11/12/2012-Library Board-Minutes-Regular Minutes-Sanger Public Library Board November 12, 2012 Members present at the meeting: Elizabeth Dunn, Daniel Lopez, Kevin Lumpkin, Dorcyle McClure, Suzanne Sears, Judie Rodgers and Vicky Elieson, Library Director 1. The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by Judie Rodgers. In the absence of the elected secretary, Judie Rodgers asked Dorcyle McClure if she would take minutes of the meeting again. She agreed to do so. 2. Vicky Elieson made a few corrections to the minutes of the August 13, 2012 meeting and the board approved the minutes with the corrections. 3. The library director reported that: a. The National Gaming Day @ Your Library had many contestants and was fun for all who participated. It included Retro Gaming and Super Smash games. The Super Smash participants battle with other local players and then move to nd national level. Our top two contestants won 2 in the national level. b. She emphasized that the children who participate in these games learn sportsmanship. The top winners are eager to support the younger children who are learning and doing well. They also will not allow excess bragging to continue very long. c. The Sellabration book sale brought in about the same amount as last year, approximately $950.00. d. County funding for 2013 is close to the same amount as in previous years. It will be $15,007 compared to $15,810 for 2012. e. The last adult class topic of “bee keeping” was the best attended class since they started adult classes. The next class will be held tomorrow night; the topic will be “composting”. There will be no more adult classes until the end of January. f. The current art exhibit by Bob Clancy started on Veteran’s Day and will run through Pearl Harbor Day. It is called “The Forgotten War..Remembered.” The collection is of the Korean War. g. In staffing news: Laura has been hired full time. One of her duties, assigned by the city manager is working with the social media to keep the library in front of the public. Vicky will be retiring on January 31, 2013. The city manager will be posting her job. 4. Staff seems to be happy with the emergency response procedures as presented to the board. They have not come up with a verbal phrase/code to alert other staff members of a dangerous person situation, but are working on it. There is a 5 minute video on YouTube make by the City of Houston’s police department that demonstrates what to do in a dangerous person situation. It’s called “Run, Hide, Fight”. Recommended that board view it. 5. There are two new books that the board members can check out and read: Public Library Advisory Board Handbook and a Library Advocates’ Notebook compiled by North Texas Library Partners. (Vicky, I forgot to get the name of the other one. Please insert it and send this back to me. Thanks.) 6. Briefly discussed the State Standards. Sanger is set up for the 5000-9999 users level. The user area covers more than just the town. Areas surrounding the town are also included in the library usage numbers. The Policy List has already been prioritized based on these standards. 7. Discussed future meetings times and dates to place on calendars now: February 11, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. and April 8, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. (May scheduled meetings were cancelled in 2011 and 2012, so we changed the meeting to April.) Meeting adjourned at 8:07 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Dorcyle McClure, library board member Place 3.