10/15/1979-CC-Minutes-Regular Minutes: October 15, 1979 s Presents Mayor Cole, Cooper, Hampton, Coker, Bridges and Spindle Others Presents Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, I'da Pearl Browny Brenda Lanier Georgia Royalz Lindon Carr, Mr. & Mrs.. Merwyn Tucked~, Gentle, Michael Walsh, Cathy Toups, and Julie Jerome (N.T.S.U. Students) 1. The Revenue Sharing Budget for FY 1979-1980 for the amount of $9591.00 were approved on a motion by Benny Bridges. Henry Cooper second. Voted unan. 2. Minutes of the October 1, 1979 meeting were approved as printed. 3. Disbursements in the amount of $9,091.43 were approved on a motion by J.P. Hampton. Danny Spindle second. Voted unan. 4. The municipal budget for FY 1979-1980 in the amount of $471,578 was approved on a motion by J.P. Hampton. Second by Danny Spindle. Voted unan. 5. Zoning Petition Z-45 for Barney McAfee to change 1.05 acres, Tract 47, Reuben Bebee Survey from (LB) Local Business to (LI) Light Industry was approved on a motion by J.P. Hampton. Danny Spindle second. Voted unan. 6. Mayor Cole recommended that Council pass up joining the Texas Public Power Association. Sanger's dues would run $500. It was agreed by Council not to join this association. 7. Henry Cooper made the motion to acceot P & Z's recommendation and grant the variance requested by Jerry Schertz to construct a garage which would extend over the property line dividing his property and his father's property. Danny Spindle second. Voted unan. 8. Citizens within the 100 Block of the Hillcrest Addition met with Council to request assistance for an extra street light for their area. They want a light placed between Pernie Miller or James Lyon on the West Side of the street. Mayor Cole ask if either of these residents had any objections to the light being placed on their prooperty. Residents.stated Mrs.Miller and Lyon had no objections. Mayor Cole explained the Citys policy on street light installation. The approximate cost to install is $300.00. Henry Cooper made the motion the City bear the expense and have the light installed. Danny Spindle second. Voted unan. Council requested that P & Z take a look at the Sub -Division Ordinance and change distance on lighting when the blocks run extra long. 9. John Coker made the motion the City adopt the resolution nominating Harold Easley as candidate for director on the Denton County Single District .Appraisal District. Benny Bridges second. Voted unan. 10. Jesse Coffey wrote a letter dated October 11, 1979 which Council received a copy of, requesting 5 building permits be approved before the water, sewer, and streets were completed in the first section of the Gateway Addition. In the letter Coffey pledge that none of the five residencies would be occupied until all the improvements were in place. John Coker made the motion the 5 permits be granted subject to the conditions of the letter. Benny Bridges second. Voted unan. 11. A sample fair housing ordinance was given to Council for their revA ew and study. Item to be placed on next council agenda. 12. Georgia Royal met with Council regarding the opening of Sims 13. John Anderson request for variance. Henry Cooper made the motion the 2 foot variance be granted. Benny Bridges second. Unan. Other Such. Matters: (a) Benny Bridges discussed the terrible odor from burning the landfill. ( b) Coker wanted to know what we had worked out on waste fees. Loyd stated he was working on them but wasn't as bad as had anticipated. (c) Streets - Lloyd and city and all were in need of determine which gets priority willing to do.Ulillow Street. Henry drove every street in the repair. Council will need to Lloyd stated the County is (d) Lloyd to OPt with Doctor Chapman about Chatfield building being a health hazard and Mary Jo to send Weed Letter. ATTEST: l %r oe Minutes: City Council Special Called Meeting November 2, 1979 Present: Mayor Cole, Hampton, Cooper, Bridges and Coker Absent: Spindle Others Present: Lloyd Henderson; City Manaqer, Berry Forrest and Ron Richardson 1. Meeting was called to order by Mayor Cole for the purpose of receiving the results of the inspection of the elevator water storage tank. This inspection was done by Water Tank Service, Inc. at no cost to the City. Inspection revealed pit holes and deterioration on the inside of the tank. Water Tank Devices, Inc. had made a proposal to repair inside of tank, repaint inside and outside at a cost of $9,700.00. 2. Motion was made by Cooper that City of Sanger take bids on the repair job rather than accept offer made by Water Tank Service, Inc. Motion second by Hampton. Voted unan. 3. Water Tank Services, Inc. made another proposal to clean and paint inside of tank for $4,900.00. Motion was made by Hampton to accept this proposal. Motion dies for lack of second. 4. Meeting adjourned. ATTEST: Minutes: Present: Others Present: Carr, Jae November 5, 1979 City Council Mayor Cole, Cooper. Hampton, Spindle, Bridges and Coker Lloyd Henderson, Mary Jo Stover, Lester Horstman, Lindon Roeder, Mike Walsh, and Jane Ragsdale 1® The minutes of the October 15, 1979 and November 2, 1979 meeting were approved as printed.