08-15-16-Ordinance-Establishing Roadway Impact Fees-08/01/2016ORDINANCE #08-13-16 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, ADOPTING ROADWAY IMPACT FEES PER SERVICE UNIT; ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES FOR THE ASSESSMENT, COLLECTION, COMPUTATION, EXPENDITURE, REFUND AND GENERAL ADMINISTRATION OF ROADWAY IMPACT FEES; PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOR ROADWAY IMPACT FEES; PROVIDING CONSTRUCTION, SEVERABILITY, AND CONFLICT CLAUSES; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Chapter 395, Tex. Loc. Gov't Code (the "Statute") provides the requirements and procedures for the adoption of Land Use Assumptions, Roadway Impact Fee Capital Improvements Plan, and Roadway Impact Fees; and WHEREAS, the City retained EIKON to prepare a Roadway Impact Fee Study that contains ,and Use Assumptions ("LUA"), a Roadway Impact Fee Capital Improvements Plan ("CIP") to identify Capital Improvements or Roadway Facility expansions for which Roadway Impact Fees may be assessed, and a calculation of the Roadway Impact Fee. The Roadway Impact Fee Study is attached as Exhibit A hereto and incorporated by reference herein; and WHEREAS, after notice of public hearing was published as required by the Statute, the City Council held a public hearing on May 2, 2016; and WHEREAS, the Capital Improvement Advisory Committee of the City of Sanger ("CIAC"), created pursuant to Sec. 395.058, Tex. Loc. Gov't Code, filed its written comments on the proposed Roadway Impact Fees, and WHEREAS, as required by Section 395.054, Tex. Loc. Gov't Code, the City Council conducted a public hearing on June 20, 2016 on the adoption of Roadway Impact Fees in which any member of the public had the right to appear at the hearing and present evidence for or against the pIan and proposed fee; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to adopt the Roadway Impact Fees and related administrative process as herein described and finds that it is in the best interest of the citizens of the City of Sanger; NOW THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER HEREBY ORDAINS: SECTION 1. Short Title. This Ordinance shall be known and cited as the "Sanger Roadway Impact Fee Regulations". SECTION 2. Findings Incorporated. The findings set forth above are incorporated into the body of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein and are hereby found to be true and correct factual and legislative determinations of the City of Sanger, Texas. SECTION 3. Purpose. This Ordinance is intended to assure the provision of adequate roadway facilities to serve new development in the City by requiring each development to pay a share of the costs of such capital improvements or roadway facility expansions necessitated by and attributable to such new development. SECTION 4. Authority. This Ordinance is adopted pursuant to Texas Local Government Code (TLGC) Chapter 395 and the Sanger City Charter. Chapter 395 supplements this Ordinance to the extent that its provisions may be applicable hereto and, to such extent, its provisions are incorporated herein by reference. The provisions of this Ordinance shall not be construed to limit the power of the City to utilize other methods authorized under State law or pursuant to other City powers to accomplish the purposes set forth herein, either in substitution or in conjunction with this Ordinance. Guidelines may be developed by ordinance, resolution, or otherwise to implement and administer this Ordinance. SECTION 5. Applicability. The provisions of this Ordinance apply to all new, non-exempt development within the corporate boundaries of the City. SECTION 6. Incorporation of Land Use Assumptions and Roadway Impact Fee Capital Improvements Plan, The Roadway Impact Fee Capital Improvements Plan and Land Use Assumptions, as considered and adopted by the City Council with the Roadway Impact Fee Study as Exhibit A hereto is incorporated herein by reference for all purposes, including any future amendments thereto. SECTION 7. Definitions. In this Ordinance: A. Assessment means the determination of the amount of the maximum assessable roadway impact fee per service unit which can be imposed on new development pursuant to this ordinance. B. Capital Improvement means a roadway facility with a life expectancy of three or more years, to be owned and operated by or on behalf of the City. C. City means the City of Sanger, Texas. D. Credit means a reduction in the amount of a roadway impact feels), payments, or charges for approved construction or provision of the same type of capital improvement for which a fee has been assessed for a new development. this is done by either by a proven decrease in the number of service units attributable to such development or a decrease in the amount of roadway impact fees otherwise due, that results from contributions of land, improvements or funds to construct system improvements in accordance with the City's subdivision and development regulations, policies or requirements, as determined by the City. E. Final plat approval means authorization by the Planning & Zoning Commission that the final map of a proposed subdivision meets all City standards and conditions in accordance with the City's subdivision regulations and that the plat may be recorded in the office of the county clerk of Denton County. The term applies both to original plats and replats. F. Impact Fee, or "Roadway Impact Fee", means a fee, charge, or assessment for roadway facilities imposed on new development by the City pursuant to this Ordinance in order to generate revenue to fund or recoup all or part of the costs of capital improvements or facility expansion necessitated by and attributable to such new development. The term includes amortized charges, lump -sum charges, capital recovery fees, contributions in aid of construction and any other fee that functions as described by this Ordinance or the statute. The term is inclusive of both the maximum assessable roadway impact fee and the roadway impact fee collection rate as herein described. G. Land Use Assumptions means the description of the service area and the projections of population and employment growth and associated changes in land uses, densities and intensities adopted by the City, as may be amended from time to time, upon which the Roadway Impact Fee Capital Improvements Plan is based. H. Land Use Equivalency Table means a table converting the demands for capital improvements generated by various land uses to numbers of service units, as may be amended from time to time. The land use equivalency table may be incorporated in a schedule of impact fee rates, attached as Appendix D of Exhibit A hereto and incorporated by reference herein. I. Maximum Assessable Roadway Impact Fee means the impact fee that is established for each service area computed by calculating the total projected costs of capital improvements necessitated by and attributable to new development and subtracting a portion of ad valorem tax revenues to be generated by new service units, including the payment of debt, associated with the roadway CIP, and then dividing that amount by the total number of service units anticipated within the Service Area based upon the land use assumptions. The Maximum Assessable Roadway Impact Fee shall be established and reflected in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein. The City may adopt a roadway impact fee collection rate that is less than this amount, but in no instance shall the roadway impact fee exceed the Maximum Assessable Roadway Impact Fee except by amendment of this Ordinance. J. New Development means a project involving the construction, reconstruction, redevelopment, conversion, structural alteration, relocation, or enlargement of any structure, or any use or extension of land, which has the effect of increasing the requirements for Capital Improvements or facility expansions, measured by the number of service units to be generated by such activity. K. Recoupment means the imposition of an impact fee to reimburse the City for capital improvements which the city has previously oversized to serve new development. L. Roadway Impact Fee Collection Rate means the current amount of roadway impact fee adopted by Sanger City Council to be paid by the property owner, as may from time to time be amended, which is the result of a percentage reduction of the adopted Maximum Assessable Roadway Impact Fee. The adopted Roadway Impact Fee Collection Rate shall be established and reflected in Exhibit B= attached hereto and incorporated herein. The adopted Roadway Impact Fee Collection Rate may be further reduced with Credits, designed to fairly reflect the value of roadway facilities provided by a developer in accordance with the City's development regulations or requirements. M. Roadway means any primary and secondary arterial or collector designated in the City's adopted Thoroughfare Plan, as may be amended from time to time. N. Roadway Facility means an improvement or appurtenance to a roadway which includes, but is not limited to, rights -of --way, whether conveyed by deed or easement; intersection improvements; traffic signals; turn lanes; drainage facilities associated with the Roadway Facility; street lighting or curbs, and water and wastewater improvements affected by the Roadway Facility. Roadway Facility also includes any improvement or appurtenance to an intersection with a roadway officially enumerated in the federal or Texas highway system, and to any improvements or appurtenances to such federal or Texas highway, to the extent that the City has incurred capital costs for such facilities, including without limitation local matching funds and costs related to utility line relocation and the establishment of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, drainage appurtenances and rights -of --way. Roadway Facility excludes those improvements or appurtenances to any Roadway which is a site- related facility. 0. Roadway Facility expansion means the expansion of the capacity of an existing roadway in the City, but does not include the repair, maintenance, modernization, or expansion of an existing roadway to better serve existing development. P. Roadway Impact Fee Capital Improvements Plan, or "Capital Improvements Plan" (CIP) means the adopted plan included in Exhibit A, as may be amended from time to time, which identifies the roadway facilities or roadway facility expansions and their costs for the service area, which are necessitated by and which are attributable to new development, for a period not to exceed 10 years, which are to be financed in whole or in part through the imposition of roadway impact fees pursuant to this Ordinance. Q. Service Area means the roadway service area within the City's corporate boundary, within which impact fees for roadway capital improvements or roadway facility expansions may be collected for new development occurring within such area and within which fees so collected will be expended for those types of improvements or expansions identified in the Roadway Impact Fee Capital Improvements Plan applicable to the service area. R. Service Unit means avehicle-mile. A vehicle -mile shall be defined as one (1) vehicle traveling a distance of one (1) mile during the afternoon peak hour as calculated herein. S. Site -related Facility means an improvement or facility which is for the primary use or benefit of one or more new developments and/or which is for the primary purpose of safe and adequate provision of roadway facilities to serve the new development, including access to the development, which is not included in the Roadway Capital Improvements Plan, and for which the developer (s) or property owner(s) is solely responsible under subdivision or other applicable development regulations. Site- related Facility may include a roadway improvement which is located offsite, or within or on the perimeter of the development site. T. System Facility means a roadway improvement or facility expansion which is designated in the Roadway Impact Fee Capital Improvements Plan and which is not a Site -related Facility. System Facility may include a roadway improvement which is located offsite, or within or on the perimeter of the development site. SECTION 8. Roadway Service Area. The City hereby establishes one (I) Roadway Service Areas, constituting all land within the City's corporate boundaries, as depicted in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein. SECTION 9. Roadway Impact Fees Adopted. The City hereby adopts the Maximum Assessable Roadway Impact Fee attached and incorporated as Exhibit A, and the Roadway Impact Fee Collection Rate attached and incorporated as Exhibit B. Each non-exempt new development shall be assessed the Maximum Assessable Roadway Impact Fee and shall pay the Roadway Impact Fee Collection Rate, minus any applicable credits, as described herein. Except as herein otherwise provided, the assessment and collection of a roadway impact fee shall be additional and supplemental to, and not in substitution of, any other tax, fee, charge or assessment which is lawfully imposed on and due against the property. SECTION 10. Roadwa,�pact Fee Required. No final plat for new development shall be released for filing with Denton County without Assessment of an Impact Fee pursuant to this Ordinance; or, if no plat is required, then no building permit shall be issued until such assessment is made and paid in accordance with the assessment and collection procedures indicated herein. SECTION 1 1 . Assessment o f I m p a c t Fees . Assessment of the Impact Fee for any new development shall be made as follows: A. For a new development which has received final plat approval before the effective date of this Ordinance, assessment %J impact fees shall occur on the effective date of this Ordinance, and shall be the amount of the Maximum Assessable Roadway Impact Fee per Service Unit as set forth in Exhibit A. However, the Roadway Impact Fee Collection Rate shall not be collected on any Service Unit which has received final plat approval before the effective date of this Ordinance and for which a valid building permit is issued within one year after the date of adoption of this Ordinance. B. For land which is not required to be platted at the time of application for a building permit pursuant to the City's subdivision regulations prior to development, Assessment of Roadway Impact Fees shall occur at the time application is made for the building permit, and shall be the amount of the Maximum Assessable Roadway Impact Fee per Service Unit as set forth in Exhibit A then in effect. C. For New Development which is submitted for approval pursuant to the City's subdivision regulations or which is proposed for replatting on or after the effective date of this Ordinance, assessment of impact fees shall be at the time of final plat or r,plat approval, and shall be the amount of the Maximum Assessable Roadway Impact Fee per Service Unit as set forth in Exhibit A then in effect. D. Following assessment of the impact fee pursuant to this Section, the amount of the impact fee assessment per service unit for that development cannot be increased, unless the owner proposes to change the approved development by the submission of a new application for final plat approval or other development application that results in approval of additional service units, in which case a new assessment shall occur at the Exhibit A rate then in effect for such additional Service Units. E. The City Manager or his or her designee shall compute the roadway impact fees for new development by first determining whether the new development is eligible for credits calculated in accordance with this Ordinance, which would further reduce Impact Fees otherwise due in whole or in part. The total amount of impact fees for the new development shall be attached to the development application as a condition of approval. F. Approval of an amending plat pursuant to Tex. Loc. Gov't Code, Section 212.016 and the City's subdivision regulations is not subject to reassessment for an Impact Fee. SECTION 12. Exemptions to Impact Fees. The following are exempt from the applicability of this Ordinance: A. Pursuant to Tex. Loc. Gov't Code Section 395.022, as amended, a public school district is not required to pay roadway impact fees imposed under this Ordinance unless the board of trustees of the district consents to the payment of the fees by entering a contract with the City imposing the fees. B. A change in use that generates less than 10 times the number of Service Units attributable to the immediately preceding use is exempt from the payment of impact fees. SECTION 13. Collection of Impact Fees. Roadway Impact Fees shall be collected in the following manner; however, the City has the ability to require construction greater• than the Roadway Impact Fee Collection Rate for amounts up to the Maximum Assessable Roadway Impact Fee: A. The Roadway Impact Fee Collection Rate shall be paid at the time the City issues a building permit for a new development. B. For properties requiring a plat, the Roadway Impact Fee Collection Rate to be paid and collected per service unit for new development shall be the amount listed in Exhibit B in effect at the time of final plat approval for up to a one-year period following such final plat approval. After the one-year period has expired, the Roadway Impact Fee Collection Rate shall be paid according to the current amount listed in Exhibit B then in effect. C. For properties that do not require the filing of a plat, the Roadway Impact Fee Collection Rate shall be paid and collected per service unit for new development in the amount listed in Exhibit B in effect at the time that the building permit is filed. the building permit for which an impact fee has been paid has expired, and a new application is thereafter filed, the Roadway Impact Fee Collection Rate shall be computed using Exhibit B in effect at the time of the new application, with credits for previous payment of impact fees being applied against the new impact fees due. E. Whenever the property owner proposes to increase the number of service units for a development, the additional impact fees collected for such new service units shall be determined by using Exhibit B in effect at the time of the request, and such additional fee shall be collected at the times prescribed by this section. F. The Maximum Assessable Roadway Impact Fee per Service Unit for Roadway Facilities, as may be amended from time to time, hereby is declared to be an approximate and appropriate measure of the impacts generated by a new unit of development on the City's roadway system. To the extent that the Roadway Impact Fee Collection Rate charged against a new development, as may be amended from time to time, is less than the Maximum Assessable Roadway Impact Fee per Service Unit assessed, such difference hereby is declared to be founded on policies unelated to measurement of the impacts of the new development on the City's roadway system. The Maximum Assessable Roadway Impact Fee may be used in evaluating any claim by a property owner that the dedication or construction of a capital improvement within a service area imposed as a condition of development approval pursuant to the City's subdivision or development regulations is disproportionate to the impacts created by the development on the City's Roadway System. SECTION 14. Credits against Impact Fees. The City Inay credit the contribution of land, improvements or funding for construction of any system facility that is required or agreed to by the City, pursuant to rules established in this section or pursuant to administrative guidelines promulgated by the City with the following limitations: A. The Credit shall be associated with the plat or other detailed plan of development for the property that is to be served by the roadway facility. B. Master Planned Community projects, including subdivisions containing multiple phases, and whether approved before or after the effective date of these impact fee regulations, may apply for credits against roadway impact fees for the entire project based upon contributions of land, improvements or funds toward construction of system facilities, or other roadway capital improvements supplying excess capacity. Credits shall be determined by comparing costs of roadway capital improvements supplied by the project with the costs of roadway capital improvements to be utilized by development within the project, utilizing a methodology approved by the City. The credit determination shall be incorporated within an agreement for credits, in accordance with this Ordinance. The roadway requirements of an agreement for credits shall not be less than what Is required by the Sanger Subdivision Ordinance. C. The City's current policies and regulations shall apply to determine a new development's obligations to construct adjacent system facilities. The obligation to construct, however, shall not exceed the Maximum Assessable Roadway Impact Fee assessed inst the new develunder Exhibit AConstruction required und agaopment . er such policies and regulations shall be a credit against the amount of impact fees otherwise due. If the costs of constructing a system facility in accordance with the current City policies and regulations are greater than the amount of the Roadway Impact Fee Collection Rate due, the amount of the credit due shall be deemed to be 100% of the assessed impact fees and no impact fee shall be collected thereafter for the development, unless the number of service units is subsequently increased. D. All credits against roadway impact fees shall be based upon standards promulgated by the City, which may be adopted as administrative guidelines, including the following standards: (1) No credit shall be given for the dedication or construction of site -related facilities. (2) No credit shall be given for a roadway facility which is not identified within the Roadway Impact Fee Capital Improvements Plan, unless the facility is on or qualifies for inclusion on the Thoroughfare Plan and the City agrees that such improvement supplies capacity to new developments other than the development. paying the roadway impact fee and provisions for credits are incorporated in an agreement for credits pursuant to this Ordinance. (3) In no event will the City grant a credit when no roadway impact fees can be collected pursuant to this Ordinance or for any amount exceeding the Roadway Impact Fee Collection Rate due for the development, unless expressly agreed to by the City in writing. (4) The City may participate in the costs of a system facility to be dedicated to the City, including costs that exceed the amount of the Impact Fees due for the development, in accordance with policies and rules established by the City. The amount of any credit for construction of a system facility shall be reduced by the amount of any participation funds received from the City. (5) Where funds for roadway facilities have been escrowed under an agreement that was executed with the City prior to the effective date of this Ordinance, the following rules apply: (a) Funds expended under the agreement for roadway facilities shall first be credited against the amount of roadway impact fees that would have been due under Exhibit B for those units of development for which building permits already have been issued; (b) Any remaining funds shall be credited against Impact Fees due for the development under Exhibit B at the time building permits are issued. E. Credits for construction of capital improvements shall be deemed created when the capital improvements are completed and the City has accepted the facility, or in the case of capital improvements constructed and accepted prior to the effective date of this Ordinance, on such effective date. Credits created after the effective date of this Ordinance shall expire ten (10) years from the date the credit was created. Credits arising prior to such effective date shall expire ten (10) years from such effective date. Upon application by the prope 1 iy owner, the City may agree to extend the expiration date for the credit on mutually agreeable terms. F. Unless an agreement for credits, as described herein, is executed providing for a different manner of applying credits against roadway impact fees due, a credit associated with a plat shall be applied at the time of application for the first building permit and, at each building pe 1 mit application thereafter, to reduce impact fees due until the credit is exhausted. G. An owner of a new development wh o has constructed or financed a roadway capital improvement or roadway facility expansion designated in the Roadway Impact Fee Capital Improvements Plans, or other roadway capital improvement that supplies excess capacity, as required or authorized by the City, shall enter into an agreement with the City to provide for credits against roadway impact fees due for the development in accordance with this paragraph. The agreement shall identify the basis for and the method for computing and the amount of the credit due and any reduction in credits attributable to consumption of road capacity by developed lots or tracts served by the roadway capital improvements. For multi -phased projects, the City may require that total credits be proportionally allocated among the phases. If authorized by the City, the agreement also may provide for allocation of credits among new developments within the project, and provisions for the timing and collection of impact fees. SECTION 15. Use of Proceeds of Impact Fee Accounts. The roadway impact fees pursuant to these regulations may be used to finance or to recoup the costs of any roadway improvements or facility expansions identified in the Roadway Impact Fee Capital Improvements Plan for the service area, including but not limited to the construction contract price, surveying and engineering fees, and land acquisition costs (including land purchases, court awards and costs, attorney's fees, and expert witness fees). Roadway impact fees may also be used to pay the principal sum and interest and other finance costs on bonds, notes or other obligations issued by or on behalf of the City to finance such roadway improvements or facility expansions. Roadway impact fees also may be used to pay fees actually contracted to be paid to an independent qualified engineer or financial consultant for preparation of or updating the Roadway Impact Fee Capital Improvements Plan. Impact fees collected may not be used to pay for the expenses prohibited by Statute. SECTION 16. Establishment of Accounts. The Citys Finance Department shall establish an account to which interest is allocated for each service area for which a roadway impact fee is imposed pursuant to this Ordinance. Each impact fee collected within the service area shall be deposited in such account with the following regulations: A. Interest earned on the account into which the impact fees are deposited shall be considered funds of the account and shall be used solely for the purposes authorized in this Ordinance and the Statute. B. The City's Finance Department shall establish adequate financial and accounting controls to ensure that roadway impact fees disbursed from the account are utilized solely for the purposes authorized in this Ordinance and the Statute. Disbursement of funds shall be authorized by the City at such times as are reasonably necessary to carry out the purposes and intent of this Ordinance; provided, however, that any roadway impact fee paid shall be expended within a reasonable period of time, but not to exceed ten (10) years from the date the fee is deposited into the account. C. The City's Finance Department shall maintain and keep financial records for roadway impact fees, which shall show the source and disbursement of all fees collected in or expended from each service area. The records of the account into which impact fees are deposited shall be open for public inspection and copying during ordinary business hours. The City may establish a fee for copying services. SECTION 17. Impact Fee as Additional and Supplemental Regulation. Roadway impact fees established by these regulations are additional and supplemental to, and not in substitution of, any other requirements imposed by the City on the development of land or the issuance of building permits or certificates of occupancy. Such impact fees are intended to be consistent with and to further the policies of the City's land use regulations, the Capital Improvements Plan, the zoning ordinances, subdivision regulations and other City policies, ordinances and resolutions by which the City seeks to ensure the provision of adequate public facilities in conjunction with the development of land. This Ordinance shall not affect, in any manner, the permissible use of property, density of development, design, and improvement standards and requirements, or any other aspect of the development of land or provision of public improvements subject to the zoning and subdivision regulations or other regulations and policies of the City, which shall be operative and remain in full force and effect without limitation with respect to all such development. SECTION 18. Updates to Plans and Revision of Fees. The City shall update its Land Use Assumptions and Capital Improvements Plan and make any revision of fees as indicated below: A. The City shall update its Land Use Assumptions and Roadway Impact Fee Capital Improvements Plans and shall recalculate the Roadway Impact Fees based thereon in accordance with the procedures set forth in Texas Local Gov't Code, Ch. 395, or in any successor statute. However, this does not preclude the City from reviewing its Land Use Assumptions, Roadway Impact Fee Capital Improvements Plans, Roadway Impact Fees, and other factors such as market conditions more frequently than provided for herein to determine whether the Land Use Assumptions and Roadway Capital Improvements Plans should be updated and the Roadway Impact Fees recalculated accordingly, utilizing statutory update procedures. B. Exhibit B may be amended without revising the an Use Assumptions and Roadway Capital Improvements Plans at any time prior to the update provided for in this Section, provided that the Roadway Impact Fee Collection Rate to be collected under Exhibit B do not exceed the Maximum Assessable Roadway Impact Fees assessed under Exhibit A. C. If, at the time an update is required as indicated herein and the City Council determines that no change to the Land Use Assumptions, Roadway Impact Fee Capital Improvements Plan or Roadway Impact Fees are needed, it may dispense with such update by following the procedures in Texas Local Gov't Code, Section 395.0575 or its successor statute. D. The City may amend any other provisions of this Ordinance in accordance with procedures for ordinance amendments contained in the City's Charter or State law. SECTION 19. Refunds A. Upon application, any roadway impact fee or portion thereof collected pursuant to this Ordinance, which has not been expended within the service area within ten (10) years from the date of payment, shall be refunded to the record owner of the property for which the impact fee was paid or, if the impact fee was paid by another governmental entity, to such governmental entity, together with interest calculated from the date of collection to the date of refund at the statutory rate as set forth in Sec. 302.002, Tex. Fin. Code, or its successor statute. The application for refund pursuant to this section shall be submitted within sixty (60) days after the expiration of the ten-year period for expenditure of the impact fee. An impact fee shall be considered expended on a first -in, first out basis. B. An Impact Fee collected pursuant to this Ordinance shall also be considered expended if the total expenditures for Capital Improvements or Roadway Facility expansions authorized within the service area within ten (10) years following the date of payment exceeds the total fees collected within the service area for such improvements or expansions during such period. C. If a refund is due pursuant to Subsections A or B, the City shall divide the difference between the amount of expenditures and the amount of the impact fees collected by the total number of service units assumed within the service area for the period to determine the refund due per service unit. The refund to the record owner shall be calculated by multiplying the refund due per service unit by the number of service units for the development for which the fee was paid, and interest due shall be calculated upon that amount. SECTION 20. Rebates. If the building permit for a new development for which a roadway impact fee has been paid has expired, and a modified or new application has not been filed within six (6) months of such expiration, the City shall, upon written application, rebate the amount of the impact fee to the record owner of the property for which the impact fee was paid. If no application for rebate pursuant to this subsection has been filed within this period, no rebate shall become due. SECTION 21. Appeals. The property owner or applicant for new development may appeal the applicability or amount of the roadway impact fee or the availability or amount of credits or refunds to the City Council using the following procedure: A. The burden of proof shall be on the applicant to demonstrate that relief should be granted by the City. B. The applicant must file a written notice of appeal with the City Manager or his/her designee within thirty (30) days following the decision being appealed. Along with the notice of appeal, an applicant may request an alternative service unit computation for land uses not contained with the latest edition of the ITE Trip Generation Manual by submitting a trip generation study demonstrating the appropriateness of the trip generation rates for the proposed development. An applicant may also include an alternative service unit calculation. C. The City Manager or his/her designee ("Manager") may (1) resolve the appeal, if the applicant agrees with the Manager's decision, or (2) if the applicant does not agree, refer the matter to the City Council for decision, along with the Manager's recommendation and any trip generation study provided, if any. D. If City Council review is requested by the applicant after receiving the Manager's decision, the City Secretary shall schedule a public hearing at which the applicant may present testimony and evidence before the City Council. The City Council shall act on the appeal within sixty (60) days of receipt of the notice of appeal by the City, unless otherwise agreed by the Applicant. E. If the notice of appeal is accompanied by a payment or other security satisfactory to the City Attorney in an amount equal to the original determination of the roadway impact fee due, the City shall process and may issue a building permit if other requirements are met while the appeal is pending. F. If the City Council allows for a different amount of the roadway impact fee due for a new development under this section to be paid, it may cause to be appropriated from other City funds the amount of the reduction in the Impact Fee to the account for the service area. SECTION 22. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. SECTION 23. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, phrases and words of this Ordinance are severable and, if any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. SECTION 24. Any person, firm, or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in an amount not to exceed the sum of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense, and each and every day such offense shall continue shall be deemed to constitute a separate offense. SECTION 25. This ordinance will take effect October 1, 2016, as the law and Charter in such cases provide. DULY PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on this lst day of August 2016. APPROVED: Mayor Thomas Muir ATTEST: City Secretary Tami Taber EXHIBIT A ROADWAY IMPACT FEE STUDY 2015 Roadway impact Fee Study City of Sanger, Texas Prepared by: ARCHITECTURE •ENGINEERING •PLANNING Texas Registration No. F-12759 1405 W. Chapman Drive Sanger, Texas 76266 �'��e�titQ\��11 940o458e7503 ,��'�" �E °F rF lit J U LY 2016 KATHYRIYA H. KENNEDY eeee *: 07/05/2016 Table of Contents I. Executive Summary 2 II. Introduction 3 III. Roadway Impact Fee Calculation Inputs 4 A. Land Use Assumptions 4 B. Impact Fee Service Area 6 C. Future Roadway Improvements 6 V. Methodology for Roadway Impact Fees 7 A. Service Areas 7 B. Service Units 7 CO Cost Per Service Unit 7 D. Cost of the Improvements 8 E. Service Unit Calculation 9 V. Impact Fee Calculations 12 A. Maximum Assessable Impact Fee Per Service Unit 12 B. Plan For Awarding the Roadway Impact Fee Credit 12 C. Service Unit Demand Per Unit of Development 13 A. Sample Calculations 14 Al. Conclusion 15 APPENDICES A. Roadway Impact Fee Opinion of Probable Construction Costs B. Roadway Impact Fee Service Units of Supply C. Maximum Allowable Roadway Impact Fee Per Service Unit Calculations D. Land Use/Vehicle-Mile Equivalency Table List of Exhibits 1 Service Area Map List of Tables 1A 2010 Demographics 1B 2011 Estimated Employment in Persons 2A Projected Population, Housing Units, and Employment in Person 2B Projected Population, Housing Units, and Employment in Square Feet 3 Roadway Improvements Plan for the Service Area 4 Level of Use for Proposed and Existing Facilities 5 Transportation Demand Factor Calculations (TDF) 6 Ten Year Growth Projections 7 Maximum Assessable Fee Per Service Unit/Vehicle-Mile Page (1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This study was performed to initiate the City of Sanger Roadway Impact Fees. Roadway improvements necessary to serve the 10-year (2025) system needs were evaluated based on information available from the City of Sanger 2015 Thoroughfare Plan, the 2007 Comprehensive Land Use Plan and the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG). Texas' impact fee law (Chapter 395) allows the recovery of costs fora 10-year planning period. We reviewed the service area (Service Area) created based on the Thoroughfare Plan by site observations along the widening of existing roadways and aerial images of future alignments. The projected cost to construct the infrastructure needed through 2025 is $45,918,339 for the Service Area. Based on the City's 10-year growth projections and the associated demand (consumption) values, 3,295 additional vehicle -miles of capacity will be needed by year 2025 for the Service Area. Based on the additional service units and the recoverable capital improvements plans, the City may assess a maximum of $1,304.22 per service unit in the Service Area. Page I2 I II. INTRODUCTION Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code describes the procedure Texas cities must follow in order to create and implement impact fees. Senate Bill 243 (SB 243) amended Chapter 395 in September 2001 to define an Impact Fee as "a charge or assessment imposed by a political subdivision against new development in order to generate revenue for funding or recouping the costs of roadway improvements or facility expansions necessitated by and attributable to the new development." The City of Sanger has determined based on their 2015 Thoroughfare Plan that assessing impact fees for the continued expansion of the City is valuable and necessary. The City has retained EIKON Consultant Group to provide professional transportation engineering services for the initiation of their Roadway Impact Fees. This report includes the impact fee calculation in accordance with Chapter 395 and the adopted Land Use Assumptions and the Roadway Improvements Plan. This report consists of the methodology for the computation of impact fees. The components of the computation, as outlined by Chapter 395 "must contain specific enumeration" of the following items: 1. A description of the existing capital improvements within the service area and the cost to upgrade, update, improve, expand or replace the improvements to meet existing needs and usage 2. An analysis of the total capacity, the level of current usage, and commitments for usage of capacity of the existing capital improvements 3. A description of all or the parts of the capital improvements and their costs necessitated by and attributable to new development in the service area based on approved land use assumptions 4. A definitive table establishing the specific level or quantity of use, consumption, generation, or discharge of service unit for each category of capital improvements and an equivalency or conversion table establishing the ratio of a service unit to various types of land uses, including residential, commercial, and industrial 5. The total number of projected service units necessitated by and attributable to new development within the service area based on the approved land use assumptions and calculated in accordance with generally accepted engineering or planning criteria 6. The projected demand for capital improvements or facility expansions required by new service units projected over a reasonable period of time, not to exceed 10 years 7. A plan for awarding a credit for the portion of the ad valorem tax generated by new service units during the program period that is used for the payment of improvements or a credit equal to 50 percent of the total projected cost of implementing the capital improvements plan Page I3 III. ROADWAY IMPACT FEE CALCULATION INPUTS A. LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS Per Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code, Land Use Assumptions include changes in land uses, densities, and population in the service area. The Land Use Assumptions used in this report were developed by using employment data, population data, and trends developed by the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG). This information has been approved by the City of Sanger staff to be a reasonable representation of the building growth seen in the recent years and what may be expected in the following ten years. The following population and employment estimates and projections are defined by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and utilized by NCTCOG: Housing Units: Number of houses including single and multi -family homes Population: Number of people reported in the City. Employment: Square feet of building area based on retail, service, and basic land uses. Each classification has unique trip making characteristics. Basic/Goods: Land use activities that produce goods and services such as those that are exported outside of the local economy, such as manufacturing, construction, transportation, wholesale, trade, warehousing, and other industrial uses. (NAICS #210000 to #422999) Service: Land use activities which provide personal and professional services such as government and other professional administrative offices. (NAICS #520000 to #928199) Retail: Land use activities which provide for the retail sale of goods that primarily serve households and whose location choice is oriented toward the household sector, such as grocery stores and restaurants. (NAICS #440000 to #454390) To establish the population and employment characteristics for this report, demographic data provided by North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) and the 2010 US Census was used: Page I4 Table 1A. 2010 Demographics US Census Population 6,916 Housing Units 2,427 Table 1B. 2011 Estimated Employment in Persons 2011 Data from NCTCOG Employment Type Number of Persons Good Producing Industries (Basic) 645 Service Producing Industries (Service) 21178 Retail Industries (Retail) 394 Total 3,217 NCTCOG published population estimates in 2015, which shows on average 1.9% growth in Sanger from 2010 to their estimates for 2014. The percent change for the population estimates for 2014 to 2015 is 1.3%. The population growth anticipated from the City's adopted Comprehensive Land Use Plan (October 2007) predicted an annual growth rate of 3.75% based on historical growth since 1960. In reviewing the recent trend for building permit applications, City Staff anticipates a slower growth than identified in the Comprehensive Plan, which is more congruent with the growth estimated by NCTCOG. For the purposes of this report, a population growth rate of 1.3% was used to project the growth in Sanger up to 2025. In addition, we have assumed that the housing units and employment characteristics will grow at the same rate as the population. The following table summarizes the anticipated population and employment characteristics based on these assumptions: Table 2A. Projected Population, Housing Units, and Employment in Persons 2011 Data from NCTCOG Year Population Housing Units Basic Employees Service Employees Retail Employees 2010 61916 2,427 - - - 2011 - - 645 2,178 394 2015 7,366 2,585 679 21291 415 2025 8,265 2,900 762 23574 466 For the purposes of this report, employment population data is converted to square feet of building area required to create the non-residential square footage within the City. The following conversions rates were used to create Table 2B: Basic/Goods: 1,000 square feet Service: 350 square feet Retail: 500 square feet Page (5 Table 2E5. Projected Population, Housing Units, and Employment in Square Feet 2011 Data from NCTCOG Year Population Housing Units Basic (Square Footage) Service (Square Footage) Retail (Square Footage) 2010 6,916 2,427 - - - 2011 - - 6453000 762,300 197,000 2015 7,366 21585 679,000 801,940 207,244 2025 8,265 2,900 762,000 901,039 232,854 B. IMPACT FEE SERVICE AREA Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code defines the service area for roadway facility analysis as an area within the corporate boundaries of the political subdivision that shall not exceed 6 miles. City Staff has determined that one (1) roadway facility service area based upon a six (6) mile limit is adequate and coincides with the capital improvement plans for roadway expansion over the next 10 years. The geographic boundary of the impact fee service area for roadway facilities is shown in Exhibit 1. C. FUTURE ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS The City has identified the City -funded roadway projects needed for the projected growth within the City. These facilities are part of the currently adopted Thoroughfare Plan. The table below shows the length of each project as well as the Thoroughfare Plan classification. The future roadway improvements were developed by the City of Sanger staff and represent those projects that will be needed to accommodate the growth projected in this report. Table 3. Roadway Improvement Plan for the Service Area Street Name Class Limits Length <mi) Willow St./ Minor 4 Lanes 5th Street to City Limits 2.11 McReynolds Rd. Willow St./McReynolds Rd. Indian Ln. Minor 4 Lanes O 88 to FM 455 Marion Rd. Minor 4 Lanes FM 455 to Huling Rd. 0.76 Lois Rd. Minor 4 Lanes E. of Melton Rd, to 1-35 0.83 Belz Rd. Minor 4 Lanes 1-35 SBFR to Metz Rd. 0.97 Metz Rd. Minor 4 Lanes Belz Rd. to FM 455 0.67 Utility Rd. Collector 2 Lanes RR Tracks to Marion Rd. 0.77 Keaton Rd. Collector 2 Lanes Belz Rd. to FM 455 0,67 Future Belz Rd - Indian Minor 4 Lanes 1-35 NBFR to FM 455 1.02 Connector Future East-West Minor 4 Lanes Cowling Rd. to BNSF RR 0.53 Thoroughfare Tracks Exhibit 1 maps the roadway alignments described above. IV. ROADWAY IMPACT FEE METHODOLOGY A. SERVICE AREAS Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code specifies that "the service area is limited to an area within the corporate boundaries of the political subdivision and shall not exceed six (6) miles." One (1) service area was used in this report and is shown in Exhibit 1 and incorporates the anticipated roadway improvement projects within the corporate boundary of the City of Sanger. B. SERVICE UNITS The "service unit" is a measure of consumption or use of the roadway facilities by new development and is defined as a vehicle -mile for transportation purposes. In regards to supply and demand, it is a lane -mile and a vehicle -trip of one -mile in length, respectively. The afternoon peak hour of traffic is the time period used for transportation planning and the estimation of trips from new development. The service volume that is supplied by a lane -mile of roadway facility is another component of the service unit. This volume is a function of the facility type, configuration, number of lanes, and level of service. The hourly service volumes used in this report are based on the hourly capacity for level of service D obtained from the DFW Regional Travel Model Criteria published by the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) and the Highway Capacity Manual. Level of service D roadways represents the minimal acceptable capacity limit for urban roadways. In the absence of providing a traffic study to generate the number of cars currently using the roads within the service area, we have assumed that the hourly capacity of the roads is equal to the number of cars currently using the roads in the peak am hour. Table 4 shows the service volumes as a function of the facility type for the types of roads within the service area. Table 4. Vehicle -Mile Capacities Hourly Vehicle -Mile Capacity Class Median Configuration per Lane -Mile of Roadway Facility Minor 4 Undivided 525 Lanes Collector 2 Undivided 450 Lanes Principal 4 Undivided 650 Lanes C. COST PER SERVICE UNIT The cost for each service unit is the cost for each vehicle -mile traveled or the cost to build a lane -mile for a vehicle -mile of travel at a level of service provided by the City's standards. The cost per service unit is calculated for each project within the service area. The number of service units in the service are is the measure of the presumed growth in the transportation demand projected over a ten-year period. Chapter 395 requires that Impact Fees be assessed only to pay for growth projected to occur within the next ten - years. Page 17 D. COST OF THE IMPROVEMENTS Per Chapter 395, costs that may be included in the cost per service unit are "...including and limited to the: 1. Construction contract price; 2. Surveying and engineering fees; 3. Land acquisition costs, including land purchases, court awards and costs, attorney's fees, and expert witness fees; and 4. Fees actually paid or contracted to be paid to an independent qualified engineer or financial consultant preparing or updating the Roadway improvements plan who is not an employee of the political subdivision." The engineer's opinion of the probable costs of the projects in the service area are based on the typical costs of construction. The roadway alignments identified as part of the roadway improvement projects were visual surveyed. Components required to accommodate the expansions or extensions were noted, such as the number of required lanes and the length of the project. In addition we made note of any other incidental construction items that would be necessary such as bridges or culvert crossings, traffic signals, highway ramps, and drainage structures. These costs were combined into an overall cost. Costs associated with State, Denton County, and developer driven projects in which the City has contributed a portion of the total project cost may be included in the calculations. At the time of this report, the City does not intend to contribute funds to any of these types of roadway projects. To simplify the calculations, we have separated the probable costs into two (2) categories; construction costs and construction allowances, and made several assumptions about the types of roads to be constructed. The roadway construction costs consist of the following items: (1) unclassified street excavation, (2) lime stabilization, (3) concrete pavement, (4) topsoil, (5) curb and gutter, and (6) allotment for turn lanes and median openings. The unit prices for these items are based on recently completed construction projects located in neighboring municipalities. Using the construction cost subtotal, a percentage of this total is calculated to account for major construction component allowances. These allowances include preparation of right-of-way, traffic control, pavement markings/markers, roadway drainage, special drainage structures, water and sewer relocations, turf reestablishment and erosion control, and street lighting. The allowance percentages are also based on values from RS Means and the amount of these types of construction estimated for each individual project. The paving and allowance subtotal is given a six percent (6%) allotment for mobilization and a twenty percent (20%) contingency to determine the construction cost total. To determine the total Impact Fee Project Cost, a percentage of the construction cost total is added to account for engineering, surveying, testing, and contractor mobilization. For alignments that will require right -of way acquisitions, we have assumed the allotment for the acquisitions should be $3 per square foot. Table 4 is a summary of the road improvement project list for the service area with the probable project cost projections. Detailed cost projections for each alignment are provided in Appendix A, Opinion of Probable Costs. Actual costs of construction will vary with time and are dependent on market conditions. Therefore, the cost projections reported in this study should not be utilized for the City's building program or construction CIP. Page 18 Table 4. Ten Year Roadway Improvements Plan Opinion of Probable Costs Length Total Project Street Name Class Limits (mi) Cost Willow St./ Minor 4 $ 11,320,127 5tn Street to City Limits 211 McReynolds Rd. Lanes Minor 4 Willow St./McReynolds Rd. $1,1301328 Indian Ln, 0088 Lanes to FM 455 Minor 4 $3,880,244 Marion Rd. FM 455 to Huling Rd. 0.76 Lanes Lois Rd. Minor 4 E. of Melton Rd. to 1-35 0,83 $4,4343456 Lanes Minor 4 $51130,524 Belz Rd. 1-35 SBFR to Metz Rd. 0.97 Lanes Minor 4 $3,681,822 Metz Rd. Belz Rd. to FM 455 O 67 Lanes Collector 2 $3,1801747 Utility Rd. RR Tracks to Marion Rd. 0.77 Lanes Collector 2 $2,8311252 Keaton Rd. Belz Rd. to FM 455 0.67 Lanes Future Belz Rd - Minor 4 1-35 NBFR to FM 455 1.02 $6,877,083 Indian Connector Lanes Future East-West Minor 4 Cowling Rd. to BNSF RR $3,451,757 Thoroughfare Lanes Tracks 0.53 E. SERVICE UNIT CALCULATION The service unit for the computation of roadway impact fees is the vehicle -mile of travel during the afternoon peak -hour. The roadway demand service units (vehicle -miles) for each service area are the sum of the vehicle -miles "generated" by each category of land use in the service area. All developed and developable land is categorized as either residential or non-residential. For residential land uses, the number of housing units in each service area is multiplied by a transportation demand factor to compute the vehicle -miles of travel that occur during the afternoon peak hour or the average amount of demand caused by the residential land uses in the service area. The square footages calculated using the employment data and conversion units described in Section III.A were used to calculate the vehicle -miles for non- residential land uses. To determine the cost per service unit, the growth in vehicle -miles of travel for the service area is required. The growth in vehicle -miles from 2015 to 2025 is based upon the changes in residential and non-residential growth for the period. This growth has been estimated in Table 2B of this report. The existing and projected Land Use Assumptions for the dwelling units and the square footage of basic, service, and retail land uses provide the basis for the projected increase Page 19 in vehicle -miles of travel. A transportation demand factor is applied to these values and then summed to calculate the total peak hour vehicle -miles of demand for each service area. The transportation demand factors are derived from the lTE Trip Generation Manual, 9�h Edition and the Regional Origin -Destination Travel Survey performed by NCTCOG. The lTE Trip Generation Manual, 9rh Edition provides variables for the number of trips that are produced or attracted to the land use. The transportation demand factor also includes the length of each trip <L). The average trip length for each category is based on the travel characteristics survey conducted by NCTCOG and the National Household Travel Survey (NHTS). The maximum trip length (Lmax), for land uses which are characterized by longer average trip lengths (primarily residential uses), has been limited to a length based on the nature of the roadway network within the service area, along with consideration of the existing City boundaries. For the purposes of this report, the maximum trip length available is the boundary of the service area, which is six (6) miles. The adjustment made to the average trip length statistic in the computation of the maximum trip length is the origin -destination reduction. This adjustment is made because the roadway impact fee is charged to both the origin and destination end of the trip. For the retail category of land uses, the rate is adjusted because a percentage of retail trips are made by people visiting these locations as part of an existing trip between work and home and are therefore called pass -by trips. The retail trips are then reduced to avoid counting these trips twice. Per the ITE, retail shopping centers have an average pass -by trip percentage of 34%. For the purposes of this report, we have used this value for 8to calculate the demand factor for retail areas. The computation of the transportation demand factor is detailed in the following equation: TDF = T * (1- a) * Lmax where Lmax = min(L * OD or SAS ) Variables: TDF = Transportation Demand Factor T = Trip Rate (peak hour trips / unit) /1= Pass -By Discount (% of trips) /-max =Maximum Trip Length (miles) L =Average Trip Length (miles) SAL = Max Service Area Trip Length (see Table 5) OD = Origin -Destination Reduction (50%) Table 5 shows the derivation of the Transportation Demand Factorfor the residential land uses and the three (3) non-residential land use categories. The values utilized for all variables shown in the transportation demand factorequation are also shown in the table. Page i10 Table 5. Transportation Demand Factor Calculations (TDF) Variable Residential Basic Service Retail T 1.00 0.97 1.49 3,71 Pb 0% 0% 0% 34% L 17.21 10.02 10.92 6.43 Lmax ` 6.00 5.01 5.46 3.22 TDF 6.00 4.86 1 8.14 7.89 * 50% of L is less than Lmax for non-residential land uses; therefore this lower trip length is used for calculating the TDF for non-residential land uses Table 6 shows the vehicle -mile calculations for 2015 and 2025 using the above TDF values. Table 6. Ten Year Growth Projections 2015 Residential Vehicle -Miles Housing Units TDF Vehicle -Miles 2,585 1 6 1 15,510 Non -Residential Vehicle -Miles Square -Feet TDF Vehicle -Miles (in 1,000 SQFT) Basic Service Retail Basic Service Retail Basic Service Retail 679,000 801,940 207,244 4.8 814 7.8 3,259 61528 11617 2015 Total Vehicle Miles = 26,913 2025 Residential Vehicle -Miles Housing Units TDF Vehicle -Miles 2,900 6 17,400 Non -Residential Vehicle -Miles Square -Feet TDF Vehicle -Miles <in 1,000 SQFT) Basic Service Retail Basic Service Retail Basic Service Retail 762,000 901,039 232,854 4.8 8,14 7.8 31658 7,334 1,816 2015 Total Vehicle Miles = 30,208 Projected Increase in Vehicle -Miles = 30,208 - 26,913 = 3,295 vehicle -miles V. IMPACT FEE CALCULATIONS A. MAXIMUM ASSESSABLE IMPACT FEE PER SERVICE UNIT The maximum assessable impact fee is the sum of the eligible Impact Fee Roadway Improvement Project costs for the service area divided by the growth in travel attributable to new development projected to occur within the 10-year period. The documentation for this calculation has been provided in Appendix C. B. PLAN FOR AWARDING THE ROADWAY IMPACT FEE CREDIT Per Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code, the Roadway Impact Fees Program must contain specific enumeration of a plan for awarding the impact fee credit. This is provided in Section 395.014 of the Code and states: "(7) A plan for awarding: (A) a credit for the portion of ad valorem tax and utility service revenues generated by new service units during the program period that is used for the payment of improvements, including the payment of debt, that are included in the capital improvements plan; or (B) In the alternative, a credit equal to 50 percent of the total projected cost of implementing the capital improvements plan..." The max assessable fee has been based on the option of the 50% credit. Table 7 illustrates the computation of the maximum assessable impact fee computed for the service area. The description of now each line has been calculated is provided in Appendix C. Table 7. Maximum Assessable Fee Per Service Unit/Vehicle-Mile Line Description Value 1 Total Vehicle -Miles of Capacity Added by the Roadway Improvement Projects 17,604 2 Total Vehicle -Miles of Existing Demand From the Roadway Improvement Projects 4,274 3 Total Vehicle -Miles of Existing Deficiencies From the Existing Roadway Facilities 141 4 Net Amount of Vehicle -Miles of Capacity Added 13,021 5 Total Cost of the Roadway Improvement Projects $45,9181339 6 Cost of the Net Capacity Supplied $33,963,766 7 Cost to Meet the Existing Needs and Usage $11,954,573 8 Total Vehicle -Miles of New Demand over 10-Years 33295 9 Percent of Capacity Added Attributable to Growth (Must be Less than or Equal to 100%) 25% 10 Cost of Capacity Added Attributable to Growth $8,594,812 11 SO% Credit $4,297,409 12 Max Assessable Fee Per Service Unit/Vehicle Mile $1,304.22 Page 112 C. SERVICE UNIT DEMAND PER UNIT OF DEVELOPMENT The maximum allowable roadway impact fee for development is calculated by multiplying the impact fee rate by the number of service units projected for the proposed development. The Land Use/Vehicle-Mile Equivalency Table (LUVMET) provided in Appendix D provides the service unit multipliers for typical land uses that should be used to calculate the maximum impact assessment. This table lists the most common land uses that may occur within the City. All possible categories of development may not be represented. However, in these situations, we suggest using a similar use which will generate similar trip characteristics. The trip rate is the average number of trips generated during the afternoon peak hour by each land use per development unit. The next column is the pass -by rate the lTE Trip Generation Manual, 9th Edition. To convert vehicle trips to vehicle -miles, it is necessary to multiply trips by trip length. The NCTCOG trip length values are based on the Regional Origin -Destination Travel Survey performed by the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG). The other adjustment to trip length is the 50% origin - destination reduction to avoid double counting of trips. Based on the State Law, there is a limit on transportation service unit demand. If the adjusted trip length is above the maximum trip length within the service area (for this study, 6 miles is the maximum trip length), the maximum trip length used for calculation is reduced to the corresponding value. The last column in the LUVMET shows the vehicle -miles per development unit calculated by multiplying the trip rate by the maximum trip length. This is the Transportation Demand Factorand should be used to calculate the maximum assessable impact fee. The number of service units is multiplied by the impact fee rate (established by City )rdinance) in order to determine the impact fee for a development. Page i13 VI. SAMPLE CALCULATIONS The following section details two (2) examples of maximum assessable roadway impact fee calculations. Example 1: Development Tvne - One (1) Unit of Sinale-Familv Housina Roadway Impact Fee Calculation Steps - Example 1 Determine Development Unit and Vehicle -Miles Per Development Unit Step 1 From APX D [Land Use - Vehicle -mile Equivalency Table] Development Type: 1 Dwelling Unit of Single -Family Detached Housing Number of Development Units: 1 Dwelling Unit Veh-Mi Per Development Unit: 6.06 Determine Maximum Assessable Impact Fee Per Service Unit Step 2 $7 304.22 Determine Maximum Assessable Impact Fee Impact Fee = # of Development Units x Veh-Mi Per Dev Unit x Max. Fee Per Service Unit Step 3 Maximum Assessable Impact Fee = 1 x 6.06 x $1,304.22 $7,903.57 Example 2: Development Type - 25,000 square foot Home Improvement Superstore Roadway Impact Fee Calculation Steps -Example 2 Determine Development Unit and Vehicle -Miles Per Development Unit Step 1 From APX D [Land Use - Vehicle -mile Equivalency Table] Development Type: 25, 000 square feet of Home Improvement Superstore Development Unit: 7,000 square feet of Gross Floor Area Veh-Mi Per Development Unit:3.96 Determine Maximum Assessable Impact Fee Per Service Unit Step 2 $7 304.22 Determine Maximum Assessable Impact Fee Impact Fee = # of Development Units x Veh-Mi Per Dev Unit x Max. Fee Per Service Unit Step 3 Maximum Assessable Impact Fee = (25,000/1,000) x 3.96 x $1,304.22 $129,117,78 Page 14 VII. CONCLUSION The City of Sanger has established a process to implement the assessment and collection of roadway impact fees through the adoption of an impact fee ordinance that is consistent with Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code. This report establishes the maximum allowable roadway impact fee that could be assessed by the City of Sanger within the service area boundary. The maximum assessable roadway impact fees calculated is $1,304.22. This is a guide to the assessment of roadway impact fees pertaining to future development and the City's need for roadway improvements to accommodate that growth. Following the public hearing process, the City Council may establish an amount to be assessed (if any) up to the maximum established within this report and update the Roadway Impact Fee Ordinance accordingly. It is our opinion that the data and methodology used in this report are appropriate and consistent with Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code, and the Land Use Assumptions and the proposed Roadway Improvements Plan are appropriately incorporated into the process. Page 15 Roadway Impact Fee Opinion of Probable Costs CITY OF SANGER IMPACT FEE STUDY CONCEPTUAL LEVEL COST PROJECTIONS JULY 2016 Street Name: Willow St/McReynolds Rd Limits: 5th St to City Limits Impact Fee Class: Ultimate Class: Length (LF): 11J41 Existing two lane concrete roadway from Sth St to Jones; two lane asphalt from Jones to City Limits, Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost Unclassified Street Excavation 14,854,40 CY $ 15.00 $ 2223816.00 6" Lime or Cement Subgrade Treatment (27 Ibs/sf) 63,131,20 SY $ 4,00 $ 252,524,80 8" Reinf, Concrete Pvmt with 6" Integral Curb 58,179.73 SY $ 46,00 $ 2,676,267.73 4" Topsoil 12,378,67 SY $ 5,00 $ 61J893,33 4' Wide Concrete Sidewalk 89J26 SF $ 4,00 $ 356,505.60 Turn Lanes and Median Openings SY $ 50,00 $ - Signalized Intersection (at Indian Rd) 1 EA $ 200,000.00 $ 200,000,00 $ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal 3,770,007.47 Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost R.O.W. Preparation 6% $ 226,200,45 Traffic Control During Construction 5% $ 188,500.37 Pavment Markings 3% $ 113,100.22 Roadway Drainage 30% $ 1,131,002.24 Roadway Lighting 6% $ 226,200.45 Special Drainage Structures (bridges and culverts) 8 crossings 6% $ 2263200,45 Minor Water Line Adjustments 6% $ 226,200,45 Minor Wastewater Line Adjustments 4% $ 150,800.30 Erosion Control/Establish Turf 3% $ 113,100.22 Basic Landscaping/Irrigation 3% $ 113,100,22 Franchised Utility Facilities OH -Electric, UG Fiber Optic, Telephone 3% $ 113,100.22 Railroad Crossing Single track between 1st and Railroad 3% $ 113,100,22 Tree Mitigation 3% $ 113,100.22 Other Bridge west of Ranger Creek Rd 0% $ - Allowance Subtotal 3,053,706.05 Paving and Allowance Subtotal $ 6,823,713.51 Construction Contingency @ 20% $ 1,364,742.70 Total Construction Cost 8,188,456.22 Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost Construction $ 8,188,456.22 Engineering/Survey/Testing 20% $ 1,637,691.24 Mobilization 6% $ 491,307.37 Previous City Contribution $ - Other $ - R.O.W. and Easement Acquisition For Area from 5th to the RR $3/SF $ 1,002,672.00 Total Impact Fee Project Cost $ 11,320,126.83 PREPARED BY EIKON JULY 2016 CITY OF SANGER IMPACT FEE STUDY CONCEPTUAL LEVEL COST PROJECTIONS JLILY 2016 Street Name: Indian Ln Limits: Willow St/McReynolds Rd to FM 455 Impact Fee Class: Ultimate Class: Length (LF): 4,641 Existing concrete roadway to remain. Roadway is approx. 37 ft wide for approx. 3472 LF and approx. 25 ft wide for approx. 1169 LF. Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost Unclassified Street Excavation 11054,93 Cy $ 15,00 $ 15,823.89 6" Lime or Cement Subgrade Treatment (27 Ibs/sf) 71360,89 SY $ 4,00 $ 2%443.56 8" Reinf. Concrete Pvmt with 6" Integral Curb 6,329.56 SY $ 46,00 $ 291J59,56 4" Topsoil 41641,00 SY $ 5,00 $ 23,205.00 4' Wide Concrete Sidewalk 7,432 SF $ 4,00 $ 2%728.00 Turn Lanes and Median Openings SY $ 50,00 $ Signalized Intersection EA $ 200,000.00 $ $ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal $ 389,360.00 Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost R.O.W. Preparation 6% $ 23,361.60 Traffic Control During Construction 5% $ 1%468.00 Pavment Markings 3% $ 11,680,80 Roadway Drainage 30% $ 116,808.00 Roadway Lighting 6% $ 23,361.60 Special Drainage Structures (bridges and culverts) 2 culverts 6% $ 23,361,60 Minor Water Line Adjustments 6% $ 23,361,60 Minor Wastewater Line Adjustments 4% $ 15,574,40 Erosion Control/Establish Turf 3% $ 11,680.80 Basic Landscaping/Irrigation 3% $ 11,680.80 Franchised Utility Facilities OH utils on east; switchgear in r.o.w. east side 10% $ 38,936400 Railroad Crossing 5% $ 19,468.00 Tree Mitigation 3% $ 11,680,80 Other move fence around water tower 2% $ 71787,20 Allowance Subtotal $ 358,211.20 Paving and Allowance Subtotal $ 747,571.20 Construction Contingency @ 20% $ 149,514.24 Total Construction Cost $ 8971085A4 Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost Construction $ 897,085.44 Engineering/Survey/Testing 20% $ 179,417.09 Mobilization 6% $ 53,825.13 Previous City Contribution $ Other $ R.O.W. and Easement Acquisition None $3/SF $ Total Impact Fee Project Cost 1 $ 1,130,327.65 PREPARED BY EIKON JULY 2016 CITY OF BANGER IMPACT FEE STUDY CONCEPTUAL LEVEL COST PROJECTIONS JULY 2016 Street Name: Limits: Impact Fee Class: Ultimate Class: Length (LF): Marion Rd FM 455 to Huling Rd. 4,013 Existing two lane asphalt roadway. Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost Unclassified Street Excavation 53350,40 Cy $ 15,00 $ 80,256,00 6" Lime or Cement Subgrade Treatment (27 Ibs/sf) 22,739,20 SY $ 4.00 $ 9Q956.80 8" Reinf. Concrete Pvmt with 6" Integral Curb 20,955,73 SY $ 46,00 $ 963,963.73 4" Topsoil 4,458.67 SY $ 5,00 $ 22,293.33 4' Wide Concrete Sidewalk 32J02 SF $ 4,00 $ 128,409.60 Turn Lanes and Median Openings SY 1$ 50,00 $ Signalized Intersection EA $ 200s000.00 $ $ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal 1,285,879.47 Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost R.O.W. Preparation 6% $ 77,152.77 Traffic Control During Construction 5% $ 64,293,97 Pavment Markings 3% $ 38$76.38 Roadway Drainage 30% $ 385,763,84 Roadway Lighting 6% $ 77J52.77 Special Drainage Structures (bridges and culverts) 2 culverts 6% $ 77,152,77 Minor Water Line Adjustments 6% $ 77J52.77 Minor Wastewater Line Adjustments 4% $ 51,435,18 Erosion Control/Establish Turf 3% $ 38,576,38 Basic Landscaping/Irrigation 3% $ 38,576,38 Franchised Utility Facilities OH-E on e. side; UG-Fiber/Tel both sides 3% $ 38,576,38 Railroad Crossing 3% $ 38,576,38 Tree Mitigation 3% $ 38,576.38 Other 0% $ Allowance Subtotal 1,041,562.37 Paving and Allowance Subtotal $ 23327,441.83 Construction Contingency @ 20% $ 465,488.37 Total Construction Cost 2,792,930.20 Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost Construction $ 21792,930,20 Engineering/Survey/Testing 20% $ 5583586,04 Mobilization 6% $ 167,575.81 Previous City Contribution $ - Other $ R.O.W. and Easement Acquisition Entire Length at 72 Feet Wide $3/SF $ 361,152.00 Total Impact Fee Project Cost $ 3,880,244.05 PREPARED BY EIKON JULY 2016 CITY OF SANGER IMPACT FEE STUDY CONCEPTUAL LEVEL COST PROJECTIONS JULY 2016 Street Name: Lois Rd Limits: E. of Melton Rd. to I-35 Impact Fee Class: Ultimate Class: Length (LF): 41382 Existing two lane asphalt roadway. Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost Unclassified Street Excavation 51843,20 Cy $ 15,00 $ 87,648,00 6" Lime or Cement Subgrade Treatment (27 Ibs/sf) 24,833.60 SY $ 4,00 $ 99,334440 8" Reinf. Concrete Pvmt with 6" Integral Curb 22,885.87 SY $ 46,00 $ 1,0520749.87 4" Topsoil 41869,33 SY $ 5.00 $ 24,346,67 4' Wide Concrete Sidewalk 35,059 SF $ 4,00 $ 140,236.80 Turn Lanes and Median Openings 8001 SY I $ 50,00 $ 40,000.00 Signalized Intersection EA 1 $ 200,000.00 $ - $ - Paving Construction Cost Subtotal 1,444,315.73 Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost R.O.W. Preparation 6% $ 86,658.94 Traffic Control During Construction 5% $ 72,215.79 Pavment Markings 3% $ 43,329.47 Roadway Drainage 30% $ 433,294.72 Roadway Lighting 6% $ 86,658.94 Special Drainage Structures (bridges and culverts) 1 culvert (major) at Walmart 6% $ 86,658.94 Minor Water Line Adjustments 6% $ 86,658.94 Minor Wastewater Line Adjustments 4% $ 57,772.63 Erosion Control/Establish Turf 3% $ 43,329,47 Basic Landscaping/Irrigation 3% $ 43,329,47 Franchised Utility Facilities OH-E s. side; UG-Fiber both sides 5% $ 72,215.79 Railroad Crossing I single track east of Walmart 5% $ 720215,79 Tree Mitigation 3% $ 43,329A7 Other 0% $ - Allowance Subtotal 1,227,668.37 Paving and Allowance Subtotal $ 2,671,984.11 Construction Contingency @ 20% $ 534,396.82 Total Construction Cost 3,206,380.93 Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost Construction $ 3,206,380.93 Engineering/Survey/Testing 20% $ 641,276,19 Mobilization 6% $ 192,382.86 Previous City Contribution $ Other $ - R.O.W. and Easement Acquisition Entire Length at 72 Feet Wide $3/SF 1 $ 394,416.00 Total Impact Fee Project Cost $ 4,434,455.97 PREPARED BY EIKON JULY 2016 CITY OF BANGER IMPACT FEE STUDY CONCEPTUAL LEVEL COST PROJECTIONS JULY 2016 Street Name: Limits: Impact Fee Class: Ultimate Class: Length (LF): Belz Rd 135 SBFR to Metz Rd 5,126 Existing two Zane asphalt roadway. Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost Unclassified Street Excavation 61834,67 CY $ 15,00 $ 102,520.00 6" Lime or Cement Subgrade Treatment (27 Ibs/sf) 290047,33 SY $ 4.00 $ 116,189,33 8" Reinf, Concrete Pvmt with 6" Integral Curb 26,769.11 SY $ 46,00 $ 11231,379,11 4" Topsoil 5,695.56 SY $ 5,00 $ 28,477.78 4' Wide Concrete Sidewalk 41,008 SF $ 4,00 $ 164,032.00 Turn Lanes and Median Openings SY $ 50,00 $ Signalized Intersection EA $ 200,000,00 $ $ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal 1,642,598.22 Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost R.O.W. Preparation 6% $ 98,555,89 Traffic Control During Construction 5% $ 82,129,91 Pavment Markings 3% $ 49,277.95 Roadway Drainage 30% $ 492,779.47 Roadway Lighting 6% $ 98,555,89 Special Drainage Structures (bridges and culverts) 2 culverts (one major) 10% $ 164,259.82 Minor Water Line Adjustments 6% $ 98,555,89 Minor Wastewater Line Adjustments 4% $ 650703,93 Erosion Control/Establish Turf 3% $ 49,277,95 Basic Landscaping/Irrigation 3% $ 4%277.95 Franchised Utility Facilities OH-E on metal poles n. side; OH-E conc 6% $ 98,555,89 Railroad Crossing 1 3% $ 49,277.95 Tree Mitigation 3% $ 49,277.95 Other 0% $ Allowance Subtotal 10445,486444 Paving and Allowance Subtotal $ 310883084.66 Construction Contingency @ 20% $ 617,616.93 Total Construction Cost 3,705,701.59 Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost Construction $ 317053701,59 Engineering/Survey/Testing 20% $ 741,140,32 Mobilization 6% $ 222,342.10 Previous City Contribution $ - Other $ R.O.W. and Easement Acquisition Entire Length at 72 Feet Wide $3/SF $ 461,340.00 Total Impact Fee Project Cost $ 5J30,524.00 PREPARED BY EIKON JULY 2016 CITY OF SANGER IMPACT FEE STUDY CONCEPTUAL LEVEL COST PROJECTIONS JLILY 2016 Street Name: Limits: Impact Fee Class: Ultimate Class: Length (LF): Metz Rd Belz Rd to FM 455 3,525 Existing two lane asphalt roadway. Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost Unclassified Street Excavation 4,700.00 Cy $ 15,00 $ 703500.00 6" Lime or Cement Subgrade Treatment (27 Ibs/sf) 19,975,00 SY $ 4.00 $ 7%900.00 8" Reinf, Concrete Pvmt with 6" Integral Curb 18,408.33 SY $ 46,00 $ 846,783,33 4" Topsoil 3,916.67 SY $ 5,00 $ 193583.33 4' Wide Concrete Sidewalk 28,200 SF $ 4.00 $ 112,800.00 Turn Lanes and Median Openings I SY I $ 50,00 $ - Signalized Intersection EA $ 2003000,00 $ - $ - Paving Construction Cost Subtotal 1,129,566.67 Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost R.O.W. Preparation 6% $ 673774,00 Traffic Control During Construction 5% $ 56,478.33 Pavment Markings 3% $ 33,887,00 Roadway Drainage 30% $ 338,870,00 Roadway Lighting 6% $ 67,774.00 Special Drainage Structures (bridges and culverts) 3 culverts 10% $ 1122956,67 Minor Water Line Adjustments 6% $ 67,774,00 Minor Wastewater Line Adjustments 4% $ 45,182.67 Erosion Control/Establish Turf 3% $ 330887,00 Basic Landscaping/Irrigation 3% $ 33,887,00 Franchised Utility Facilities OH-E both sides 10% $ 112,956.67 Railroad Crossing 8% $ 902365,33 Tree Mitigation 3% $ 33,887.00 Other Site distance issue at FM 455 0% $ Allowance Subtotal 14095,679.67 Paving and Allowance Subtotal $ 212252246.33 Construction Contingency @ 20% $ 445,049.27 Total Construction Cost 2,670,295.60 Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost Construction $ 2,670,295.60 Engineering/Survey/Testing 20% $ 534,059.12 Mobilization 6% $ 160,217.74 Previous City Contribution $ Other $ - R.O.W. and Easement Acquisition Entire Length at 72 Feet Wide $3/SF $ 3175250.00 Total Impact Fee Project Cost $ 3,681,822.46 PREPARED BY EIKON JULY 2016 CITY OF SANGER IMPACT FEE STUDY CONCEPTUAL LEVEL COST PROJECTIONS JULY 2016 Street Name: Extension of Utility Rd New roadway adjacent to farm and open fields. Limits: RR tracks to Marion Rd (at Huling Rd) Roadway to go between two houses at Marion. Impact Fee Class: Ultimate Class: Length (LF): 4,055 Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost Unclassified Street Excavation 31754,63 CY $ 15,00 $ 56,319.44 6" Lime or Cement Subgrade Treatment (27 Ibs/sf) 13,967422 SY $ 4,00 $ 55,868,89 8" Reinf. Concrete Pvmt with 6" Integral Curb 12,165.00 SY $ 46,00 $ 559,590.00 4" Topsoil 3,604.44 SY $ 5,00 $ 180022,22 4' Wide Concrete Sidewalk 32,440 SF $ 4,00 $ 129,760,00 Turn Lanes and Median Openings I I SY I $ 50,00 $ - Signalized Intersection EA $ 200,000,00 $ - $ - Paving Construction Cost Subtotal 819,560056 Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost R.O.W. Preparation 6% $ 49J73.63 Traffic Control During Construction 5% $ 40,978.03 Pavment Markings 3% $ 24,586.82 Roadway Drainage 30% $ 245,868.17 Roadway Lighting 6% $ 49,173.63 Special Drainage Structures (bridges and culverts) 6% $ 49J73.63 Minor Water Line Adjustments 6% $ 49,173,63 Minor Wastewater Line Adjustments 4% $ 32,782,42 Erosion Control/Establish Turf 3% $ 24,586.82 Basic Landscaping/Irrigation 3% $ 24,586.82 Franchised Utility Facilities 3% $ 24,586,82 Railroad Crossing single track 8% $ 65,564.84 Tree Mitigation 3% $ 242586,82 Other 0% $ Allowance Subtotal 704,822608 Paving and Allowance Subtotal $ 1,524,382.63 Construction Contingency @ 20% $ 304,876.53 Total Construction Cost 1,829,259.16 Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost Construction $ 118293259,16 Engineering/Survey/Testing 20% $ 3650851,83 Mobilization 6% $ 109,755.55 Previous City Contribution $ - Other $ - R.O.W. and Easement Acquisition 1 Entire Length at 72 Feet Wide I $3/SF $ 875,880,00 Total Impact Fee Project Cost $ 31180,746,54 PREPARED BY EIKON JULY 2016 CITY OF SANGER IMPACT FEE STUDY CONCEPTUAL LEVEL COST PROJECTIONS JULY 2016 Street Name: Extension of Keaton Rd Limits: Belz Rd to FM 455 Impact Fee Class: Ultimate Class: Length (LF): 31527 New roadway adjacent to farm field and signal tower site. Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost Unclassified Street Excavation 3,265.74 Cy $ 15,00 $ 48,986,11 6" Lime or Cement Subgrade Treatment (27 Ibs/sf) 12,148,56 SY $ 4,00 $ 48,594,22 8" Reinf. Concrete Pvmt with 6" Integral Curb 10,581,00 SY $ 46,00 $ 486,726,00 4" Topsoil 31135,11 SY $ 5.00 $ 15,675,56 4' Wide Concrete Sidewalk 28,216 SF $ 4.00 $ 112,864.00 Turn Lanes and Median Openings SY $ 50.00 $ Signalized Intersection EA $ 200,000.00 $ $ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal $ 7123845.89 Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost R.O.W. Preparation 6% $ 42,770,75 Traffic Control During Construction 5% $ 35,642,29 Pavment Markings 3% $ 21,385,38 Roadway Drainage 30% $ 213,853,77 Roadway Lighting 6% $ 42,770.75 Special Drainage Structures (bridges and culverts) 10% $ 71,284.59 Minor Water Line Adjustments 69/6 $ 42,770,75 Minor Wastewater Line Adjustments 4% $ 28,513.84 Erosion Control/Establish Turf 3% $ 21,385.38 Basic Landscaping/Irrigation 3% $ 21,385.38 Franchised Utility Facilities OH-E on concrete poles e. side; OH-E on west sid 10% $ 71,284.59 Railroad Crossing 3% $ 21,385,38 Tree Mitigation 3% $ 21,385,38 Other 0% $ Allowance Subtotal $ 655,818.22 Paving and Allowance Subtotal $ 1$68,664.11 Construction Contingency @ 20% $ 273,732.82 Total Construction Cost $ 1,642,396.93 Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost Construction $ 1,642,396.93 Engineering/Survey/Testing 20% $ 328,479.39 Mobilization 6% $ 98,543,82 Previous City Contribution $ Other $ R.O.W. and Easement Acquisition Entire Length at 72 Feet Wide $3/SF $ 761,832.00 Total Impact Fee Project Cost 1 $ 2,831,252.13 PREPARED BY EIKON DULY 2016 CITY OF SANGER IMPACT FEE STUDY CONCEPTUAL LEVEL COST PROJECTIONS JULY 2016 Street Name: Future Belz Rd -Indian Rd Connector Limits: 1-35 NBFR to FM 455 Impact Fee Class: Ultimate Class: Length (LF): 5,385 Future roadway through open fields. Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost Unclassified Street Excavation 7,180.00 Cy $ 15,00 $ 107,700.00 6" Lime or Cement Subgrade Treatment (27 Ibs/sf) 30,515.00 SY $ 4.00 $ 122,060,00 8" Reinf. Concrete Pvmt with 6" Integral Curb 28,121,67 SY $ 46,00 $ 11293,596,67 4" Topsoil 5,983.33 SY $ 5,00 $ 29,916,67 4' Wide Concrete Sidewalk 43,080 SF $ 4,00 $ 172,320.00 Turn Lanes and Median Openings I SY $ 50.00 I $ - Signalized Intersection EA $ 200,000.00 $ - $ - Paving Construction Cost Subtotal 1,725,593.33 Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost R.O.W. Preparation 6% $ 1030535,60 Traffic Control During Construction 5% $ 863279.67 Pavment Markings 3% $ 51,767,80 Roadway Drainage 30% $ 5173678,00 Roadway Lighting 6% $ 103,535.60 Special Drainage Structures (bridges and culverts) 6 stream crossings 30% $ 517,678,00 Minor Water Line Adjustments 6% $ 103,535,60 Minor Wastewater Line Adjustments 4% $ 69,023,73 Erosion Control/Establish Turf 3% $ 51,767,80 Basic Landscaping/Irrigation 3% $ 51,767,80 Franchised Utility Facilities OH-E along n, side of FM 455 10% $ 172,559.33 Railroad Crossing isingle track 10% $ 172,559.33 Tree Mitigation 3% $ 51,767,80 Other 0% $ - Allowance Subtotal 2,053,456.07 Paving and Allowance Subtotal $ 3,779,049.40 Construction Contingency @ 20% $ 755,809.88 Total Construction Cost 4,534,859.28 Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost Construction $ 41534,859,28 Engineering/Survey/Testing 20% $ 906,971.86 Mobilization 6% $ 272,091.56 Previous City Contribution $ - Other $ R.O.W. and Easement Acquisition I Entire Length at 72 Feet Wide $3/SF I $ 1,163,160.00 Total Impact Fee Project Cost $ 6,877,082.69 PREPARED BY EIKON JULY 2016 CITY OF BANGER IMPACT FEE STUDY CONCEPTUAL LEVEL COST PROJECTIONS JULY 2016 Street Name: Future East-West Thoroughfare Future roadway through open fields. Limits: Cowling Rd to BNSF RR Tracks Impact Fee Class: Ultimate Class: Length (LF): 21798 Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Cost Unclassified Street Excavation 33731,20 Cy $ 15.00 $ 55,968,00 6" Lime or Cement Subgrade Treatment (27 Ibs/sf) 15,857.60 SY $ 4.00 $ 63,430,40 8" Reinf, Concrete Pvmt with 6" Integral Curb 14,613,87 SY $ 46,00 $ 672,237.87 4" Topsoil 31109,33 SY $ 5,00 $ 15,546.67 4' Wide Concrete Sidewalk 22,387 SF $ 4,00 $ 89,548.80 Turn Lanes and Median Openings SY $ 50.00 $ Signalized Intersection EA $ 200,060.00 $ Paving Construction Cost Subtotal $ 896,731.73 Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost R.O.W. Preparation 6% $ 53,803.90 Traffic Control During Construction 5% $ 44,836,59 Pavment Markings 3% $ 26,901.95 Roadway Drainage 30% $ 269,019,52 Roadway Lighting 6% $ 53,803,90 Special Drainage Structures (bridges and culverts) 1 stream crossing 35% $ 313,856.11 Minor Water Line Adjustments 6% $ 53,803.90 Minor Wastewater Line Adjustments 4% $ 35,869,27 Erosion Control/Establish Turf 3% $ 261901,95 Basic Landscaping/Irrigation 3% $ 26,901.95 Franchised Utility Facilities OH-E n. side from Cowling to railroad 3% $ 26,901,95 Railroad Crossing single track 3% $ 26,901.95 Tree Mitigation 3% $ 263901,95 Other Improvements to intersection with Railr O% $ Allowance Subtotal $ 986,404.91 Paving and Allowance Subtotal $ 1,883,136.64 Construction Contingency @ 20% $ 376,627.33 Total Construction Cost $ 2,259,763.97 Item Description Notes Allowance Item Cost Construction $ 2125%763.97 Engineering/Survey/Testing 20% $ 451,952.79 Mobilization 6% $ 135,585,84 Previous City Contribution $ Other $ R.O.W. and Easement Acquisition Entire Length at 72 Feet Wide $3/SF $ 604,454,40 Total Impact Fee Project Cost 1 $ 3,451,757.00 PREPARED BY EIKON JULY 2016 Roadway Impact Fee Service Units of Supply NN N N O1 O N a m N a W N U M N a M M 1 N O 1 M O O O a O p) O M In pp V N M � M M- l0 m W c a ro a Clw N M M a` m H a d N N M O com O a O M pOp W W > f W CL O' U = .D�_ o rn o o a a M a a N n U N S y M M M N V N f N Y F0 M (0 e0 M a m a to U W T O a rj N n F en N N A S Z N N N N N N N N N a S J M N N N UI lf1 a s ul N > va u_ Z m 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 N d o o O O O O O O o O N Q O O O O O O O O O O G_ Y �a (9 M M N in In In O O t0 to � O N N N N N V V N U > VN1 tN(I U � = Z d c a a a a a a N N a a m J L N lb r m O) t0 f� e0 p y N O O O O O O C3 O J v v c c J t0 N N t0 N N -� t0 N J J J J J J N N J J a a a a a a 5 o a a V O O O O O O U U O O c c c c c c m a c c E E E E f F o o E E U U o N c r a c o D 0 O U O T Z E of O N v 1 3 ° m Y N O N N N W 3 m v v LL LL N O y U O ,U c N u x LLJ N � O Y a 01 61 O V CO N_ 0) CO O] (0 0) 0) N mN r� T+) N O r c0 _O w O w O 0) d' 0) 0c1' W CO u1 •— N y O ^ M to I� V) O co M O t1) M co n M O V y U N u m N N W U EL 1 Y () m O M q w N_ m W W (0 0 M N N N r�M n. !0 N ( n N _O W O (O 0)OJ V 0) 00 a+ O ^ M V M r M co M (0 0) Ln M CO n M O V' y p U (D C O Nj N E N N > d 2 h M d1 r� m CO (n V00 (O N to N OJ CO N O) V v) (p Y— to N M OJ (0 N n M CO M m 41 M N CO I� N Q. r O al V dl m O N r M w O r� O to (O 0) a H U w T O .a: N Nj N/ OS cV Cq 1- 0) E aaOf > >S " u° v7 n n o 0 0 0 0 0 Lo O (n o 0 0 U N (p Z N N N N N N N to N to N to M N M N N M M N S (n (n u7 u) �n (� )n V d' V V' V' V (0 (O U) <Y V V (O O h > U a u wm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ¢ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c _ 0 Y w o_ U� ? to M to M O Ln to O O O o O 0 to O mO O O u) O O N N N N to N N to to (n M )n )n N v) N (n (n (n N > (n N M m V LO (n V V <f' d' V' mw Ln V' V' V (n ~U Um Z y C N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N J E cO co r 0) O M M 0] N V �n t� O) O r O M m co M � � M O d' O m � N O dl r N (p ^ M � .c p) M O N O O Ni cV O cV (V (0 O cV O G w J w w w W w w w w w w w w w w w C w w C G C C C C w C w C C C w 'o v `0 `0 `o 'o `o `� 'o o m o 00 V `o 'o o `o o `o u u u `o cl `o u u u o u u u u 'u c_ c_ c_ c_ w c_ c_ w w w w w w c c_ w w w c_ E F F o F E o o 0 o o o E o 0 o E U U U O U U U 0. U U U U O w C w c i0 a v a o a c m a a � w N m O = cr Z >` c E N 01 N O y y N N O N N 3 y C N N 'Q 'O O N N = io lfl 0 E N N J J Q] F U () LL LL = FC O i v C Y U Q v = in 3 D o —_ LL C Maximum Allowable Roadway Impact Fee Per Service Unit Calculations Line Title Description Total Vehicle -Miles of Based on the capacity, length, and number of lanes for each 1 Capacity Added by the project - Vehicle -Mile Supply Peak -Hour Total from Appendix Roadway Improvement B Service Units of Supply Projects Total Vehicle -Miles of The amount of traffic currently on the roads that are planned 2 Existing Demand From the for expansion - Vehicle -Mile Total Demand Peak -Hour Total Roadway Improvement from Appendix B Service Units of Supply Projects Total Vehicle -Miles of Vehicle -Miles of travel that are not accommodated by the 3 Existing Deficiencies From existing roads - Existing Deficiencies Peak -Hour Vehicle -Mile the Existing Roadway from Appendix B Existing Roadway Facilities Inventory Facilities Amount of Vehicle -Miles added by the thoroughfare plan that 4 Net Amount of Vehicle -Miles will not be utilized by the existing demand of Capacity Added = Line 1 - Line 2 - Line 3 Total Cost of the Roadway Total of the Opinion of Probable Construction Costs for the 5 Improvement Projects 10-Year Roadway Impact Study Total of the Opinion of Probable Construction Costs for the Cost of the Net Capacity 10-Year Roadway Impact Study prorated by the ratio capacity 6 Supplied added to the total capacity added _ (Line 4/Line 1) x Line 5 The Total Cost of the Roadway Improvements minus the Cost 7 Cost to Meet the Existing of the Capacity Supplied Needs and Usage = Line 5 - Line 6 Total Vehicle -Miles of New The Estimate of the Number of Vehicle -Miles growth within 8 Demand over 10-Years the Service Area - based on the TDF Percent of Capacity Added The Total Vehicle -Miles of New Demand over 10-Years divided by the Net Amount of Vehicle -Miles of Capacity Added up to 9 Attributable to Growth 100%. Required by Chapter 395 to verify the (Must be Less than or Equal capacity added is from new growth. to 100%) = Line 8 / Line 4 <= 100% The Cost of the Net Capacity Supplied multiplied by the 10 Cost of Capacity Added Percent of Capacity Added Attributable to Growth Attributable to Growth = Line 6 x Line 9 Per Chapter 395 and the option selected in the report, multiply the Cost of Capacity Added Attributable to Growth 11 50% Credit by 50%, which is the recoverable cost of the projected improvements based on the projected growth = Line 10 x 50% The 50% Credit divided by Total Vehicle -Miles of New Demand 12 Max Assessable Fee Per over 10-Years Service Unit/Vehicle Mile = Line 11 /Line 8 PREPARED BY EIKON JULY 2016 Land Use/Vehicle-Mile Equivalency Table ITE Trip Pass- NCTCOG Adj. Adj. Trip Max Veh-Mi Land Use Land Development Gen Trip Trip Trip Category Use Unit Rate By Rate Length For Om* Length Length Per Rate ate D (mi) Unit Code (PM) PORT AND TERMINAL Truck Terminal 30 Acres 6.55 6.55 10.02 50% 5.01 5.01 32.82 INDUSTRIAL General Light 110 11000 SF GFA 0.97 0.97 10.02 50% 5.01 5.01 4.86 Industrial General Heavy 120 11000 SF GFA 0.68 0.68 10.02 50% 5.01 5.01 3.41 Industrial Industrial Park 130 11000 SF GFA 0.85 0.86 10.02 50% 5.01 5.01 4.31 Warehousing 150 11000 SF GFA 0.32 0.32 10.83 50% 5.42 5.42 1.73 Mini -Warehouse 151 11000 SF GFA 0.26 0.26 10.83 50% 5.42 5.42 1.41 RESIDENTIAL Single -Family Detached 210 Dwelling Unit 1.01 1.01 17.21 50% 8.61 6 6.06 Housing Apartment/Multi- 220 Dwelling Unit 0.62 0.62 17.21 50% 8.61 6 3.72 family Residential Condominium/ 230 Dwelling Unit 0.52 0.52 17.21 50% 8.61 6 3.12 Townhome Mobile Home Park/ 240 Dwelling Unit 0.59 0.59 17.21 50% 8.61 6 3.54 Manufactured Housing Senior Adult 252 Dwelling Unit 0.27 0.27 17.21 50% 8.61 6 1.62 Housing Congregate Care 253 Dwelling Unit 0.16 0.16 17.21 50% 8.61 6 0.96 Facility Assisted Living 254 Beds 0.22 0.22 17.21 50% 8.61 6 1.32 LODGING Hotel 310 Rooms 0.59 0.59 6.43 50% 3.22 3.22 1.90 Motel / Other Lodging 320 Rooms 0.47 0.47 6.43 50% 3.22 3.22 1.51 Facilities RECREATIONAL Driving Range 432 Tees 1.25 1.25 6.43 50% 3.22 3.22 4.02 Golf Course 430 Acres 0.3 0.3 6.43 50% 3.22 3.22 0.96 Health/Rec. Clubs and 495 11000 SF GFA 2.74 2.74 6.43 50% 3.22 3.22 8.81 Facilities Ice Rink 465 11000 SF GFA 2.36 2.36 6.43 50% 3.22 3.22 7.59 Miniature Golf 431 Holes 0.33 0.33 6.43 50% 3.22 3.22 1.06 Multiplex Movie 445 Screens 13.64 13.64 6.43 50% 3.22 3.22 43.85 Theater Racquet / 491 Courts 3.35 3.35 6.43 50% 3.22 3.22 10.77 Tennis Club PREPARED BY EIKON JULY 2016 ITE Trip Pass- NCTCOG Adj. Adj. Trip Max Veh-MI Land Use Land Development Gen By Trip Trip For 0- Length Trip Per vm Category Use; Unit Rate ate Rate Rate Length D (mi) Length Unit :Code (PM) (mi) (mi) INSTITUTIONAL Church 560 11000 SF GFA 0.55 0.55 4.2 50% 2.10 2.10 1.16 Day Care Center 565 11000 SF GFA 12.34 44% 6.91 4.2 50% 2.10 2.10 14.51 Primary/Middle 522 Students 0.16 0.16 4.2 50% 2.10 2.10 0.34 School (1-8) High School (9- 530 Students 0.13 0.13 4.2 50% 2.10 2.10 0.27 12) Jr / Community 540 Students 0.12 0.12 4.2 50% 2.10 2.10 0.25 College University / 550 Students 0.17 0.21 4.2 50% 2.10 2.10 0.44 College MEDICAL Clinic 630 11000 SF GFA 5.18 5.18 7.55 50% 3.78 3.78 19.55 Hospital 610 Beds 1.42 1.31 7.55 50% 3.78 3.78 4.95 Nursing Home 620 Beds 0.22 0.22 7.55 50% 3.78 3.78 0.83 Animal Hospital/ 640 11000 SF GFA 4.72 30% 3.30 7.55 50% 3.78 3.78 12.47 Veterinary Clinic OFFICE Corporate Headquarters 714 1,000 SF GFA 1.41 1.41 10.02 50% 5.01 5.01 7.06 Building General Office 710 12000 SF GFA 1.49 1.49 10.02 50% 5.01 5.01 7.46 Building Medical/Dental 720 11000 SF GFA 3.57 3.57 10.02 SO% 5.01 5.01 17.89 Office Single Tenant 715 11000 SF GFA 1.74 1.74 10.02 50% 5.01 5.01 8.72 Office Building Office Park 750 11000 SF GFA 1.48 1.48 10.02 50% 5.01 5.01 7.41 PREPARED BY EIKON DULY 2016 ITE Trip Pass- NCTCOG Adj. Adj. Trip Max Veh-Mi Land Use Land Development Gen By Trip Trip For 0- Length Trip Per Category Use Unit Rate Ratate Rate Length D (mi) Length t Unit Code (PM) (mi) ; (mi) COMMERCIAL Automobile Related Automobile Care 942 11000 SF GLA 3.11 40% 1.87 6.43 50% 3.22 3.22 6.00 Center Automobile Parts 843 11000 SF GFA 5.98 43% 3.41 6.43 50% 3.22 3.22 10.96 Sales Gasoline/Service Vehicle Station w/ Conv. 945 Fueling 13.51 20% 10.81 1.2 50% 0.60 0.60 6.48 Market Positions New and Used 841 12000 SF GFA 2.62 40% 1.57 6.43 50% 3.22 3.22 5.05 Car Sales Quick Lubrication 941 Servicing S.19 40% 3.11 6.43 50% 3.22 3.22 10.01 Vehicle Shop Positions Self -Service Car 947 Stalls 5.54 40% 3.32 1.2 50% 0.60 0.60 1.99 Wash Tire Store 848 12000 SF GFA 4.15 28% 2.99 6.43 50% 3.22 3.22 9.61 Dining Fast Food Restaurant with 934 11000 SF GFA 33.84 50% 16.92 4.79 50% 2.40 2.40 40.52 Drive-Thru High Turnover (Sit -Down) 932 11000 SF GFA 11.15 43% 6.36 4.79 50% 2.40 2.40 15.22 Restaurant Quality 931 11000 SF GFA 7.49 44% 4.19 4.79 50% 2.40 2.40 10.05 Restaurant Other Retail 0.00 Free -Standing 815 11000 SF GFA 5 44% 2.80 6.43 50% 3.22 3.22 9.00 Retail Store Garden Center 817 1,000 SF GFA 3.8 30% 2.66 6.43 50% 3.22 3.22 8.55 (Nursery) Home Improvement 862 11000 SF GFA 2.37 48% 1.23 6.43 50% 3.22 3.22 3.96 Superstore Pharmacy/Drugs tore With Drive- 881 11000 SF GFA 10.35 53% 4.86 6.43 50% 3.22 3.22 15.64 Thru Window Shopping Center 820 10000 SF GLA 3.73 34% 2.46 6.43 50% 3.22 3.22 7.91 Supermarket 850 1,000 SF GFA 10.5 36% 6.72 6.43 50% 3.22 3.22 21.60 Toy/Children's 864 13000 SF GFA 4.99 30% 6.43 SO% 3.22 3.22 11.23 Supers tore SERVICES r72 Bank (Walk -In) 911 19000 SF GFA 12.13 40% 3.39 50% 1.70 L70 12.34 Bank (Drive In) 912 Drive-in 27441 47% 14.53 3.39 50% 1.70 1.70 24.62 Lanes Hair Salon 918 1,000 SF GLA 1.45 30% 1.02 3.39 50% 1.70 1.70 1.72 PREPARED BY EIKON JULY 2016 Service Area Map w w rz 4 �¢wo rrN m�Q� _? WJ AMVONn08 V3W 3OY M3S j, ' W j "D a � - _ Q Lij ry s � Ara IK13 � 's p tl EI H. I. i rrr vi a i 1 . ®? 1 UIJ It, C " t C+ or Rkf 6U)I'4I I now= r oMm. rn m pkf bulinW re o m •08 NOIMVPI NI NVIONI NI NVIOI 11 Muni } W " o Elf ta{ua�W ai cxz �Z Nt mum mmwt* m u OM ON I {M0 *04ft • L* o HIM sa /NO1V3M oo rrhd�tafiitl.rir.rrr.r.rrrrrr.f'Hi$"E An = � s FHilfi?gllnS' P4 1� AMVoNn06 V3MV 3.0A83s h` a d'A, I l }xM sse0l.ue�, I z Pif plai) +y CDa v YJ yi f, _ �- Tp U ii }I Chiaum nd a f7�-0 NI114 lid r a EXHIBIT B Roadway Impact Fee Collection Rate Residential Fee Per Service Unit $ 247.53 Nonresidential Fee Per Service Unit $ 185.65 Proposed City of Sanger Roadway Impact Fees Residential Fee Per Service Unit $ 247.53 Nonresidential Fee Per Service Unit $ 185.65 Selected Residential all Unit VM/DU Fee per Uses Dwelling Unit SFD Dwelling Dwelling 6.06 $ 1,500 Apartment Dwelling 3.72 $ 921 Townhome Dwelling 3.12 $ 772 Selected Non -Residential Fee per Land Uses Unit VM/DU Development Unit General Office 1,000 sqft 7.46 $ 1,385 Medical Office 1,000 sqft 17.89 $ 3,321 Fast Food 1,000 sqft 40.52 $ 7,522 Sit Down Restaurant 1,000 sqft 15.22 $ 2,826 Quality Restaurant 1,000 sqft 10.05 $ 11866 Light Industrial 1,000 sqft 4.86 $ 902 Heavy Industrial 1,000 sqft 3.41 $ 633 Warehouse 1,000 sqft 1.73 $ 321 Church 1,000 sqft 1.16 $ 215 Day Care Center 1,000 sqft 14.51 $ 2,694 Medical Clinic 1,000 sqft 19.55 $ 39629 Corporate Headquarters 1,000 sqft 8.46 $ 19571 New Car Sales 1,000 sqft 5.05 $ 938 Supermarket 1,000 sqft 21.60 $ 4,010 Discount Store 1,000 sqft 9.00 $ 1,671 Walk4n Bank 1,000 sqft 12.34 $ 2,291 Hotel Room 1.90 $ 353 Motel Room 1.51 $ 280 Note: These are selected examples of land uses from the Roadway Impact Fee Study. For a comprehensive list, consult the study. TmasdaXAuguA4,2016• Sanger News �20 words - $10 a week en Classifieds a Call:940-45&8515 � email: sangeliq^lemonsjwbfcatans.com WEACCEPfALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS FREE ADS • Lost/Found & Free Pets Help Wanted I I Help Wanted Garage Sates I I For Rent services I I services WANTE01 Pert -time Delivery Driver Flexible hours- MUST have valid COL (class A or B). Piggyback forklift exp pre- lerred. $15S18 per hour (dspending on exp and molivation), Apply in per- son at BNB Stone, 917 N. t0th St., Sanger TX 76266. Help wanted: Full-time building and lawn main- tenance. Call 940482- 0186. Located in Krum. nus 90?sA ll Pitying Pearly SalaryModMy Bonuses Benefit Packages Holiday & Vacation Pay .\pph' online d<ne.vaaa.c BANGER NEWS CLASSIFIEDS Just 410 perweek for both the weekly Sanger News and the weekly Krum News! Small your ad to; sanger® lemonspublieations.com or tall us at 940.45E-5515 STALEV STEEL INC in Pilot Point, TX has an immediate opening for the following po- sns: Melntenence 7echniclan • lydrauric Experence re- quired • Eledrical Experience re- quired • Plumbing Experience re- quired • Overhead Crane Mainte- nance Experience preferred • HVAC Experience a plus • Must have own hand tools • Must be willing to work overtime as needed • oth Must be willing to work er duties as assigned by your supervisor Grounds Keeper • Experience using lawn equipment: o Zero Turn Mower o $mail Tractor with brush oWSad Eaters • Knowledge of lawn equip- ment maintenance a plus • Irrigation system knowl- edge a plus • Must be able to work in the heat • Must be willing to work other duties as assigned by your supervisor Guaranteed 40 hours per week. Competitive pay. Paid healthcare, 401k,den- tal, vision, paid vacation. Conlact Danny Bates at 9404i00U864 Or send Resume to careers®staieysteei.com Pit Stop In Bolivar Is looking for an experienced Cook. Must be dependable antl flexible with work hours. Ap- plications are on the count - at Pit Stop, 6551 FM 455 West. Legal Notices Community Garage Sale: One day only) Multiple to In the Hunnington Ridge subdivision will be part cipating in a communi- ty wide garage sale Satur- day, August 6th from Sam until ?? Too many items to listll No early birds please) From Sanger: take 455 West to 2450 North; Hun- nington Ridge is approxi- mately 2 miles North of the intersection of FM 455/FM 2450. Moving Sale: Everything must got Furniture, elec- uonks, tools, clothing. Sat- urday only, 7am-lpm, 212 Soulhside Dr., Sanger. In Moving Sale: Come to front door. 1024 Porter Place, Sanger. Saturday, Aug. 6 starting at gam. Ev- erything priced to sell) Backyard Sale: next Sat- urday, Aug. 13, from Bam- 3pm at 615 S. 2nd St. in Sanger. Freezer, cot, hoknacks, clothes, and lots of miscellaneous. Paying or<r a50,e00 vr,dy sal.ry merit rim ty Borrow. Brit fit Package Holidayk Vacation Pay Apply Online r;rnrsenae.ram ORDINANCE I08.15.16 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS, $ANGER NEW$ ADOPTING ROADWAY IMPACT FEES PER SERVICE CLA$$IFIED$ UNIT; ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES FOR THE AS- Just 410 perweek In SESSMENT, COLLECTION, COMPUTATION, EXPEN• both the weekly Sanger DITURE, REFUND AND GENERAL ADMINISTRATION OF ROADWAY IMPACT FEES; PROVIDING FOR THE News and the weekly ESTABLISHMENT OFACCOUNTS FOR ROADWAY IM- Krum News! PACT FEES; PROVIDING CONSTRUCTION, SEVER- 940.45114515 ABILITY AND CONFLICT CLAUSES; AND PROVIDING sanger6lemonspublica FORAN EFFECTIVE DATE. tionsecom For Rent: Approximately 600 aq. R. of space ideal for ofice or retail. Located on FM 455 just past high school in Sanger. Call 940- 391-9771 or 940390-9190 for Information. Office Warehouse for lease. Garbage, Water indudad, $750-S800 per month plus deposit. Call 940.390-9574. Facty for Rent: Need a place for a party, wed- tling reception or reunion? Large building with beau- tiful view of Lake Ray Roberts- Very reasonable rates. Call 940-466-2862 or 940.595-6326. Store your boat at Ray Rebertsl Boat & household storage. Secure, lock -up unit. On -site manager. Call Lyndea at 940458.0233. RV and Boat Storage. Enclosed Units, Covered Units and Outdoor Units. Competitive rates. Call 940.390-9574, He for lease: Ponder 3-2, den on one acre No smoking, no pets 1250,00 rent 1250.00 deposit By appointment only 940390-9574 SUBSCRIBE TO THE BANGER NEWS AND GET ONE MONTH FREEI One-year subscriptions are just $23 per year aM your paper will be delivered to your malbox every Thursdayl Subscribe now and get ONE MONTH FREEI To start your subscription, cea 940 458-8515, email IeaRAenanspubiratlms.can or stop by our office at 412 Bolivar St. in downtown Sanger (next door to Sanger Eye Care). SUBSCRIBE TODAY TO THE BANGER NEWS AND RECEIVE ONE MONTH FREE! When you subscribe to the Sanger News for just $23 PER YEAR, you'll receive your hometown newspaper in the mail EVERYTHURSDAY. PLUS ... you'll SAVE 20% PER YEAR off the newstand price! PLUS... we'll give you ONE MONTH FREE as with your new subscription! To subscribe, fill out the form of right and mail it to: SANGHRNEW3NBWSUBSCRIPTION BANGER NEWS PO BOX 250 SANGER, TX 76266 Or, email us at: lee@lemonspublications.com, stop by 412 Bolivar St in downtown Sanger, or call 458.8515 rtilnr4 lo Address City State Zip Payment Encsed BIe Me Later mmaris We Lawn Service Bask lawn service. Honest and reliable. If it's green, we'll cut it. Sanger resident. Call Michael at 940.535.8731 Buy, Sell or trade Musical Instruments Guitars, Violins, and most Musical Instruments. Call Rick at 940.205.8523 Please leave message Mike Morris Cerllrleof Land Specialist Mossy Oak Properties of Texas 940.231-7387 grnoss>oai.properees.can Professlonal Music Instruction Guitar, Bass, Banjo, Mandolin, Piano, Vocal, and Theory. 940.2063446 victor@ victorgann.com www.victorgann,com co DeNO Contracting All phases of Home Improvement and Remodeling. Specializing in Kitchens and Bath. Free Estimates No Job Too Small Cali: 940391-8669 Home: 9404584992 Lea's Old Timey Berber Shop Downtown Sanger on the Square. Specializing in seniors and working men. Senor discount on Wednesdays. 94M82-8333 Lawnmower and Small Engine Repair Franklin's Fix It $mall Engine Repair/ Chains & Blades sharpened Robert Franklin 940-765.3402 tail57robertQaol.00m 4598 Lois Rd East Serlger, TX 76266 Full Service Plumbing. Master Plumber dM-20028, Licensed and Insured. 25 years experience. Reason- able rates, free estimates.ww Call 940-231-2598, w. sangerplumbing,com. Mas- terCard &Visa accepted. SUBSCRIBE TO THE BANGER NEWS AND GET '1 MONTH FREE[ One-year subscriptions are just $23 per year) Subzcnbe now and get ONE MONTH FREEI To start, call 940.453-8515, email uuager�kmmslxablcatiom.com ors lop by our office at 412 Bolivar St. in downtown Sanger �nan t Ag zl nog) 111 Ap g1 FRANK SCAM, OWNER 940a367a5404 HV. — 2 Busy and Can't Find The Time? Keep Us on Your Mindl Lfierk Ls mt eo � Sarrdr•a Su•ift (940) 783.8152 Krum. Texas Serving North Texas e meld4ucs.sandraQemall.com r Your Source For Bearings �� Belts Oil Seals A. Roller Chains Industrial Bearing Co. 4312 W. Hwy 82 a Gainesville 940-665.6971 FENCE PIPE AND SUPPLIES 23/8-27/8-31/2-41l2-51l2 Domctl Caps &Springs Syuare & Rectangle'llfbing All '1)'pesofSteel �Amlxxi,J C•Pm•lin iL7fAi Round Bale Rings Cattle Gnarls feed Troughs Crcepe Feeders 'ff•ailer Parts &Supplies 940.759.2203 SINCE 1942 MUENSTER, TX