08/25/2014-Library Board-Minutes-Regular Sanger Library Board Meeting Meeting Minutes August 25th, 2014 Openi ng The regular meeting of the Sanger Library Board Meeting was called to order at 7:11 p.m. on August 25th, 2014 in the library meeting room by the Chair, Suzanne Sears. Present Members in attendance were Daniel Lopez, Elizabeth Dunn, Dorcyle McClure, Kerry Baldwin, Chair Suzanne Sears, and Library Director Audrey Tolle. Approval of Minutes th The minutes of the previous meeting on May 12, 2014 were presented with corrections by Audrey Tolle. Daniel moved for approval, seconded by Dorcyle and approved. New Business 1. New Board member in Place 4, Kerry Baldwin was introduced. 2. Suzanne suggested using this opportunity to appoint the board positions of Chair and Secretary. Motions were made and seconded; Suzanne was reelected Chair and Kerry was elected Secretary by unanimous vote. Library Directors Report th 1. The Library reopened on May 19, 2014 after repairs due to flooding on March rd 3, 2014. 2. The efforts of Laura, Betsy, and Erica were commended by Audrey for their many contributions to the very successful reopening, as well as the Summer Reading program that followed. 3. Feedback from patrons has been very positive and supportive regarding the rework and changes. 4. The Tocker grant for new furniture & shelving has been received and the order has been placed, a brief 1-2 day closure may be required for installation. 5. The summer reading program was very successful; - A total of 241 patrons of various ages registered for summer reading, and 71 turned in reading logs at least one time. Total attendance at summer events was 315. 6. Part-time library assistant Erica Kaufman coordinated our summer reading program for the first time, which started less than a month after our reopening. She started an innovative alternative for traditional elementary story times, called the Elementary Learning Labs that offered science-related activities for kids. 7. Erica also took on both a kickoff "Ice Cream Social" in the square and an end-of- summer Doctor Who party. She & Lynne put together several activities and theme-related refreshments for the party, which was heavily publicized and brought in attendees from other cities. 8. Other S.R. Highlights were: Professor Brainius, the only paid performer, courtesy of the Friends. 30 attended his high-energy show. Along with Doctor Who, the teens liked the craft events, with the yarn vases and friendship bracelets being the most popular. Proposed Revision of Meeting Room Policy 1. There was a lengthy discussion of the meeting room policy. Key items discussed were requirements for advance and multiple bookings, deposits and possible fees relating thereto, potential insurance liabilities as concerning the library and the city, keys and access, and whether any usage should occur without library personnel being present. The board recommended that usage by non-city groups be limited to normal library hours. It was decided by consensus that Audrey would explore these issues with the Sanger City Manager prior to preparing a draft of a revised policy to be approved in the near future. Revision of Checkout Policies 1. The revisions to the Sanger Library Circulation Policy as prepared by Audrey Tolle were reviewed and discussed. 2. Daniel moved for approval, Suzanne seconded and the revised policy was approved unanimously. New Artwork in the Library 1. The installation of new artwork in the library was discussed including the display of appropriate works by local students and patrons. 2. The creation of a large mural to be displayed inside the library was discussed, it was suggested that the mural might be done by a volunteer local artist on one or more large canvases enabling it to be moved or stored as necessary. Adjournment Meeting was adjourned at 8:36 p.m. by the Chair, Suzanne Sears. The next general meeting will be at 7:00 p.m. on November 17, 2014, in the Sanger Library Meeting Room. Minutes submitted by: Kerry A. Baldwin - Secretary Approved by: Audrey Tolle – Library Director