04/10/2023-PZ-Minutes-Regular Planning and Zoning Minutes 04-14-23 Page 1 of 3 PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES APRIL 10, 2023, 7:00 PM PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING HISTORIC CHURCH BUILDING - 403 N 7TH STREET, SANGER, TEXAS CALL THE REGULAR MEETING TO ORDER AND ESTABLISH A QUORUM There being a quorum Phillip Surles called the Planning and Zoning meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT Commissioner, Place 2 Sally Amendola Commissioner, Place 3 Jackie Turner Commissioner, Place 4 Allen McAlister Commissioner, Place 5 Matt Fuller Commissioner, Place 7 Phillip Surles BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT Commissioner, Place 1 Shane Stone Commissioner, Place 6 Jason Miller STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds, and Secretary Stefani Dodson CITIZENS COMMENTS No citizens came forward. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Consideration and possible action of the minutes from March 13, 2023, meeting. Commissioner McAlister makes a motion to approve the consent agenda. Commissioner Fuller seconded the motion. Planning and Zoning Minutes 04-14-23 Page 2 of 3 Voting Yea: Commissioner Amendola, Commissioner Turner, Commissioner McAlister, Commissioner Surles. The motion passes unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 2. Conduct a public hearing on a zoning amendment to Ordinance No. 10-28-22 for Planned Development Sanger Preserve for approximately 12.01 acres of land, described as A1241A TIERWESTER, TR 264 AND TR 265 generally located on the southeast corner of 5th Street and Cowling Road. Commissioner Surles opens the public hearing at 7:02 P.M. Director Hammonds explains this project has been here earlier but they have made a few changes to the PD. Brian with Arrive Architect explains to the board about the project and shows the board the new look of the apartments. Commissioner Surles closed the public hearing at 7:11 P.M. ACTION ITEMS 3. Consideration and possible action on a zoning amendment to Ordinance No. 10- 28-22 for Planned Development Sanger Preserve for approximately 12.01 acres of land, described as A1241A TIERWESTER, TR 264 AND TR 265 generally located on the southeast corner of 5th Street and Cowling Road. Commissioner Surles makes a motion to approve. Commissioner Fuller seconded the motion. Voting Yea: Commissioner Amendola, Commissioner Turner, Commissioner McAlister, Commissioner McAlister. The motion passes unanimously. 4. Consideration and possible action on the Preliminary Plat of Belz Road Retail Addition being 129.25 acres, described as A1241A TIERWESTER. TR 56, TR 57, and TR 40 are generally located along Chapman Drive and I-35 approximately 234 feet west of the intersection of I-35 and Chapman Drive. Commissioner Surles makes a motion to approve with the condition all comments are met by City Council. Commissioner McAlister seconded the motion. Voting Yea: Commissioner Amendola, Commissioner Turner, Commissioner McAlister, Commissioner Fuller. The motion passes unanimously. Planning and Zoning Minutes 04-14-23 Page 3 of 3 5. Consideration and possible action on the Final Plat of Palomino Bay Addition, being 54.34 acres, located in the City of Sanger’s ETJ, and generally located on the west side of Jones Road approximately 782 feet north of the intersection of FM 1190 and Jones Road. Commissioner Fuller makes a motion to approve with the condition all comments are met by City Council. Commissioner Turner seconded the motion. Voting Yea: Commissioner Amendola, Commissioner McAlister, Commissioner McAlister, Commissioner Surles. The motion passes unanimously. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS No items were discussed. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS No items were discussed. ADJOURN There being no further items Commissioner Surles adjourns the meeting at 7:30 P.M.