08/08/2011-Library Board-Minutes-Regular MINUTES-SANGER PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD August 8, 2011 Members present at the meeting were: Judie Rodgers, Elizabeth Muir, Rosene Sebastian, Mandy Stephens, new board member Suzanne Sears, and Vicky Elieson, Library Director Welcome New Board Members: New board member Suzanne Sears was welcomed. Election of Officers: Officers were elected for the new year. With unanimous votes, Rosene Sebastian was elected chairperson, Suzanne Sears was elected to be vice-chairperson, and Elizabeth Muir was elected to the position of secretary. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:15 pm by newly elected chairperson, Rosene Sebastian. Minutes: Minutes were accepted as read from the February 2011 meeting. The May 2011 meeting was not held as no date would allow a quorum to be present. Library Director’s Report: 1. Summer Reading Club was a success! 2. North Texas Library Partners- Their non-profit status may help them survive despite difficult economic times. The North Texas Library Partners administer the consortium in which Sanger Public Library is a part. 3. Staffing- Kandyce left due to family reasons. Laura returned to work. Betsy returned to work. She is expecting a baby in October but is scheduled to return. Lynne is scheduled to have surgery next week then will return to work. 4. Building- The city is working to repair the A/C that is not working in the meeting room. 5. Budget- City funding will remain flat next year with no changes. No state funding (Lone Star money) will be received next year. 6. Packet rotations- Will not receive any more packet rotations (DVD, VHS, & Audio books) from Little Elm 7. Reported that the Friends of the Library are having their annual book sale at the Sellabration again this year on September 10th. Any help would be appreciated. Review changes to the Collection Development Policy: Changes were reviewed with no additional changes made. Discussion and possible changes to the Bulletin Board Policy: Discussed bulletin board policy and possible changes. Judie made a motion to accept changes and the new wording to the policy and Suzanne seconded the motion. Motion passed. Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 pm. The next regularly scheduled meeting is set for th November 14, 2011. Meetings for 2012 are scheduled for the second Monday nights of February, May, August, and November. *Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Muir, Library Board Secretary