08/03/2015-Library Board-Minutes-Regular Sanger Library Board Meeting Meeting Minutes August 3, 2015 Opening The regular meeting of the Sanger Library Board was called to order at 7:05 pm on August 3, 2015, in the Library by Ronnita Jensen, acting Chair in absence of Suzanne Sears. Present Members in attendance were Ronnita Jensen, Dorcyle McClure, Beth Avery, Kandyce LaFleur, and Library Director Audrey Tolle. Approval of Minutes The Minutes of the previous meeting of August 3, 2015 were presented. Corrections were made. Ronnita Jensen moved for approval, seconded by Dorcyle, and approved as revised. New Business New board member for place 2 Beth Avery was introduced. Library Directors Report  Programs offered: Essential oils class, Excel Computer training classes, sewing class finished their dresses. Yoga classes continued.  Storytime: Madonna Wade has taken over the Storytime program. Professor Brainius visited Storytime. th  Kick Off Party for the summer reading program was on June 12 with 20 in attendance. Summer attendance was good in June and fell off in July. stth  Weekly learning labs for elementary 1 – 6 grades, 15-20 in attendance.  Ringling Brothers clown visited with a show for all ages, and a magician entertained as part of the summer programs. These shows were held at the community center in anticipation of larger crowds than wouldn’t fit in the library’s meeting room. 69 attended the first event and 41 to the second.  A program on making recycled jewelry was given for teens and tweens, and Ranch hand rescue gave a presentation to elementary age children.  108 Reading logs have been turned in with a week left to go. Update on NRH maker spot and E-Service:  North Richland Hills library joined the NTLC consortium last year; Laura Klenke attended training for their new Maker Spot. Audrey attended the ribbon cutting for the new facility th Aug. 8. This facility is available to our patrons.  Freegal Music limit increased from 3 to 5 songs per week per cardholder.  Looking into ODILO, a new E-Book service. Agenda Item 5: Preliminary Survey Results (for long rang plan) 67 online and paper surveys completed. One question was missed when entered into Survey Monkey. Has been revised and responses are being collected. Dorcyle suggested a different format for survey, and Beth offered help with setting up Survey Monkey. Largest age groups to respond was 41-55 and 26-40 year olds. 60% surveyed felt a large selection of books most important library service. Finding feedback on library and staff to be positive so far. Group input Discussion on Book Club possibilities that would offer more options for patrons, evening groups, groups with similar interest and groups not overseen by library staff. Offer more programs. Find more ways to advertise programs, black board sidewalk signs, notes on city utility bills. Discussion of Long Range Plans Need a special meeting to discuss and work on long range before November, with survey results. Audrey th will email us about a date, possibly Oct. 15. Adjournment Dorcyle moved to adjourn, seconded by Beth. Meeting adjourned at 8:35 by Chair. The next general meeting will be at 7:00 p.m. on November 16, 2015, in the Sanger Library Meeting Room. Minutes submitted by: Kandyce LaFleur Approved by: Audrey Tolle – Library Director