06-10-16-Ordinance-Drought Contingency Plan-06/06/2016ORDINANCE #064046 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, AMENDING SANGER'S DROUGHT CONTINGENCY PLAN; PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE AND PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City recognizes that the amount of water available to its customers is limited and subject to depletion during periods of extended drought; and WHEREAS, the Texas Water Code and applicable rules of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality require a Drought Contingency Plan (the "Plans"); and WHEREAS, the Drought Contingency Plan provides measures that may be needed during drought conditions, during an emergency and/or when water use approaches the system supply that helps reduce water usage and temporarily reduce demand placed on the City's water system; and WHEREAS, the Drought Contingency Plan establishes certain rules and policies for the orderly and efficient management of water supplies to reduce consumption, reduce water and improve water use efficiency. WHEREAS, Upper Trinity's Board of Directors approved changes to the Drought Contingency Plan, moving from a four -stage plan to a three -stage plan to be consistent with other regional water providers in the D/FW area (North Texas Municipal Water District, Tarrant Regional Water District and cities of Dallas and Fort Worth). NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: Section 1. The Drought Contingency Plan of the City attached hereto and made a part hereof are hereby adopted as the official policy of the City. Section 2. Any person, firm, or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in an amount not to exceed the sum of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense, and each and every day such offense shall continue shall be deemed to constitute a separate offense. Section 3. If any section, article, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word in this ordinance, or application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of the ordinance and the City Council hereby declares it would have passed such remaining portions of the ordinances despite such invalidity, which remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. Section 4 This ordinance will take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption, as the law and Charter in such cases provide. DULY PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on this day of June 2016. APPROVED: \4Nt911!l1P��CN ���� p `',"Iliomas Muir, Mayor U `r - A Tami Taber, City Secretary Drought Contingency Plan for Sanger, Texas July 15 AV10 SECTION 1 Introduction and Objectives The purpose of this Drought Contingency Plan (the "Plan") is to provide for drought contingency measures for San er as required by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality ("TCEQ") and the Upper Trinity Regional Water District ("UTRWD"). Such contingency measures may be needed during drought conditions, during an emergency and when water use approaches the Regional Treated Water System ("System") supply or the capacity of treatment and delivery facilities. Examples of drought or emergency conditions include low levels of water supply lakes, unusually high water, demands, unforeseen equipment / system failure or contamination of the water supply source. Sanger developed its original plans for drought contingency in 2009. This update of the Plan has been coordinated with the suggested model drought contingency plan prepared by UTRWD for its Members and Customers, such as Sanger, and is consistent with TCEQ's model drought contingency plan and the latest requirements outlined below. The provisions and responses outlined in this Plan are intended to be uniformly applied among UTRWD's Members and Customers. Sanger uses the following source(s) of water: groundwater pumped plus treated surface water supplied by UTRWD. The total combined amount from these sources is normally sufficient to provide water for residential and commercial customers and to maintain adequate reserve quantities and pressure from storage facilities to meet emergency and firefighting demands. Drought is a frequent and inevitable factor in the climate of Texas. Therefore, it is vital to plan for the effect that droughts will have on the use, allocation Cl" conservation of water in the region. Drought contingency planning is one critical element of a water supplier's effort to reduce peak water demands and extend water supplies, The following are the central objectives of this Plan: • Help assure reliability of water service to retail customers; • Conserve the available water supply in times of drought and emergency; • Maintain adequate water supplies for domestic use, sanitation and fire protection; • Protect and preserve public health, welfare and. safety; • Minimize the adverse impacts of water supply shortages and • Minimize the adverse impacts of emergency conditions affecting water supply. SECTION 2 Applicable Rules of Texas Commission on Environmental Quality TCEQ rules governing the development of drought contingency plans for Municipal Uses by } Public Water Suppliers, such as Sanger, are contained in Title 30, Part 1, Chapter 288, Sanger Drought Contingency Plan � Subchapter B and Rule 288.20 of the Texas Administrative Code ("TAC"). A copy of these rules is included in Appendix A. The rules define a drought contingency plan as: "A strategy or a combination of strategies for temporary supply and demand management responses to temporary and potentially recurring water supply shortages and other water supply emergencies." Minimum Drought Contingency Plan Requirements The minimum requirements contained in the TAC for drought contingency plans are covered in this Plan as follows: Rule Subject Section 288.20(a)(1)(A) Informing the Public & Providing Opportunity For Input Section 3 288.20(a)(1)(B) Provisions for Continuing Public Education & Information Section 4 288.20(a)(1)(C) Coordination with the Regional Water Planning Group Section 10 288.20(a)(1)(D) Criteria for Initiation Monitoring & Termination of Stages Section 7 288.20(a)(1)(E) Drought and Emergency Response Stages Section 7 288.20(a)(1)(F) Targets to be Achieved During Drought Section 7 288.20(a)(1)(G) Water Supply & Demand Mgm't Measures for Each Stage Section 7 288.20(a)(1)(H) Procedures for Initiation & Termination of Drought Stages Section 7 288.20(a)(1)(1) Procedures for Granting Variances Section 8 288.20(a)(1)(J) Procedures for Enforcement of Mandatory Restrictions Section 9 288.20(a)(2) Drought Plans for Privately -Owned Utilities Section 12 288.20(a)(3) Consultation with Wholesale Suppliers Section 7 288.20(b) Notification of Implementation of Mandatory Measures Section 7 288.20(c) Review & Update of Plan Section 11 Also included in this Plan are statements of authorization (Section 5) and application (Section 6). SECTION 3 Public involvement Sanger previously provided opportunity for public input in the development of this Plan by the following means: • , Provided written notice of the draft Plan and the opportunity for the public to comment by newspaper or posted notice prior to adoption; • Made the draft Plan available on the Sanger's website; • Provided a copy of the draft Plan to anyone requesting a copy and • Held a public meeting at a time and location convenient to the public and provided written notice to the public concerning the draft Plan and meeting. SECTION 4 Sanger Drought Contingency Plan 2 Provisions for Continuing Public Education and Information Sanger will provide public information about the Plan at least annually, including information about the conditions under which each stage of the Plan is to be initiated or terminated and the drought response measures to be implemented in each stage. This information will be provided by any of the following means: • Prepare bulletins /newsletters describing the Plan and make said bulletins /newsletters available in utility bills, public facilities or other appropriate places; • Make the Plan and its requirements available on the Sanger website; • Include information about this Plan and water conservation on the Sanger website, and as part of its bulletins / newsletters, public service announcements and media reports and • Notify local organizations, schools and civic groups that Sanger staff members are available to make presentations on the Plan (usually in conjunction with presentations on water conservation programs). When provisions of the Plan are activated or when a drought response stage changes, Sanger will notify local media of the relevant issues, the appropriate drought response stage and the specific actions required of the public. The provisions of the Plan are mandatory and therefore, TCEQ shall be notified within five (5) business days. The information will also be publicized on the Sanger website. Billing inserts may also be used as appropriate means of disseminating information to the public. SECTION 5 Authorization The City Manager, or official designee, is hereby authorized and directed to implement the applicable provisions of this Plan upon determination that such implementation is necessary to protect public health, safety and welfare, and to comply with applicable regulations or contractual requirements. Except as otherwise provided in the Plan, the City Manager, or official designee, shall have the authority to initiate, to enforce and to terminate the measures provided herein for a drought or other water supply emergency. The authority to implement and enforce the Drought Contingency Plan is established in Ordinance No. or Resolution No. as provided in Appendix B. SECTION 6 Application The provisions of this Plan shall apply to all persons, customers and property utilizing water provided by Sanger. The terms "person" and "customer" as used in the Plan include individuals, corporations, institutions, partnerships, associations and all other legal entities. SECTION 7 Sanger Drought Contingency Plan 3 a Drought Contingency Plan - - Emergency Response Stages The City Manager, or official designee, may order the initiation or termination of a drought response stage or water emergency when one or more of the trigger conditions for that stage is met as provided in this Section. The triggering criteria described below are based on the ability of Sanger to deliver treated water to its customers and / or the ability of UTRWD to deliver treated water to Sanger. Water supply and / or demand conditions are monitored by both San er and UTRWD on a regular basis to determine when conditions warrant initiation or termination of a drought response stage. 7.1 Initiation of Drought Response Stages The following actions will be taken when a drought response stage is initiated: • The public will be notified through local media, the Sanger website and other appropriate methods as described in Section 3 above; • Unless otherwise implemented by UTRWD, Sanger will notify UTRWD by telephone with a follow-up letter, e-mail or fax to confirm implementation of any drought response stage and to provide relevant details and • Sanger will also notify the Executive Director of the TCEQ within five (5) business days. When specific drought response stages are announced by UTRWD, Sanger and other entities receiving water from UTRWD are required to implement the appropriate measures. For other trigger conditions not announced by UTRWD, the City Manager, or official designee, may implement contingency measures based on local conditions affecting Sanger; or for good cause may decide not to order the implementation of a drought response stage or water emergency even though one or more trigger criteria for the stages are met. Various factors are taken into account when making a decision about such stages, including circumstances unique to Sanger, the time of the year, weather conditions, the anticipation of replenished water supplies, use of an alternate water resource or the anticipation that additional facilities will become available on a timely basis to meet needs. The reason for such decision will be documented and communicated to UTRWD for the record. 7.2 Termination of Drought Response Stages The following actions will be taken when a drought response stage is terminated: • The public will be notified through local media, the Sanger website and other appropriate methods as described in Section 3 above; • UTRWD will be notified by telephone with afollow-up letter, e-mail or fax to confirm the particular drought response stage has been terminated and • Sanger will also notify the Executive Director of the TCEQ within five (5) business days. The City Manager, or official designee, may decide not to order the termination of a drought ,'' response stage or water emergency even though the conditions for termination of the stage are met. Various factors could influence such a decision about whether to end a specific stage, Sanger Drought Contingency Plan 4 1' including circumstances unique to Sanger, the time of the year, weather conditions, and conditions within the local water distribution system or anticipation of other relevant factors that warrant continuation of measures for the drought stage. The reason for such decision will be documented and communicated to UTRWD for the record. 7.3 Drought and Emergency Response Stages A. Stage 1 —Water Watch Requirements for Initiation The following are key conditions, any one of which may trigger this stage: • UTRWD has announced Stage 1 —Water Watch, which may be a result of: o The total raw water supply in water supply lakes available to UTRWD has dropped below 75% (25% depleted); or o Dallas Water Utilities (a source of raw water to UTRWD) has initiated Stage 1 and given notice to UTRWD; or o UTRWD, with concurrence of the Board of Directors, finds that conditions warrant the declaration of Stage 1; or • Water demand has reached or exceeded 80% of delivery capacity for three consecutive days; or • Water demand is approaching a level that will cause a reduced delivery capacity for all or part of the distribution system, as determined by Sanger or • The water supply system has a significant limitation due to failure of or damage to important water system components. Goal Stage 1 is intended to raise public awareness of potential drought and water emergency problems. The goal for water use reduction under Stage 1 is five percent (5%) of total daily water use that otherwise would have occurred in the absence of drought contingency measures. If circumstances warrant, the City Manager can set a goal for greater or lesser water use reduction. Water Use Restrictions for Reducing Demand Under this stage, customers will be requested to conserve water through mandatory and voluntary measures, and to comply with restrictions on certain non -essential water use as C provided, below. Specific measures to be implemented during the stage will be determined by Sanger Drought Contingency Plan � the San er's City Manager, or official designee. The City Manager, or official designee, may also take other actions not listed, if deemed necessary. • Require reduction of water use through mandatory, maximum two -days -per -week landscape irrigation schedule for automatic irrigation systems and hose -end sprinklers. Irrigation of landscaped areas and building foundations is permitted at any time if it is by means of a hand-held hose, drip irrigation or soaker hose systems. (Guidance: UTRWD Customers may decide how to implement, communicate and enforce its respective watering schedule for retail customers. For example, irrigation of landscaped areas with hose -end sprinklers or automatic irrigation systems may be limited to Sundays and Thursdays for customers with a street address ending in an even number (0, 2, 41 6 or 8) and for locations without addresses, and Saturdays and Wednesdays for water customers with a street address ending in an odd number (1, 3, 5, 7 or 9). Apartments, office building complexes or other property containing multiple addresses may be identified by the lowest address number.) • Require reduction of water use through mandatory time -of -day landscape irrigation schedule. No outdoor watering with automatic irrigation systems and hose -end sprinklers can occur from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Irrigation of landscaped areas and building foundations is permitted at any time if it is by means of a hand-held hose, drip irrigation or soaker hose systems. • Restrict washing of any motor vehicle, motorbike, boat, trailer, airplane or other vehicle to the use of a hand-held bucket or a hand-held hose equipped with a positive shut-off nozzle for quick rinses. Vehicle washing may be done at any time on the immediate premises of a commercial car wash facility or commercial service station. Companies with an automated on -site vehicle washing facility may wash its vehicles at any time. • Encourage reduction infrequency of draining and refilling swimming pools. • Encourage customers to avoid waste during recreational use (water used for leisure and entertainment purposes) from faucets hoses or hydrants. • Increase public education efforts on ways to reduce water use. • Review internal operational conditions and capabilities by San er and intensify efforts on leak detection and repair. • Be alert to internal non -essential water use by San er (examples include vehicle washing, operation of ornamental fountains, landscape uses for parks or medians, etc.). Termination Sanger Drought Contingency Plan 6 G' Stage 1 may terminate when UTRWD terminates its Stage 1 condition or when the circumstances that caused the initiation of Stage 1 — Water Watch no longer prevail. B. Stage 2 —Water Warning Requirements for Initiation The following are key conditions, any one of which may trigger this stage: • UTRWD has initiated Stage 2 —Water Warning, which may be a result of: o The total raw water supply in water supply lakes available to UTRWD has dropped below 60% (40% depleted); or o Dallas Water Utilities has initiated Stage 2 and given notice to UTRWD; or o UTRWD, with concurrence of the Board of Directors, finds that conditions warrant the declaration of Stage 2; or • Water demand has reached or exceeded 85% of delivery capacity for three consecutive days; or • Water demand has reached a level that is causing a reduced delivery capacity for all or part of the distribution system, as determined by Sanger; or • The water supply system is unable to deliver water at normal rates due to failure of or damage to major water system components or • A significant deterioration in the quality of a water supply, being affected by a natural or man-made source. Goal The goal for water use reduction under Stage 2 is a ten percent 10% reduction in the use that would otherwise have occurred in the absence of drought contingency measures. If circumstances warrant, the City Manager can set a goal for greater or lesser water use reduction. Water Use Restrictions for Reducing Demand Under this stage, customers will be requested to continue following the mandatory measures to conserve water and to comply with restrictions on certain non -essential water uses as provided below. Specific measures to be implemented during this stage will be determined by the City Manager, or official designee. The City Manager, or official designee, may also take other actions not listed, if deemed necessary. All requirements of Stage 1 shall remain in effect during this Stage 2, plus the following incremental or new measures: � Require reduction of water use through mandatory maximum one -day -per -week landscape irrigation schedule. This includes irrigation of landscaped areas with Sanger Drought Contingency Plan � automatic irrigation systems and hose -end sprinklers. Irrigation of landscaped areas and building foundations is permitted at any time if it is by means of a hand-held hose, drip irrigation or soaker hose systems. (Guidance; UTRWD Customers may decide how to implement, communicate and enforce its respective watering schedule for retail customers.) • Prohibit recreational water use (water used for leisure and entertainment purposes) including use of faucets or hoses in such a manner that creates runoff or other wastes. • Encourage further reduction in draining and filling of swimming pools. • Further accelerate public education efforts on ways to reduce water use. • Continue intensified leak detection and repair activities by Sanger on water pipes and mains. • Reduce internal water use by Sanger, except where water is supplied from treated wastewater effluent (examples include: restrict irrigation to day -of -week watering schedule; no hosing off paved areas, buildings, windows or other hard surfaces; no vehicle washing except on the premises of a commercial car wash). • Encourage retail customers to wait until the current drought or water emergency situation has passed before establishing new landscaping. • Initiate engineering studies to evaluate alternatives to mitigate drought conditions should conditions worsen. • Sanger is restricted to day -of -week and time -of -day landscape watering schedule except for parks and golf courses. • Require reduction of water use through day -of -week landscape watering schedule for parks and golf courses. • Announce enforcement efforts and penalties for noncompliance. Enforcement to be primarily based on complaints being received. Termination Stage 2 may terminate when UTRWD terminates its Stage 2 condition or when the circumstances that caused the initiation of Stage 2 no longer prevail. Upon termination of Stage 2, Stage 1 — Water Watch will remain in effect unless otherwise announced by Sanger or UTRWD. k C. Stage 3 —Water Emergency Sanger Drought Contingency Plan 8 Requirements for Initiation The following are key conditions, any one of which may trigger Stage 3: • UTRWD has initiated Stage 3 — Water Emergency, which may be a result of: o The total raw water supply in water supply lakes available to UTRWD has dropped below 45% (55% depleted); or o Dallas Water Utilities has initiated Stage 3 and given notice to UTRWD; or o UTRWD, with concurrence of the Board of Directors, finds that conditions warrant the declaration of Stage 3; or • Water demand has reached or exceeded 90% of delivery capacity for three consecutive days; or • Water demand exceeds the delivery capacity for all or part of the distribution system, as determined by Sanger; or • Water supply system is unable to deliver water in adequate quantities due to failure of or damage to major water system components; or • Interruption of one or more water supply source(s). • Natural or man-made contamination of the water supply source that threatens water availability. Goal The goal for water use reduction under Stage 3 is a reduction of twenty percent 20% in the use that would otherwise have occurred in the absence of drought contingency measures. If circumstances warrant, the City Manager can set a goal for greater or lesser water use reduction. Water Use Restrictions for Reducing Demand Customers will comply with the requirements and mandatory restrictions on non -essential and other water uses as provided below. Specific measures to be implemented during this stage will be determined by the City Manager, or official designee. The City Manager, or official designee, may also take other actions not listed, if deemed necessary. All requirements of Stage 1 and Stage 2 shall remain in effect during this Stage 3, plus the following incremental or new measures: • Outdoor irrigation is prohibited. Irrigation of landscaped areas and building foundations is permitted one day per week between 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. if it is by means of a hand-held hose, drip irrigation or soaker hose systems. (Guidance: UTRWD customers may decide how to implement, communicate and enforce its respective watering schedule for retail customers.) Sanger Drought Contingency Plan 9 • Use of water to wash any motor vehicle, motorbike, boat, trailer or other vehicle not occurring on the premises of a commercial vehicle wash facility or commercial service stations is prohibited. Further, such washing may be exempt from these requirements if the health, safety and welfare of the public are contingent upon frequent vehicle cleansing, such as garbage trucks and commercial vehicles used to transport food and perishables. • Prohibit the filling, draining and refilling of water to swimming pools, wading pools, hot tubs, spas and ornamental ponds except to maintain structural integrity, proper operation and maintenance or to alleviate a public safety risk. Existing pools may add water to replace losses from normal use and evaporation. • Suspend issuance of permits for new swimming pools, hot tubs, spas and ornamental ponds. • Hosing and washing of paved areas, buildings structures, windows or other surfaces is prohibited except by variance and performed by a professional service using high efficiency equipment. • Prohibit operation of ornamental fountains or ponds that use potable water except where supporting aquatic life or water quality. • Landscape watering of parks, golf courses, and athletic fields with potable water is prohibited. Exception for golf course greens and tee boxes which may be hand watered as needed. Variances may be granted by the water provider under special circumstances. • Prohibit non -essential internal water use by Sanger, except where water is supplied from treated wastewater effluent. • No restrictions on commercial nurseries, construction, patio misters, and for dust abatement. • Implement a rate surcharge on retail usage. (Guidance: For example, implement a rate surcharge of ten percent (10%) for all water use over the adopted rates. The surcharge could apply to usage in excess of 10, 000 gallons per month for all customers.) • Step-up enforcement activities. • Implement utilization of alternative water sources if available. Termination Sanger Drought Contingency Plan 10 Stage 3 may terminate when UTRWD terminates its Stage circumstances that caused the initiation of Stage 3 no longer prevail 3, Stage 2 — Water Warning will be initiated, unless otherwise UTRWD. SECTION 8 condition or when the Upon termination of Stage an by Sanger or Variances The City Manager, or official designee, may grant temporary variances for existing water uses otherwise prohibited under this Plan if one or more of the following conditions are met: • Failure to grant such a variance would cause an emergency condition adversely affecting health, sanitation or fire safety for the public or the person requesting the variance; • Compliance with this Plan cannot be accomplished due to technical or other limitations and • Alternative methods that achieve the same level of reduction in water use can be implemented. Variances may be granted or denied at the discretion of the City Manager, or official designee. However, no variances shall be granted under any circumstance if Sanger is in Stage 3 — Water Emergency. All petitions for variances should be in writing and should include the following information: • Name and address of the owner and a licensed Texas irrigator responsible for the variance; • Purpose of water use; • Specific provisions from which relief is requested; • Detailed statement of the adverse effect of the provision from which relief is requested; • Description of the relief requested including a proposed irrigation plan; • Monthly report verifying the goal reductions; • Period of time for which the variance is sought; • On -call personnel with contact information for 24-hour a day repair response within one hour of notice; • Alternative measures that will be taken to reduce water use; 4 Other pertinent information. Sanger Drought Contingency Plan 11 SECTION 9 Enforcement Mandatory water use restrictions are imposed in Stages 1, 2 and 3 of the Plan. These mandatory water use restrictions will be enforced by any combination of warnings, reconnection fees, suspension of service, monetary penalties, citations and fees as follows and authorized by the governing body: • On the first violation, customers will be notified by a sign or door -hanger that they have violated the mandatory water use restriction; • On the second violation, Sanger may request the resident to disconnect its irrigation system; or, if the resident doesn't comply with said request, Sanger may disconnect said irrigation system. In addition, Sanger may post notification of violation with reconnection fees and possible monetary penalties; • On the third violation, San er will disconnect water service and post notification of violation with reconnection fees, fines and / or citations; • Sanger maintains the right, at any violation level, to disconnect irrigation systems and / or total water services to a customer with reconnection fees and possible monetary penalties authorized by action of the governing body and • The City Manager or official designee may implement any provision of the enforcement process of this Plan. • Any police officer having jurisdiction may issue a citation for any violation. SECTION 10 Coordination with Regional Water Planning Group, UTRWD and Others Sanger has coordinated with the Region C Water Planning Group and UTRWD to ensure consistency with the approved regional water plan and UTRWD's drought contingency plan. Sanger sent a copy of the draft ordinance(s) or resolution(s) implementing the Plan to UTRWD for review and approval. After adoption, San er sent the final ordinance(s) or resolution(s) and the Plan to UTRWD. Appendix C includes a copy of a letter sent to the Chair of the Region C Water Planning Group along with Sanger's Plan. SECTION 11 Review and Update of Drought Contingency Plan As required by TCEQ rules, San er will review and update this Plan every five years. The Plan will be updated as appropriate based on new or updated information, such as the adoption or revision of the regional water plan, or based on new or updated information related to Sanger's service area, population, water supply, transmission system - - and, for compliance with UTRWD requirements. The next revision of the drought contingency plan must be prepared, Sanger Drought Contingency Plan 12 adopted and submitted to TCEQ's Executive Director not later than July 1, 2021. Any revised Plan must be submitted to TCEQ within 90 days of adoption by the community water system. SECTION 12 Drought Contingency Plans For Privately —Owned Water Utilities Any privately —owned or independent water utilities that are located within the service area of Sanger shall prepare a drought contingency plan in accordance with TCEQ requirements contained in the TAC, Title 30, Part 1, Chapter 288, Subchapter B and Rule 288.20, and incorporate such plan into their tariff. APPENDICES Appendix A. TCEQ Minimum Requirements of a Drought Contingency Plan — Subchapter B, Rule 288.20 Appendix B. Copy of Ordinance, order or resolution adopted by City Council or Governing Board Implementing the Drought Contingency Plan Appendix C. Coordination with Regional Planning Group APPENDIX A TCEQ Minimum Requirements of a Sanger Drought Contingency Plan 13 Drought Contingency Plan for Municipal Uses by Public Water Suppliers (Subchapter B, Rule §288.20) Effective October 7, 2004 (a) A drought contingency plan for a retail public water supplier, where applicable, must include the following minimum elements. (1) Minimum requirements. Drought contingency plans must include the following minimum elements. (A) Preparation of the plan shall include provisions to actively inform the public and affirmatively provide opportunity for public input. Such acts may include, but are not limited to, having a public meeting at a time and location convenient to the public and providing written notice to the public concerning the proposed plan and meeting. (B) Provisions shall be made for a program of continuing public education and information regarding the drought contingency plan. (C) The drought contingency plan must document coordination with the regional water planning groups for the service area of the retail public water supplier to ensure consistency with the appropriate approved regional water plans. (D) The drought contingency plan must include a description of the information to be monitored by the water supplier, and specific criteria for the initiation and termination of drought response stages, accompanied by an explanation of the rationale or basis for such triggering criteria. (E) The drought contingency plan must include drought or emergency response stages providing for the implementation of measures in response to at least the following situations: (i) reduction in available water supply up to a repeat of the drought of record; (ii) water production or distribution system limitations; ) supply source contamination; or (iv) system outage due to the failure or damage of major water system components (e.g., pumps). (F) The drought contingency plan must include specific, quantified targets for water use reductions to be achieved during periods of water shortage and drought. The entity preparing the plan shall establish the targets. The goals established by the entity under this subparagraph are not enforceable. Sanger Drought Contingency Plan 14 1 (G) The drought contingency plan must include the specific water supply or water demand management measures to be implemented during each stage of the plan including, but not limited to, the following: (i) curtailment of non -essential water uses; and utilization of alternative water sources and/or alternative delivery mechanisms with the prior approval of the executive director as appropriate (e.g., interconnection with another water system, temporary use of a non -municipal water supply, use of reclaimed water for non -potable purposes, etc.). (H) The drought contingency plan must include the procedures to be followed for the initiation or termination of each drought response stage, including procedures for notification of the public. (I) The drought contingency plan must include procedures for granting variances to the plan. (J) The drought contingency plan must include procedures for the enforcement of mandatory water use restrictions, including specification of penalties (e.g., fines, water rate surcharges, discontinuation of service) for violations of such restrictions. C (2) Privately -owned water utilities. Privately -owned water utilities shall prepare a drought contingency plan in accordance with this section and incorporate such plan into their tariff. (3) Wholesale water customers. Any water supplier that receives all or a portion of its water supply from another water supplier shall consult with that supplier and shall include in the drought contingency plan appropriate provisions for responding to reductions in that water supply. (b) A wholesale or retail water supplier shall notify the executive director within five business days of the implementation of any mandatory provisions of the drought contingency plan. (c) The retail public water supplier shall review and update, as appropriate, the drought contingency plan, at least every five years, based on new or updated information, such as the adoption or revision of the regional water plan. Sanger Drought Contingency Plan 15 Copy of Ordinance or Resolution Adopted by City Council or Governing Body Sanger Drought Contingency Plan APPENDIX C Coordination with Regional Planning Group Sanger Drought Contingency Plan �� 9 STALEY STEEL INC In Pilot Point, TX has an Immediate opening for the following position: Structural Layout Finer • Ability to read structural blue prints required Malarial Handler • Forklift and material han- dling equipment experi- ence a plus Machine Operator/ Plname Table Operator • Abliity to read blue prints Programming ability a plus Paint Department Helper • Entry Level, no experi- ence necessary Guaranteed 40 hours per week, Competitive pay, Paid healthcare, 401k, dental, vision, paid vaca- tion. Contact Jeff DeSimone at 940£86.6000 careers@staleysteel.com Hermes Insurance In Sanger Is looking for a full time Customer Service flepresentative, Please call Jenne at 940A58- 4664 for information. Pit Slop in Bolivar is bok- Ing for an experienced Cook. Must be depend- able and flexible with work hours, Applications are on I counter at Pit Stop, 6551 FM 455 West, SANGER NEWS CLASSIFIEDS Just410 per week for both the weekly Sanger News and the weekly Krung News] Entail Your ad to: sangerg le ntonspubilcatlo is.conr or call us at 940.458-8515 Sanger ISD Child Nutrition Department is hiring for the 2016-2017 school year If you would like to join our teem, please apply onlne et httpsJ/www.app5track.corWsangeflsdtonlineapp/ In Vacancy desired section, go to the bottom and check the box for Child Nutrition under Support Services. Interested candidates must complete an online application, SISD no longer accepts paper applications, mnssr�srur; !mnsaolsiiij Paying over$50,000 Paying Yearly salary Pearly Salary klonlhly Bonuses Momhly➢onusts Benern Packages Benefit Pae4:ages Holiday &vacation Pay -v Nolida& Vocation Pay APply Dollne Appi) Online n%Achr.und onl r.rlchesnndn.<nm SANGER: 3-Family Go. AKC Registered Vlzsia rage Sale: Friday, Sat- Pointer Bird Dog Pup- urday and Sunday, July pies for sale. Born April 21. 15-17, from 8am-5pm at 5 males, 3 females, Great 112 Soulhmeadow Drive, hunters, great with kids, Sa bed nger- Bean bag chair/ Call 940-391-2620, Local- , wicker furniture, ed in Sanger, Rome Jersey, rocking chair, wooden shelves, clothes, shoes, dishes, and lots of Tor Renl miscellaneous. SANGER: Garage sale: House for lease: Ponder Sat 16- urday and Sunday, July 3-2. den on one acre 17, from 7am-6pm. Lots No smoking, no pets of miscellaneous, 3 Family 1250.00 rent Sale. Baby items, clothes 1250,00 deposit for boys and girls, piano, By appointment only 4wheeler, fishing Items 940-390-9574 and more, 400 Wayne Drive, Sanger, For Rent: 1 bedroom ef- ficiency apartment, Close KRUM: Garage Sale: Sal- to,downtown Krum. Please urday from 8am-Noon at call 940482-6599, 1310 Sequoia, Eaglechase subdivision in Krum. Wom- Approximately 1,000 sq, ensAssn girls clothes, ft. office space for rent in household hems, linens, the Hermes Building, 1640 dishes, rug, prom dresses, West Chapman Dr., Suite end much morel 250, Sanger. Call Kenneth at 940-391-6336. For Sale 600 Forsq. ft, space idelal for office or retail. Located 80 natural rock stepping on FM 455 just past high stoes, all sizes. Newp4x5 school In Sanger. Call 940- n meshop ramp also for 391-9771 or 940-390-9190 sale, Can be seen at 1816 for Information. Sand Stone Dr, in Sanger Office Warehouse for or call 573-225-7918, lease. Garbage, Water Antique fireplace man, included. $750-$800 per excellent condition, month plus deposit, Call from old school near Ar- 940.390-9574, gyle, Est, worth $4000, Facility for Rent: Need asking $1500, Make an of- a place for a party, wed - Phone 940-482-66590 ding reception or reunion? 940-391-3954. Located in Large building with beau- Krum, tiful view of Lake Ray Roberts. Very reasonable SANGER NEWS rates. Cell 940-458-2862 CLASSIFIEDADSRUN or 940-595-6326. IN BOTH THE WEEKLY Store your boat at Ray SANGER NEWS Roberts[ Boat & household ANDKRUMNEWS. storage, Secure, lock -up ONLY$10 FOR 25 unit. On -site manager: Call WORDS OR LESSI Lyndee at 940A5"233. TOADVERTISE, RV and Boat Storage, CALL 940-458-8515 OR Enclosed Units, Covered EMAIL: Units and Outdoor Units. SANGEROLEMONSPUB Competitive rates. Call LICATIONSCOM 940-390-9574- Legal Notices � . ORDINANCE 005-09.16 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS AUTHORIZING AND ORDERING THE ISSUANCE OF GENERAL OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS, SE- RIES 2016; AUTHORIZING A PRICING OFFICER TO APPROVE THE AMOUNT THE INTEREST RATES, PRICE, REDEMPTION PROVISIONS AND TERMS THEREOF AND CERTAIN OTHER PROCEDURES AND PROVISIONS RELATED THERETO; AND CONTAINIG OTHER MATTERS RELATED THERETO. ORDINANCE p06-10.16 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER. TEXAS, AMENDING BANGER'S DROUGHT CONTINEGENCY PLAN; PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE AND PRO- VIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CON- FLICT; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION AND PROVID- ING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE, T•t]CL1eCN3'BI3i6[s AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUTNY, TEXAS, AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP TO REZONE THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 499 W EST CHAPMAN DRIVE, FROM I-1 INDUSTRIAL DIS- TRICTTO B-28USINESS DISTRICT; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PRO- VIDING FOR A PENALITY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,000400) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EF- FECTIVE DATE, ORDINANCE R06-13-i6 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, CHAPTER 12, TRAFFIC AND VEHICLES, ARTICLE 12.500, SECTION 12,505 SPECIAL SPEED ZONES, IN THE CITY OF SANGER CODE OF ORDINANCES IS HEREBY AMENDED; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. When you subscrbe to the SaNger Ness forjusl $23 PER YEAR, you'G receive your famelovm newspaper in h mail EVERY iHURSDAY, PLUS ,,. you'll SAVE 2A PER YEAR of fhe fluesland PLUS Fit 161i'Sgive you ONE MONTH FREE A your rowsuWpoonl W1k4�r22,prR2ekaddr�>! r e19o�7d6z 9ANOSRNEWS NEt9$UeSOR17flON5 SANCERNEwS �, POBOX250 SANGER IX762H rdtn �e dml: re ski€f23rA6 *asC0A skptrya26tSY 9hewm S attS4S&1SIS 79 _'caaEt ernes a mmords A Maid 4 U Clem Service 2 Busy and Can't Find The Time? Keep Ds on Your Mindl (Left, C5 - w11C on Sandra Sivii t E 'I (940) 783-8152 Krum, Teau _ Scrting Nonh Tc — emafd4s6gm ucsandraatLcom � � � Dour Source For Be01 i77gs Belts �Ar Oil Seals * Roller Chains Industrial Bearing Co. 4312 W. Hwy 82 . Gainesville 940-665-6971 BUTIE!"11 23/8-2718-31/2-41/2-51(2 Droned Caps &Springs Square fi Rectangle Tubing AII7r'pes of Steel ",01hrrized C•Purlin ® Ikaler Rom d Bale Rings Cattle Guards Peed Troughs Creepe Feeders Trailer Parts K Supplies 940.759.2203 SINCE 1942 MUENSTER, TX