11/10/2008-Library Board-Minutes-Regular MINUTES-SANGER PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD November 10, 2008 The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by Don McClure. Members present at the meeting were: Don McClure, Judie Rodgers, Elizabeth Muir, Rosene Sebastian, Diane Shuskey, new board member Jarrod Link and Vicky Elieson, Library Director Minutes: Minutes from the previous meeting were approved as presented Library Director’s Report: 1. The Library recently participated in Safe Spook, a program for community children. 2. Vicky is now serving as assistant in the library county funding proposal program after 3 years of heading it up. 3. The ILS (Integrated Library System) will be available in August of 2009. Start up costs may be closer to $7000 then the previously stated estimate of $4500. The yearly operating costs should remain about $3000. Money for the ILS will be taken from the Loan Star grant and regular city budget. 2/3 of the re-bar-coding in the library has been completed in preparation for the ILS program. 4. Preparations have begun for 3 gaming tournaments to be held January, February, and March of 2009. The North Texas Library System now has gaming equipment that can be used for this. Tournaments will be held for adults, families, and teens. 5. Applications are now being reviewed for hiring of a part time library staff member. Review of State Library Standards: Brief discussion of library standards. The board will cover this more in depth at later date. Discussion on updating of the Long Range plan: Began process of brainstorming for the long range plan. Some ideas mentioned were: sign to encourage library use by Spanish speaking patrons, increased resources for ESL/Spanish speaking patrons, land needed for future expansion, the need for computer space and additional/updated computer equipment, computer education for the public, political/civic involvement possibilities, reaching out to the arts (like community theatre, etc), and room need for mechanical (A/C) equipment among many other thoughts. Discussion focused also on a survey of the community to assess library needs for the future. Discussion on the Long Range plan will be continued at the next meeting. th Adjourned: The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm. Next meeting set for February 9, 2009. *Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Muir, Library Board Secretary