03/10/2014-PZ-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION March 10, 2014 MEMBERS PRESENT: Jerry Jenkins, Justin Allen, Joe Higgs, Ramie Hammonds, Dennis Dillon, Sherri McCandless MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Director of Development Services Joseph Iliff, Administrative Assistant Jennifer Shumate 1. Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm. 2. Determination that a quorum was present and no seating of an alternate was necessary. 3. Approve minutes of the February 10, 2014 meeting.  Motion to approve minutes as presented was given by Justin Allen with a second by Ramie Hammonds. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Conduct a Public Hearing Concerning a Request to Rezone Property Legally Described at Tract 158 of the Rueben Bebee Survey, Located on the North Side of Smith Street Approximately 100 Feet East of Railroad Avenue from SF-10 Single Family Residential District to 2F Two Family Residential District.  Public Hearing opened.  Deborah Hard of 42 Rolling Hills, Denton, TX and the owner of the property in question stated the following: o They are interested in the area because of the limited amount of growth that has been happening in that area. o The plan would be to build two all brick duplexes – one on each property. o The lot more than meets the minimum standards to support 2F zoning. o Tamara Hudson of 216 Railroad in Sanger expressed concerns about future properties being rezoned to two family in the future if this one is rezoned. o Ruby Davis of 203 Jones also expressed the same concerns as Ms. Hudson.  Public Hearing Closed. 5. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Take Action on a Request to Rezone Property Legally Described at Tract 158 of the Rueben Bebee Survey, Located on the North Side of Smith Street Approximately 100 Feet East of Railroad Avenue from SF-10 Single Family Residential District to 2F Two Family Residential District. Motion to DENY rezone was made by Ramy Hammonds with a second by Justin Allen. Motion to DENY passed unanimously. 6. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Take Action on the Final Plat of Hard Rock Addition Being 0.489 Acre on the North Side of Smith Street East of Railroad Avenue. Motion to APPROVE the final plat was made by Justin Allen with a second by Ramie Hammonds. Motion to APPROVE passed unanimously. 7. Meeting Adjourned.