07/11/2011-PZ-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION JULY 11, 2011 MEMBERS PRESENT: James Adams, Sherri McCandless, Shelley Ruland, Allen Chick, Robert Patton, Joshua Shumate MEMBERS ABSENT: Billy Ezell OTHERS PRESENT: Director of Development Services Joseph Iliff, Pat Ruch, Casey Barclay, Polly Dwyer 1. Call meeting to order. Robert Patton called meeting to order. 2.Elect Chairperson and Vice Chairperson. Motion was made and seconded to postpone this item until next meeting. Motion passed unanimously. Robert Patton presided over the meeting. 3.Consider minutes of the meeting of April 25, 2011. Motion made to approve minutes. Motion seconded. Passed unanimously. 4.Conduct a Public Hearing concerning a proposed amendment to Chapter 14, Section 30.2 to provide that a cash advance or payday loan office use may be permitted in a “B-2” zoning district by specific use permit and amending Chapter 42 to provide definitions. No one spoke for or against. Public Hearing closed. 5.Consider, discuss, and possibly act on a proposed amendment to Chapter 14, Section 30.2 to provide that a cash advance or payday loan office use may be permitted in a “B-2” zoning district by specific use permit and amending Chapter 42 to provide definitions. Joseph Iliff explained that this use is not addressed in the current zoning ordinance. With the proposed amendment, this type of business would only be allowed in the “B-2” zoning district and only with a specific use permit. This type of business would no longer be allowed in the “B-3” zoning district. Discussion followed on proposed amendment. James Adams made a motion that the Commission does not have a recommendation at this time. Seconded by Robert Patton. Vote taken: 3 for, 1 against, 2 abstained. Motion passed with a majority. The Commission has decided to take a closer look at the current ordinance and possibly make some changes in the future. 6.Conduct a Public Hearing concerning a proposed amendment to Chapter 14, Section 25.2 to set a maximum height of 200 feet for radio communication towers, and 100 feet for all other structures. Public Hearing opened. No one spoke for or against. Public Hearing closed. 7.Consider, discuss, and possibly act on a proposed amendment to Chapter 14, Section 25.2 to set a maximum height of 200 feet for radio communication towers, and 100 feet for all other structures. Discussion followed on the proposed amendment. Allen Chick made a motion to approve. Seconded by Shelley Ruland. Motion approved unanimously. 8.Report from the Director of Development Services on future meetings of the Planning and Zoning Commission. The City Council has appointed the Planning & Zoning Commission to serve as the Capital Improvement Advisory Committee (CIAC). As the CIAC, the Commission will conduct a public hearing and review the City’s land use assumptions and capital improvement plans. The P & Z Commission is scheduled to conduct this public hearing and make comments at their next meeting of August 8, 2011. 9.Meeting Adjourned.