02-06-17-Ordinance-Annexing property in the R Beebe Abstract East of Marion Road and North of FM 455-02/06/2017ORDINANCE 02-0647 by the City Council of the City of Sanger, AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING PROPERTIES INTO THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AND EXTENDING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED AREA WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS AND GRANTING TO SAID AREA AND TO ALL FUTURE INHABITANTS OF SAID PROPERTY ALL OF THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF OTHER CITIZENS AND BINDING SAID FUTURE INHABITANTS BY ALL OF THE ACTS AND ORDINANCE OF SAID CITY; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Sanger is authorized, pursuant to the Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 43, to annex an area located in its extraterritorial jurisdiction; WHEREAS, the City Council has offered to the owners of the affected properties a development agreement to defer annexation; and WHEREAS, the City Council has found that the expansion of the city limits to include these properties is in the best interest of the City of Sanger; Now Therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: Section 1 The properties located east of Marion Rd and north of FM 455 as described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein, are hereby annexed into the city, and that the boundary limits of the City are hereby extended to include said territory within the city limits, and the same shall hereafter be included within the territorial limits of said city, and said land and the future inhabitants thereof shall hereafter be entitled to all rights and privileges of other citizens of the City and shall be bound by the acts and ordinances of said City. Section 2 The service plan attached hereto as Exhibit B is approved as part hereof. Section 3 The City Secretary is hereby directed to file with the Denton County Clerk and other appropriate officials and agencies, as required by state and federal law and city annexation procedures, certified copies of this ordinance. Section 4 It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, phrases and words of this Ordinance are severable and, if any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. Section 5 This ordinance will take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption, as the law and Charter in such cases provide. DULY PASSED, APPRO Texas, on this 6th day of February, Ord No. 02-06-17 EXHIBIT A RNUMBER LEGAL DESCRIPTION 297185 A0029a R. Beebe, Tr 70a, 1 Acre 331061 A0029a R. Beebe, Tr 70b, 1.68 Acres 336691 A0029a R. Beebe, Tr 70c, 2 Acres 653335 A0029a R. Beebe, Tr 70(hs), 3.46 Acres, Old Dead Sht 3, Tr 39 686295 A0029a R. Beebe, Tr 70d, 1.35 Acres R251780 r. R658093 R658064 R658095 R251768 f R658096 11 R658091 I' R65809D 1 R658089 n r)= R167607 R59934 19633 R60271 R658070 R658071 R340024 11 R658072 R8073 g I R340023 I � 347777 R659076 R658�075 ifRfi58U74 R59968 R310142I= -- 11 R653335 I� `I IR20151 R255193 Rfi0305 R255194 R132509 j R132465 ,t t R�0102 p p � R�86235 I 455 R60002 This product's for informational purposes and may nIX have been prepared for or be suitable for leg al,engneedng,orsurveyirg pENTON COUNTY purpoveya does esentsronly i an onroximround survey and representsony the approximate rehlivelocationofpreperty boundaries. Technology 0 300 600 1,200 ' Denton County does not guarantee the correctness Feet or accuracy of any features on this product and Q \ V / I c Q or no responsibility in connection therewith ei G s This product may be revised at any time without http://www.dentoncounty.com notfication to any user, t R266024 R251700 �� R2517fi8 �.i:Il"sill; 1658082 R658083 R658084 R65gO85 ' R59940 i R658093 R658094 R658(195 R658 86 R167607\R594934 658498 R658097 R658096 1 R658087 II —T R650091 R658090 I R658089 R658070 R658071 R658072 Ri8073 7 1% J R650077 Z R65;8078 R658075 1 R658074 3 R3101A3 R310142 R653335 R2551.93 ' � �R331081 � �� R255194 Rsoo45 ' S a n j� r ryry q pI 1 I'.���(�)�ftl�l►�.�1V°G� ll\`711e� � �nf'l�:t'JY3 �'nUt7i.�f DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT R59968 R60039 9633# R60271 R340024 R340023 R6o0o2 Annexation & Development Agreements This product is for Informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for Iegal, engneering, or surveying pENTON cols rV purposes, lldoes notrepresentanort-the•gcund survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. Technology 0 300 600 11200 Denton County does not guaranteethe correctness ►' e r v i c e s Feel or accuracy of any features on this product and assumes no responsibility in connectionIherawlh I This product may be revised stony tlmewlthcul J http://www,dentoncounty.com notification to any user, 6 Ord No. uz-VO-17 EXHIBIT B MUNICIPAL SERVICE PLAN FIRE AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES ➢ Existing Services: None ➢ Services to be Provided: Currently, the area is under Denton County's jurisdiction. Fire and emergency medical services will be available to the area upon annexation. Adequate fire and medical emergency services can be afforded to the annexed area within current budget appropriation. Fire prevention activities will be provided by the Fire Marshal's office as needed. POLICE ➢ Existing Services: None ➢ Services to be Provided: Currently, the area is under the jurisdiction of the Denton County Sheriffs Office. However, upon annexation, the City of Sanger Police Department will extend regular and routine police services to the area. It is anticipated that the implementation of police services can be effectively accommodated within the current budget and staff appropriation. BUILDING INSPECTION ➢ Existing Services: None ➢ Services to be Provided: The Economic & Community Development Department will provide Code Enforcement Services upon annexation. This includes issuing building, electrical and plumbing permits for any new construction and remodeling, and enforcing all other applicable codes which regulated building construction within the City of Sanger. PLANNING AND ZONING ➢ Existing Services: None ➢ Services to be Provided: The Economic & Community Development Department's responsibility for regulating development and land use through the administration of the City of Sanger Zoning Ordinance will extend to this area on the effective date of the annexation. The property will also continue to be regulated under the requirements of the City of Sanger Subdivision Ordinance. These services can be provided within the department's current budget. LIBRARY ➢ Existing Services: The Sanger Public Library serves the residents of the area. ➢ Services to be Provided: The Sanger Public Library will continue to serve the area's residents within the department's current budget. Pagel of 3 HEALTH DEPARTMENT- HEALTH CODE ENFORCEMENT SERVICE ➢ Existing Services: None ➢ Services to be Provided: The Economic & Community Development Department will implement the enforcement of the City of Sanger's health ordinances and regulations on the effective date of the annexation. Such services can be provided with current department personnel and within the current budget appropriation. In addition, City of Sanger animal control services will be provided to the area as needed. STREET ➢ Existing Services: County Street Maintenance ➢ Services to be Provided: Maintenance to the street facilities will be provided by the City upon the effective date of the annexation. This service can be provided within the current budget appropriation. FM 455 is and will continue to be maintained by TXDOT. STORM WATER MANAGEMENT ➢ Existing Services: None ➢ Services to be Provided: Developers will provide storm water drainage at their own expense and will be inspected by the Public Works Department at time of completion. The City will then maintain the drainage in public rights of way and easements upon acceptance. STREET LIGHTING ➢ Existing Services: None ➢ Services to be Provided: The City of Sanger will coordinate any request for improved street lighting with the local electric provider in accordance with standard policy. TRAFFIC ENGINEERING ➢ Existing Services: None ➢ Services to be Provided: The Public Works Department will be able to provide, after the effective date of annexation, any additional traffic control devices. WATER SERVICE ➢ Existing Services: The area is currently served by the Bolivar Water Supply Company ➢ Services to be Provided: Water service to the area will continue to be provided by the Bolivar Water Supply Company. No city water service would be provided upon annexation. SANITARY SEWER SERVICE ➢ Exr.'sting Sep°vices: None. ➢ Services to be Provided: Sanitary sewer service to the area will be provided in accordance with applicable codes and departmental policy. SOLID WASTE SERVICES ➢ Existing Services: None ➢ Services to be Provided: Solid Waste Collection shall be provided to the area of annexation in accordance with the present ordinance. Service shall comply with existing City policies, beginning with occupancy of structures. Page 2 of 3 MISCELLANEOUS ➢ All other applicable municipal services will be provided to the area in accordance with the City of Sanger's established policies governing extension of municipal services to newly annexed areas. Page 3 of 3 -k-r-� �. `�`I cj GLri r, In D ko Denton County Jull Luke County Clerk Instrument Number: 18019 Real Property Recordings Recorded On: February 14, 2017 02:56 PM Number of Pages: 6 " Examined and Charged as Follows: " Total Recording: $46.00 *********** THIS PAGE IS PART OF THE INSTRUMENT *********** Any provision herein which restricts the Sale, Rental or use of the described REAL PROPERTY because of color or race is invalid and unenforceable under federal law. File Information: Document Number: Receipt Number: Recorded Date/Time: User: Station: 18019 20170214000567 February 14, 2017 02:56 PM Carmen R Station 1 Record and Return To: CITY OF BANGER BANGER TX 76266 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON I hereby certify that this Instrument was FILED In the He Number sequence on the date/time printed hereon, and was duly RECORDED in the Official Records of Denton County, Texas. Juli Luke County Clerk Denton County, TX IM Thursday, Feb—y 9, 2017 r Sanger Nays 20 l_.rwrYxr_er,:can Classifieswords - $10 a week arc.,yu Call: 940-458-8515 emdLso emalsanger glemonspubicGlions.cloth WE ACCBPT ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS FREE ADS - Lost/Found & Free Pets R D Wanlell Garage Sales For Real For Relll Services Services Now hiring for an Advertis• Moving Sale: Saturday only Cabin In the Woods, $500 Ing Salesperson at Lem- at 205 Diane Dr., Sanger. per month. Water and slec- ons Publications, Inc. In 8:00am till ??? Lots of ev- Iric Included. NW Denton Sanger, publishers of the erythmill Co. Call 940389-9486. Sanger News, Krum News, and Denton Business Office Warehouse for Tip / rT Joumal. Pad4ime, epprox• Relp flanleU lease. Garbage, Water In- Imately 25-30 hours per eluded. S925 per manth week. Commissioned sala• plus deposit. Call 940390. ry. Could lead to full-time, it 9574. desired. Please email: I / R+emcnsnrb4atksmm C RV and Boat Storage, Enclosed Units, Covered Full lime maintenance Units and Outdoor Units. person. Valid Drivers ll- INYDUR AREA Competitive rates. Can tense. Apply In person at NOW HIRING FOR 940-390-9574. NTRV, 11399 US HWY 300 hL4NAGEM1IFNT W., Krum, TX 76249. POSITIONS Krum For Lease: Single on.4ez m,•ur w„2 p„ wide Mobile Homes. 312, I.vevn. p"rn,a2,r"^n For Sale m arYw rr nv mva r,q. rva ua [aidau $895. 22. $825. Lawn maintenance/Irashhva- a so9a.;anr.la. +.wa, ter Included. No pees. No smoking. Call 840390- 2010 Honda Fit for sale. N1UI•TIPLE POSITIONS 9574. One -farm car. In good arr 1.mu<). n'i';'t. s✓u N n..,,2. condition. High mileage, all Fdi highway. Great gas mile- 1O°N"ewia"'aibtr 1 ".,a..:, z ru For Rent: i bedroom af- ago. Wile'swork car every flclency apartment. Close day. 62995.940-736-7769. Appi onllue Ic downtown Krum' Please Sanger. ....wt.r<,a.. r,... call 940482-6599. Stara year bath at Ray legal Notices floBcal&household storage. rage. Severe, Keck -up unli. On-slte manager. Call NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING Lyndee at 940-458-0233. WHAT: PUBLIC MEETING FOR REVIEW OF DRAFT DENTON COUNTY THOROUGHFARE PLAN WHEN: THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2017 5.'00 P.M.-7:00 P.M. i WHERE: COURTHOUSE -ON -THE -SQUARE COMMISSIONERS COURTROOM 110 WEST HICKORY DENTON, TX 76208 i FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: John Pokier, ITS Johnp@Itsirlotx.com 972-484-2525 TO REVIEW THE DRAFT THOROUGHFARE PLAN, - PLEASE VISIT: Mire/fdenlanmunly rnm/Pagesrthnroughlare-Plan. Wood i Steel or ORDINANCE 802-03.17 All ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEX- AS, ORDERING A GENERAL ELECTION TO BE HELD JOINTLY WITH OTHER DENTON COUNTY POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING THREE (3) CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS (PLACES 1, 3, AND 5); DESIGNATING LOCATIONS OF POLLING PLACES• PROVIDING FOR DATES • T MES AND PLACE Office space for Rent. Approx. 1000 square foot In the Hermes Buiklmg. 1640 West Chapman, Sanger. Call Kenneth 9 940391- 6338. Facility for Rent: No ad a place for a party, wed- ding reception or reunion? Large bulking with beau- tiful view of Lake Ray Roberts. Very reasonable rates. Can 940458-2862 or 940-595-6326. Services Professional Music Instruction Gulf., Bass, BmIo, Mandolin, Piano, Vocal, and Theory. 940-2063446 viclor@vIctorgarm.com venvvictorgann.wm Les's Old Tlmay Barber Shop Dovmlmm Sanger on the Square. Speciai2ing In seniors and working .on. Senior discount on Wednesdays. 940382,InM FOR LY AND ELECTION DAY VOTING BY PERSONALAPPEARANCE; ORDERING NOTIC- SUBSCRIBE TODAY OF EECTIONITO' POSTED AND PUBLISHED; ESAUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO SIGN THE NOTICE AND ORDER, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. TO THE ORDINANCE 02.04.17AN 1111 OF OF SANGER, DENTON ('GOER COUNTY.ANCE ENDING COUNTY, TEXAS, AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING NEWS MAP TO REZONE APPROXIMATELY 49.51 ACRES OF \/ A\j LAND ON THE EAST SIDE OF MARION ROAD AP- PROXIMATLEY2,500 FEET NORTH OF FM 455 FROM DISTRICTTO SF-1 SINGLE FAMILY AND RUMAAGRICULTURAL RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT 1; PROVIDING FOR THE RE- PEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVID- ING APENALASEVERABI OTTOUSE;PROVIDING THESUMOR A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF I TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS (S2,000.00) FOR EACH ONE MONTH FREE! OFFENSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDINANCE 02-05.17 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP TO REZONE APPROXIMATELY 10.51 ACRES OF LAND ON THE EAST SIDE OF MARION ROAD AP- PROXIMATLEY 1,500 FEET NORTH OF I'M 455 FROM A AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT TO R-1 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT 1; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR A SEV- ERABILffY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF FINE NOTTO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO THOU- SAND DOLLARS (S2,000.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDINANCE 02-0647 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING PROPERTIES INTO THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AND EXTENDING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED AREA WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS AND GRANTING TO SAID AREA AND TO ALL FUTURE INHABITANTS OF SAID PROPERTY ALL OF THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF OTHER CITIZENS AND BINDING SAID FUTURE IN- HABITANTS BY ALL OF THE ACTS AND ORDINANCE OF SAID CITY; PROVIDING A SEVERABILI Y CLAUSE AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. `iM) w subwk to N Sanger Ness (or 0 113 PER YEAR, }rout fWV your lard hi neaspaperin Vie mat EVERY THURSDAY PLUS ,,,p lSAVEMPERYEANVieneas Wprice! PLUS .. µd yore p 0HE MONTH FREE R1 1 yWr IIeN SUi)Sfilph011! Lsl, ' ,r161tahadryY i 8d1I06111 WSN8 9GISCB1P110B WAIT I S iGEABEYiS ifb-, MOM I $& RAN96 i.utr4 I ksgllNas,s4ich'klttati ; "' 1b)lyrll87.5'YStBdsrbrT I StyitdNlll 41A I r'"—nr38a-e i _nely [--------------- C, Dello Contracting Personal, Allphasesof Hcma Compassionate Improvement and Caregiver Remodeling. Specializing CNA, phlebotomy and In Kitchens and Bath, varied certifications/ Free Estimates specialzatlore. No Job Too Small ResumeAocal reference. Cell: 940391-8669 972.997-6914 Home:9404584992 Eddie's Speclallies Mike Morris Service Cerifned Lend Speclallsf MovAng, hauling. raveling, Mossy Oak Properties dirt work of Texas Call for free estimates. 940-231.7387 940-390.2220 nrtma@rtasywJ=mgYa r.am Lawnmower and TJ's Lawn Service Small Engine Repair TJ's Lawn service loiters all bsvn care FrankFn's Fix It services such as, mowing, Small Engine Repalr/ edging, weedea9rg, and Chains 6 Blades dawning up grass sharpened dippin eahevrards. Robert Franklin We also alley landscaping, 940.7653402 privacy fencing, bee Irim- rat157robed0ml.co n miroemovaI" 4598 Lois Rd East dean UPI obs, de=,.'n, Sanger, TX 76266 grading, sodding, pond diggink.g. and any skid Maer Full Service Plumbing. bilwls and eanabe emwg Master Plumber paymen s. a have beem1n payments. We have been Licensed and Insured. 25 mms'rg in Denton area years experience. Reason - since 2008. Please visit us able rates, free estimates. almrwebshe. Call 940-231.2598. www, wwwAlslawnservlce.com sangerplumbing.com. him. 940-230-5908 IerCand&Vhs accepted. Tm AtErrm Krum R,-dW "F4 FRANK KAY, OWNER 940.361.5404 r- A Maid 4 U CleanW Service 2 Busy and Can't Find The Time? Keep Us on Your Mind) Pn<;i Cs SandraSivlff (940) 783-8152 Krun,,T draft -11—m / mNd4ues sand raggmall. l Your Source For Bearings * Belts Oil Seals * Roller Chains Industrial Bearing Co. 4312 W Hwy 82 a Gainesville 940.665.6971 FENCE PIPE AND SUPPLIES 2318-2 7/8 — 3 1/2 — 4 1/2 — 5 1/2 Domed Caps & Springs Square & Rectangle ?Ching All Types of Steel lethrr,d C-Pm9in Ik,l;r Round [sale Rings Cattle Guards Deed Troughs Creepe Feeders Trailer Parts & Supplies 940-759.2203 SINCE1942 blUENSTER.TX