07/13/2015-PZ-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION July 13, 2015 MEMBERS PRESENT: Dennis Dillon, Eddie Piercy, Justin Allen, Sherri McCandless, Lee Allison MEMBERS ABSENT: Kelly Morgan, Dorcyle McClure, Sandra Hensley OTHERS PRESENT: Director of Development Services Joseph Iliff, Administrative Jennifer Shumate, and multiple citizens 1. Meeting called to order at 7:03pm. 2. Determine Presence of a Quorum and Seating of Alternates. Eddie Piercy was seated as an alternate. 3. Approve minutes of the May 11, 2015 meeting. Motion to approve minutes as presented was given by Justin Allen with a second by Sherry McCandless. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Conduct a Public Hearing Concerning a Proposed Specific Use Permit for an Accessory Dwelling Unit on the Property Located at 804 North Keaton Road. Public Hearing Opened. Mrs. Ruland (Homeowner) spoke regarding the Accessory Dwelling explaining the use. Public Hearing Closed. 5. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Take Action on Conduct a Public Hearing Concerning a Proposed Specific Use Permit for an Accessory Dwelling Unit on the Property Located at 804 North Keaton Road. Motion to approve Specific Use Permit as presented made by Sherry McCandless with a second by Dennis Dillon. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Conduct a Public Hearing Concerning a Proposed Rezoning of the Property Located at 220 S. 1st Street, from SF-10 Single Family Residential to B-1 Business District. Public Hearing Opened. Ed Morey (218 S. 1st Street) spoke regarding concern of what will be stored at the location due to many single family residents being nearby. Public Hearing Closed. 7. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Take Action on a Proposed Rezoning of the Property Located at 220 S. 1st Street, from SF-10 Single Family Residential to B-1 Business District. Motion made to table item until more information could be obtained from applicant (not in attendance) by Sherry McCandless with a second from Justin Allen. Motion carried unanimously. 8. Conduct a Public Hearing Concerning a Proposed Rezoning of Approximately 11.7 Acres Located on the West Side of Marion Road South of Sanger Circle Drive to Modify the PD-2F Two Family Residential Zoning District Reducing the Minimum Side Yard from 8 Feet to 7 Feet. Tabled until further notice. 9. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Take Action on a Proposed Rezoning of Approximately 11.7 Acres Located on the West Side of Marion Road South of Sanger Circle Drive to Modify the PD- 2F Two Family Residential Zoning District Reducing the Minimum Side Yard from 8 Feet to 7 Feet. Tabled until further notice. 10. Conduct a Public Hearing Concerning a Proposed Rezoning of Approximately One Acre of Land Located on the West Side of Freese Drive, South of David Drive from B -1 Business District to MF-2 Multi-Family Residential District. Public Hearing Opened. Brandon Miller (Applicant) spoke in detail regarding plans – 8 to 10 Unit Townhomes, Professional maintained by HOA, no on street parking, private backyards, no balconies. Townhomes will be individual platted so they could be individually sold. All of the below spoke with concerns and objections to the rezoning.  Jim Sebastian (208 Kathryn)  Michael & Melissa Brown (1004 Hunters Court)  Elaine French (1003 Hunters Court)  Lisa Roberts (111 Stephen)  Jerry Rainy (1804 Bucklew)  Anita Pursley (1001 Treys Court)  Bobby and Brenda Hays (110 Stephen)  Robert & Aletha McCowen (112 Stephen)  Amy Layton (113 Stephen)  Sean & Shaun Wilson (106 Carolyn) Public Hearing Closed 11. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Take Action on a Proposed Rezoning of Approximately One Acre of Land Located on the West Side of Freese Drive, South of David Drive from B-1 Business District to MF-2 Multi-Family Residential District. Motion was made by Justin Allen to DENY proposed rezoning. There was not second made. After further discussion regarding citizens’ concerns a motion was made by Sherry McCandless to DENY proposed rezoning with a second by Justin Allen. Motion carried with a vote of 4-1 with Eddie Piercy opposing the denial. 12. Adjourned at 8:18pm.