11/14/2011-Library Board-Minutes-Regular MINUTES-SANGER PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD November 14, 2011 Members present at the meeting were: Judie Rodgers, Elizabeth Muir, Rosene Sebastian, Mandy Stephens, Suzanne Sears, Thelma Johnson, and Vicky Elieson, Library Director Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Rosene Sebastian. Minutes: Judie made a motion (seconded by Mandy) to accept the minutes as read from the August 2011 meeting. Motion passed. Library Director’s Report: 1. Fun was had by all who attended the Pokémon and National Smash Bros. Tournament held recently at the library for National Gaming Day. 2. A three part nutrition class was held with 5 in attendance during the month of October. 3. Upcoming classes include the library book club reading and discussing Cleopatra. Next Tuesday will be Pet Safety during the Holidays. The knitting and crocheting group continues to meet on an ongoing basis. 4. Staffing- Lynne has returned to work only part time (due to medical reasons). Betsy has had her baby and is back working part time. Laura continues with her part time work as well. 5. System upgrades completed in early September were disastrous. Completed again in early October with much better results. 6. The Friends of the Library annual book sale in September was very successful. 7. Circulation is dropping although the door count is rising. 8. Currently, there is a WWII Exhibit being displayed in the library. 9. Considering various fundraising ideas including an ongoing book sale by the Friends of the Library and possibly the knitting/crocheting group making shawls for sale to benefit the library. Review changes to the Bulletin Board Policy: Policy was reviewed with a suggested wording change concerning posters of a compassionate nature. These “may be considered for posting”. Suzanne made a motion to accept the change of wording with a second by Judie. Motion was accepted. Discussion and possible changes to the Physical Facilities Policy: Discussed physical facilities policy and possible changes. Judie made a motion to accept new wording to clarify that applications for exhibit space shall be made through the “Library” Director’s office. Suzanne seconded the motion. Motion passed to accept wording clarification. Look at Texas Public Library Standards and determine what additional policies are needed: Reviewed Administration Standards and suggestions were given as to what additional policies are needed in this area. Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm by Rosene. The next regularly scheduled meeting is th set for February 13, 2012. *Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Muir, Library Board Secretary