02/12/2018-PZ-Minutes-Regular1 MINUTES: Planning & Zoning Commission February 12, 2018 MEMBERS PRESENT: Jason Collett, Dennis Dillon, Matt Fuller, Phillip Surles and Justin Allen MEMBERS ABSENT: Sherri McCandless, Sandra Hensley, OTHERS PRESENT: Director of Economic and Community Development Alina Ciocan, Building Official Ramie Hammonds, Permit Technician Stefani Dodson, Mike Todd, Shaeffer Harris, Kenny Zollinger, and Daphne Zollinger 1. Meeting called to order at 7:01 PM. 2. Determine Presence of a Quorum. Jason Collett, Dennis Dillon, Matt Fuller, Phillip Surles and Justin Allen 3. Pledge of Allegiance. 4. Consider and Possibly Adopt Minutes of the Meeting of January 8th, 2018. Commissioner Dillion made a motion to approve the minutes. Commissioner Collett seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. 5. Conduct a Public Hearing Regarding a Request to Rezone Approximately 17.89 Acres From Heavy Industrial District (I-2) to Single Family Residential District (SF-7), Generally Located South of AM 455, North of McReynolds Road and West of Sable Creek Phases I and II. Public Hearing opened at 7:02 p.m. Director of Economic and Community Development Alina Ciocan gave the staff report. Shaeffer Harris, the applicant, spoke briefly and gave a map to the board to look over. 2 Close Hearing at 7:06 p.m. 6. Consider, Discuss, and Act on a Request to Rezone Approximately 17.89 Acres From Heavy Industrial District (I-2) to Single Family Residential District (SF-7), Generally Located South of AM 455, North of McReynolds Road and West of Sable Creek Phases I and II. After a brief discussion Commissioner made a motion to approve to change the zoning to SF-7 Commissioner Surles seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously 7. Consider, Discuss and Act on the Final Plat of the Metz Estates Addition, Being 17.43 Acres in the B.B.B. and C.R.R. Company Survey, Abstract Number 199, Generally Located North of Hoehn Road and West of Metz Rd. Director of Economic and Community Development Alina Ciocan spoke briefly. Commissioner Collett made a motion to approve Commissioner Fuller seconded the motion Motion passed unanimously 7:11 P.M. Meeting adjourned