02/13/2012-Library Board-Minutes-Regular MINUTES-SANGER PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD February 13, 2012 Members present at the meeting were: Judie Rodgers, Rosene Sebastian, Suzanne Sears, Dorcyle McClure, and Vicky Elieson, Library Director Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:06 pm by Rosene Sebastian. Minutes: Judie made a motion (seconded by Suzanne) to accept the minutes as read from the November 2011 meeting. Motion passed. Discussion of items from November Director’s Report: Judie opened discussion of some of the items from the November Director’s Report that were in the minutes. 1. Staffing update—currently fully staffed 2. System upgrades—now working 3. Circulation numbers down but door count up, why is this occurring? Possible reasons: a. People coming for computer use b. Increase in attendance at programs c. Books being obtained elsewhere d. Difference in usage due to the Internet Brief discussion ensued about the role of the library in the future. Library Director’s Report: 1. United Methodist Women’s Association (UMWA) will be providing refreshments for the library run gaming tournaments. The Friends of the Library pay for the prizes. The gaming th tournaments are still very popular. February 10 there were 27 kids in attendance. February th 11 there were 12 in the morning with the pre-teens and 17 in the afternoon with the teens. 2. A DVD player has been donated to the library, so now they have one for each TV. 3. Vicky has sent the newspapers out for microfilming 4. It is time to do the annual report and report to the county 5. Friends of the library donated a flat screen TV and sound bar for the meeting room and material for building shelves in the book drop closet. 6. Currently, programming is the current focus. A program was done on sex trafficking which along with slavery is a current hot topic. Upcoming programs include: Understanding Hospice (Feb. 16), Basic Computer Skills, Gardening to Attract Birds and Butterflies, Senior Financial Safety, Healthy Cooking for 1 or 2, and additional gaming for the kids. a. The Basic Computer Skills workshops are very popular. It is a 6 week course and can only be taught to 3 individuals at a time. The classes are being taught on Thursday and Friday mornings, so currently 6 people are enrolled. There is a long waiting list. 7. The on-going book sale is going well and being used. Discussion of Proposed Performance Measures: Discussion of the performance measures that Vicky and her staff had developed in response to a request from the City Manager. Vicky asked for input as to the “critical missions” she had identified and the types of measurements she had planned to determine how the library is meeting the needs of stakeholders. Review Long Range Plan for Budgetary Implications for 2012-2013: Discussion of what items from the long range plan should be prioritized if there is any available money in next year’s budget. Suggestion of acquisition of Spanish language movies. Discussion and Adoption of Emergency Response Policy: Policy was reviewed with a suggested wording change of “severe weather” to “natural disasters”. Judie made a motion to accept the change of wording with a second by Suzanne. Motion was accepted Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 8:38 pm by Rosene. The next regularly scheduled meeting is set for May 14, 2012 at 7 pm. *Respectfully submitted, Suzanne Sears, Library Board Vice-Chair