05/12/2014-PZ-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION May 12, 2014 MEMBERS PRESENT: Jerry Jenkins, Justin Allen, Joe Higgs, Ramie Hammonds, Dennis Dillon, Sandra Hensley MEMBERS ABSENT: Sherri McCandless OTHERS PRESENT: Director of Development Services Joseph Iliff, Administrative Assistant Jennifer Shumate 1. Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm. 2. Determination that a quorum was present and no seating of an alternate was necessary. 3. Election of Chair and Vice Chair postponed until July meeting with a unanimous decision by all commissioners. 4. Approve minutes of the March 10, 2014 meeting.  Motion to approve minutes as presented was given by Justin Allen with a second by Dennis Dillon. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Annual Commissioner Training with Director of Development Services postponed until end of current meeting due to citizens present and their time consideration. Approved to move unanimously by all. 6. Board Opening as of June 2014. Justin Allen (Place 2), Sandra Hensley (Place 4), and Sherri McCandless (Place 6) are all up for reappointment. All commissioners are eligible for reappointment should they so desire. Both Justin Allen and Sandra Hensley stated that they would like to be reappointed by City Council in June. Sherri McCandless will be contacted at a later date. 7. Conduct a Public Hearing Concerning a Request to Rezone Three (3) Areas Along the West Side of Marion Road, North of FM 455. Public Hearing Opened. Citizen (Mr. Smith) spoke and stated that he agreed with what was being presented. Public Hearing Closed. 8. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Take Action Concerning a Request to Rezone Three (3) Areas Along the West Side of Marion Road, North of FM 455. Applicants gave very detailed presentation regarding what they would like to do with the current location known as Sanger Trails. Jerry Jenkins made a motion to rezone all three (3) areas as proposed with a second by Justin Allen. Rezoning motion carried unanimously. 9. Conduct a Public Hearing Concerning a Request for a Specific Use Permit for a Mobile Home as a Fixed Dwelling in an A Agricultural Zoning District Located at 10977 Metz Road. Public Hearing Opened. No Citizens Spoke. Public Hearing Closed. 10. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Take Action on a Request for a Specific Use Permit for a Mobile Home as a Fixed Dwelling in an A Agricultural Zoning District Located at 10977 Metz Road. A motion was made by Justin Allen to approve Specific Use Permit for a Mobile Home as a Fixed Dwelling in an A Agricultural Zoning District Located at 10977 Metz Road with the following restrictions:  Maximum of 10 years at location  If the mobile home is moved it voids the SUP  If the Lot is subdivided it also voids the SUP Jerry Jenkins seconded the above motion. Justin Allen and Dennis Dillon voted in favor of motion to accepted SUP with restrictions. Jerry Jenkins, Ramie Hammonds, and Joe Higgs voted to deny motion as presented. Motion failed. Ramie Hammonds made a motion to DENY request for a Specific Use Permit for a Mobile Home as a Fixed Dwelling in an A Agricultural Zoning District Located at 10977 Metz Road with a second from Joe Higgs. Joe Higgs, Ramie Hammonds, Dennis Dillon, and Jerry Jenkins voted in favor to DENY the SUP with a no from Justin Allen. 11. Meeting Adjourned.