02/28/2011-Library Board-Minutes-Regular MINUTES-SANGER PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD February 28, 2011 The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm by Don McClure. Members present at the meeting were: Thelma Johnson, Don McClure, Elizabeth Muir, Judie Rodgers, Rosene Sebastian, Mandy Stephens and Vicky Elieson, Library Director Minutes: Judie made a motion with a second from Mandy to approve the minutes from the November 2010 meeting with one clarification. The Library Director’s Report #5 should read as “The Long Range Plan was approved by the City Council at their last meeting”. Motion passed. Library Director’s Report: 1. The library recently had a leak in the plumbing in the ceiling but this has been repaired. 2. Library staff: Betsy has submitted her resignation. 3. State budget cuts were discussed. 4. Friends of the Library bought shelves for one closet in the Meeting Room. The Historical Society is allowed some use of this space since the library refers to these resources when needed. Review Collection Development Policy: Completed review of the Collection Development Policy. Judie made a motion to accept the changes as discussed with a second from Rosene. Motion passed. Changes will be made for final review at the next meeting. Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 pm. The next regularly scheduled meeting is set for May th 9, 2011. *Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Muir, Library Board Secretary