10/05/2017-Library Board-Minutes-Regular MINUTES SANGER LIBRARY BOARD Thursday, October 5, 2017 LIBRARY, 501 BOLIVAR ST. In attendance: Janet Askins, Beth Avery, Kandyce LaFleur, Nicole Leamy, Judith Rodgers, Audrey Tolle. 1. The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. th 2. The minutes from the August 7 meeting were presented. Kandyce Lefleur moved for approval. Janet Askins seconded. 3. Library Director's report. a. A recent Pew Institute study showed that millenials are more likely to use the library . b. ROI was discussed. Audrey will do some more research and present on it at the next meeting. c. The needs assessment has taken longer than expected. The city manager sent a list of concerns which have been forwarded to Komatsu Architects. Some parts have been received, space allocation and basic concept layout. The library staff made changes. The rest of the document was received the last week in September. It was expanded from the original one page summary. A third revision was received in early October. The library staff will prepare supplemental material summarizing the library survey results and other points in support of new library. It will be presented to the City Council on October 16. th d. The library survey was extended to August 11. 120 responses were receiverd. 4. Update of Code of Ordinances for Library (Article 9.4). Insertions indicated in italic. a. Editorial change in 9.401. board composed o a chairperson and six (6) four (4) members. b. Editorial change in 9.403. the board shall elect from its own membership a vice- chairperson and a secretary. .. The board shall meet at least once a quarter and at other times as called by the chairperson or four (4) three (3) members of the board. c. Editorial change in 9.404 (a). The board shall serve the City of Sanger as a consulting, advisory, supervisory board to study… d. Editorial change in 9.406. Every person, including the parent or guardian of a child… e. Editorial changes in 9.407. Every person, and every parent or guardian of a child under the age of seventeen (17) years who shall take or has borrowed in accordance with the rules of from the Sanger Public Library any book… two (2) weeks after the date of mailing a notice by certified mail with a return receipt requested f. Editorial change to 9.408. Every person, including the parent or guardian of a child… g. Kandyce moved and Nicole seconded that late fines for materials other than electronic devices be eliminated. 5. The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m.