03/13/2018-Library Board-Minutes-Regular MINUTES SANGER LIBRARY BOARD Tuesday, March 13, 2018 LIBRARY, 501 BOLIVAR ST. In attendance: Janet Askins, Beth Avery, Nicole Leamy, Judith Rodgers, Audrey Tolle. Absent: Kandyce LaFleur 1. The meeting was called to order at 6:38 pm. 2. The minutes from the October 5, 2017 meeting were presented. Janet Askins moved for approval. Nicole Leamy seconded. 3. Library Director's report. a. Copies of the Quarterly Statistics, Oct. 1-Dec 31, FY 17-18 were distributed b. The City Council agreed to a six month trial of elimination of overdue fines. January 31st a Food for Fines program was instituted to give patrons the opportunity to get rid of old fines. Changes to the original fine elimination ordinance change proposal adding the following procedures when materials are overdue: sending overdue notices; revoking borrowing privileges, and holding borrowers responsible replacement of lost or damaged items. The wording “any associated processing fees” was added to the cost for replacing items. This allows for a future inclusion of a small processing fee if deemed necessary at a future time. c. Evergreen was upgraded to version 3.0.3 on January 31, 2017. This is a web-based client. There were several problems with the implementation and the old version is being used until bugs are worked out. d. Children’s/Young Adult Programs included 1) Pumpkin decorating (10/24) with The Pumpkin Patch in Aubrey donating the pumpkins. Voting on the 16 entries took place during Safe Spook, when approximately 300 people visited the library. 2) Retro Gaming (11/4 and 2/10) for teens coordinated by Christopher Wade with half a dozen teens attending each. 3) Ornament making during the regular “Create It” program on 12/5. 15 children and 6 adults attended. 4) Madonna Wade gave a Christmas Story telling at the gazebo before the annual Sanger Christmas parade. 5) Annual Dr. Seuss Party (3/6) had the highest attendance at this event yet – 45 children and 25 adults. e. Adult Programs included 1) Introductory Microsoft Excel (11/11) and Intermediate Excel (2/3) taught by Ed Sanders. There are requests for an advanced class. 2) VITA Tax Assistance began January 27th and will run Saturdays from 9:00 am. - noon. No appointments are needed. 3) A nutrition series of three lectures by members of the Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Service were held in February. It was well received. f. Staffing was thin during November and December as 2 of the 3 part-time staff were close to reaching their maximum hours. Hours were arranged so that almost all of the regular children’s programs were held. 4. Old business a. Changes to the Code of Ordinances Article 9.4 were approved by the City Council. These changes include reducing the number of Library Board members to a chair and 4 members, eliminating the section on the submission of the library budget, and administrative changes to sections on 9.405. 9.406. 9.407 and 9.408. 5. New business a. Adding processing fee to replacement charges for lost/damaged items was discussed. It was decided to table the discussion until after the trial of the elimination of fines has been evaluated. 6. The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 pm. Next meeting: May 15, 2018 at 6:30 pm.