08/13/2012-Library Board-Minutes-Regular Minutes-Sanger Public Library Board August 13, 2012 Members present at the meeting: Daniel Lopez, Elizabeth Dunn, Kevin Lumpkin, Dorcyle McClure and Vicky Elieson, Library Director 1. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Vicki Elieson. 2. Three new board members Daniel Lopez, Elizabeth Dunn, and Kevin Lumpkin were introduced. The new members elected to receive emailed copies of the monthly report from the director. 3. Election of officers resulted in Judie Rodgers as Chairman of the board and Mandy Stephens as secretary. In the absence of the elected secretary, Dorcyle McClure volunteered to take minutes of the meeting. 4. The minutes of the February 13, 2012 meeting were read and approved without changes. 5. The library director reported that: a. The “Game tournament “ party on Saturday, August 11 was the largest since starting the event. b. The Summer Reading Party was a huge success. The theme was “Crazy Pirates.” Possible future events will be offered, but there will be no more theme support from the State. c. The library has a FaceBook page. Director encouraged each board member to “like” the page. d. A new server was delivered on August 13. It was mostly funded by a grant. e. To support a new ebook market, the North Texas Library partners are going to buy their own server. That way each library can download the books they need while they remain on the server. The one-time cost for the library to be a founding library will be approximately $2000.00. Each library will still have to buy its own books, but they can be shared the same as books and DVDs are currently shared by the consortium libraries. f. Sanger Sellabration will be September 8. Volunteers are always needed to help with the event. 6. The new board members’ orientation occurred when they were presented with their notebooks. The director also gave a short explanation of each section. 7. The director reported that there are 9 performance measures that she has selected to present to the city manager to make sure that the library is doing its mission for the public. She wanted to be sure that all data is being collected. A discussion of the performance measures and how to benchmark each resulted in a few suggestions from the board for her to try. Many of the measures can only be obtained by directly asking the library users themselves because they are very subjective for each one. 8. The Administrative Policy change concerning the library’s emergency procedures was discussed. The Emergency Procedures were presented. The board discussed the use of and stressed the importance of a code phrase to alert other staff of a potentially dangerous person. Regular volunteers should be aware of the “alert” code phrase, also. 9. Discussed future meetings times and dates to place on calendars now: November 12, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. and February 11, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. 10. Meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Dorcyle McClure, library board member Place 3.