04-08-16-Ordinance-Amending the Fee Schedule-04/18/2016ORDINANCE #04-0846 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, AMENDING ARTICLE 4.000 OF APPENDIX A "FEE SCHEDULE" OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES AND PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: Section 1: That Article 4.000 of Appendix A, "Fee Schedule" of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows: ARTICLE 4.000 UTILITY RELATED FEES Division 4.300 Water and Sewer Sec. 4.301 Residential Water Services Connections (a) The City shall install or cause to be installed and maintain all water service connections in the streets, alleys and easements. All interruptions of water service to any and all customers shall be made under the direct supervision of the City water department before such interruption is made. Any person, firm or corporation found interrupting water service without City supervision shall be in violation of this section and subject to fines and penalties in accordance with the general penalty provision set forth in Section 1.109 of this Code. (Ordinance 08-10-09 adopted 8/17/09) (b) The City shall charge for the installation and maintenance of all such connections a sum sufficient to cover the cost thereof. Such sum is to be determined by the utility department and shall be at the following rates: Additional meter for sprinkler system Charge for meter, box and connections Charge for water connect fees (user fee) Charge for service interruption supervision (Ordinance 11-3741, Sec.l, adopted 11/7/11) $350.00 Actual cost + $500.00 refundable deposit against damage during construction. $35.00 (c) All water services for construction puiposes shall be metered and subject to the same regulations and billings as permanent water accounts. (Ordinance 08-10-09 adopted 8/17/09) Sec. 4.302 Residential Sanitary Sewer Service Connections (a) The City shall install all sanitary sewer service connections mine streets, alleys and easements both inside and outside the City limits. Said service connections shall be installed fiom the main to the property line when the sewer main is located in an alley or a street right-of- way; if the sewer main is in an easement, the service connection shall be installed from the sewer main to the easement boundary line. (Ordinance 11-37.11, Sec. 1, adopted 11/7/11) (b) Charge For Connection: Actual cost including parts and labor. Service lines that require the cutting or boring of paved streets or alleys will be subject to an additional charge based on the actual cost for such bores or cuts, including street repairs, necessary for installation. (c) The property owner shall install a service line, with clean -out fitting at his or her expense to the City's lateral, in accordance with City regulations and subject to the inspection of the City and shall hereafter be responsible for normal maintenance of said service line from the structure to the property line. Sec. 4.303 Commercial Water Service Connections (a) The City shall install, or cause to be installed and maintain all water service connections in the streets, alleys and easements. All interruptions of water service to any and all customers shall be made under the direct supervision of the City water department before such interruption is made. Any person, firm or corporation found interrupting water service without City supervision shall be in violation of this section and shall be subject to fines and penalties in accordance with the general penalty provision set forth in Section 1.109 of this code. (b) The City shall charge for the installation and maintenance of all such connections a sum sufficient to cover the cost thereof Charge for meter, box and connections Charge for water connect fees (user fee) Charge for service interruption supervision Actual cost + $500.00 refundable deposit against damage during construction 5 $30.00 $3.00 (Ordinance 11-37-11, Sec. 1, adopted 11/7/11) (c) All water services for construction purposes shall be metered and subject to the same regulations and billings as permanent water accounts. (d) All meters and meter boxes shall be supplied by the city. In the event that a meter and meter box is installed by the developer, the meter and box charge will be reduced ten dollars ($10.00). (Ordinance 08-10-09 adopted 8/17/09) Sec. 4.304 Commercial Sanitary Sewer Service Connections (a) The City shall install all sanitary sewer service connections in the streets, alleys and easements both inside and outside the City limits. Said service connections shall be installed from the main to the property line when the sewer main is located in an alley or a street right-of- way; if the sewer main is in an easement, the service connection shall be installed from the sewer main to the easement boundary line. (Ordinance 11-3741, Sec. 1, adopted 11/7/11) (b) Charge for Connection: Actual cost including parts and labor. (c) Service lines that require the cutting or boring of paved streets or alleys will be subject to an additional charge based on the actual cost for such bores or cuts, including street repairs, necessary For installation. (d) The property owner shall install a service line, with clean -out fitting at his or her expense to the City's lateral, in accordance with City regulations and subject to the inspection of the City and shall hereafter be responsible for normal maintenance of said service line from the structure to the property line. Sec. 4.305 Crediting of Collections (a) All water funds collected in excess of established costs shall be deposited in a separate account for new storage facilities, new pump stations, purchase of easements or main trunk lines and disbursed only after specific approval by the City Council. (b) All sewer funds collected in excess of established costs shall be deposited in a separate account for the new sewer plant, additions to sewer plant, purchase of easements or main trunk lines to plant and disbursed only after specific approval by the City Council. (Ordinance 08-10-09 adopted 8/17/09) Sec. 4.306 Water Service Rates (a) The rates to be charged by the City for water services for residential customers are hereby established as set forth below: $20.70 minimum per unit served for $3.68 per thousand gallons $4.05 per thousand gallons 0-1,000 gallons 1,001--4,999 gallons 5,000-14,999 gallons $5.06 per thousand gallons $6.63 per thousand gallons 15,000-29,999 gallons 30,000+ gallons (b) The rates to be charged by the City for water services for commercial customers are hereby established as set forth below: $26.97 minimum per unit served $17.34 multi -unit base/unit $ 4.28 per thousand gallons $4.63 per thousand gallons $5.24 per thousand gallons $6.47 per thousand gallons 0-15000 gallons 0-1,000 gallons 1,001-4,999 gallons 5,000-14,999 gallons 15,000-29,999 gallons 30,000+ gallons (c) Multifamily Dwellings. Where multifamily dwellings are served by a single water service line, the total water usage will be divided by the number of occupied units. The bill calculated from the per unit usage derived therefore shall be multiplied by the number of occupied units to determine the amount due. It shall be the responsibility of the owner or manager to notify the city by the 20th of each month on what the occupied count is for the month, if the City is not notified by the 20th of the month, then the highest count in the last twelve months will be used to calculate the bill. (d) Multiunit Commercial Shuctures. Where existing commercial tenants are served by a single water meter, the total water usage will be divided by the number of tenants, the bill calculated from the per tenant usage derived therefore shall be multiplied by the number of tenants to determine the amount due. The minimum per unit charge will be $17.34 for 0-1,000 gallons. No new multiunit connections will be allowed. In all new or newly divided commercial buildings each tenant space shall be required to have its own water meter. (e) Manufactured Home Parks. Where manufactured home parks are served by a single water service line, the total water usage will be billed to the owner of the park based on the number of occupied units. The bill calculated from the per unit usage derived therefore shall be multiplied by the number of occupied units to determine the amount due. It shall be the responsibility of the park owner or manager to notify the City by the 20th of each month on what the occupied count is for the month. If the City is not notified by the 20th of the month, then the highest count in the last twelve months will be used to calculate the bill. Sec. 4.307 Sewer Service Rates The rates to be charged by the City for sanitary sewer service are hereby established as follows: (1) Residential -Class A. (A) Class A customers shall include all residential type users including, but not limited to, single-family residences, apartment units, trailer court units, duplexes, or any other service primarily intended for domestic or residential use. The City may include similar low volume users such as churches and small business offices or stores in class A. (B) All class A customers of municipal wastewater facilities will be charged a minimum of twenty-six dollars and nineteen cents ($26.19) per monthly cycle and three dollars and sixty three cents ($3.63) per thousand gallons of metered water in excess of the first one thousand (1,000) gallons and four dollars and four cents ($4.04) for water in excess of 10,000 gallons, but in no case to exceed sixty dollars ($65.00) per month. (2) Commercial -Class B. (A) Class B customers shall include commercial users such as, but not limited to, restaurants, cafes, carwashes, schools, hospitals, nursing homes, offices, hotels, motels, laundries, grocery stores, department stores, and other commercial business operations as may be identified as not a class A type user. (B) All class B customers of municipal wastewater facilities shall be charged the following rates for the monthly facilities charge and three dollars and sixty three cents ($3.63) per thousand gallons of metered water in excess of the first one thousand (1,000) gallons and four dollars and four cents ($4.04) for water in excess of 10,000 gallons. 3/4" meter $38.55 1" meter $42.19 1-1/2" meter $48.00 2" meter $58.39 3" meter $72.00 4" meter $133.64 6" meter $177962 8" meter $234642 (3) Multi -family Dwellings. The amount due for multifamily dwellings shall be the class A rate multiplied by the number of occupied dwelling units as computed for water that month. (4) Manufactured Home Parlcs. The amount due for manufactured home narks shall be the class A rate multiplied by the number of occupied dwelling units as computed for water that month. (5) Multiunit Commercial Structures. Where commercial tenants are served by a single water meter, the total water usage will be divided by the number of tenants, the bill calculated from the per tenant usage derived therefore shall be multiplied by the number of tenants to determine the amount due. The minimum per unit charge will be twenty six dollars and nineteen cents $26.19. (6) Customers without city water service will be charged $51.75 per month. (Ordinance 12-17-14, Sec. 3, adopted 12/IN14) Sec. 4.308 Water and Sewer Deposit (a) Each individual, person, business, firm or corporation malting application for a connection to provide service by the city waterworks and sanitary sewer system shall provide a deposit prior to receiving service in the applicable amount as follows: Residential deposit Multi -property residential deposit* Large volume user deposit (including but not limited to restaurants, hair salons, pet groomers, etc.) Commercial deposit Mobile water meter deposit $100.00 $200000 $100.00 $1,000600 * To qualify, the individual or company must not have been late on any payments for any properties within the last twelve (12) months. (b) Upon termination of service, the amount of deposit will be credited to the customer's final bill except for multi -property residential deposits which will only be credited when the final account is closed. Article 4.400 Electric Sec. 4.401 Electric Deposits (a) Each individual, person, business, firm or corporation malting application for a connection to provide electric service shall provide a deposit prior to receiving service in the applicable amount as follows: *Residential deposit $200.00 **Multi -property residential deposit $200.00 Small commercial deposit $200000 Large commercial deposit MOM * Residential Deposits. An acceptable letter of credit from a recognized utility company for the current previous twelve (12) months shall be accepted in lieu of a deposit. Such letter must state that the customer has an acceptable payment record. Temporary service for cleanup or a remodel will be subject to a thirty -day maximum and will not require a deposit. * * To qualify for the multi -property residential deposit, the individual or company must not have been late on any payments for any properties within the last twelve (12) months. Multi -property residential deposits will only be credited when the final account is closed. (b) Upon termination of service, the amount of deposit will be credited to the customer's final Dill. (c) Electric Deposit Refunds. When a residential or commercial customer has paid twelve (12) consecutive billings without having service disconnected for nonpayment and without having any delinquent bills and is not currently delinquent on their bill, Sanger Electric will refund the electric deposit by applying the amount of deposit on electric service to the customer's first billing following the twelve-month period. Sec. 4.402 Electrical service connection fees shall be as follows: (1) Service Fee. For all new customers and any customer moving within the system: $30.00, (2) Temporary Service Fee. Paid upon request for service by a contractor for a remodel or landlord: $30.00 each service. Temporary service is only good for thirty (30) days. (3) Service Fee. To customer who is disconnected for nonpayment or who has not paid by the end of business on the 27th and reconnected, or customer requesting disconnect and reconnect for remodeling or upgrading electrical wiring: $30.00 each service. (4) Three Phase Service Fee. For new installation upgrading of existing service, or reconnect: $90.00. Sec. 4.403 Residential Electric Rate (a) Availability. To any customer for electric service used for residential purposes in individual, private dwellings and in individually -metered apartments supplied at one point of delivery and measured through one meter. (b) Type of Service. Service shall be single phase at 60 cycles and standard secondary voltages. (c) Rate. (1) Facilities charge: $10.00 per month. (2) Energy charge: $0.1175 per kwh. (3) Minimum bill: $10.00 per month. (3) Minimum bill: $16.00 per month. Sec. 4.404 Commercial Electric Rate (a) Availability. To commercial customers for all uses when service is taken through one meter at a single point of delivery. Not applicable to resale or breakdown service. (b) Type of Service. Service shall be single or three phase at 60 cycles and any standard voltages available from the distribution system and through one standard transformation. When entire service cannot be measured at one utilization voltage with one standard type meter, it will be measured at i prmary voltage. (c) Rate. (1) Facilities charge: $16.00 per month. (2) Energy charge: $0.12 per kwh. (3) Minimum bill: $16.00 per month. Sec. 4.405 Large Commercial Electric Rate (a) Availability. To any customer for electric service supplied at one point of delivery and measured through one meter. This applies to all customers with usage of 10,000,000 kwh or more per year. (b) Rate. (1) Facilities charge: $35.00. (2) Energy charge: $0.105. Sec. 4.406 Security/Guard Light Rates (a) 150W H.P.S.: $15.00 per month. (b) 400W H.P.S. directional floodlight: $35.00 per month. (c) 1,000W metal halide floodlight: $70.00 per month. Sec. 4.407 ERCOT Mandated Charges Various charges imposed by the Energy Reliance Council of Texas (ERGOT) and adjusted periodically shall be added or deducted from the above rates at the actual cost to the City. Sec. 4.408 Electric Service Switchover (a) Disconnection Fee for Transfer of Service. Disconnection fee for transfer of service is made when customer who is receiving permanent electric service from either electric utility company requests in writing transfer of such service to the other electric utility. Prior to disconnecting electric service to transfer such service to another electric utility, the customer must pay the company for all amounts owed to that company. That company must issue a receipt to customer upon payment of all amounts owed to the company which includes: (1) A disconnect charge of one hundred dollars ($100.0u) to residential customers to remove meter and service based upon the average direct labor and vehicle costs of disconnecting customer. The charge to nonresidential customers for normal installations is also one hundred dollars ($100.00), but if special metering facilities are to be removed, the charge is increased to cover this additional cost. (2) The total cost of any distribution facilities rendered idle and not usable elsewhere on company's system, based upon the original cost of such facilities less depreciation and net salvage. (3) Charges for electric service through the date of disconnection. (4) Any other charges applicable under company's tariff or ordinance for electric service or agreement for electric service. (5) Any other applicable charges. (b) Total Disconnection Fee. One hundred dollars ($100.00), plus applicable charges under subsections (a) (2)—(5) above. (Ordinance 08-10-09 adopted 8/17/09) Section 4: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. Section 5: It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, phrases and words of this Ordinance are severable and, if any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. Section 6: This ordinance shall take effect and shall be in full force and effect from after its passage, providing the new fees and rates set forth herein shall become effective on April 18, 20 M. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, on this 18th day of Apri12016. APPROVED: Thomas Muir, Mayor ATTEST: Tami Taber, City Secretary ` W11110111jr'0'd3fi�. pill�.,,' _ p' /'..=lip m ikstday, Lpril28 2016 larger warn � 20 words - E10 a week -.��mP br r �am Classic ads I. � atu�,vrw Call: 940-458-8515 ..,. f� ,, emaiCsangen;lemonspub6cations.com IhEA�rALLMAJOR LYtIDITCARDS FREF ADS - tosVfobnd $ Kee Pels Heip Wanted Heip Wanted Garage Sales Services Services Services Pit Stop In Bowvar Is bok- ing for an experienced Cook. Must be depend- able end Ilexible with work hours. Appik:alions are on the counter at Pit Slop, 6551 FM 455 West. Licensed Plumber. Ex- perienced in new con- sirucllon and remodeling services. Must live local- ly. 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