05/13/2013-PZ-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION May 13, 2013 MEMBERS PRESENT: Jerry Jenkins, Mark McNeal, Justin Allen, Sherri McCandless, Glenn Jensen, Ramie Hammonds, Dennis Dillon MEMBERS ABSENT: Joe Higgs OTHERS PRESENT: Director of Development Services Joseph Iliff, Development Services Secretary Jennifer Shumate, Citizen David Doub, Citizen Steve Knight, Citizen Thomas Muir 1. Meeting called to order at 7:00pm. 2. Consider minutes of the meeting of March 11, 2013. Minutes approved unanimously after a motion to approve by Glenn Jensen and a second by Mark McNeal. 3. Conduct a public hearing regarding a request to Rezone the property legally described as White Addition out of the Henry Tierwester Survey and lo cated at the Southwest Corner of 5th and Willow Street from SF08 Singer Family Residential to B1 Business District 1. Public Hearing Opened  Citizen David Daub questioned why it was being rezoned. Joseph Iliff read letter of intent. Mr. Daub expressed concern over business becoming “eye sore” similar to current business located on 5th currently. Public Hearing Closed 4. Consider, discuss, and possibly make an action regarding a request to Rezone the property legally described as White Addition out of the Henry Tierwester Survey and located at the Southwest Corner of 5th and Willow Street from SF08 Singer Family Residential to B1 Business District 1.  Joseph Iliff reviewed application as well as letter of intent. Mr. Iliff reminded the commission that this was not a SUP but rather an actual rezoning. So this location will always be zoned Business District 1 and any uses allotted under B1 Zoning will always be allowed here.  Glenn Jensen expressed concern about this being allowed to be anything that falls under B1 going forward.  Mr. Iliff stated that there were nonresidential uses further South on 5th Street but nothing in the immediate area of the area in Question.  Commission also stated concerns regarding traffic on 5th Street as well as sidewalks in the vicinity. Reminding them that there is, however, a sidewalk on 5th Street.  Jerry Jenkins also stated concerns regarding parking availability.  Justin Allen felt that the property will become B1 at some time in the future. Rezone was denied four to one with a motion to DENY by Mark McNeal and a second to DENY by Glenn Jensen. Justin Allen voted to approve. 5. Conduct a public hearing regarding a Specific Use Permit for a Quick-Service Food and Beverage Shop on property legally described as Lot 1, Pate Addition located at 910 West Chapman Street. Public Hearing Opened.  Citizen Thomas Muir (disclaimer that he is speaking as a citizen and not as Mayor). Started with stating the tagline for Sanger is “Someplace Special” and Mr. Muir feels that this type of facility does not fit into that tagline. Thomas Muir also feels that the most key issue will be a traffic issue due to already existing traffic issues on Highway 455/Chapman Drive. Public Hearing Closed. 6. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Act regarding a Specific Use Permit for a Quick-Service Food and Beverage Shop on property legally described as Lot 1, Pate Addition located at 910 West Chapman Street.  Joseph Iliff stated that staff does have concerns about not only traffic on 455 Highway 455/Chapman Drive as well as a lining up of cars waiting to get into drive thru.  All commissioners stated concerns with traffic issues. Specific Use Permit was unanimously denied after a motion to DENY from Mark McNeal and a second to DENY by Glenn Jensen. 7. Meeting Adjourned.