08/12/2013-Library Board-Minutes-Regular Sanger Library Board Monday, August 12, 2013 7:00 p.m. Library Meeting Room 501 Bolivar, Sanger, TX 76266 1. Audrey Tolle called meeting to order at 7:07 p.m. Members in attendance: Daniel Lopez, Dorcyle McClure, Suzanne, Audrey Tolle, Mandy Stephens 2. Correction to minutes – Approval of minutes Suzanne made motion, Dorcyle second 3. Library Director’s Report: a. Children’s Programs – actual attendance 420 b. Total of teens 67 c. 148 registered for summer reading online for first time this year d. 92 completed at least one level of reading e. 33 teens and adults registered for summer reading program; 17 completed one or two levels f. Online registration done through reading record for $150 annually- could use for other events through May, through the library website; Dig into Reading was the theme. g. Program may have started a little early to early June 4. Probably should wait until later until school is out. h. Movie attendance low- maybe should have fewer showings next year. Can’t advertise the movie title on our website. Maybe have some musical performances. Pauly Maynard- guitar player was well received i. Teens- Wii gaming tournaments not as popular. Laura introduced retro board games, and retro video games, Godzilla theme. Laura got prizes donated. Preteens were more interested- maybe another indication that we need to change things up. j. Making friendship bracelets went over really well. Making jewelry out of soda cans. Arts and crafts k. Idea for teen advisory board – Dorcyle “Develop leadership skills” Making progress with eBooks- Amigos offices- taking over Geodesity project. Amigos applied for a grant through the state. This is the best solution for a long-term platform. Freading - offers up to 35,000 titles- unlimited simultaneous access. Got approval to add an eBook line item $2500. Set aside $500 Not the newest, most popular. Publishers hold back. Compared with Overdrive- most popular eBooks service- $6,000 Start service within next few weeks. $150 set up fee. Tier pricing structure. Set a limit for tokens/downloads- can be rolled over l. Budget- got approval for more part-time hours. Summer temp position- Vicky, the temp position would be year-long m. Increased travel and training professional development- maybe Laura could go to a conference somewhere in state n. Increased minor equipment budget – cash register, DVD repair, receipt printer for due date receipts, wireless router, o. County funding up in the air. Decreasing by 10% p. New library cards- harder plastic cards. A little more expensive, will charge a$1 for lost cards; ordered 500. Looking at streamlining process of issuing cards. Have been mailing as a way of verifying physical address. Not entered in computer until later, can get backlogged. Now issuing immediately. Still requiring proof of residency. q. Checkout policy. Do we want children under 18 to check out DVD’s? Require parental consent like with the Internet access. Possibly have it in their records online on the website r. Change: We have been keeping Registration cards for all patrons since library began. Audrey has concerns about that info being readily accessible. 4. 24/7 Wi-Fi Access: Problems with vandalism, loitering. Look into having Wi-Fi shut off at closing time. Another concern- it’s not filtered. Audrey will need to talk with city manager to see if the city wants 24/7 access. If the city requires it, then ok. Audrey will check. 5. Tocker Furniture Grant: Audrey is planning to apply for Tocker Furniture grant for circulation grant, computer carols, and open seating furniture. Up to $50,000 may be available for computer furniture, chairs, and other equipment. Grant cycle- January grant. Contacted a company that does library furnishings that will work with libraries applying for grants. Audrey also attended a webinar on furniture space, which was big on open seating. Audrey is rethinking the library space/layout. 6. Yoga Class and other Ideas: a. Offering yoga starting in September. Aubrey Library referred the instructor to us. Minimum $5 donation per class. Thursdays at 6:15. Beginning September 19. Weekly class, as long as good response. b. Other classes- One volunteer is interested in doing computer classes. Audrey would like to get a feel for what people are interested in. Suzanne suggested that some of the employees at UNT Library are up for service hours, so if she knows the parameters of what Audrey needs, she could make that suggestion to them. Dorcyle suggested genealogy-searching classes. Suzanne or Dorcyle may know of special services, such as geocaching or genealogy, and their library staff might do a presentation. Audrey could come up with a list of programs/classes and Suzanne and Dorcyle can come up with presenters. Dorcyle suggested doing an interest survey. The more specialized the presentation, likely you will have to pay the certified presenter. 7. Library will be painted within the next month. At city meeting Audrey will suggest new flooring 8. Fuzzy’s fundraiser- $150 + some tips. 9. Adjournment- 8:24. Next meeting November 11 at 7:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Mandy Stephens, Board Secretary