01/14/2013-PZ-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION January 14, 2013 MEMBERS PRESENT: Jerry Jenkins, Joe Higgs, Glen Jensen, Mark McNeal, Sherri McCandless, Allen Chick MEMBERS ABSENT: Justin Allen OTHERS PRESENT: Director of Development Services Joseph Iliff, Development Services Secretary Jennifer Shumate 1. Meeting called to order at 7:14pm. 2. Consider minutes of the meeting of November 14, 2012. Minutes approved unanimously after a motion to approve by Allen Chick and a second by Mark McNeal. 3. Discuss vacant positions and possibility of filling said positions on Board of Adjustments. Joseph Iliff briefly explained the background and importance of the Board of Adjustments. Mr. Iliff also proposed the additions to the Board of Adjustments with current Planning and Zoning Commissioners (below) and requested their permission to be appointed by City Council. All members agreed (with Justin Allen agreeing via email after meeting). Allen Chick Place 1 2011-2013 Justin Allen Place 2 2012-2014 Glenn Jensen Place 4 2012-2014 Sherri McCandless Place 6 2012-2014 4. Conduct a public hearing on text amendment to the Official Zoning Ordinance adding to Section 42 a definition for a liquor store and adding to Section 30 the land use of liquor store with the status of permitted by right in the B-2 General Business District and I-1 Industrial District. Public Hearing Opened. No Public in Attendance. Public Hearing Closed. 5. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Act on text amendment to the Official Zoning Ordinance adding to Section 42 a definition for a liquor store and adding to Section 30 the land use of liquor store with the status of permitted by right in the B-2 General Business District and I- 1 Industrial District. Following the 2012 election liquor is now allowed in the city limits; however, we do not have a zoning ordinance to accommodate it. Joseph Iliff was hoping to put language into our zoning ordinances that speak directly to the liquor ordinance and where they can be located to remove any future clarification or questions. B2 and I1 seem to be the best fit according to the alcohol ordinance that will be coming. So anyone wanting to put in a liquor store in B2 and I1 will be ok within the zoning ordinance without having to get rezoned. Motion made to recommend the Official Zoning Ordinance adding to Section 42 a definition for a liquor store and adding to Section 30 the land use of liquor store with the status of permitted by right in the B-2 General Business District and I-1 Industrial District to City Council by Sherri McCandless and seconded by Jerry Jenkins. Request passed unanimously. 6. Meeting Adjourned.