05/11/2009-Library Board-Minutes-Regular MINUTES-SANGER PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD May 11, 2009 The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by Don McClure. Members present at the meeting were: Don McClure, Judie Rodgers, Rosene Sebastian, and Vicky Elieson, Library Director Minutes: Approval of the minutes was tabled. Library Director’s Report: 1. Item rebarcoding is complete. Data for a “test load” has been extracted and sent to the new ILS provider (Equinox). 2. The city is getting a new Internet provider. The library hopes to continue to be able to be a wifi hotspot. 3. The County funding request has been submitted. Board support may be needed during Commissioners Court budget workshops. 4. The city budget request is due at the end of May. Budget requests must be conservative this year. 5. The library received a grant of $1000 at the North Texas Book Festival. The grant will be used for children’s books, paperback books for young readers, Summer Reading Club prizes and a performer for the Summer Reading Club. The two baskets donated by the board for the silent auction were well received. The “Chocolate Basket” was especially popular. 6. The meeting room is painted and new carpet should be installed tomorrow. 7. A Tocker grant for two new computers, chairs for the computer room and computer management software has been awarded to the library Gather Data for Long Range Plan: Focus Group questions were discussed and refined. Survey questions were reviewed, but need more work. The Director reported that she has compiled a list of community organizations and their leaders (to serve as focus groups), but has not contacted anyone yet. Review of Computer Policy: Policy review was tabled until a quorum is present. th Adjourned: The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 pm. Next meeting set for August 10, 2009. Respectfully submitted: Victoria Elieson, Library Director, temporary secretary