05/22/2017-Library Board-Minutes-Regular NOTES SANGER LIBRARY BOARD MONDAY, MAY 22, 2017 LIBRARY – 501 BOLIVAR ST. In attendance: Beth Avery, Kandyce LeFleur, Dorcyle MccClure, Janet Askins, Audrey Tolle Absent: Suzanne Sears 1. Themeeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. 2. Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was deferred to the next meeting. 3. Library direcotr's Report 1. Summer reading program has been planned. The calendar was distributed. 2. We received a $500.00 grant from the North Texas Book Festival which will be used to purchase juvenile audio books. 3. The city's new website has been launched. Laura has spent many hours on this project. 4. The Denton county Library Advisory Board has requested additional funds for an online subscription service for all participating libraries. Audrey continues to serve as proposal coordinator. th 5. Spring Programs have been successful. The Dr. Seuss party on March 7 had over 40 children and adults in attendance. Attendance at the Reading with Rover Program has been lower. Tech programs given by Ed Sanders have been well received. The Denton Master Gardener Program was attended by 14 people. 6. Ongoing programs: Vita Tax assistance, Lego club (third Tuesdays), yoga classes (Monday and Thursday evening), Story Time and crafts (Wednesday mornings), Knitting & Crochet (first and third Saturdays). 4. Options for library cards for minors was discussed. Current policy is that in most cases a parents should have a card before one is issued to a minor, and parent must sign a form giving permission to check out videos (2 max) and to use the Internet. It was proposed that minors (above __ age?) be issued a books-only card. The problem is verifying their address. 1. Kandyce moved that when a minor applies for a borrowers card that a postcard be mailed to the address they give. When they return the card to Library they will be issued a card. Janice seconded. It was passed unanimously. 2. Dorcyle moved that the minor card have a limit of two books borrowed. Janice seconded. It was passed unanimously. 3. Many area libraries allow filtered Internet access to minors 13 and older. Parents can opt out if they do not want their child to have Internet access. The Board requested that Audrey investigate how other area libraries handle this. 5. Update on needs assessment and conceptual design. 1. Beth handed out copies of the draft community survey. She asked that people email her comments. 2. Audrey discussed the meeting with the architects who are doing the needs assessment and concept plan. Because of the projected square footage needed in a new library, the current location is probably not an option for the location of the new library. 6. The call has gone out for two new Board members to replace the members who are rotating off. 7. Next meeting will be August 7, 2017. 8. Meeting was adjourned at 8:39 p.m.