11/11/2013-Library Board-Minutes-Regular Minutes – Sanger Public Library Board Meeting November 11, 2013 Member Present: Daniel Lopez, Elizabeth Dunn, Dorcyle McClure, Suzanne Sears and Audrey Tolle, Library Director 1. Suzanne Sears called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. 2. The minutes of the August 12, 2013 meeting were reviewed and corrections were made. Suzanne Sears made a motion to approve minutes with discussed changes, Dorcyle McClure seconded. 3. Library Directors Report: a. New Fiscal Year off to a good start b. Freading eBook service was added in October 2013. A Freading presentation was done by Ms. Tolle and Ms. Klenke on October 17, 2013. c. Library had several different adult programs in October. d. Affordable Care Act presentaton was well attended. e. Geocaching talk also went well and had 6-8 attendees. f. Bob Chauncey’s art reception that was held today had approximately 60 attendees. g. The library has made some performance measure changes and developed some new forms. h. The Friends of the Library has tentatively agreed to pay for new flooring in the meeting room. 4. Almost 200 new titles were ordered in September, at the end of the 2012-13 fiscal year. Approximately 80 of these titles were juvenile and young adult (teen) fiction. Laura Klenke created the new Young Adult section, and in addition to the new YA titles, some books that were in the juvenile and adult fiction sections were transferred to the new section. 5. There will no longer be WiFi available 24/7 at the library. Instead the internet will be shut down at closing. The hope is that this will help cut down on youth loitering around the building after hours. There is also a behavior policy now posted in several locations around the library. One teenager has been banned from the library for 3 months because of behavior. A letter was sent to the family of the teen as well as the Sanger police department. 6. The annual Christmas parade will be held on December 14, 2013. The Friends of the Library will again have a float in the parade. A community member has offered to do a sing-a-long at the library that day. 7. Concerns about the computer room were discussed. Specifically concerns about sick patrons using the computers and spreading germs. The suggestion was made that the library staff wipe down computers with Lysol wipes after each computer is used as well as make hand sanitizers readily available. It was also suggested that signs be posted reminding patrons about preventing the spread of germs by covering their cough etc. 8. Changes to the library arrangement were discussed and a preliminary sketch done by Dave Gaskins was reviewed. The current sketch would require several days of moving and possible require closing the library as well. The goal is to have more open space for public computers and space for patrons with laptops, as well as more functional staff workspace. The Tocker grant that was discussed at the last meeting looks for more living space in libraries. Gaskins’ sketch does add more seating areas. After reviewing computer table layout, taller privacy screens between workspaces was discussed. Mr. Gaskins’ proposal would require some more weeding of books. Current book number would need to go from 22,000 to 20,000. Ms. Tolle proposes to decrease reference section as well as some others. Ms. Sears will get Ms. Tolle contact information for a person who helps with large moving projects as well as the contact for digitizing newspapers. Present members toured library while discussing possible new arrangements. Security mirrors were discussed during the tour. 9. Next meeting date was scheduled for February 10, 2014 at 7 p.m. 10. Motion to adjourn was made by Ms. McClure, seconded by Mr. Lopez. Meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m.