01/11/2016-PZ-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION January 11, 2016 MEMBERS PRESENT: Eddie Piercy, Sherri McCandless, Sandra Hensley, Kelly Morgan, Justin Allen (Arrived 6:07pm) MEMBERS ABSENT: Dorcyle McClure OTHERS PRESENT: Director of Development Services Joseph Iliff, Administrative Jennifer Shumate, and multiple applicants and citizens. 1. Meeting called to order at 6:00p. 2. Determine Presence of a Quorum and Seating of Alternates. 3. Approve minutes of the September 14, 2015 meeting. Motion to approve minutes as presented was given by Sherri McCandless with a second by Dennis Dillon. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Conduct a Public Hearing Concerning a Proposed Specific Use Permit (SUP) for a Quick Service Food and Beverage Shop, Blake’s Snow Shack at 400 Locust Street, The Sanger Church of Christ. Public Hearing opened at 6:01pm. Blake Pyron spoke with a brief description of the business. Mary Ann Pyron also spoke regarding the business, location, etc. Trailer does meet all health requirements necessary (brand new). Public Hearing closed at 6:05pm. 5. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Take Action on a Proposed Specific Use Permit (SUP) for a Quick Service Food and Beverage Shop, Blake’s Snow Shack at 400 Locust Street, The Sanger Church of Christ. Motion to approve as presented was given by Sherri McCandless with a second by Sandra Hensley. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Conduct a Public Hearing Concerning a Proposed Rezoning of the Property Located at the Southeast Corner of Sanger Circle Drive and Wagon Wheel Drive (5001-5011 Sanger Circle Drive), from 2F Two-Family Residential District to PD-SFA Planned Development – Single Family Attached Residential District. Public Hearing opened at 6:10pm. Dannie Cockrell asked for clarification. Public Hearing closed at 6:10pm. 7. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Take Action on a Proposed Rezoning of the Property Located at the Southeast Corner of Sanger Circle Drive and Wagon Wheel Drive (5001-5011 Sanger Circle Drive), from 2F Two-Family Residential District to PD-SFA Planned Development – Single Family Attached Residential District. Mr. Allen asked what the reasoning was to change the zoning versus leaving it at its current zoning. It was explained that the rezone will allow each duplex unit to be sold as individual properties rather than the unit having to be sold as a whole. Mr. Dennis Dillon confirmed that this was for the three duplexes already built only. Motion to approve as presented was given by Eddie Piercy with a second by Justin Allen. Motion carried unanimously. 8. Conduct a Public Hearing Concerning a Rezoning of the Properties Located at 904 South 5 th Street (Tracts 240 & 241), the Cotton Patch Shopping Center, from B-1 Business District to PD- B1 Planned Development Business District. Public Hearing opened at 6:18pm. Applicant, Dallas Proctor, spent a few moments explaining the project and the requested rezoning. Dannie Cockrell asked for a confirmation of the address in which Joseph Iliff explained that 904 is the address that is listed with Denton County. He also asked if fencing would be separating the business from the residential areas and was advised that yes, it would. Public Hearing closed at 6:19pm. 9. Consider, Discuss and Possible Take Action on a Rezoning of the Properties Located at 904 South 5th Street (Tracts 240 & 241), the Cotton Patch Shopping Center, from B -1 Business District to PD-B1 Planned Development Business District. Mr. Dillon asked if the rendering is an accurate depiction of what the remodel will look like. Mr. Proctor advised that it is. Ms. McCandless then asked how many retail spaces will then be available in the shopping center and Mr. Proctor answered that the number of spaces is unknown at this time. Sherri McCandless and Kelly Morgan asked for some additional information on the finishing out. Motion to approve as presented by staff was given by Sherri McCandless with a second by Eddie Piercy. Motion carried unanimously. 10. Conduct a Public Hearing Concerning a Proposed Rezoning of the Property Located at the Northeast Corner of Third Street and Plum Street, from “MF-1” Multi-Family Residential District-1 to “MF-2” Multi-Family Residential District – 2. Public Hearing opened at 6:30pm for both this item and item #12 (Conduct a Public Hearing Concerning a Proposed Rezoning of the Property Located at the Northwest Corner of Third Street and Plum Street, from “SF-8” Single-Family Residential District-1 to “MF-2” Multi-Family Residential District-2.). Brandon Miller, applicant, briefly described what he would be doing and gave a description of the townhomes he hopes to construct. Peggy Arrington of 806 N. 3rd Street is in support of this rezone. Ms. Arrington feels that this will be a benefit to the neighborhood. Public Hearing closed at 6:19pm. 11. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Take Action on a Proposed Rezoning of the Property Located at the Northeast Corner of Third Street and Plum Street, from “MF-1” Multi-Family Residential District-1 to “MF-2” Multi-Family Residential District – 2. Motion to approve both item #11 and item #13 (Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Take Action on a Proposed Rezoning of the Property Located at the Northwest Corner of Third Street and Plum Street, from “SF-8” Single-Family Residential District-1 to “MF-2” Multi-Family Residential District-2.) as presented was given by Justin Allen with a second by Dennis Dillon. Motion carried unanimously. 12. Conduct a Public Hearing Concerning a Proposed Rezoning of the Property Located at the Northwest Corner of Third Street and Plum Street, from “SF-8” Single-Family Residential District-1 to “MF-2” Multi-Family Residential District-2. Public Hearing was included with Item #10. 13. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Take Action on a Proposed Rezoning of the Property Located at the Northwest Corner of Third Street and Plum Street, from “SF-8” Single-Family Residential District-1 to “MF-2” Multi-Family Residential District-2. Item voted on with Item #11. 14. Conduct a Public Hearing, Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Take Action on Amendments to the Zoning Ordnance Concerning the Creation of New Residential Districts. Public Hearing Opened 6:40pm. Mr. Joseph Iliff explained the need and description of the new residential districts being proposed. Public Hearing Closed at 7:05pm. 15. Update from Director of Development Services on City Council Action and Commission Openings. Update given by Mr. Joseph Iliff. 16. Adjourned.