08/15/2016-Library Board-Minutes-Regular Minutes Sanger Public Library Board Monday August 15 2016 Library Meeting Room – 501 Bolivar 1. The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. 2. Present: Janet Askins, Beth Avery, Kandyce LaFleur, Dorcyle McClure, Susanne Sears, and Audrey Tolle. 3. The minutes from the July 25 2016 meeting were presented. No corrections were made. Dorcyle McClure moved for approval. Kandyce LaFleur seconded. 4. Library Director's Report. 1. End of Summer Reading Party was Friday, July 29. Approximately 37 people attended. Board games, Legos, clay craft and, of course, refreshments were the popular activities. Some took part in the literary scavenger hunt. Door prizes included a backpack, and gift certificates to Stiletto Kitchen bakery. 2. Summer reading totals were up over last year: 30% increase in attendance for special summer evens (749 participants). Crafts and classes had the largest jump, 670% with only 3 additional events. (33 total) Completion of reading logs was up 32% with teens and adults seeing the largest increase (171 logs were turned in). Pictures of all the grand prize winners were taken. 3. Cataloging training was given by Laura and the Roanoke Public Library Director. Lynne and MaDonna attended. 4. The Director met with a local artist, Mercy Manning, to discuss her providing some art work for the Children's area. 5. The 300s and 600s are being weeded especially the financial, political, legal and health/medicine areas. Replacements are being ordered, but it is hard to find good, up-to-date books in some subjects. 6. Launchpads have been ordered. We are starting with 10 for children and will order 5 for teens/adults later. A proposed checkout policy has been created and will be presented to the board. 7. Possible fall programs are SAT prep, financial aid/scholarships, and career paths. 5. The revised Day Care Visit Policy was discussed. No corrections were made. Kandyce LaFleur moved for approval. Dorcyle McClure seconded. The motion passed. 6. The revised Donation Policy was discussed. It was amended to include the size of the boxes to be received. Dorcyle McClure moved for approval. Kandyce LaFleur seconded. 7. Revised Policies and Procedures for Library Cards for Minors was discussed. Several revisions were suggested. Audrey will send out the revised policy for an email vote. 8. Launchpad Checkout Policy was discussed and revised. Beth Avery moved for approval. Dorcyle McClure seconded. Motion passed. 9. Adjourn. Kandyce LaFleur moved to adjourn. Janet Askins seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. 10. The next Board meeting will be November 14, 2016.