02/10/2014-Library Board-Minutes-Regular Sanger Library Board Meeting Monday, February 10, 2014 1. Suzanne Sears called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. 2. The meeting of the November 11, 2013 meeting were reviewed. Suzanne Sears made motion to approve minutes. Dorcyle McClure seconded. 3. Library Director’s Report a. A canned food drive was held in December in conjunction with fine forgiveness. For every canned food item donated, up to $5.00 in fines were forgiven. b. Two Christmas programs were held in December- Christmas Carol Sing-Along with cider and cookies and the other was a Christmas card making event c. Worked on Tocker grant for $49,800-should hear something mid- late March d. Audrey has been looking over the reference section – many materials have been cleared out, but plan to keep the local history materials e. Bought a DVD cleaner, defective and sending back for a new one f. Audrey joined PLANT- public library administrators of North Texas- deal with management issues g. Also joined Amigos Ebook Advisory Group- virtual meetings to stay involved in the Ebook platform. Hoping to be able to buy eBooks through the Amigos h. Usage has been low with Freading $5-$20 per month i. Denton County Library Board-Sanger will host in May j. VITA Tax Assistance for lower income- Saturdays only by appointment k. Family Game night- Feb 20 – maybe 7:00 board games st 4. New Teen Advisory Board- 1 meeting has low attendance- 2 teens attended (snow day). Hoping to schedule another meeting in the next few weeks, Erika will be main contact. This group will help recommend and plan events for teens, titles of books and films, and encourage participation in the summer reading program. Parental consent forms will be sent home. 5. Newspaper Digitization- started discussions with UNT- Anna Kramer. We would need to wait a year to apply for a Tocker grant. UNT can store the newspapers for us. 6. Meeting adjourned at 7:26 Suzanne made motion. Daniel seconded. Next meeting 7 p.m., Monday, May 12, 2014.