05/24/2023-Library Board-Agenda Packet-RegularLIBRARY BOARD
MAY 24, 2023, 7:00 PM
This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Board on any matter. Comments related to
public hearings will be heard when the specific hearing begins. Citizens are allowed 3 minutes
to speak. Each speaker must complete the Speaker’s Form and include the topic(s) to be
presented. Citizens who wish to address the Board with regard to matters on the agenda will
be received at the time the item is considered. The Board is not allowed to converse, deliberate
or take action on any matter presented during citizen input.
All items on the Consent Agenda will be acted upon by one vote without being discussed
separately unless requested by a Board member to remove the item(s) for additional discussion.
Any items removed from the Consent Agenda will be taken up for individual consideration.
1. Consideration and possible action on library board minutes from 9/28/22.
2. Consideration and possible action on library board minutes from 1/25/23
3. Director's Report
4. Consideration and possible action on approving a flat fee for inter-library loans (ILL).
5. Consideration and possible action on policy for Hotspot Checkout.
6. Presentation and Discussion or Discussion regarding long overdue materials
The purpose of this item is to allow the Chair and Board members to bring forward items they
wish to discuss at a future meeting, A Board member may inquire about a subject for which
notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of
existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject
on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Items may be placed on a future meeting agenda with
a consensus of the Board or at the call of the Chair.
Information Items are for informational purposes only. No action may be taken on items listed
under this portion of the agenda.
NOTE: The Board reserves the right to adjourn into Executive Session as authorized by Texas
Government Code, Section 551.001, et seq. (The Texas Open Meetings Act) on any item on its
open meeting agenda in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, including, without
limitation Sections 551.071-551.087 of the Texas Open Meetings Act.
I certify that a copy of this meeting notice was posted on the bulletin board at City Hall that is
readily accessible to the general public at all times and was posted on the City of Sanger
website on May 18, 2023, at 4:45 PM.
/s/ Laura Klenke
Laura Klenke, Library Director
The Library is wheelchair accessible. Request for additional accommodations or sign
interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours
prior to the meeting by contacting the City Secretary’s Office at 940.458.7930.
Library Board Minutes 09-28-2022
Page 1 of 2
SEPTEMBER 28, 2022, 7:00 PM
Board Chair Rodgers called the meeting to order at 7:21 p.m.
Board Member, Place 1 Vacant
Board Member Chair, Place 3 Judith Rodgers
Board Member, Place 4 Libby Dorn
Board Member, Place 5 Erica Kaufman
Board Member, Place 2 Suzanne Sellers
Audrey Tolle, Librarian
No one addressed the Board.
1. Approval of the minutes of July 28, 2022 meeting
2. Director’s Report
Librarian Tolle provided an overview of the Director’s Report.
Discussion ensued regarding the status of the new hire search and the salary survey
increasing pay to $15.00 per hour effective October 1st. Also, there is a need to spend
money from flooding by the end of the fiscal year. A generator request was not
approved but insulation was added, and pipes were wrapped to prevent future
flooding from frozen pipes.
Item 1.
Library Board Minutes 09-28-2022
Page 2 of 2
Motion to approve made by Board Member Kaufman, Seconded by Board Member
Voting Yea: Board Member Rogers. Motion passed unanimously.
3. Consider, nominate and appoint a board secretary
Librarian Tolle provided an overview of the item.
Discussion ensued regarding appointing Erica Kaufman as secretary.
Motion to approve made by Board Member Dorn, Seconded by Board Member
Voting Yea: Board Member Rogers. Motion passed unanimously.
4. Consideration and possible action on draft of Proposal for use of building adjacent to
library (311 5th St.)
Librarian Tolle provided an overview of the item.
Discussion ensued regarding needs and associated costs of making the building
functional as storage for “Library of Things” materials and as a location for Friends of
The Library receiving and hosting of book sale items. The board discussed what
portions of the costs would be appropriate for the Friends to contribute and what
signage would be needed.
Motion to approve made by Board Member Dorn, Seconded by Board Member
Voting Yea: Board Member Rogers.
Motion passed unanimously.
No additional discussion.
No additional discussion.
There being no further business, Chair Rodgers adjourned the meeting at 8:00 p.m.
Item 1.
Library Board Minutes 01-25-2023
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JANUARY 25, 2023 7:00 PM
Board Chair Rodgers called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Board Member, Place 1 Vacant
Board Member, Place 2 Suzanne Sellers
Board Member Chair, Place 3 Judith Rodgers
Board Member, Place 4 Libby Dorn
Board Member, Place 5 Erica Kaufman
Audrey Tolle, Librarian
1. Approval of the minutes of September 28, 2022 meeting
2. Library Director's Report
Librarian Tolle provided an overview of the Director’s Report. We discussed Madonna Wade
acting as Mrs. Claus at the library to a good turnout. We were informed that the library
has a saxophone credit for a future event. Also, hot spot checkout is slower than
expected so the library is planning more advertisement for this service. A part-time
library employee gave two weeks’ notice so the library will need to post for a
replacement. Also, the library is migrating from to a new catalog service.
No one addressed the board.
Item 2.
Library Board Minutes 01-25-2023
Page 2 of 2
3. Consideration and possible action of emergency procedures.
The board reviewed general emergency procedures and spent time discussing the ongoing
concern of freezing pipes related to the library sprinkler system. Due to past
experiences that caused considerable damages resulting in the loss of materials, staff
time, and short-term library access, the board is concerned with efforts and policies
related to the current library sprinkler system. The board will work to write a letter of
recommendation related to freeze warnings and the sprinkler system to present to the
City Manager to address the importance of this issue.
The board reached a consensus to discuss interlibrary loan and other circulation policies at a
future meeting.
Information Items are for informational purposes only. No action may be taken on items listed
under this portion of the agenda.
The board voted to adjourn at 7:55 p.m.
Item 2.
4/15/23, 1:53 PM Data Input
Texas Public Libraries Annual Report 2022 Locked
Texas Public Libraries Annual Report - Introduction
This report is due to the Texas State Library and Archives Commission by April 30, 2023. We strongly
urge libraries to report no later than March 31, 2023, to allow staff enough time to process all ...more
Section 1: Library Information - Central/Administrative Library
Library Contact Information. This section requests information for contacting the library, its staff,
board, and friends group. The information you submit on this form is Public Information. In addition,
the information being entered may be subject to interception via common Internet tools.
Please read our Web Policies and Disclaimers Web Policies and Disclaimers.
NOTE: In the online form, contact questions in the section 1.1 through 1.21 have been prefilled and
locked. You will not be able to change the data. If changes need to be made to these questions,
contact LDN staff at accreditation@tsl.texas.gov or add an explanation in the Note box.
1.1 Library Name Sanger Public Library
1.2 County
1.3 Local Fiscal Year Start 10/01/2021
1.4 Local Fiscal Year End 09/30/2022
1.5 Mailing Address - Street 501 Bolivar St
1.6 Mailing City Sanger
1.7 Mailing Zip 76266
1.8 Mailing Zip+4 8964
1.9 Physical/Shipping address - Street 501 Bolivar St
1.10 City Sanger
1.11 Zip 76266
1.12 Zip+4 8964
►1.13 Does the library have a published
telephone number? Yes No
1.14 Phone number (940) 458-3257
1.15 Telefax (940) 458-4335
1.16 Library Director/Head Librarian
First Name Library
1.17 Library Director/Head Librarian
Last Name Director
1.18 Director's Email Address lklenke@sangertexas.org
1.19 Library General Email Address library@sangertexas.org
►1.20 Library website Yes No
1.21 Website URL http://www.sangerlibrary.org
1.22 Is the information provided in 1.1
through 1.21 correct? Yes No
1.23 Contact First Name Audrey Audrey
1.24 Contact Last Name Tolle Tolle
1.25 Contact Email lklenke@sangertexas.org
1.26 Board Chair First Name Judith Judith
1.27 Board Chair Last Name Rodgers Rodgers
1 28 Friends President First Name B th
Item 3.
4/15/23, 1:53 PM Data Input
1.28 Friends President First Name Beth Melissa
1.29 Friends President Last Name Sullivan Sneed
Section 2: Outlets
This section requests information on public service outlets. Report figures as of the last day of the
fiscal year. If there is a new branch, but it was not open for business before the end of the library’s
local fiscal year, it should not be included on this report.
2.1 Number of Branch Libraries 0
2.2 Number of Bookmobiles 0
2.3 Renovations, Expansion, New Construction Yes No
2.4 Square Footage of the Main Library 5,050
Section 3: Expenditures
Local accounting practice will generally determine whether a particular expense is classified as
operating or capital expense.
• Do ...more
Library Operating Expenditures
Operating Expenditures are those current and recurrent costs necessary to support library services.
Only such funds that are supported by expenditures documents such as invoices, contracts, payroll
records, etc. at the point of disbursement should be included.
Any operating expenditure not covered by Staff and Collection Expenditures should be reported in
question 3.8, Other Operating Expenditures.
Staff Expenditures
This amount should be the salaries and wages for all library staff including plant operation, security and
maintenance staff. Do not report salaries paid by an outside entity, such as Green Thumb employees or
employees paid under a training program administered through another entity.
3.1 Salaries & Wages Expenditures $210,907
3.2 Employee Benefits Expenditures $66,975 $53,430
3.3 Total Staff Expenditures $277,882
3.3a Of library staff expenditures, how much was from non-local grant
funding?$0 $0
3.3b LOCAL FUNDS used for library staff expenditures.$277,882
Collection Expenditures
Include all operating expenditures from the library budget for all materials in print, microform,
electronic, and other formats considered part of the collection, whether purchased, leased, or licensed.
Exclude charges or fees for interlibrary loans and expenditures for document delivery.
Item 3.
4/15/23, 1:53 PM Data Input
>>>Exclude operating expenditures for library system software and microcomputer software used only
by the library staff or fees for TexShare databases. These are reported in 3.8, Other Operating
3.4 Print Materials Expenditures $8,343
3.5 Electronic Materials Expenditures $2,632
3.6 Other Materials Expenditures $1,489
3.7 Total Collection Expenditures $12,464
3.7a Of library collection expenditures, how much was from non-local grant
funding?$0 $0
3.7b Local funds used for library collection material expenditures $12,464
Other/Total Operating Expenditures
This includes all expenditures other than those reported for Total Staff Expenditures and Total
Collection Expenditures. Include expenses such as binding, supplies, repair or replacement of existing
furnishings and equipment; and costs of computer hardware and software used to support library
operations or to link to external networks, including the Internet. Report contracts for services, such as
costs for operating and maintaining physical facilities, and fees paid to a consultant, auditor, architect,
attorney, etc. Include fees paid to the TexShare database program.
Indirect costs should only be reported when a library has failed to meet the Maintenance Of Effort
requirement for accreditation in state library system. If included, the expense must be documented by
the local government entity that provided the service.
Do not include capital expenditures.
3.8 Other Operating Expenditures $22,779
3.8a Of other library operating expenditures, how much was from non-local
grant funding?$0 $0
3.8b Local funds used for other library operating expenditures expenditures $22,779
3.9 Total Direct Operating Expenditures $313,125
3.9a Of direct library operating expenditures, how much was from non-local
grant funding?$0 $0
3.9b Local funds used for library operating expenditures expenditures $313,125
3.10 Indirect Costs (if needed to meet maintenance of effort)$0 $0
3.11 Total Library Operating Expenditures $313,125
Capital Expenditures
This amount should never be included in any of the questions in Section 4, but should be reported in
sources of funds reported in the Capital Revenue part of Section 5.
Do not include Operating Expenditures reported above. Local accounting practice will generally
determine whether a particular expense is classified as operating or capital expense.
Capital outlay is for one-time only or extraordinary expenditures. These are major capital
expenditures such as the acquisition of or
additions to fixed assets. Examples include expenditures for building sites, new buildings and
additions to or renovations of library buildings.
Item 3.
4/15/23, 1:53 PM Data Input
Include expenditures for furnishings, equipment and initial book stock for new buildings, building
additions or renovations; library automation systems, and new vehicles, and other one-time major
projects. Include federal, state, local, or other revenue used for major capital expenditures.
Exclude replacement and repair of existing furnishings and equipment, regular purchase of library
materials, and investments for capital appreciation. Exclude contributions to endowments, or revenue
passed through to another agency.
3.12 Capital Expenditures $0 $0
Section 4: Local Financial Effort
This section contains questions which will help determine whether the library meets the minimum
accreditation criteria. Local Operating Expenditures, question 4.2, is used in determining whether a
library has met the maintenance of effort (MOE) criteria.
In the online form, questions 4.1 and 4.2 are calculated fields. They will reflect the total expenditures,
less any non-local and/or grant funding.
►4.1 Local Expenditures on Collections $12,464 $12,223
►4.2 Total Local Library Operating Expenditures $313,125 $285,345
►4.3 Local Government Operating Expenditures $313,125 $285,345
Section 5: Library Revenue by Source
Revenue Used for Operating Expenditures
Report revenue received by the library used for the current and recurrent costs of operation, including
grants. Report by source of revenue.
The total funds reported as Library Revenue will not necessarily equal the total of Library
Expenditures reported. Do not report grant funds spent on behalf of this library by another entity. Do
not report salary revenue if the library did not pay the salary, as in the case of employees paid under a
training program administered by another entity.
Do not include indirect costs.
5.1 City, Cities, or Library District Revenue used for operating expenditures $295,725
5.2 County or Counties Revenue used for operating expenditures $17,400 $16,700
5.3 School District Revenue used for operating expenditures $0 $0
5.4 Local Government Operating Revenue $313,125
5.5 State Government: Operating Revenue $0 $0
5.6 Federal Government: Operating Revenue $0 $0
5.7 Foundation & Corporate Grants: Operating Revenue $0 $0
5.8 Fines, Fees, Donations, Memorials and Other Local Sources: Operating
Revenue $375 $0
5.9 Total Library Operating Revenue $313,500
Revenue Used for Capital Expenditures
Report revenue to be used for major capital expenditures, by source of revenue. Include funds
received for (a)site acquisition; (b)new buildings; (c)additions to or renovation of library buildings;
(d)furnishings, equipment and initial collections (all type) for new buildings, building additions, or 10
Item 3.
4/15/23, 1:53 PM Data Input
building renovations; (e)computer hardware and software used to support library operations, to link
to networks, or to run information products; (f)new vehicles; and (g)other one-time major projects.
Exclude revenue for replacement and repair of existing furnishings and equipment, regular purchase
of library materials, and investments for capital appreciation. Do NOT include revenue passed through
to another agency, such as fines, or funds unspent from previous fiscal years ("carryover").
Do not report revenue that has already been reported in operating revenue.
5.10 City Cities or Library District Revenue: Capital Expenditures $0
5.11 County or Counties Revenue: Capital Expenditures $0
5.12 School District: Capital Revenue $0
5.13 State Government: Capital Revenue $0
5.14 Federal Revenue: Capital Revenue $0
5.15 Foundation & Corporate Grants: Capital Revenue $0
5.16 Fines, Fees, Donations, Memorials, and Other Local Sources: Capital Revenue $0
5.17 Total Capital Revenue $0
Government Revenue Sources Outside Local City or County
Skip the following section if the library did not receive funds from a city or county government outside
of the one in which the library is located.
If funds were received from government entities outside of the local area, then list the appropriate
cities or counties separately and indicate the total of the funds received from each. Make certain these
totals are reflected in the local government revenue section: questions 5.1 (city operating), 5.2
(county operating), 5.13 (city capital) or 5.14 (county capital).
Click on the red X to delete any lines generated in error.
5.19 County or city providing funds 5.18 Amount received
Section 6: Library Collection
This section collects data on selected types of materials. It does not cover all materials for which
expenditures are reported in the Collection Expenditures section.
Unless otherwise ...more
►6.1 Library Catalog Yes No
►6.2 Collection has 1% published in last five years Yes No
Physical Material Counts
6.3 Books in Print 17,947 17,768
6.4 Audio Materials - Physical format 813 873
6.5 Video Materials - Physical Format 1,836 2,114
6.6 Other Circulating Physical Items 45 20
Item 3.
4/15/23, 1:53 PM Data Input
6.7 Total Physical Items in Collection 20,641 20,775
Electronic Materials Count
For purposes of this survey, units are defined as "units of acquisition or purchase". The "unit" is
determined by considering whether the item is restricted to a finite number of simultaneous users or
an unlimited number of simultaneous users.
• Finite simultaneous use: units of acquisition or purchase is based on the number of simultaneous
usages acquired equivalent to purchasing multiple copies of a single title. For example, if a library
acquires a title with rights to a single user at a time, then that item is counted as 1 “unit”; if the
library acquires rights to a single title for 10 simultaneous users, then that item is counted as 10
"units". For smaller libraries, if volume data are not available, the number of titles may be counted.
• Unlimited simultaneous use: units of acquisition or purchase is based on the number of titles
acquired. For example, if a library acquires a collection of 100 books with unlimited simultaneous
users, then that collection would be counted as 100 "units".
Additional information on reporting specific materials can be found at "Annual Report webpage",
under Tips and Tools, "Reporting Downloadables"
6.8 Electronic Books (ebooks)9,818 9,954
6.9 Audio Materials - Downloadable Units 655 885
6.10 Video Materials - Downloadable Units 41 55
Electronic Collections/Databases
Report the number of electronic collections. An electronic collection is a collection of electronically
stored data or unit records (facts, bibliographic data, abstracts, texts, photographs, music, ...more
6.11a Electronic Collections/Databases - Local License 3 3
6.11b Electronic Collections/Databases - Consortium license 0 0
6.11 Total Local Electronic Collections 3 3
6.12 TexShare Databases - State License 77
6.13 Total Electronic Collections/Databases 80 71
Collection Totals
►6.14 Collection Totals - Volumes Items
or Physical Units 31,113 31,652
6.15 Consortium Participation 1 selected North Texas Independent
Digital Consortium
Section 7: Local Library Service
►7.1 Long-Range Plan Yes No
Service Measures
7.2 Reference Transactions 592 769
7.2a Reference Transaction Reporting Method Not tracked Estimate Count
7.3 Number of Library Visits 20,519 6,867
7.3a Library Visit Reporting Method Not tracked Estimate Count
7.4 Registered Users 3,909 3,937
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) defines children as persons age 11 and under.
The Young Adult Services Association (YALSA) defines young adults as ages 12 through 18.
7.5 Circulation of Children’s Materials - Physical formats 12,580 4,597 12
Item 3.
4/15/23, 1:53 PM Data Input
7.6 Circulation of Children’s Materials - Digital Formats 673 667
7.7 Circulation Other than Children's - Physical formats 7,318 3,523
7.8 Circulation Other than Children's - Digital Formats 2,925 2,454
7.9 Total Circulation 23,496 11,241
Electronic Material Circulation 3,598 3,121
7.10 Circulation of Other Physical Items 138 45
7.11 Successful Retrieval of Electronic Information 0 3,121
7.12 Current Overdue Fine Policy
7.13 Current Non-Resident Fee Policy
Programs and Program Attendance
Library programs are referred to as live (synchronous) program sessions or recorded (asynchronous)
program presentations. Multiple format options, as well as expanded age ranges are being ...more
Early Childhood Synchronous (Live) Programming targeting ages birth to 5 years
A program session targeted at children ages 0-5 is any planned event for which the primary audience
is infants, toddlers, or preschool-age children. Examples of these types of program sessions ...more
a. In-Person On-Site
b. In-Person Off-Site
c. Live Virtual
Sessions d. Total
7.14 Number
of sessions 43 17 0 0 0 15 43 32
7.15 Total of
audience 742 201 0 0 0 362 742 563
Student-Age Synchronous (Live) Programming targeting 6 to 11 years
The National Center for Education Statistics NCES: Children and Young Adults Defined [Services and
Resources for Children and Young Adults in Public Libraries, August 1995, NCES 95357] defines
a. In-Person On-Site
b. In-Person Off-Site
c. Live Virtual
Sessions d. Total
7.16 Number
of sessions 31 4 0 0 0 0 31 4
7.17 Total of
audience 315 31 0 0 0 0 315 31
Young Adult Synchronous (Live) Programming targeting ages 12 to 18 years
The Young Adult Services Association (YALSA) defines young adults as ages 12 through 18.
A young adult program session is any planned event for which the primary audience is young adults
ages 12 ...more
a. In-Person On-Site
b. In-Person Off-Site
c. Live Virtual
Sessions d. Totals
7.18 Number
of sessions 11 2 0 0 0 0 11 2
7.19 Total of
audience 90 1 0 0 0 0 90 1
Adult Synchronous (Live) Programming targeting ages 19+ years
An adult program session is any planned event for which the primary audience is adults age 19 or
older. Examples of these types of program sessions include, but are not limited to, book discussions,
a. In-Person On-Site
b. In-Person Off-Site
c. Live Virtual
Sessions d. Totals
7.20 Number
of sessions 28 13 0 0 0 2 28 15
Item 3.
4/15/23, 1:53 PM Data Input
7.21 Total of
audience 147 76 0 0 0 12 147 88
Programs of General Interest (no targeted age group)
A general interest program session is any planned event that is appropriate for any age group or
multiple age groups. Include all-age, all-library, family, and intergenerational program sessions.
a. In-Person On-site
b. In-Person Off-site
c. Live Virtual
Sessions d. Totals
7.22 Number
of sessions 4 3 3 0 0 1 7 4
7.23 Total of
audience 164 155 460 0 0 14 624 169
Live and/or Virtual (Synchronous) Program Totals
This is a total count of the programs and audience at all live or virtual program sessions during the
reporting period.
a. In-Person On-Site
b. In-Person Off-Site
c. Live Virtual
d. Total Synchronous
Number of
117 39 3 0 0 18 120 57
7.25 Total
of all
1,458 464 460 0 0 388 1,918 852
Recorded (Asynchronous) Programs Total
7.26 Number of Recorded Programs offered 0
7.27 The count of views of asynchronous program presentations for a period of thirty
(30) days after the presentation was posted, even if that period extends beyond the
survey reporting period (or fiscal year).
Section 8: Library Staffing and Salaries
Include all positions funded in the library’s budget whether those positions are filled or not. Report
figures as of the last day of the fiscal year. Report all hours worked for each employee type and report
as total hours worked per week.
Report number of hours worked per week, not the number of employees.
►8.1 Professional (MLS) Librarians - Weekly Hours Worked 80.00 80.00
8.2 Other (Non-MLS) Librarians - Weekly Hours Worked 0.00 2.00
8.3 All Other Paid Library Staff - Weekly Hours Worked 120.00 0.00
8.4 All Library Staff - Total Weekly Hours Worked 200.00 2.00
8.5 Volunteer Hours - Annual Total 28 83
8.6 Head Librarian's Annual Rate Of Salary $70,732 $69,717
►8.7 Head Librarian's/Director's Hours Worked per Week 40.00 40.00
►8.8 Director Obtained 10 Units of Continuing Education (CEU) Yes No
►8.9 Photocopier Available for Staff Yes No
►8.10 Internet Computer Available for Staff Yes No
Item 3.
4/15/23, 1:53 PM Data Input
Section 9: Resource Sharing
Interlibrary Loans
An item of library material, or a copy of the material, is made available by one autonomous library to
another upon request. The libraries involved in interlibrary loan are not under the same library
►9.1 Does the library have the statewide interlibrary
loan service available to patrons? Yes No
9.2 Interlibrary Loans Received from Other Libraries
(Borrows)71 77
9.3 Interlibrary Loans Provided to Other Libraries
(Lends)102 117
9.4 What automation/integrated library system (ILS) is
currently used?
Section 10: Internet and Electronic Services
►10.1 Public Internet Access Computer with Printer/Copier Yes No
10.2 Number of Public Internet Access Computer Terminals 5 4
10.3 Annual Uses of Public Internet Computers 1,652 583
10.3a Regarding the number of public computer uses, is this an annual
count or an annual estimate? Annual Count
10.4 Annual Wi-Fi Sessions 1,516 940
10.4a Regarding the number of wi-fi sessions, is this an annual count or
an annual estimate?
10.5 Annual Website Visits NC 0
Section 11: Library Hours
11.1 Annual Public Service Hours for Central Library 2,027 712
11.2 Annual Public Service Weeks for Central Library 50 17
►11.3 Weekly Service Hours All Facilities Available (Unduplicated, if branches)43 43
11.4 Weekly Hours Central Library Open - Regular Schedule 43 43
11.5 Weekly Hours Central Library Open - Summer Schedule 43 43
NOTE; This section pertains ONLY to reporting year 2022, based on the library's local fiscal year. If the
response to the first question, C19.1.0 Closed Outlets due to COVID-19, is "NO," all other questions
may be left blank.
Facilities During COVID-19 Crisis
C19.1.0 Closed Outlets due to COVID-19 Yes
C19.1.1 Number of weeks buildings closed to public 0
C19.1.2 Number of weeks library facility had limited occupancy. Count any week
where the library building was closed for more than half of its scheduled hours as a
full week.
Annual Count
Annual Estimate
Item 3.
4/15/23, 1:53 PM Data Input
Services During COVID-19 Crisis
C19.2.0 Public Services During COVID-19 Yes
C19.3.0 Electronic Library Cards Issued During COVID-19 Yes
C19.4.0 Reference Service During COVID-19 Yes
C19.5.0 Outside Service During COVID-19
C19.6.1 External Wi-Fi Access Added During COVID-19 No
C19.6.2 External Wi-Fi Access Increased During COVID-19 No
Staff During COVID-19 Crisis
C19.7.0 Staff Re-Assigned During COVID-19 No
Item 3.
DATE: May 24, 2023
FROM: Laura Klenke, Library Director
AGENDA ITEM: Director’s Report
February had staffing changes. Jessica our part-time library assistant resigned. Audrey
Tolle resigned as Library Director. Laura Klenke was appointed Interim Library Director.
The library offered its Blind Date with a Book program in February. It was very popular,
with over 70 books checked out to participants for the month. We also received a record
number of the most “Rate Your Date” book reviews since we started the program in 2015.
“Reptiles and Amphibians” program was on February 17th. The event was very well
attended with 18 adults and 28 children. Denton County Master Naturalist Sharon Betty
and staff brought skins and skulls of local animals. The highlight of the event was the
showcasing of live snakes. Both children and adults were fascinated and enjoyed getting an
up-close look at the reptiles.
New programs, Tech Time and Book a Library debuted in February. We offered one on one
assistance with both technology and reference research. Patrons were pleased with the
service and were appreciative of the individual attention the library provided.
The migration process for our integrated library system continued throughout February.
We’re still working with support to iron out issues and add enhancements to the software
to allow for ease of use for both patrons and staff.
We have been very thankful for our patron’s patience during the transition period. Our new
system allows for easier reporting of library statistics than our previous system Evergreen.
Our annual Dr. Seuss Birthday Party was March 2, 2023. Families were invited to celebrate
all things Dr. Seuss! Some highlights include ice cube water color painting. Thanks to our
Parks & Recreation Department we were able to offer Dr. Seuss theme corn hole.
Our Preschool Music and Movement program has seen a steady increase in family
participation. We had 17 children and 8 adults attend in March. We invite children, their
caregivers and families an opportunity to sing, explore instruments and groove to the beat!
This program encourages gross motor movement, following directions and listening for
Item 3.
On March 28 we had the first session of our Advanced LEGOs program for teens (ages 10
and up). The Advanced LEGOs event was designed to introduce teens to our LEGO
Mindstorms robotics kits so that they can add interactivity, automation, and basic robotics
to their creations. After a 15 minute introductory course, participants were able to build
and program the robot with minimal assistance.
Back by popular demand, our Plant and Seed Swap was a smashing success! We had 24
people who swapped and trade plants, seeds and helpful information. In addition, Denton
County Master Gardener, Cheryl Huckabee and Denton County Master Gardener Intern,
Denise Babb gave advice and helped identify plants.
April was National Poetry Month, the library celebrated by giving poetry lovers an
opportunity to read and share a poem on our poetree. Our tree was full with many poems
from poets young and young at heart.
Sanger Library Staff celebrated and shared their love for children’s book author Mo Willems
by throwing a 20th birthday party for Pigeon, from Don’t let the Pigeon Drive the Bus. Kids
and their families joined in the fun with a variety of crafts and activities featuring
characters from the world of Mo Willems. Some highlights include creating their very own
monster from Leonardo, the Terrible Monster. We were pleased with the attendance, 18
kids and 13 adults.
We hosted our first homeschool meetup for our growing homeschool population. It was
very well received with 21 children and 8 adults in attendance. Library staff showcased
available library resources to families, including STEM kits, homeschool curriculum study
plans, digital resources such as launchpads and databases, etc.. Children socialized and
worked together using magna tiles, STEM kits, keva plank wooden toys, and ozobots. We
received a lot of great feedback on how to better support their learning needs, including a
wish list of new equipment, books, and digital services. We hope to make this a quarterly
event in the future as a way to connect with our homeschoolers.
The library’s annual report and application was completed and submitted to the State
Library & Archives Commission in April.
The City had their annual budget meeting in March. We will be asking for a capital request
for a fire alarm detector system.
We welcomed a new part-time library assistant, Renee Grayson to our library staff in April.
We’re excited for her to join us. She comes to us with a degree in social work and prior
municipal court experience. Her customer service skills have been excellent, and in a short
time she has gotten to know our patrons very well.
I’m currently working on creating a procedure manual for staff. Hoping to fill in the gaps
during onboarding and training. What we have currently on file is incomplete, outdated or
Item 3.
sparse in explanations. Staff has given feedback on what can be improved and what needs
to be expanded on.
I met with the high school librarian, Christina Moore. We were hoping to collaborate on
activities for the teens, possibly doing outreach during their open tribe time periods, but we
found our schedules to be a challenge. We will revisit at the beginning of the school year.
I was officially hired as Library Director on April 26, 2023. I look forward to the future and
am excited for the opportunity to serve the community.
The City is working towards implementing performance measures for all departments.
Currently evaluating library data, and seeing the best ways we can align these performance
measure with the library’s goals and objectives.
The City is planning a City Showcase in September, for all departments. It will be a come
and go event for the public. Each department will showcase their offerings to the public
and have an opportunity to answer questions from participants.
Budgeted: YES/NO Amount: $0.00 GL Account: XXX.XX.XXXX
Item 3.
The Sanger Public Library will provide the widest feasible circulation of materials.
Free access to circulating materials, prompt notice of overdue materials, and
respect for personal privacy are all important in this effort. The Library will
expand materials available to the public by participating in Interlibrary Loan
All people of any age who can write both a first and last name are eligible to
check out books. There are no restrictions regarding residence, other than to
provide proof of their temporary address and a permanent mailing address.
In most cases, materials will not be checked out to patrons who have long
overdue materials or who have outstanding fines totaling over $5.00. If fines are
not paid, suspension of library privileges will remain in effect until the library card
expires. If materials are overdue, the suspension remains in effect until the
material is returned or paid for.
Application (Registration procedure revised, 10/13):
• Library staff will register and issue library cards to new patrons when they
come into the library with valid identification and proof of residence.
• If the registration cannot be completed immediately or while the applicant
waits, the process will be completed and the card will be available for pick
up, usually by the next business day. As in the past (when new cards were
mailed), the applicant will still be able to check out two books on the same
day that he/she applies for a card.
• Adult applicants must show a valid photo ID and proof of current
address. A Texas driver’s license showing the applicant’s current address
serves as both photo ID and proof of address. If the photo ID does not
Item 4.
have applicant’s current address, he/she needs to bring proof of address
in addition to the photo ID. Accepted documents include: a lease
agreement, utility bill, car insurance, property tax statement, or mail
addressed to the individual that has been processed and delivered to the
residence by the US Postal Service.
• A parent or guardian must sign the application form of a child under 14.
For minors 14 and up, a parental signature is only necessary for video
checkout. Parents or guardians of minors 15-17 may opt out of Internet
• At least one parent of a minor under the age of 14 should also have a
Sanger library card at the time of his/her application.
• All cards will expire after three years.
Loan Periods
Loan periods and overdue fines are as set by the Sanger Public Library Board.
The maximum fine that may be charged is one-half the value of the book.
Circulation Limits
A limit of 15 books and 6 DVDs may be checked out on adult cards. Television
series on DVD are limited to one season (or set) at a time. The limit for children
is 10 books and 2 DVDs. Considering the relatively small size of our collection,
we encourage families to consolidate the materials they wish to check out and
put most of the items on one card if possible.
Forgotten Cards
Materials may be checked out to those who have forgotten their library card,
asking a verification question if need be.
Item 4.
Special Loans
The Librarian may establish the loan period and limit the number of materials in a
special collection. (For example, materials in temporary great demand for
student projects.)
Patrons may be granted extended loan periods for a special need or to cover
times when they will be out of town. The librarian will determine which books
qualify for an extended loan.
Reference materials do not circulate without special permission from the
librarian. If permission is given, books are checked out overnight.
All materials may be renewed for the original loan period twice if no others are
waiting for them.
Patrons will be notified of overdue materials promptly, either by phone or mail.
Lost Materials
Patrons who lose materials will reimburse the library the price paid for the item, in
addition to a processing fee. If this information is not available, a predetermined
average cost will be charged.
The library will accept replacement of lost or damaged library materials.
Item 4.
Claims Returned
When a patron claims to have returned the material which is recorded as
checked out to him, the patron will be given the benefit of the doubt, unless the
patron is a chronic offender.
All Sanger Public Library cardholders with a responsible check-out history may
request interlibrary loans.
Loan Period
Materials will be checked out for the Sanger Library’s standard loan period
unless the lending library designates a shorter period. Renewals will be made
within the limits of the lending library's due date.
The patron will pay the postage cost to return the item to the lending library. If a
lending library requires a fee to be paid, the patron will agree to the fee before
the item is ordered.
Lost materials and Overdue charges
The patron will pay any charges for lost or damaged materials, as well as
overdue charges, both to Sanger Public Library and also to the lending library, if
they assess a charge.
Item 4.
The Sanger Public Library will loan materials to public and academic
libraries in the United States and Canada. All individuals must initiate a request
for Sanger materials through a library.
To submit a request
Requests must be submitted by the borrowing library directly to Sanger by
mail, fax or phone.
Materials and restrictions
Books, videos and other materials will be loaned if they have been in the
circulating collection for at least six months. Sanger reserves the right to refuse
to lend materials or to ask the borrowing library to restrict use of materials lent.
Microfilm, for instance, may only be used inside the borrowing library, not
checked out for use elsewhere. Microfilm of the Sanger Courier is the only item
that will be loaned from the reference collection. Sanger will make limited free
copies (up to 10 pages) of rare historical materials that will not be loaned. If
more than 10 pages are requested, a fee will be charged.
Loan period and limits
Items will be checked out for six weeks. If an item is not on reserve to
another patron, one renewal of an additional two weeks will be granted. No more
than two items at a time will be loaned to an individual.
Lost materials and Overdue charges
The borrowing library will pay the replacement cost for lost items.
Overdue charges will not be assessed.
Item 4.
Library users will be free to use library materials and services without fear of
intrusion, intimidation or reprisal by government, community, or other individuals.
All records relating to patron registration and circulation are considered to be
confidential. Such records shall be disclosed only if:
1) The library determines that disclosure is reasonably necessary to the
operation of the library and the records are not confidential under other
2) The records are released to the patron himself, or to his parents if he is
a minor, or the patron has given permission, in writing, for the information
to be released;
3) The records are required under a valid court order or subpoena under
the law.
This library policy is pursuant to Vernon’s Annotated Civil Statutes,
Article 6252-17a, the Texas Open Records Act.
The Texshare card is a service we offer to responsible Sanger Public Library
patrons so that they can borrow materials from libraries they would not ordinarily
be able to use. In turn, the Sanger Public Library lends materials to responsible
patrons recommended by having the Texshare card from another library.
Issuing a Texshare card:
According to the state policies of the Texshare program, the Sanger Public
Library is responsible for materials checked out of other libraries by Sanger
Public Library patrons who are issued a Texshare card.
In order to be issued a Texshare card, a patron must have had a card at the
Item 4.
Sanger Public Library for at least six months. The patron must have a checkout
history clear of long term or chronic overdues. The patron may not have
outstanding fines.
Texshare cards will be issued to adults and to juveniles under 18 with a parent’s
Texshare cards expire after one year.
Patron use of the Texshare card:
The Sanger Public Library has no control over the policies of the lending libraries.
Patrons may be required to apply for a library card at the lending library at the
time they present their Texshare card.
Texshare cardholders who have overdues at other Texshare libraries will have
their Sanger Public Library privileges suspended as well.
If the Sanger Public Library pays for lost items, the patron’s library card will be
suspended until the library is reimbursed for the amount paid to the lending
Honoring a Texshare card:
According to the state policies of the Texshare program, the issuing library is
responsible for Sanger Public Library materials checked out by Texshare
Item 4.
A patron who presents a Texshare card must fill out a library card
application and show picture ID. At the first checkout, the patron is limited to two
items. Library cards issued to Texshare cardholders will expire after one year.
Loan limits, noncirculating collections, checkout time periods, library open hours,
renewals, return methods, overdue notification and fines will be the same as for
regular library card holders.
If an item is not returned after six months, it will be considered lost. At that
point the cardholder and the issuing library will be notified and billed the list price
of the item.
Item 4.
DATE: May 24, 2023
FROM: Laura Klenke, Library Director
AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on approving a flat fee for inter-library loans
While we make every effort to fill patron requests, given the recent departure of four North Texas
Library Consortium Libraries (NTLC) has limited our ability. We anticipate using inter-library loan to
fill these requests. We want to remove some of the barriers to using our inter-library loan service.
We typically can request materials to be delivered through our courier service. We charge $1 for
these types of loans. However, some materials may only be available through the postal service.
We inform patrons of the possible costs for postage, and charge the patron upon receipt of the
We will be reapplying for ILL reimbursement from the state library in July. We participated in the
program years ago. The state library will reimburse a flat amount us for each ILL loan request we
make. The reimbursements will be for last fiscal year 21-22.
Budgeted: YES/NO Amount: $0.00 GL Account: XXX.XX.XXXX
Staff recommends approving a flat fee for inter-library loans and seeking possible approval from the City
Manager and City Council.
Item 4.
Sanger Public Library Hotspot Checkout Policy
A hotspot is a device used to connect other wireless devices, such as smartphones, tablets or
laptops, to the Internet. Internet service relies on cell tower technology and coverage, which
may be limited in more rural areas. User experience can vary greatly based on location.
Each loan of a hotspot will consist of the mobile hotspot device itself, as well as its power
adapter and case. When library patrons borrow a mobile hotspot, their use of the equipment is
available under the following terms and conditions:
To borrow a hotspot, patrons must be 18 years of age or older, have a Sanger Public Library
card for a minimum of three (3) months, and not have outstanding library fines of more than
At the time of checkout, the borrowing patron must present their library card and/or a valid
government issued photo ID.
The patron must sign the Library’s Hotspot Patron Agreement Form before a hotspot can be
checked out.
Upon checkout, Library staff will confirm, in the presence of the borrowing patron, that all
items are present in the hotspot kit.
Only one hotspot per household may be borrowed at a time. The loan period for the hotspot is
14 days and may be renewed once.
Service outside the continental United States is prohibited; any fees associated with use
outside of this area will be the responsibility of the borrower.
The Library will accept holds on hotspots. Patrons will be notified by their preferred contact
method when their hold is ready for pick-up. Patrons will have 72 hours from the time of this
notification contact to check out the hotspot. Afterwards, it will be released to the next patron.
This hold period may be extended at the discretion of the library.
Late fines are $1.00 per day. There will be a grace period of three (3) days before fines accrue.
If the hotspot is not returned within four (4) days of its due date, fines will be retroactively
applied. The maximum fine per checkout is $50.00.
Hotspots must be kept in a temperature-controlled environment (not left in vehicles or in
extreme temperatures).
Patrons are not permitted to return the hotspot to the Library’s book drop. Hotspots must be
returned directly to a library staff member, who will verify that all components of the hotspot
are accounted for before checking it in from the borrowing patron’s account. The hotspot will
Item 5.
not be considered returned until all components of the hotspot are returned. The borrower
assumes full responsibility for the cost of repair or replacement if the hotspot is lost, stolen or
Replacement Costs:
Hotspot - $90
Power adapter - $10
Case - $10
Service for hotspots will be turned off if they become overdue.
Borrowers who are late in returning hotpots multiple times, damage the equipment, or return
the hotspots to the book drop instead of a staff member may lose borrowing privileges.
By borrowing and using the library’s hotspot, the user agrees to hold the library and its staff
harmless from any and all claims, losses, damages, obligations, or liabilities, directly or
indirectly, relating to the use of the Library’s hotspot and Internet access provided. The Library
is not responsible for information accessed using this device or for personal information
shared over the Internet. Hotspot users are encouraged to follow safe Internet practices.
Deliberate altering of any files or modifying the configuration of library-owned equipment is
strictly prohibited.
Unlawful use of the Internet or use that violates the library’s public computer policy is
prohibited and may result in the loss of privileges.
For assistance in the operation of the library’s hotspots, borrowers may call the library during
normal business hours or the customer support number included with the hotspot.
A.T. (Library Board Approved, 7/28/22; CM approved)
Item 5.
Patron Name: ______________________________________________________________
Patron phone number: __________________ Patron email address: ___________________
Sanger Public Library Hotspot Patron Agreement Form
By signing this form you are stating that you are responsible for returning all items associated
with the hotspot. If items are not returned, you are responsible for replacement costs (see list
The check-out period is 14 days and may be renewed once if other patrons haven’t placed
hold requests.
Only one (1) hotspot available per household.
Hotspots must be kept in a temperature-controlled environment.
Hotspots cannot be returned in the book drop. They must be brought into the building and
handed to a staff member.
There will be a three (3) day grace period before fines accrue. If it is not returned within four (4)
days of its due date, fines will be retroactively applied up to a maximum of $50.00.
If the hotspot becomes overdue and is not renewed, service will be turned off. To avoid
being charged more late fines and replacement costs, return hotspot to the library.
Multiple late returns of hotspots, returning the hotspot to the book drop, or keeping other
library materials long past their due dates may result in permanent loss of hotspot borrowing
Any use of the device for illegal purposes, unauthorized copying of copyright protected
material in any format, or transmission of threatening, harassing, defamatory or obscene
materials is prohibited.
You agree to hold the Library and its staff harmless from any and all claims, losses, damages,
obligations, or liabilities, directly or indirectly, relating to the use of the Library’s hotspot and
internet access provided by the Library.
The Library is not responsible for personal information shared over the internet or websites
If any part the hotspot is lost or returned unusable, the user must pay the replacement cost of
the item. Replacement costs are: Hotspot - $90; Power adapter & cable - $10; Case - $10.00
I understand and agree to the rules of use. By signing this agreement, I accept the Hotspot
Lending Policy and am stating that I am responsible for returning this equipment to Sanger
Public Library in good working condition and free from damage.
Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: ___________
Staff lending the hotspot:___________________ Hotspot #_________________ 31
Item 5.
DATE: May 24, 2023
FROM: Laura Klenke, Library Director
AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on revising the library’s hotspot lending policy
Our Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF) grant will be expiring in June. We will no longer be able to
offer all ten hotspots to our patrons. We will be reducing our number of available hotspots to five.
This change will be effective this June, and remain throughout the next budget year.
Due to the changes in hotspot availability, we have some concerns about availability for our
patrons. In our current policy there is no mention of renewals or a waiting period before checking
out a hotspot after reaching the max renewals. We have experienced some issues relating to
renewals. Our patrons and staff would benefit from a clearer policy.
Budgeted: YES/NO Amount: $0.00 GL Account: XXX.XX.XXXX
Staff recommends revising the current policy and agreement to include a renewal limit and possible waiting
period after max renewals have been reached.
Item 5.
The Sanger Public Library will provide the widest feasible circulation of materials.
Free access to circulating materials, prompt notice of overdue materials, and
respect for personal privacy are all important in this effort. The Library will
expand materials available to the public by participating in Interlibrary Loan
All people of any age who can write both a first and last name are eligible to
check out books. There are no restrictions regarding residence, other than to
provide proof of their temporary address and a permanent mailing address.
In most cases, materials will not be checked out to patrons who have long
overdue materials or who have outstanding fines totaling over $5.00. If fines are
not paid, suspension of library privileges will remain in effect until the library card
expires. If materials are overdue, the suspension remains in effect until the
material is returned or paid for.
Application (Registration procedure revised, 10/13):
• Library staff will register and issue library cards to new patrons when they
come into the library with valid identification and proof of residence.
• If the registration cannot be completed immediately or while the applicant
waits, the process will be completed and the card will be available for pick
up, usually by the next business day. As in the past (when new cards were
mailed), the applicant will still be able to check out two books on the same
day that he/she applies for a card.
• Adult applicants must show a valid photo ID and proof of current
address. A Texas driver’s license showing the applicant’s current address
serves as both photo ID and proof of address. If the photo ID does not
Item 6.
have applicant’s current address, he/she needs to bring proof of address
in addition to the photo ID. Accepted documents include: a lease
agreement, utility bill, car insurance, property tax statement, or mail
addressed to the individual that has been processed and delivered to the
residence by the US Postal Service.
• A parent or guardian must sign the application form of a child under 14.
For minors 14 and up, a parental signature is only necessary for video
checkout. Parents or guardians of minors 15-17 may opt out of Internet
• At least one parent of a minor under the age of 14 should also have a
Sanger library card at the time of his/her application.
• All cards will expire after three years.
Loan Periods
Loan periods and overdue fines are as set by the Sanger Public Library Board.
The maximum fine that may be charged is one-half the value of the book.
Circulation Limits
A limit of 15 books and 6 DVDs may be checked out on adult cards. Television
series on DVD are limited to one season (or set) at a time. The limit for children
is 10 books and 2 DVDs. Considering the relatively small size of our collection,
we encourage families to consolidate the materials they wish to check out and
put most of the items on one card if possible.
Forgotten Cards
Materials may be checked out to those who have forgotten their library card,
asking a verification question if need be.
Item 6.
Special Loans
The Librarian may establish the loan period and limit the number of materials in a
special collection. (For example, materials in temporary great demand for
student projects.)
Patrons may be granted extended loan periods for a special need or to cover
times when they will be out of town. The librarian will determine which books
qualify for an extended loan.
Reference materials do not circulate without special permission from the
librarian. If permission is given, books are checked out overnight.
All materials may be renewed for the original loan period twice if no others are
waiting for them.
Patrons will be notified of overdue materials promptly, either by phone or mail.
Lost Materials
Patrons who lose materials will reimburse the library the price paid for the item, in
addition to a processing fee. If this information is not available, a predetermined
average cost will be charged.
The library will accept replacement of lost or damaged library materials.
Item 6.
Claims Returned
When a patron claims to have returned the material which is recorded as
checked out to him, the patron will be given the benefit of the doubt, unless the
patron is a chronic offender.
All Sanger Public Library cardholders with a responsible check-out history may
request interlibrary loans.
Loan Period
Materials will be checked out for the Sanger Library’s standard loan period
unless the lending library designates a shorter period. Renewals will be made
within the limits of the lending library's due date.
The patron will pay the postage cost to return the item to the lending library. If a
lending library requires a fee to be paid, the patron will agree to the fee before
the item is ordered.
Lost materials and Overdue charges
The patron will pay any charges for lost or damaged materials, as well as
overdue charges, both to Sanger Public Library and also to the lending library, if
they assess a charge.
Item 6.
The Sanger Public Library will loan materials to public and academic
libraries in the United States and Canada. All individuals must initiate a request
for Sanger materials through a library.
To submit a request
Requests must be submitted by the borrowing library directly to Sanger by
mail, fax or phone.
Materials and restrictions
Books, videos and other materials will be loaned if they have been in the
circulating collection for at least six months. Sanger reserves the right to refuse
to lend materials or to ask the borrowing library to restrict use of materials lent.
Microfilm, for instance, may only be used inside the borrowing library, not
checked out for use elsewhere. Microfilm of the Sanger Courier is the only item
that will be loaned from the reference collection. Sanger will make limited free
copies (up to 10 pages) of rare historical materials that will not be loaned. If
more than 10 pages are requested, a fee will be charged.
Loan period and limits
Items will be checked out for six weeks. If an item is not on reserve to
another patron, one renewal of an additional two weeks will be granted. No more
than two items at a time will be loaned to an individual.
Lost materials and Overdue charges
The borrowing library will pay the replacement cost for lost items.
Overdue charges will not be assessed.
Item 6.
Library users will be free to use library materials and services without fear of
intrusion, intimidation or reprisal by government, community, or other individuals.
All records relating to patron registration and circulation are considered to be
confidential. Such records shall be disclosed only if:
1) The library determines that disclosure is reasonably necessary to the
operation of the library and the records are not confidential under other
2) The records are released to the patron himself, or to his parents if he is
a minor, or the patron has given permission, in writing, for the information
to be released;
3) The records are required under a valid court order or subpoena under
the law.
This library policy is pursuant to Vernon’s Annotated Civil Statutes,
Article 6252-17a, the Texas Open Records Act.
The Texshare card is a service we offer to responsible Sanger Public Library
patrons so that they can borrow materials from libraries they would not ordinarily
be able to use. In turn, the Sanger Public Library lends materials to responsible
patrons recommended by having the Texshare card from another library.
Issuing a Texshare card:
According to the state policies of the Texshare program, the Sanger Public
Library is responsible for materials checked out of other libraries by Sanger
Public Library patrons who are issued a Texshare card.
In order to be issued a Texshare card, a patron must have had a card at the
Item 6.
Sanger Public Library for at least six months. The patron must have a checkout
history clear of long term or chronic overdues. The patron may not have
outstanding fines.
Texshare cards will be issued to adults and to juveniles under 18 with a parent’s
Texshare cards expire after one year.
Patron use of the Texshare card:
The Sanger Public Library has no control over the policies of the lending libraries.
Patrons may be required to apply for a library card at the lending library at the
time they present their Texshare card.
Texshare cardholders who have overdues at other Texshare libraries will have
their Sanger Public Library privileges suspended as well.
If the Sanger Public Library pays for lost items, the patron’s library card will be
suspended until the library is reimbursed for the amount paid to the lending
Honoring a Texshare card:
According to the state policies of the Texshare program, the issuing library is
responsible for Sanger Public Library materials checked out by Texshare
Item 6.
A patron who presents a Texshare card must fill out a library card
application and show picture ID. At the first checkout, the patron is limited to two
items. Library cards issued to Texshare cardholders will expire after one year.
Loan limits, noncirculating collections, checkout time periods, library open hours,
renewals, return methods, overdue notification and fines will be the same as for
regular library card holders.
If an item is not returned after six months, it will be considered lost. At that
point the cardholder and the issuing library will be notified and billed the list price
of the item.
Item 6.
§9.407.Return of Borrowed Materials; Fine.
Every person, including the parent or guardian of a child under the age of seventeen (17) years, who shall
take or borrow from the city’s public library any book, periodical, electronic device, or other property
and neglect, refuse or fail to return the same within the specified lending period, will be sent overdue
notices and will lose borrowing privileges and use of the library’s computers if materials are not promptly
returned. If the library materials in question were lost or damaged, the cardholder or the parent/guardian
of the minor cardholder, shall be responsible for either the cost of replacement, or the actual replacement,
and any associated processing fees, or shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction thereof
shall be punished by a fine in accordance with the general penalty provision set forth in Section 1.109
of this code for each offense. Provided such legal action is taken, a notice by certified mail with return
receipt requested will be sent to the mailing address noted in the library account. In addition, electronic
devices are subject to late fines assessed by the library.
(Ordinance 01-01-18 adopted 1/16/18)
Item 6.
DATE: May 24, 2023
FROM: Laura Klenke, Library Director
AGENDA ITEM: Presentation and Discussion or Discussion regarding long overdue materials
The library adopted a mostly no fine policy items in 2018 (We still charge fines on electronic items
e.g. hotspots, launchpads, etc.). We’ve seen the benefits from adopting a mostly no fines policy.
However, in the last 18 months we’ve seen a shift in patron behavior. We’re finding a pattern with
some patrons keeping items for 90 days or longer without any acknowledgement of the
consequences or the impacts of their behavior as barrier for others to use materials.
Budgeted: YES/NO Amount: $0.00 GL Account: XXX.XX.XXXX
Staff suggests continuing discussion regarding long overdue items through the next board meeting to
include new board members.
Item 6.