01/25/2023-Library Board-Agenda Packet-RegularLIBRARY BOARD MEETING AGENDA JANUARY 25, 2023, 7:00 PM LIBRARY BOARD REGULAR MEETING LIBRARY BUILDING - 501 BOLIVER STREET, SANGER, TEXAS CALL THE REGULAR MEETING TO ORDER AND ESTABLISH A QUORUM CITIZENS COMMENTS This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Board on any matter. Comments related to public hearings will be heard when the specific hearing begins. Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. Each speaker must complete the Speaker’s Form and include the topic(s) to be presented. Citizens who wish to address the Board with regard to matters on the agenda will be received at the time the item is considered. The Board is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen input. CONSENT AGENDA All items on the Consent Agenda will be acted upon by one vote without being discussed separately unless requested by a Board member to remove the item(s) for additional discussion. Any items removed from the Consent Agenda will be taken up for individual consideration. 1. Consideration and possible action on library board minutes from 9/28/22 LIBRARIAN'S REPORT 2. Director’s Report ACTION ITEMS 3. Consideration and possible action on Emergency Procedures and Preventative Measures for the Library. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS The purpose of this item is to allow the Chair and Board members to bring forward items they wish to discuss at a future meeting, A Board member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Items may be placed on a future meeting agenda with a consensus of the Board or at the call of the Chair. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 1 Information Items are for informational purposes only. No action may be taken on items listed under this portion of the agenda. ADJOURN NOTE: The Board reserves the right to adjourn into Executive Session as authorized by Texas Government Code, Section 551.001, et seq. (The Texas Open Meetings Act) on any item on its open meeting agenda in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, including, without limitation Sections 551.071-551.087 of the Texas Open Meetings Act. CERTIFICATION I certify that a copy of this meeting notice was posted on the bulletin board at the Sanger Public Library that is readily accessible to the general public at all times and was posted on the City of Sanger website on January 20, 2023, at 5:30 PM. /s/ Audrey Tolle Audrey Tolle, Librarian The Library is wheelchair accessible. Request for additional accommodations or sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours prior to the meeting by contacting the City Secretary’s Office at 940.458.7930. 2 LIBRARY BOARD COMMUNICATION DATE: January 25, 2023 FROM: Audrey Tolle, Library Director AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on library board minutes from 9/28/22 SUMMARY: Consideration and possible action on the library board minutes from 9/28/22 meeting. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: N/A Amount: N/A GL Account: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends approval. ATTACHMENTS: Library board minutes from 9/28/22 3 Item 1. Library Board Minutes XX-XX-20XX Page 1 of 2 LIBRARY BOARD MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 28, 2022, 7:00 PM LIBRARY BOARD REGULAR MEETING LIBRARY BUILDING - 501 BOLIVER STREET, SANGER, TEXAS CALL THE REGULAR MEETING TO ORDER AND ESTABLISH A QUORUM Board Chair Rodgers called the meeting to order at 7:21 p.m. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT Board Member, Place 1 Vacant Board Member Chair, Place 3 Judith Rodgers Board Member, Place 4 Libby Dorn Board Member, Place 5 Erica Kaufman BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT Board Member, Place 2 Suzanne Sellers STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Audrey Toll, Librarian CITIZENS COMMENTS No one addressed the Board. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval of the minutes of July 28, 2022 meeting 2. Director’s Report Librarian Tolle provided an overview of the Director’s Report. Discussion ensued regarding the status of the new hire search and the salary survey increasing pay to $15.00 per hour effective October 1st. Also, there is a need to spend money from flooding by the end of the fiscal year. A generator request was not approved but insulation was added, and pipes were wrapped to prevent future flooding from frozen pipes. 4 Item 1. Library Board Minutes XX-XX-20XX Page 2 of 2 Motion to approve made by Board Member Kaufman, Seconded by Board Member Dorn. Voting Yea: Board Member Rogers. Motion passed unanimously. ACTION ITEMS 3. Consider, nominate and appoint a board secretary Librarian Tolle provided an overview of the item. Discussion ensued regarding appointing Erica Kaufman as secretary. Motion to approve made by Board Member Dorn, Seconded by Board Member Kaufman. Voting Yea: Board Member Rogers. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Consideration and possible action on draft of Proposal for use of building adjacent to library (311 5th St.) Librarian Tolle provided an overview of the item. Discussion ensued regarding needs and associated costs of making the building functional as storage for “Library of Things” materials and as a location for Friends of The Library receiving and hosting of book sale items. The board discussed what portions of the costs would be appropriate for the Friends to contribute and what signage would be needed. Motion to approve made by Board Member Dorn, Seconded by Board Member Kaufman. Voting Yea: Board Member Rogers. Motion passed unanimously. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS No additional discussion. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS No additional discussion. ADJOURN There being no further business, Chair Rodgers adjourned the meeting at 8:00 p.m. 5 Item 1. LIBRARY BOARD COMMUNICATION DATE: January 25, 2023 FROM: Audrey Tolle, Library Director AGENDA ITEM: Director’s Report SUMMARY:  A fall gardening program for adults was given by Denton County Master Gardener Cheryl Huckabee on 10/21. Twelve adults attended and learned about planting flowering bulbs for spring as well as cool season annual plants. Participants received daffodil bulbs to take home and plant.  Library staff gave an unusual program for adults on 11/7, “Instant Pot Hacks for Skin Care.” Six participants learned how to make lotion bars and lip balm, using Instant Pots for part of the process.  The November Crafternoon program on the 17th had high attendance, with 14 children and 5 adults participating. The craft was making turkeys with pine cones, feathers and other decorations.  Most of our holiday programs were well-attended, particularly the reading and crafts with Mrs. Claus. MaDonna gave the Chamber of Commerce’s Storytime with Mrs. Claus at the Grace Bible Church, and 61 people attended. The Crafts with Mrs. Claus was held in the library on 12/13, after Christmas on the Square was cancelled. The latter program received more promotion from the city’s marketing director than our regular programs, but the majority of our children’s craft activities in November and December still had good participation.  The 9 new mobile Hotspot devices available for check out were promoted in the Sanger News and the Sanger Sentinel, as well as social media in November. The pre-Thanksgiving Facebook post reached over 1,300 users. There have been 16 circulations to-date, and we expect an increase as more people learn about this service.  “Operation Santa Paws” was carried out in December, encouraging the community to bring in pet supplies and food for the animal shelter in Pilot Point, Miles of Hope. Several boxes of donations were collected.  Much of this month has been spent preparing for our migration from the Evergreen ILS to Apollo. In addition to Laura’s many hours of work coordinating with the two companies and the consortium libraries, the rest of the library staff has been getting acquainted with the new system. On January 12th, all of the consortium libraries closed for all-day training on Apollo at the Krum library. We will be going live with the new system the week of January 30th. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: N/A Amount: N/A GL Account: N/A 6 Item 2. RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION:  Staff recommends approval of this report. ATTACHMENTS: None 7 Item 2. LIBRARY BOARD COMMUNICATION DATE: January 25, 2023 FROM: Audrey Tolle, Library Director AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on Emergency Procedures and Preventative Measures for the Library. SUMMARY:  Emergency Procedures were adopted in 2012 that included fire, severe weather, and bomb threats.  Procedures for how to shut off the fire sprinkler system in an emergency and general precautions to take for freezing temperatures were created in 2015-2016, after a pipe burst due to freezing temperatures the previous year.  After another sprinkler pipe burst in 2021, some additional precautions were taken, including wrapping the pipes with foam and adding traditional fiberglass insulation. With an awareness of the building’s shortcomings, including a lack of heat in the attic where the sprinkler pipes are located, the Library Director was concerned that these measures would not be sufficient in extremely cold weather. She requested that the sprinkler system be drained before the last hard freeze in December 2022 and agreed to conduct the required 24 hour fire watch until it was turned back on two days later.  The attached document includes both general emergency procedures and recommendations on additional precautions to prevent another severely damaging incident due to burst sprinkler pipes. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: N/A Amount: N/A GL Account: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends approval of this document. ATTACHMENTS:  Sanger Public Library’s Emergency Procedures and Recommendations on Preventative Measures 8 Item 3. SANGER PUBLIC LIBRARY EMERGENCY PROCEDURES From 2012: PROCEDURE IN CASE OF FIRE Call 911. Keep calm. Notify patrons as quickly as possible. Staff will search diligently whenever possible to ensure that no patron has been overlooked. Patrons and staff will leave by the nearest exit. Staff will gather in the park at the stone wall closest to the library where they will confer to determine if the whole library was searched. SEVERE WEATHER PROCEDURE TORNADOES, LIGHTNING, HAIL, HIGH WIND Keep calm. Use common sense and observation to supplement official warnings and/or radio or TV announcements. When action is necessary: 1. Move people away from windows. 2. Move to the janitor’s closet or the men’s bathroom if conditions warrant. 3. Encourage people to remain in the building. 4. Do not use telephones in a lightning storm unless absolutely necessary. If patrons are not cooperative, staff may take shelter after explaining to the patron where shelter is to be found. BOMB THREATS BY PHONE Keep the caller on the line as long as possible. Use the questions on the checklist to engage the caller in conversation. Ask another staff person to call 911 on the other line. As soon as the call ends, press *57 and then 1 to trace the call. 9 Item 3. If the decision is made to evacuate the building, all staff will help to notify library users. They should inform library users to:  Turn off cell phones and pagers  Do not touch light switches, computers, copiers; leave them as found  Proceed out the front door or closest exit. Sanger Library’s Fire Alarm Sprinkler System (From 2015-16) Emergency Shut-Off Directions: In the event of a leaking or bursting sprinkler pipe, this action should be taken to minimize flooding. The Fire Department and the city’s administration need to be notified, and it should only be done if there are definite signs that the system has been compromised (including water coming from the ceiling that doesn’t appear to be caused by rain water/leaking roof), - Control valves are located in exterior storage closet outside the back door (near kitchen area). They are attached to the exposed pipes running along the wall on right as you enter closet. - Turn off the large red valve with a sign labeled “Main Control” hanging from a chain next to it (below the two smaller red ones). It will only turn one way. As it’s turned, the orange piece of metal below it should move into a horizontal position. - After shutting it off, drain the system by turning the green valve on the left side (turning it toward same wall to which pipes are attached). - The alarm panel (red box on wall to the right) should begin beeping. It can be temporarily silenced by pressing the Silence button. (continued on next page) 10 Item 3. (Jan. 2023) Preventative Action: If very cold temperatures are forecasted (in the 20’s or below for more than a few hours, or just below freezing for more than 24-48 hours), draining the fire sprinkler system should be considered until additional measures are taken to ensure the attic space is sufficiently heated. The city’s administration (City Manager or acting CM, Parks/Facilities Director, and Fire Marshall) should be consulted. If the system is drained/disabled, at the time of this policy revision a 24x7 Fire Watch is required. Unless otherwise stipulated, the Library Director and library staff are responsible for conducting such a fire watch. The Fire Department provides fire watch worksheets, which include the following requirements: - A complete walk-through of the building (if system completely disabled) every hour, 24 hours/day, or for the duration of the impaired system. - The worksheet/s must be signed every hour and any unusual findings noted. The worksheets must be available for review if/when requested. - Staff must be solely dedicated to the fire watch and no other facilities- related activities should be assigned or performed. - If fire or smoke is noted, call 911 and report the location. Since some water remains in the system, there is still a risk of a pipe bursting when the system is turned back on. It is important to allow sufficient thawing time after the temperature is above freezing, and that it be turned on slowly. The Fire Department should be called and asked to perform this action. * Covering the shelves with plastic sheets is another precaution to be taken, particularly those in the north half of the building (children’s, juvenile, YA, and nonfiction). If we are unable to disable the system and do a fire watch, there is even more reason to take this action to protect the books from possible water 11 Item 3. damage. The sheets are stored in a plastic tote and kept in the outside electrical closet. Since there is some variation in their size, each is labeled with the particular shelves for which they have been used. Some will need to be taped at the ends. Note: Based on our experience in December 2022, the attic reached a temperature very close to the outdoor temperature in less than 24 hours of extreme cold (readings were in the single digits the first night, particularly in north end of the building, where sprinkler pipes have burst in the past). The Library Director used a laser temperature gun to monitor the attic during the fire watch and observed the temperature slowly increasing as outdoor conditions improved. It would be beneficial to continue to use such a device in similar situations in the future. Other background information: - After the flooding in February 2021, the Public Works Director hired a local business that performs various jobs for the City to wrap the sprinkler pipes with thin foam insulation. They did not provide details such as the “R” value of this material, but it is unlikely to prevent sprinkler pipes from freezing in extreme conditions. - Fiberglass insulation was added to the floor of the attic in 2022. - At the Library Director’s initiative, approximately half of the building’s soffit vents outside were covered with metal plates in Dec. 2023 to prevent at least some of the cold north wind from coming into the attic. * Note: These covers will need to be removed before summer to allow for more ventilation. - In January 2023, the Parks & Facilities Director and Library Director met with the owner of Underwood Heating about a possible solution. He recommended removal of the fiberglass insulation and that spray foam insulation be added under the roof so that the entire space is “conditioned,” with heat rising from below. The cost will be significantly more (possibly $15,000), but should solve the problem – barring a lengthy power outage. 12 Item 3. Other Precautions to Prevent Pipe Freezes: (2015-2016) - Thermostats should be adjusted to a warmer setting (including the programming for nights & early mornings). All thermostats should be checked and reprogrammed if needed. - Lower the pull-down ladders in the craft closet and janitor’s closet to let additional warm air enter the attic. - Let faucets drip and open cabinets under sinks. 13 Item 3.