Chapman Drive. We will treat this as a final plat but we will need plans a complete set of civil construction drawings for review and approval prior to acceptance of the plat. In order to provide a proper review we request the Owner submit the following (at a minimum) as a package: 1. Site Plan; 2. Proposed Grading Plan; 3. Erosion Control Plan; 4. Overall Utility plan; 5. Drainage area map, supporting calculations, detention or downstream assessment; 6. Storm drain plan and profiles; 7. Downstream impact; 8. Landscaping plan; 9. Fire lane; 10. Control Plan; 11. Paving Plan; 12. Standard Details; If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to call me at (817) 764- 7467. Sincerely, HALFF Steven D. Templer, P.E. Senior Project Manager 45 Item 7.