07/25/2016-Library Board-Minutes-Regular MINUTES SANGER PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MONDAY, JULY 25, 2016 LIBRARY MEETING ROOM-501 BOLIVAR 1. The meeting was called to order at 7:08 p.m. 2. Present: Beth Avery, Kandyce LaFleur, Dorcyle McClure, Suzanne Sears, Janet Askins, and Audrey Tolle. 3. The notes from the February 22, 2016 were presented. No corrections were made. Kandyce LaFleur moved for approval. Seconded by Beth Avery. 4. Library Director’s Report. i. Programs and workshops: April and May had limited programs due to the medical leaves of two staff. 1. Dr. Seuss Birthday Party, March 2, with 44 attending. 2. Honeybees, March 28, with only 5 very interested adults attending. 3. Intro to Computing Classes were canceled due to lack of sign- ups. 4. Summer Reading Kickoff with Stroll through a Story in square and refreshments and activities in li brary. Despite the downpour in the middle, there was a good turnout (67 total; 41 kids) 5. New Legos @Library program met 3 times on Fridays at 10:30 a.m. The highest attendance was at the second on (20 kids, 7 adults). As with some other mid and late July programs, attendance dropped on last date (7/15). We plan to continue it in the fall. 6. Movie showings during Summer Reading have had widely variable attendance. 7. Teen Art Class had low attendance 8. Kid’s Yoga brought in 12 kids and 5 adults for June date and no one for July date. th 9. Children’s art class on June 20 had 33 kids and some had to be turned away due to lack of space. 10. Tie-Dye tee shirts good attendance with 16 teens, 7 kids and 2 adults. th 11. Super Smash Brothers Video Tournament on July 25 was attended by 13 teens. 12. Paid Performers: a. Magician Tod McKinney performed at the Community th Center on June 30. 28 kids, 3 teens, and 16 adults attended. b. Musician Will Parker performed on July 22. Attendance was lower, but he was well received. 13. Reading Logs: Different numbers of books are required for different age groups (10 for children, 5 for teens & adults), but reading level and length of books read have been taken into consideration this year. Readers have two more weeks to turn th in logs. As of July 25 105 logs have been submitted (69 kids, 23 teens, 15 adults). Last year 133 logs were submitted. ii. Continuing programs: 1. Magic the Gathering had monthly meetings through May. The program’s coordinator, David McCall, retired at the end of the school year and moved away. Average attendance at meetings was ten. We will look for another program coordinator. 2. Yoga classes have been offered twice a week (Monday and Thursday) beginning in April. Attendance has been good. 3. Story Time attendance has been good this summer with a nd record high attendance on June 22 (25 kids & 20 adults) iii. Staff: Two new part-time staff were hired in March, Colton Lytle (permanent) and TaPanga Fettig (temporary through August). Both have been quick studies. iv. The Denton County library budget packet was submitted and updated by Audrey (in role as DCLAB group’s Proposal Coordinator) after the new 2016 population estimates were released. The same amount as last year was requested. The formula had to be adjusted so there was a correct distribution according to each library’s population. v. Laura added to more public computers for a total of six. Another is planned for the children’s area for parents to use while their child is using the laptop. The need for it to be controlled from the desk so parents with children have preference was discussed. vi. Laura acquired and installed a gently used digital project with ceiling mount for the community room. We will get estimates for installation. vii. The new faxing service has been very popular. viii. Planning to purchase 10-15 Playaway Launchpads. These are secure tablets designed for circulation. They are preloaded with 10+ learning aps. http://playaway.com/launchpad/kids/ 5. Policy on Day Care Visits. The Director presented a new policy. Revisions were suggested. Audrey will make the changes and send the revised policy for approval at the August meeting. 6. Donation Policy. The Director presented a new policy. Revisions were suggested. Audrey will make the changes and send the revised policy for approval at the August meeting 7. Policies and Procedures for Library Cards for Minors. The Director presented revisions to the current policy. Revisions were suggested. Audrey will make the changes and send the revised policy for approval at the August meeting 8. Adjourn. Dorcyle moved to adjourn. Kandyce seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 8:33 p.m. th 9. The next meeting will be at 7:00 p.m. on August 15 at the Library. Minutes submitted by Beth Avery.