11/16/2015-Library Board-Minutes-Regular Sanger Library Board Meeting Meeting Minutes November 16, 2015 Opening The regular meeting of the Sanger Library Board was called to order at 7:07 pm on November 16, 2015, in the Library by Suzanne Sears, Chair. Present Members in attendance were Suzanne Sears, Ronnita Jensen, Beth Avery, Kandyce LaFleur, and Library Director Audrey Tolle. Approval of Minutes The Minutes of the previous meeting of November 16, 2015 were presented. No corrections were made. Suzanne Sears moved for approval, seconded by Kandyce LaFleur. New Business No new Business was introduced. Library Directors Report  "Magic: The Gathering" group, with David McCall overseeing the program is scheduled for November 21, 2015. Mr. McCall is a counselor at Butterfield Elementary.  Tuesday afternoon sewing classes are offered to teach teens to sew. Times are from 4-6pm.  Sanger Friends of the Library agreed to purchase 2 sewing machines. Others have volunteered to bring in personal machines.  A Digital Coupon class is scheduled for November 26, 2015. This class is intended to teach how and where to find coupons.  Laughter Yoga and regular yoga classes are still scheduled. The advanced sewing class is scheduled for December 12, 2015. In addition, the Book Club and the knitting and sewing club are also still coming.  Storytime program has had increased attendance since MaDonna Wade took over.  A class on Improving Your Memory was scheduled on November 16, 2016 at 2pm. Five people attended.  The Library purchased three tablets. One tablet is for the children’s' area and one tablet is for Circulation. The final tablet is to be used for the online catalog.  Completed extensive EDGE assessment survey. It will be used to create technology reports.  There are two book talks and signings scheduled to be held in December, co-sponsored by the Friends of the Library. The authors are Jacqueline Smith and Megan/Mir Foote.  The Director spoke about David McCall possibly sponsoring a Self Defense class. Suggestions were made about asking the Sanger Police Department to co-sponsor. Another suggestion offered up was to offer a mini-fair about women’s' issues.  The Director noted that the first Staff Development Day would be on December 11, 2015. The Library will be closed that day. Revision of Fines Policy: Suggested that instead of eliminating fines, consistent with consortium libraries, that the fees be lowered. The hope is to encourage people to return items. Kandyce LaFleur motioned to approve lowering fines from 50 cents to 25 cents. Beth Avery seconded. All unanimous. Approved Video Checkout Policy For Minors: Currently, the video checkout policy for minors is that current G movies are allowed to be checked out by minors without parental consent. For 13+ minors, current PG movies must have a parent check out the movie. The Director stated that the Library would like to change the policy so that any PG movie will require the parents to sign a new consent form (in person), which will allow the children to check out the movie without the parent actually being there. It is hoped that this will help increase circulation. A motion to vote was made; Kandyce LaFleur motioned and was seconded by Beth Avery. Approved. Draft of Long Range Plan 2016-2020: Beth Avery added word cloud on page 2. The Director briefly summarized the survey. Acknowledgement made that there is a need to plan for a larger library in the future. The city manager has agreed with the Director that a professional assessment is needed and should be included in next year’s budget. Draft of Technology Plan Outline: Edge Assessment Survey can be used to help make technology plan. Needed areas include equipment needing updates, as well as software updates. A basic inventory of equipment was done. Would like to have uniform machines with one ready to clone. The Director stated she was open to comments on the Technology Report before the December due date. Group Input: Was asked if there are any more agenda items. There was discussion about changing the Library hours. Suggested was staying open to 7pm or possibly an hour later on Saturdays. A quick comparison of other Peer Libraries was done and they are very similar. It was found that libraries with longer hours tended to have more staff. The Director stated that Saturdays tend to be very slow. It was suggested that one day per week, possibly Tuesdays, that the Library open later and close later. Adjournment: A motion was made to adjourn and was seconded. Meeting adjourned at 8:09 by Chair. The next general meeting will be at 7:00 p.m. on February 15, 2016, in the Sanger Library Meeting Room. Minutes submitted by: Ronnita Jensen Approved by: Audrey Tolle – Library Director