06/12/2017-PZ-Minutes-Regular1 MINUTES: Planning & Zoning Commission June 12, 2017 MEMBERS PRESENT: Sandra Hensley, Jason Collett, Kelly Morgan, Dennis Dillon, and Justin Allen MEMBERS ABSENT: Sherri McCandless OTHERS PRESENT: Director of Economic and Community Development Alina Ciocan Permit Technician Michelle Burke; Applicant, Bill Wait; Applicant, Chip Sargent; Ian & Kathryn Russell; Meghann & Eddie Piercy; Phillip Surles; Tammy Vaughn; David Rashing; Odis & Ruth Starritt; Pam & Larry Fever; Matt Fuller; Joe & Patty Falls; Lynda Marshall; Walter & Anne Madden; Skylar Madden; Rachel Corbin; Krish Jones 1. Meeting called to order at 7:03 PM. 2. Determine Presence of a Quorum. 3. Pledge of Allegiance. 4. Consider and Possibly Adopt Minutes of the Meeting of May 8, 2017. Motion to approve minutes as presented was given by Dennis Dillon with a second by Kelly Morgan. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Consider, Discuss and Act on a Final Plat, 21.422 Acres in the W.M. Mason Survey, Abstract No. 801, Located South of Belz Road and West of Metz Road. Alina Ciocan presented the staff report. Motion to approve the final plat was given by Kelly Morgan, with a second by Jason Collette. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Conduct a Public Hearing Concerning a Request to Rezone Approximately 30.59 Acres From Single Family Residential District 10 (SF-10) and Single Family Residential District 7 (SF-7) to A Planned Development Single Family Residential District, Generally Located on the East Side of 5th Street and South Side of Wayne Street. 2 Public Hearing Opened at 7:11 PM. Larry Fever, 306 Aster Dr. asked about what was going to be done about the drainage problem behind Aster in the alley. Mr. Bill Wait, developer, explained that the City was going to require him to fix the drainage problem during development of the subdivision. Mr. Wait explained how he intended to fix the problem with a three-retention pond system only if he was able to add the additional lots to offset the cost of doing the more extensive drainage system. Odis Starritt, 400 Wayne Dr. stated his property is also affected by the drainage problem. Lynda Marshall, 189 Aster, also commented on the drainage problem and asked if there would be any deed restrictions for the subdivision, specifically no street parking. Mr. Wait stated there will be deed restrictions and maintained by the HOA, but street parking would not be one of those restrictions. Larry, Fever, 306 Aster Dr. asked if there would be an HOA for Aster, Mr. Wait stated no. Mr. Fever also brought up adding more houses to the City water and sewer systems and the effects of that. The Planning & Zoning Board informed him and the public that those were separate issues and were not a part of this meeting. Lynda Marshall, 189 Aster, asked if the area near the railroad would have the smaller houses and would they maintain the look of the neighborhood. Mr. Wait stated that the lots that would allow the 1,600 to 1,800 sf homes were located near the railroad. Ms. Marshall asked if the homes would be all brick and Alina Ciocan explained that there is a City ordinance requiring masonry on all new homes. Walter Madden, 129 Eider wanted to know if they would be taking down all existing trees and if they would be replacing the trees taken down for development. Mr. Wait stated that the majority of the trees would be taken down, but they would attempt to save as many of the existing trees as possible and would be following the newly adopted landscape ordinance adopted by the City in May. Christy Jones, 139 Aster asked if the subdivision was already approved. Alina Ciocan explained again that this was an existing subdivision approved in 2002. Ms. Jones asked about the road system for the new subdivision and where they would be entering and exiting onto existing City streets. Mr. Wait explained the road system for the subdivision and the ingress/egress points. Lynda Marshall, 189 Aster, wanted to know if the developer would be constructing a construction road for development and Mr. Wait stated they would have a construction entrance during development. Ms. Marshall also asked if the new homes would have garage door openers and Mr. Wait stated that he could not answer that question because he is the developer, not a home builder. Rachel Corbin, 10130 Forester Road also had concerns about more traffic and adding to sewer issues. Walter Madden, 129 Eider asked Mr. Wait if he had any interested builders and Mr. Wait stated he had letters of intent from some of the builders. Odis Starritt, 400 Wayne Dr asked when they would be fixing the sewer plant problems and was reminded again by the Board that this meeting was not addressing that issue. Mr. Wait stated that the taxes generated from this project would go towards helping fix the problem. Joe Falls, 4489 McReynolds Rd stated he is opposed to changing the density. 3 Lynda Marshall, 189 Aster asked how they would be adding more lots. Alina Ciocan explained that by reducing the setbacks that would allow for more houses to be added. Ms. Marshall asked why have setbacks if you aren’t going to follow them. Justin Allen explained that a PD allows for special regulations, allowing for decreased setbacks. Odis Starritt, 400 Wayne Dr asked if this application was not approved what kind of drainage will be installed. Mr. Wait stated that if the PD was not approved he would not be going forward with the development project, therefore the drainage would most likely not get fixed. Dennis Dillon asked about the retention ponds and Mr. Wait explained how they would be set up and maintained by the HOA. Ruth Starritt, 400 Wayne Dr asked if the developer could install another street to alleviate traffic problems and Mr. Wait stated that he could not due to access problems. Public Hearing Closed at 7:59 PM. 7. Consider, Discuss and Act on a Request to Rezone Approximately 30.59 Acres From Single Family Residential District 10 (SF-10) and Single Family Residential District 7 (SF-7) to A Planned Development Single Family Residential District, Generally Located on the East Side of 5th Street and South Side of Wayne Street. Alina Ciocan highlighted the staff report to the Board. Motion to approve the rezoning was given by Justin Allen, with a second by Sandra Hensley. Kelly Morgan, Justin Allen, Sandra Hensley and Dennis Dillon voted to approve the rezoning, Jason Collett voted against. Motion carried. 8. Consider, Discuss and Act on a Preliminary Plat of the Willowood Addition, 30.59 Acres in the H. Tierwester Survey, Abstract No. 1241, Generally Located on the East Side of 5th Street and South Side of Wayne Street. Alina Ciocan briefly explained the plat and that it went with the previous rezoning. Lynda Marshall asked if there would be any deed restrictions and was informed that yes, there would be. Motion to approve the Minor Plat was given by Justin Allen, with a second by Dennis Dillon. Kelly Morgan, Justin Allen, Sandra Hensley and Dennis Dillon voted to approve the Minor Plat, Jason Collett abstained. Motion carried. 9. Adjourn.