12/08/2020-Library Board-Minutes-RegularSANGER PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD TUESDAY, December 8, 2020 (Held via Zoom) MINUTES Attendees: Amanda Ford, Erica Kaufman, Kandyce LaFleur, Judie Rodgers, Suzanne Sellers, Audrey Tolle. (No members of the public attended.) 1. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. 2. New Board Member Erica Kaufman was introduced. 3. The minutes of the May 26, 2020 Meeting were read. Amanda Ford moved to accept. Kandyce LaFleur seconded the motion. Minutes for the September 15, 2020 Meeting will be read at the next Library Board meeting. 4. New Library Board Secretary Appointed: Due to the Library Board Secretary position being vacated, a new Secretary was nominated and approved. Suzanne Sellers moved to appoint Amanda Ford as the new Library Board Secretary. Kandyce LaFleur seconded. All Board members approved. 5. Review of Long Range Plan 2016-2020: This plan emphasized the necessity of having a larger facility to meet the needs of the community. The plan incorporated statistics about the community, as well as information obtained in a survey conducted in the Summer of 2015. The survey showed respondents valued print and hard copy materials, community programs (including educational and career preparation programs), and electronic services. 6. Preparation of Long Range Plan 2021-2025: The Board discussed using the Long Range Plan 2016- 2020 as a guide for the new long range plan. Many goals from the expiring plan remain unchanged, including the need for a larger library facility. To underscore the need for a larger facility, the new long range plan should include current statistics about the population of Sanger, including ages and composition of households. The new long range plan should also incorporate elements of any new City of Sanger branding. The plan should emphasize cooperation, collaboration, and communication with other city departments to achieve the goals stated in the plan. Information from the needs assessment conducted in 2017 should be incorporated as appropriate, as well as any available information from the recent general survey conducted by the City. The plan should address current and future staffing needs for the library. Outreach and community engagement should be emphasized in the new plan, using the State Library checklist as a guide. 7. Future Agenda Items: Continue discussion of Long Range Plan 2021-2025. Revisit unattended children policy. Discuss need for policies to accommodate lending of new technology items (when purchased) to better accommodate patrons during the pandemic. 8. Kandyce LaFleur moved to adjourn the meeting. Suzanne Sellers seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 7:47 p.m. Next Board Meeting will be January 26, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. via Zoom.